The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

Mtuit liluta. b. fonnd thereto, save a few joor old hone and oows, which hav I planed there for protection from camp marauders. Many year ago it proprietor bnaaled of hia thoneands of acres, and bis two or thr hundred negro. Now, en of hi descendants onlrlvate bnt a few hundred acres, and owns not a singt slav.

The only negro on th plantation I an active), intelligent fellow, who purchased hi own fra dom several year ago, and now receive for hi labor fifteen dollara per month and hia board. Th plantation la on of the small remnanta NEW OIllLlNS, ANlTAItV 7, The Naval AfTair nt Galveston. The True Delta gives th following particulars of th affair at Galveston, Jsnnary 1 1 At 2 o'clock on the morning of the 1st, fonr Confederate gnnbnata, similar in all respects to our Miseipsippi river steamers, (lined and for tided with cotton balesj smldenly emerged from Itnffalo Bayou Into Galveston May, to the astonishment of the fibers and men on the Federal vessels, who, though aware that the Confederates were In considerable force on The nndf rtilRn4 having been enthorieMl le rwnlt a Oompeny Color! Clllaeoo for tan United Sleteo Army, ana opened 0 BocruM log OOee ftl KM BABONNB street PATRIOTIC COLORED CITIZENS, wleblng te oroU ohemaelvee la the Pint Company nrnai la me State, will all Immedlolely. IUO BOIIRTr OR ISO AC1IEI OF LARD, PAT SIS TO (4 PEE MOUTH. 1 ft (DVAIOl.

BEST OP ARMS, RATIO HI AND EQUIPMENTS PDRRISBED PamWea ef Volnnteon SopplM with Retleaa, Ao. WM. BARRErT, REORUITINO OPPIOIR, I KX Rereanoolreel Ellsworth Guard: A PEW MEN WAKTRO TO PILL CP THIS CRACK COMPANY Which will bo Million la shortly. riTRIOHO COLORED CITIZENS Wlehlng to Enrol 1 hemeelvM la the Plrot Company formod la Na Hut for the Seeoed Regiment, will ooll anmedletely. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTT, oa, ONE MDNORED AND 11 ITT ACRES OP LAND.

$38 FAID IN ADVANCE. AID PCRNIRHED TO THE PAMILIKS OP A. Rallono and Clothing of tho boot gnnllty fornlthoS. No time lo be loot, ao this Company to Ullng rapMlp. Apply ke mjedlefely to No.

tt BarooBO elreoe. op) tr 0. W. GIBBOUS, RomHtaf ORoee, 131 -iltty, BETWEKN BT. LOUIE AHD OONTI ETBEETS.

id BIC01MKNT LOUISIANA VOLUNTEERS, U. B. A CODIPAMV Or ICLAVOHIAR nlfLE. Inllitmeot for the war. Conditions published (iMwhtrt WANTKD-U NON-COM MIMIONSD I 1 TP.AMSTSR, 'Italian PnlHota on reeoeetfolly invited to jela ha Iho oallot 4 form a loparalo Company of Ilallaa rntrto'e." By erdar of tho UeedquurloTi of tbo Oapartaoat of tho Quirt THOMAS KHASEOWBEI, Nooruttlng OAoar.

i Bo that follow, aw ondor tho Called llatoo PUg will oorra lot it Holy Caooo of Freedom, and enter tato tho path of oarlhly sepal wo roHrvod by tho God of BatUoo tor tho Rlgnteona an! Tree. J'htlpa Guard. rat pt Tho andarelgned baring boon aetborleed to nernlt Company Oolorod OltlMM for eervlea of lae UNITED STATKB ARMT, bat ayonod eRoerolllBgoaeeel A NO. as IARONNE STREET. PATKItrTIO COIjOKStD CITIZatNl Wlohlng to onrol themeelvea tbo Pint Company rbnaaf la laa stele will oail hwmodlnloly.

VOL. XVIII. fronted. TWRNTT OOOD ABLE-BODIED MEN, for Oempear A. Lealaleen OAoelry.

