The remarried queen - Chapter 5 - starcotwilightlover (2024)

Chapter Text

" for the time being it is best for the queen to consume light meals such as bone or bean soup-"

" when will she be able to walk again" Amanda interrupted the maester of dragonstone, Maester Geradys. After being convinced by her sister to at least let a maesters examine her health, Aemma had demanded the current maester of Dragonstone to care for her as she didn't trust the grand maester to be even near her, though she didn't remember where his loyalties lies, her feelings told her he was trustworthy. During the examination, they had discovered Aemma could no longer walk, though she could somewhat feel her legs, when she tried standing and moving forward she fell and could not move needing the assistance of the maester and her sister to sat her back in her bed.

" If the queen exercise every morrow and moves her legs, I am certain she will be able to move once again. I shall inform the cooks to prepare bone soup for the queen, it is best she has a meal inside her as soon as possible" Geradys answered before bowing ready to leave. He had theorized the reason for the queens condition, is because of her deep slumber and fragile health, her muscles must had weakened greatly along with her fragile health during the six moons of her deep slumber which became the cause the difficulty to walk normally

" bone soup is hardly a meal, I haven't eaten in centuries" Aemma groaned reminding them of her presence, she was starving craving for meat and many cakes, and was too weak that she could no longer be able to simply walk, the combination was simply exhausting for one to carry

" I understand your frustrations your grace, but it is good for your state eating light meals at the time being, but I shall tell the cooks to add extra meat to satisfy your hunger" Geradys attempted to assure her, Aemma simply turned away and sighed giving up the chance to argue

" well then, you may leave"

The maester bowed and left the two women to be, Aemma laid down and pulled her sleeping daughter close to her listening to her breathing and feeling her heartbeat, rhaenyra had fallen asleep after her heartfelt reunion with her mother, after moons of fighting drowsiness it hit her when she embraced her mother

" shall I run you a bath, I can see that you are urging for one" Amanda who sat in the armchair near her sister asked attempting to ease her dark thoughts that lingered. Amanda slightly frown observing her sister, it seemed the light Aemma carried faded long ago, even more so before her slumber.Amanda could see the numbness her sister carried as she caressed her daughters hair with such gentle affection, her appearance was delicate and sickly, her skin was porcelain almost translucent, her hair disheveled and wet, her wrist thin and her cheeks sunken as if she's a starving girl living in flea bottom, she could sense the fear and the betrayal her sister was feeling, the anger that practical oozed from her sunken tired indigo eyes. And yet she still carried an image of a regal queen, Amanda had to admit, the image of Daella Targaryen flash in front of the Arryn woman, Daella so delicate and small, frightened by every littlest thing but yet was so quick to be curious to learn new things, so kind with her gentlest heart, her appearance in her final moments came back in front of the Arryn woman haunting her. But unlike Daella's frightened eyes, Aemma's eyes were lifeless as if she carried no soul

'Damn Viserys' Amanda cursed the king as her anger began to rise as it is no ones fault but her sisters husband the lords of the seven kingdom proclaimed as king

" yes, a bathe is what I desperately need" Aemma agreed with her sister, she needed to clear her head at the moment before jumping straight into her plans. Before her daughter had fallen asleep, Rhaenyra had excitedly informed her of being named heir six moons ago and had the lords of Westeros swore fealty to her, Aemma could see the sense proudness and the feeling of acceptance her daughter felt, it was practically dancing in her amethyst eyes. Despite her return, Rhaenyra being named heir, and the greens existences has yet to be born, though the seeds may have already been planted. Aemma was still wary of the situation, learning it the cruel way Aemma knows lords oath means nothing to them, threats are still lingering around them, who knows maybe her bastard husband is already secretly seeing Alicent Hightower behind the backs of court, from what she could remember they were seeing one another the night of her funeral, who knows maybe Otto Hightower had already whor*d his daughter out to 'comfort' Viserys during his grief while she was deep in her supposed slumber. Aemma shook her head erasing her thoughts, she can plan later. Amanda ordered the servants to start the queens bath while she prepared her and carry her to her to the water that awaits her.

Aemma sinks her body into the tub until she was fully submerged under the water, her long silver-blonde hair spread wide over the surface of the water like tentacles. The silence was complete and cooling, Aemma breathes out calmly feeling the water around her before ascending from the water catching her breath, Amanda placed a cloth on her skin and her gentle hands runs through her skin bathing her

" you know I do not like such habit of yours" her sister complained, Amanda never enjoyed Aemma's habit of sinking her full body, head and all into a body of water with not regard of drowning herself

" the water is tepid" Aemma ignored her sisters complains and complained about the tepid water, Aemma usually enjoyed hot bathes with the water practically boiling, but this water was tepid and to her it felt cold, too cold, As if they poured ice from the north onto her bath water

" the maester commanded your water to be tepid as it is best you bathe with tepid water since before not you suffer another high fever" Amanda explained

" damn the maesters" Aemma groaned in annoyance by the orders from men with no regard for her, even the word maester makes her skin crawl her sister then poured a little bottle of oil into the bath

" this oil is very soothing, it is from myr I paid a fortune for it" Amanda stated dropping bits of her oil she kept around into her sisters bathe

" it smells delightful"

" it does doesn't it"

They stayed in a comfortable silence as Amanda continued to bathe her. Amanda cleans up her sister, she became nervous and reluctant to break her the news of her last son prince Baelon, the son they killed her for, though it will break her, Aemma needed to know

" if it's about Baelon, you do not need to tell me, I know he died after me" Aemma spat breaking down her sister's thoughts , her voice contained a steel her sister did not know she possessed, Amanda stopped her duty and was taken a back, she had never felt this hardness and bitterness inside her youngest sibling. As if a darkness has now been created and seeped out, unbidden. Aemma knew the sadden discomforted eyes that filled with pity and sorrow her sister displays every time she hears another one of her failed pregnancies. Amanda was going to break the news of Baelon to her

" I-" before Amanda could share her condolences, Aemma grabbed her hand, this time more gently

" I have already mourned another dead child of mine, I do not need to be reminded of Baelon, the burden is already too heavy" her words filled with little emotion but her eyes seemed fogged, distant, as she hated speaking of her many losses, her lifeless indigo eyes were now filled with aching, heavy grief with the picture of her son she held before waking up flashed . The hurt seen upon her sisters face made Amanda Arryn blood boiled and her heart aching, wishing she could find a way to shield her sister away from the world and her heal her grief. Cursed that husband of hers, it is his fault that her sister is drowned by grief

" I held him before I awoken...I held baelon" Aemma claimed as she swallowed her tears, " he was everything I ever dreamt of him being"

Amanda blinked owlishly at her sister for a moment, as if she couldn't fathom what she had heard, Aemma only stared at the dragon carved wall as she continued speaking

" I had not lied when I told you I embraced the stranger that day, Baleon's birth did kill me.......for a time, until I was given a chance by the gods" she declared, she heard her sister gasped and covered her mouth disbelief by her claim

" the faith-"

" it wasn’t the faith!. The fourteen flames..... they, the gods of Valyria brought me back to life" Aemma declared

" never leave me" she turned to her sister, her indigo eyes now softened to the woman she once was, the kind queen that many adored but never knew, the beloved youngest daughter of Rodrik Arryn who never stray far from her father's side, that sang with the songbirds and danced in every feast, the beloved eyries delight. Aemma struggle not to shed any tears but her eyes betrayed her as her tears begin to pour

"I am surrounded with vultures who wishes for my demise to further push their plans and their agenda against Rhaenyra.......i have envisioned a horrid future sister, a future of my daughter and descendants that only leads to darkness and death, the reason I had not taken my last breath was because the gods send me intrusting that I will change what I envisioned and change the future of house Targaryen and I must fight to do so, but I cannot fight alone, I trust no one, not even my own husband and I need people I can trust to fight with me" her words hunged the air as she pleads for support and belief with her sister

" help me fight sister, do not leave me here alone"

Amanda firmly placed her hand on her sisters cheek with her own eyes now hardened with wrath of her own

" the seven knows I should have never laid my trust in that man for your well being, I should have never left if I knew how weak and incompetent that husband of yours truly is, damn be king when he couldn't even protect your honor, he was never worthy for your hand or the vale's support, the seven knows if it weren't for his little co*ck or the vale, he would have never been the king. He doesn't deserve the crown not the title as king, what king can't protect his own queen, better yet a realm" Amanda spat not caring for her words of treason that hunged the air, she shook her head before calming her boiled blood, her eyes softened once again, " I do not know what you have envisioned sweet sister, but I do know whatever plans you have in store I will stand with you and fight, through thick and thin I swear to you on the memory of our father to stand by your side and shower you with my endless loyalty" Amanda promised her dearest sister of her endless devotion.