Uelted Stetoe Army. ORB HVNDkVBD BUVRTT, OS Ona Hundred and Blity Anna lof La ad. will bo llroa to abeae who Joa Oapt. H. P.

i I. Sas IN ADTANOE, Ahe, Melleaa, Oloihleg. wUI bo feralibod Immediately. BALI.TI BOTS, RAI I.TI to Ihoooand of the hmle, and apply la the St. herlae Theater BaHdtng.

where yoa will Sad SRBOEATTT LOUIS RATNE, Broraltlag OOlcer for tho ebooe Oompony. Now Orlonno, Dee. SO, lldl dooW i'or Ttxat. ATTENTION I ATTENTION I BUTLEH'E BOIHIIKD HIPLEIIESI ALLTI RALLY! OOMBONEl CONS ALL TO TOUR COCNTBT'S CALL I ONE MONTH'S PAT IN ADVA NAM, 100 Bonntyi From IOO to BOO Aerea of Land I PamlHea of Tolnntoen pnvtdtd tar. OffJoe No.

fS Glroaa otreet. aeolS a. W. BOUVIBR, EeoratUng OtJer, I'nionl M'raternityt Equality I BALLY 1 BALLY BALLY TO THE CALL I JOHN BROWN GUARDS. TBI UNION MUST AND SMALL BE PRESERTRD I 100 or Ultl A.res of Land, Payable after the War, SSS IM ADVA NOR I Sll PER MONTH I Armo nnd Vqulpmonu fnmlihed.

Pamlltoo or Rooroia pnotdod for. Apply at SI PbUrp weol, between Otarrroo an! Lena, eon Of A. MORTPORT. Rooralllng CEbJO TSft ittgimtnl jr. 1'.

roluntttra. The above Belmont, aetnborlDg afarly an bob. In bow local at at the United Statoo Barreeha, Now Orlonno. A Handed aambar oblo-bedied Moa, ef good ehnraotor, will he aooepted la th Boainoont. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTT, Or 100 Aerea of Land! THIRTY EICII1T DOLLARS FAID IN ADVASuR.

Perooee Sootrlag 10 etiLM eoa eblela farther InfefmnUoa by epplyb. et two Aoen Aom Orevler owoot, antler Iho St. cbarlet Uotoi. r. a.

rjurriNn, UeeL THh N. T. BooralUaa OSUot. Two DorhfO Sw eeoh Roorall BrewM lo tho oSloe. oopS ilaltyl llallyl Hallyl STAFFORD BANOERS, fro far.

stars and sthipkbi 10V Dollars Bounty, or let) Aeras af Land, PATABLI APTRE THE WAR. a la Adwancw-tU Par Mouth. Pamillee Prooldod Per Equipmente nnd Armo Pnmlohed. Tho loll of the Oompony noerty ffTWd. Apply et eoroer Toaloaeo and Martoe troota.

WM. BBLLKT, RiorulUng OAoer. Enarx Uuarda. The aBderoignod, having boon antherleod to rooralt oompony Ooloiod cllawno for tho Third Regiment Native Onnrdf, hen opened a remaning office, Ot the eoroer el Bienville and lllero olfoote. PATBIOTIO OOLORED CITISKNS.

wloblng to enroll lb. aelva la the Plrot Company la thin Regiment, oall Immo I ately. In Adrante. Boldloro' famllloo provided for, Ratlene nnd Equipment! of the beat e.onllty fnrnlobod. eel nT RoornMng OaVer.


RINOOOI.D. RootolUeg OOear, No. 11 Pranklln bet. Canal end raotomheoeo. aagSO tttatrttr I ittaerttr I CARMIEL LIVBRNOUa.

TRIt DOLLARS REWARD will be peld for the errootof the above earned Soldier. He baa gte? oyeo, brown hair, dark eom plosion lo ftvo foot leven Inoboi high, weight nbonl one bnndrod etd thirty poando hod en I'miod Slo 00 uniform. Any perMO nrretilng htm will pleeoo look him Bp la the Pint Dtoiilot Station, end ronort to Captale W. P. Moore, rmpeay eth Boglmei.t Wloooiuln Vtlnntoera, et Camp Paiapoi, Ia w.

r. MdUHK, aatll Oeplatn Co. B. 4ib Bog't Vb. Vol.

ittatrled, PROM CAMP WE1TKAL KPKNER, NOVIMRSR It, 1WI, tM IRI.HS ego, grey eioo, light belr, llgbt eemploilin, fool Inolieo In holibi. JUHK MILLbH, lean ef ego blaek eyee, bleas eomploeOB. fool 7 tntheo In height. Plve dollora rwere will be paid to ony enn arrootlag either el tho abevo-nemod. er tee dollera for both, oonflned IB any polio, levkM la New Oiloeae.