Amanda could count all the losses of the family she cared for. From losing her mother at the age of one and ten from sweating sickness, losing her friend and stepmother Daella in the childbed at five and ten, losing both of her brothers, nephews and father to those savage stone crows who took their lives when she was thirty, her sister Elys who joined the rest of their family a year later from headaches after suffering a head injury from falling and hitting her head on a rock, to her foolish but caring husband and friend who died from burst belly when their children were still too young to understand loss. Too many losses she hated and almost losing her last remaining sibling had almost broke the proud Arryn woman. Amanda had promised Daella that she would care for her daughter before she took her last breath as she knew she would not live to care for her or watch her grow, Amanda had kept her promise and raised Aemma and made her a honorable proud lady of vale beloved by her people, Aemma was practically her child, she had became her mother the minute after her birth, how could could she possibly live knowing she failed Aemma like the others who were responsible of her almost long awaited demise

" I have spies in the keep who are making note of the kings every movement, though they are a small group of servants they are loyal and will do anything you wish for" Amanda tells her, it was Aemma's turn to be thrown aback by her sisters words

" what elder sister would abandon their sister to the vultures" Amanda only says before reaching out and embracing her sister not caring about wetting her dress

" thank you sister"

" Baleon wasn't the only one I had seen" Aemma admitted her sister as they continued to embrace one another," I reunited with our family, Elys looked happy seeing me, her hair was down and she stood next to benedict, Eldric was with Elinor and their sons......they were saddened for me, while Hugo...... he was furious. I hadn't had the chance to speak to them as I wished to, but my mother's kin wanted me. I finally met mother....... She was everything you told me she was" Aemma could feel her sisters embrace feeling tighter

" really......our family, but....... How about father?" She questioned, her voice cracking ready to burst into heavy sounds of grief

" I hadn't seen father, only our siblings and their loved ones"

" oh..........well I expected our brothers to be furious of what had happened, they were always overly protective of you and were never fond of Viserys, Hugo would had spark an open rebellion"Amanda chuckled as she attempted to lighten to atmosphere as her tears continued to fall freely

" they were right, our brother were always correct" Aemma says before her thoughts began to fade


" three, two, one, and finished!" Aemma huffed out exhaustively before laying down on the comfortable chaise lounge. It was not a good morning for the queen, she woke up feeling nauseous and dizzy with a raging urge to vomit her heart out, she had vomitted after eating her bowl of oats with berries. After finally keeping a meal down, Aemma had spent the morning learning how to breathe to strengthen her lungs, stretching to loosen her limbs, moving her arms and legs before slowly learning how to walk once again with the help of her sister, Rhaenyra, and maester Geradys. she had almost cursed the fourteen flames for making her this weak, surely sending her back, they would have the thoughts of making her stronger than before or at least give her the simple ability to walk, but no they set her up with failure

" do not fear your grace this is only the third day of your exercises, i am sure you will get better" the maester of dragonstone assured the queen who guzzle her water as if it was the first time she drank water in years before handing it a servant. The queen was surrounded by servants of Dragonstone and the Maester who were there to serve her comfortably

" surely as a productive maester of Dragonstone, you can create a concoction that gives my mother enough strength to walk again, these exercises are simply exhausting for her and may bring her to no avail" Rhaenyra spoke out, she stood in the back observing every movements the servants and especially the maester of Dragonstone made, any actions made that could be taken against her mother would have them removed and punished for treason. But Rhaenyra's nerves hadn't lessen seeing her mother be taken care of by the servants of dragonstone, Rhaenyra had not trust any servants or anyone at the matter near her mother, knowing how her own midwives had held her down to be gutted despite being her servants and not the maesters, taking orders of men and not your own queen who you sworn to protect and obey. Mayhaps it is best if her mother is served by essosi healers, they would be better for her anyways. Rhaenyra reminded herself to ask her uncle to find essosi healers for her mother. Her mother is the queen and deserves the upmost services and loyalty

" do you wished to sleep mother, how about a quick meal?"

" I do not need mothering Rhaenyra" Aemma sighed as she tried best to hide her discomfort, she moved herself forward as Amanda fluffled a pillow behind her attempting to make her comfortable whilst a maid fanned her since her hands were weak to do it herself. Aemma lovingly gazed at her daughter, clearly moved by her daughter's worries and care for her that it almost brought her to tears, she had forgotten how much of a devoted daughter Rhaenyra was. But Aemma had returned to care and save her, not the other way around

" well someone must care for you" Rhaenyra responded as she approached her her eyes filled with worries before glaring at the maester of dragonstone, clearly attempting to intimidate him, she took a seat at the edge of the lounge

" and the servants here are doing their duties the best they can, thank you Hana that is enough" Aemma thanked the servant who fanned her, the servant girl immediately stopped fanning the queen

" yes your grace" she bowed before walking back to the corner of chambers waiting for any others

" have you broke your fast?, have you bathe?"Aemma turns to interrogate her daughter, Rhaenyra chuckled realizing what her mother was doing, her mother had always been too worried for her, always unease when she strays far from her side for a moment, when she's injured, or when she takes the skies with Syrax, Rhanyra remembered the first time she took the skies with Syrax, her mother had been stricken with panic that she demanded for daemon to return her and berated the dragonkeepers for letting her fly with Syrax. That same year her mother waited for her at the dragon pit every time she took skies with Syrax despite her fears and dislike for dragons.

" yes and no" the princess truthfully answered her mother

" I can tell, go bathe immediately" the queen mused with a soft smile. Rhaenyra observed her mother, her mother looked differen.Before her mother looked tired, had frail pale skin that looked more like a ghost than a living person,bruises visible under her eyes, her hair thin and white than the silver blonde she had remembered her having, and looked older than her years, now her mother looked different, though she still looked weak as before, her skin color had returned to the normal color she once had many years ago, there were no more bruises under her indigo eyes, her eyes shined bright sparkling with life, and she had glowed to her. Her mother looked younger and alive

" what it is" her mother asked gently touching her hand. Some of her emotion must have showed on her face, she realized. Rhaenyra only smiled and looked away

" nothing mother" Rhaenyra cooly replied cooling her mother worries, Aemma sighed with relief. But her relief faded as soon as she noticed a scar on the edge of her daughter's brow

" your brow-"

" oh it is nothing, I fell and landed on a rock-"

" what!-" Aemma panicked with fear remembering how her eldest sister died from falling and landing on a rock

" I had a maester examined me, the wound wasn't deep and the scar will eventually fade, it is nothing to worry about" Rhaenyra assured her mother before she could fully panic. The mother and daughter stayed quiet for a moment

" Baelon was the final pregnancy" Aemma declared quietly sounding very sure of herself," I no longer have the need or the wishes to be pregnant"

" I know" Rhaenyra replied her words barely reaching a whisper

" I know I was not the most attentive mother to you. I wasted my years wanting to fulfill my duty of giving your father a son, that I had not been fully attentive to you" Aemma began feeling a sense of shamed clear in her soft voice, Rhaenyra eyes widen in disbelief, she grabbed her mother's wrist

" mother-"

" do not deny it Rhaenyra I know what I have done" Aemma interrupted her daughter before she could say any words, knowing Rhaenyra would only deny her claims in favor for assuring her" I promise you now that I have retu- awakened, you are now my top priority, I will only be attentive towards you and strengthen your claim to the throne. I will no longer fail you as before" Aemma had declared

Rhanyra's brows furrowed before turning away staying quiet not knowing what to feel, she clench her mothe's writs before turning back to look her mother

" I will admit there were moments I felt slighted for an unborn son, that I will always fall second to a son.It is no fault of your own, you were only upholding your duties for the realm.I know you and father loved me more than anything and would do anything to enrich my happiness and well being, but there were moments I felt that neither you nor father would ever be satisfied with only having me as your child or felt ashamed of being born a girl. That it would have been better if I were born a son and you were no longer pressured to conceive heirs" Rhaenyra confessed truthfully words that came deep in her heard.Tears welled in the eyes of the queen, Aemma didn't realize how much her negligence had effected Rhaenyra, how her miracle child thought that they were ashamed of her birth. Aemma pulled her daughter to a tight embrace as if she were afraid Rhaenyra would slip away if she had let her go

" there were no moments were I ever felt ashamed of you, you are my only living child, you are the only good thing to ever happened to me in this life. it is my fault that you feel this way, I should have been a better mother and assure you of my love for you. But know this, I would never feel ashame to have you as my daughter, even if the gods gave me a choice to trade you for a thousand sons, I would choose you" Aemma tells her daughter" No son would ever hold a candle to you, ever"

Rhaenyra eyes widen before brewing with tears, she hid her face on her mother's shoulder before tightening her mother's embrace

" and you are the most attentive and most wonderful mother any girl would wish for , I would never wish to trade you for another, never!" She declared, The princesses words seemingly moved the people in the queens chambers as every member had a soft smile staring at the two while some servants who are mother's themselves had tears in their eyes threatening to fall

" and you have fulfilled your duties, I am now the heir to the throne, the lords had swore their fealty to me and that is all that matters" Rhaenyra whispered soothing her mother's fragile heart, like a small kitten, Rhaenyra once tightened her mothers embrace as Aemma smiled and patted her head before smoothing her hair out and placing a kiss on her

" how emotional, I'm so moved" Amanda praised wiping her own tears away," my girls would rather join the silent sisters than to ever admit how much they care for me" she teased hoping to lighten the heavy emotional atmosphere

Rhaenyra release herself from her mother's embrace, she stood up coughing fixing her emotional state feeling awkward realizing the many witnesses that were in the room, " I should bathe, I smell" she excused herself, Aemma burst into laughter a sound she forgotten she could still do. No sound was sweeter, after many long years of grief and anguish it was good to hear her laugh, it warmed the ones closest to her

" you should go bathe, we should have luncheon together with princess Rhaenys and your cousins later" Aemma smiled at her daughter. As Rhaenyra walked towards the door, she gave was one last once over to her mother

" sit and wait, sleep if you must, I will visit later"

I know you will" Aemma grinned, the sense of pride bloomed inside her watching her daughter leave her chambers, a feeling she hadn't felt since watching her Daenerys grow into a beautiful powerful woman. Aemma's smile faltered when the image of her Daenerys on the ground with a dagger in her heart flashed

" Aemm- your grace" Amanda shook the image of her sweet girl away," is something wrong?, are you in pain" she gently asked her

" no, I am well" Aemma responds," is princess Rhaenys by any chance on dragonstone, I wish to have a luncheon with her"

Now that she has returned, Aemma has no time to waste and wait, though she does have the steps to walk currently, she can still complete many steps.

The first step was gaining as many allies she could gained.

Despite being the queen, she had very little power of her own, unlike her grandmother 'the good queen' and the queens before her, Aemma was powerless. Aemma knew the lords do not see her as more than the kings failed broodemare, and the small folks had most likely forgotten of her existence, she held no position as someone to be taken seriously. The history books was further proof of their disregard towards her, they never describe her relationship with the good queen, prince Baelon, or Gael, they never praised her meeting and feeding the small folks during her earliest years as queen, her proud hobby of tending her garden that bore fruits that she distributed to the red keep servants and orphans that lingered near the keep, or even her appearance. Nothing, the only description they wrote for her was being the kings first wife and her failures to produce a son. Aemma remembered feeling very pathetic and useless, a queen for ten years but the only description you'll ever gain is being a failed broodmare who failed to bore her husband a son, how unfortunate

Aemma isn't sure where the fate will lay currently now she has returned, if her bastard husband will continue to whor* himself with Otto Hightower's little puppet or if their mutts will be born despite her existence and position as queen. But she needed to strengthen her position as queen and her daughters claim to that cursed throne if she wants both of them to live. Honestly if the gods weren't keen on saving the Targaryen dynasty, Aemma would have taken her daughter and leave Westeros without a second thought and create their own dynasty, who needs that uncomfortable ugly cursed chair that only brings bloodshed and despair to the lives of ones who wishes to sit on it, but unfortunately you can not always have it your way

The easiest allies Aemma is confident on gaining is Rhaenys and the vale. The vale would never turn their cloaks on her, despite only residing in the vale for the first eleven years of her life, Many knew her. Aemma never stray far from her father's side, she attended every gathering and feast making herself familiar with their bannerman and playing with their children, she was beloved in the vale and was dubbed as 'the light of the eyrie' and ' the vale's delight', during her peaceful life back home. Now being the lady paramounts aunt and their queen, the vale wouldn't dare to turn against her. Aemma is somewhat confident on gaining Rhaenys as an ally as they were close to one another before Rhaenys left to stay in driftmark and the great council of 101, Rhaenys did stayed loyal to her daughter despite Rhaenyra having bastards ( though in Aemma's opinion her daughter should not take all the blame since she was forced to marry a man everyone knew could not give the heirs she needed) and believing she killed Laenor to marry Daemon( though it is not true as Laenor freed himself from the burden of court life to the free life of free cities with his lover). Rhaenys died fighting for Rhaenyra's caused when she could have easily withdrawn her support for the greens for her safety and the safety of her house. Aemma will forever be indebted to her

The hardest ally Aemma could gain, are most lords of Westeros, the nobles at court, and Daemon Targaryen. Aemma could find solutions to gain the nobles and the lords for support, but Daemon.... Aemma would rather experience the birth of Baelon than even stand in the same room as him

Ever since Aemma was a girl it seemed the minute her and Daemon met, they could never get along. The two were always found arguing over the littlest thing, from Gael's attention, their days at court, Viserys's decisions, to even Rhaenyra's upbringing, they argued over everything and love was never there for one another. It is no lie that Daemon was fearlessly loyal to her daughter and their house, and fought and died for her cause, but Aemma is not Rhaenyra, Daemon would never support her against their enemies, or fight for her, especially if it's against Viserys, his brother. It is no longer Rhaenyra against the greens.

It is now Aemma against the king

" unfortunately his grace had returned every guest including the velaryons back to their homes after you awakened, the guest left after the tides had been safe enough to sail" Amanda informed her cluelessly shattering her sisters confidence " I only stayed along with my daughters since the princess vouched for me to serve you whilst you rest ". Aemma sighed, she could visit driftmark but she wasn't sure if she will be allowed to as condition is very fragile to travel or do anything to be exact. mayhaps it best to write letters to her cousin, though she is confident on gaining Rhaenys as an ally, their close bond had strained after the great council of 101 and over the years, Aemma isn't sure if Rhaenys still holds some regards for her. Sending letters to her is the most efficient first step to take

"well then, I will write her a letter " she hummed, unlike Viserys who turned away from his kin for that leeching Otto Hightower, and refused to extend branches of reconciliation to his cousin, Aemma will make sure to pull her Targaryen kin closer and unite the house of dragon one again

even if Viserys is not part of the unity

Thinking of Viserys," had the king visit whilst I slept" she asked her sister, "his grace had visited many times your grace" Amanda simply answered

" well then"


Despite being surrounded by many, Aemma found herself bored of thoughts and alone overlooking the sea of dragonstone, Rhaenyra had not returned as of yet and her sister had left to speak to the cooks for their luncheon and find her daughters to introduce to her, Elysa and Eloise if she remembered correctly. From what Aemma remembered one of Amanda's daughters served Rhaenyra as lady in waiting

" Maester Geradys, how many dragons resides here" she asked the maester who was currently writing in his scrolls, most likely reporting his observations of her condition. Before Aemma returns to her cage in the keep, she wants to claim a dragon, a proper dragon.

" there are currently five dragons residing in Dragonstone your grace" he answered. Five dragons Aemma could potentially claim as her own

" are they....... manageable or wild?

" other than the cannibal who is being reported of being restless lately and sheepstealer continuous sheep stealing, the dragons are well managed, if I may speak so boldly is there a reason for your curiosity?" Geradys stopped his writings and looked up at her

" no reasons, I am only bored and wishes to converse with someone" Aemma lied before turning to stare at the waters, the waves of the narrow sea were calm and cooling, the air was thick and full of smoke as if something erupted which was odd for Aemma, in fact dragonstone felt different to her, as if something had shifted in the island

" did something happened whilst I slept, dragonstone feels different" she found herself asking

" well the weather of dragonstone has been harsh and unpredictable for moons, I had written informing his grace of the weather and peoples needs of assistance but I had not heard any response. During your burial ceremony the weather had became worst than before and the dragonmount erupted-"

" the Dragonmount erupted" Aemma gasped horrified but intrigue by the information. The Dragonmount has not erupted for a century, did her return cause the great Dragonmount to erupt.there's no doubt in her mind that the gods are responsible for the eruption of the Dragonmount

" is there is any casualties, did the king handle the matters?"

" thankfully the magma flow went towards the waters and not the villages where the small folks resides, the only casualties are the fishes in the sea" Geradys jested, Aemma hummed and forced a chuckled, despite not fully trusting the maester, Aemma could tell he is a wise man

" I had once read, when the magma from a volcano cools an island will form, mayhap Dragonstone will become bigger than before in the nearer future" he tells her with a hopeful tone

" I believe so too, thank you for engaging in a conversation with me while you are occupied , it is a pleasure engaging a conversation with someone who is not my sister nor daughter"

" it is my pleasure your grace, Dragonstone is quite lonely I forget how much I enjoy engaging in talks" Geradys smile, though his smile was small it felt genuinely to the queen, Aemma returned his smile with a smile of her own. Mayhaps it wouldn't hurt gaining ally in Geradys

The door opened and three woman walked in, Amanda and her two daughters, Elysa and Eloise. Amanda had marry one of their bannermans lord Athan Corbray of house Corbray, they had four children, a son, twin girls, and second son, which became their final child as Athan died from a burst belly after the great council of 101. Both girls looked no older than six and ten, both girls had a plump figure similar to their mother, round clear eyes that was more clear than dark than their mother, and anburn hair that fell reach their shoulders though one of the girls who was shorter than her sister had lighter hair than both of her mother and sister. They were pretty girls

" your grace" they greeted curtsying in front of the queen, they seemed nervous and tense in front of her not knowing what to do now or say, They haven't seen their aunt for almost ten years

Aemma smiled brightly at the two girls." No need for such formalities, I am your aunt. Now come here so I can take a better look of you girls" she tells them. The girls glanced at their mother who gave them nod, they walked towards the queen and squat down to her level so she could take a good look at them

Aemma cupped one of her nieces face, observing her. She had wavy auburn hair has lighter than her sister and mother, her face round including her clear blue eyes, her rosy cheeks chubby and soft to touch, soft button nose, short eyelashes that curled, and small rosy plump lips. This must been Eloise

" you must be Eloise" she says, her niece looked taken aback before glancing at her sister

" I am Elysa your grac- I mean aunt" she stammered

" oh" Aemma hummed, she let go and stared at her other niece Eloise, Aemma noticed she did not have Auburn hair like her mother and sister that she had thought, her hair was dark of brown that resembled black, despite having a round face her features were slightly sharper than of her sister, her eyes were like of her mother dark blue, and she was taller than Elysa

" you must be Eloise, how foolish of me. Please stand up before you turn sore" she says, the girls stood up and returned to their mothers." you both have grown beautifully, i remembered how small you two were running with Rhaenyra in the garden"

" how time has passed since then, I remember how small and loud our girls were, now in a blink of an eye, they are a woman grown" Amanda sighs, a knock was heard before Rhaenyra walked in once again, clean and in change of garments, she glanced at her maternal kin before walking towards her mother

" Rhaenyra you remembered your cousins, you all used to play together-"

" I do, I remember lady Elysa and lady Eloise and I hiding insects under their brother Leowyn pillows" Rhaenyra says before sitting next to her mother, before Aemma could put a word in, a knock was heard and luncheon was ready. The luncheon was ready

" Rhaenyra I have thoughts that it is time for you to increase your household. Now that you are the heir, you need an increase of ladies in waitings, maesters to teach you on the ways of ruling, knights sworn to you, and built alliances to form your connections" Aemma tells her daughter whilst she struggled eating her soup. From what she gathered and remembered, Rhaenyra struggled to built alliances as the usurpers mother made in impossible for her to do so, currently Rhaenyra only had Alicent Hightower in her household, which was outrageous for a princess, even if she weren't the heir, having one lady in waiting serving you as a princess of house Targaryen is unheard of, even her mother Daella Targaryen had six ladies in waitings serving her. Usually least ten ladies in waiting is the standard for a princess's household. Aemma had realized how foolish she was ignoring such thing, giving the Hightowers that much power and influence in the beginning, how isolated Rhaenyra must have felt in her own home

Rhaenyra was taken back as she stopped eating," I had thoughts of increasing my household, I hadn't had the chance to speak to father for his permission" she said

" good, do you have a list of potential candidates"

" not as of yet, Alicent and I were planning on creating a list of potential candidates"

Aemma hid a wince hearing Alicent's name, she couldn't afford letting that girl have any say on her daughter's potential allies as her greedy leeching father will find a way to sabotage her daughter and add more snakes to her household. Aemma glanced at her sister and the opportunity arise in front of her gave her the answers she needed," what of your cousins Elysa and Eloise, they can assist you increasing your household and even be part of" she says. The Corbray twins looked alarmed before glancing at Rhaenyra then their mother who looked delighted

" what a lovely idea" Amanda says

"Now that the new lord of house Corbray is of age to take his seat as lord of Heart's Hole Amanda has resigned her seat as regent and will return to serve as my lady in waiting once again"

" I am?" Amanda butted in the conversation

" you are. Elysa and Eloise will follow their mother to the keep, they can serve as part of your household and assist as you look for other potential candidates. It is merely a suggestion, it is your decision to make" Aemma said She knows Rhaenyra will agree with her suggestion, both Amanda's daughters did serve Rhaenyra in their own way , Elysa became one of Rhaenyra's ladies in waiting and close friend, while Eloise became her grandson Aegon's caregiver after the dance. From what she gathered in her memories, Elysa died shortly after Rhaenyra, she was raped by the men of the usurper and died in the black cells from heavy bleeding, while Eloise died from the second wave of winter fever

Rhaenyra glanced towards her cousins who looked anywhere but her direction, she smiled before chuckling. " I agree, I need more people in my household and since Elysa and Eloise are joining their mother, why not add them to my household and be of great help as I prepare myself to inherit my throne" Rhaenyra decided agreeing with her mother's advice. Rhaenyra had realized during the moons how lonely she had felt in the red keep, her mother was in a deep slumber, both she and Viserys stayed away from one another like the plague, and her uncle was exiled once again, she had no kin besides her, though Alicent had been a great companion during the moons of her grief, something had changed in Alicent Rhaenyra couldn't understand, Alicent had distanced herself from her, their friendship was beginning drift apart. Elysa and Eloise had sent her letters of support during the moons of her mother's condition, mayhaps it was their mother's doings, but Rhaenyra was appreciative of their letters even though they hadn't spoken to one another for almost a decade

" good, girls do you agree" Aemma turned to face her nieces, both glanced at one another before they both smiled nodding

" it will be an honor to serve the princess" the girls both agreed, Amanda smiled and laughed joyfully while their daughters warmed up to one another and begin remind each other with the forgotten memories of their girlhoods they shared

" it is decided then, Elysa and Eloise shall serve my daughter and prepare for her ascension to the throne, reminding the realm of the vale's loyalty to the crown, let us celebrate" Aemma says smiling at her first accomplishment. As she turn to grab her goblet of juice to celebrate her achievement, the goblet felt heavy and slipped from her hands, spilling on the floor

The once happy laughter of the queens sister and the whispers between the girls stopped and stared at the queen who in return stared at her spilled goblet on the floor, she sighed remembering she's still weak and has many things to accomplish, with her fragile condition being first

A queen who can not hold a simple goblet is not a queen who can protect what's hers

" another goblet, please. Make it wine"


The night stood peacefully as Aemma finished her bathe and sat on her armchair in front of the big looking glass. She wore a long white silk nightgown that once belonged to her grandmother, the good queen Alysanne during her happiest and final days in dragonstone. The nightgown felt loose around her shoulders and the sleeves almost covered her entire hands, almost as if the garb was reminding her of her failure of carrying her grandmother's legacy.

She observed herself in front of the looking glass near the fireplace that was the only source of her light in chambers, it had been centuries the last Aemma had seen her reflection, Aemma couldn't recognized herself her own appearance, she had forgotten what she looked like. She remembered how Daenerys tried many times to show her appearance to her after she realized Aemma couldn't see her reflection in a puddle of water.

Aemma observed her appearance, her skin was almost translucent, her hair was dull and in great need of a trim, there was no touch of color or life in comparison of her daughters beautiful silver-gold hair, her wrist was thin and her vein could be seen. She did not look regal, she did not resemble a queen

She looked weak, fragile, someone so easy to break

Someone unworthy of carrying Valyrian features

She did not look beautiful

She caress herself while staring at the looking glass, she caress her hair first, then her face, then neck, before at last she caress her belly, her belly that laid a hideous scar that was a reminder of her death. Aemma squeezed her jaw and closed her eyes tightly at the shudder that completely ran through her body, the memories began to flick, Aemma could feel the maester's blade opening her womb while she was forcibly held by her midwives and husband who only watched her take her slow last breath

Tears began to weld and a sob left her mouth, she wept and swallowed her wails, she covered her mouth to not awake her daughter that slept in her chambers once again.The sound of the door opening went unnoticed to her, but the voice that followed brought her back to her place of terror and fear

"A-Aemma" the voice of her husband called her in the soundless chamber.

After seven moons of her deep slumber and a week and three days of her awakening, after long days of hiding himself away from his queens presence after her awakening, Viserys Targaryen had finally went and seen the woman who he had dishonored and betrayed


I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream

The remarried queen - Chapter 5 - starcotwilightlover (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.