a. uurainB, aavaT lot Lteet. Slot Meoo. eommeudlng Co. II.

ittatrltra Ittaerttr a. Prlvetea JEAN BAUVIER eud WM CASTA deoorlod from Oarnp Perepet, errelltea. abiol two weeko ago. Tney are hoi on pool to be ee oeeled la UHo etty, end eny ptraee ebo reaileoa ttiotr appiabeeolon en! lodging in Jal, will reoolve Ire dollaio reward. bur to buhbiiiv, aevIS I Ooptela Oe Id U.

Volunleoro. Itttrulla Wanttd eon ibb fTH BEU1HKNTREW AMPHHIRB VOLUNTEERS, New Enoampad Bear Carrolltoa. A LB it, POCRTKRN MUSiOlANS WANTKD. Per pertlcalaro Inquire at the PlenteffO' Uotel, oetner el Mogn- Ine and dalto otroeia. lytrt' 1 (E I II 0 8 IHI SI.

herlee Slreot, Raw Orleana, DAVID mDWEl.L PH'iPEIRTOB I. I II, aeoSI lw Prea 111), I I e'otoob. STOLEN On Tliuisilay January lolwoe ill huuia'of and o'i 1- vb from i.a.r Hi (irnor 1. fiulfLrt) tsud aMOt1aii on iy M'ia i AHHI i.v i-r on en f'Titiiitoii miic l'liajr lo Mvitftc) ti ut uoifil, ur tlw 1 II ol tii liir. Mill 4 IIImi i ffatlelMl, twit t' I llht.

V.tWHtiVi lL, fMl H. HI. Jinn RoBfitttl, Jan. 1, 1 48.1 I AUli ttMRKII i.M.aTINR-.d miifovaal artiala vr mm. 1 for fwot Jillr iiiMC Mnif vitl tmhim 18G.3.

NO.T1H. On his right stand a captain, playing with half-dollar checks, and Investing one a. time evidently a loser for, as bis check is iiked' down, be follow It with a sigh, and, I dot.St not, a curso upon th oeprloloueneea of tor- tune He has tint a half tlczen checks In a mlnufe they are gone; and, after going to a oorner and examining an empty pocket-book, he return and stands moodily watching th game. Next to him a thick set ynnrg man. who, with something less than a buahal of ten and twenty dollar checks at his side, is with the most perfect nmirfoiimrt betting from one to five hundred dollars upon his cards, and win ning or losing withont the slightest change of countenance, lint he Is tncky every card that he bets on wins, until after a half hour he loses three or fonr times in snocession, and then, with the remark, My luck is changing, I reckon I'll quit," he counts over his checks to the dealer, who coolly, a If it were a matter of flee cents, pays over to the lucky Individual one hundred dollar three' per centum coupons of the I'nlted Stales Treasury notes.

Thrusting th Immense pile of paper In his ooat pocket, the gentleman rises, takes a cigar snd a drink at the sideboard, and then, with a good night, gentlemen," lie walka out. The dealer proeeeils unconcernedly, while at such results, draw out a solitary five and deposit it on th king. In just three seonnd the olaws of the tiger cover my lonely and Inng-treaanred live, and I ae it no mors and, I may add, I have not seen It since. A yonng gentleman, evidently a olerk in a dry goods itore, ait on my loft, and ia belting, and losing. Two or three timea his checks run out, aud then he goes to a iriend, whispers a moment, and finally returns with a ton, which he invest in oheolta, and loaea.

At last he come back from one of bis side excursions with a lowering brow, and no money, lie ait down, watches the game a moment and leaves. About in this style went the game, one man winning, all the balance losing, lly-aud-by an elegant supper was served iu an upper room, and then the party aoj'iurnetl aud ooiiiineuoed playing at roulette, and oitijers appeared to out ot luck for here, in less than half an hour, I saw a Federal Captain lose some six hundred and twenty dollars. Everybody lost till just before I Iclt, when the young gentleman who had been borrowing and bolting on faro returned. He watched the spinning wheel of the hull a short time, and then took a bystander aside. Yon owe me llfty now, I heard the other say.

I'll give it all back to-iuoltow," mm Hi reply. Kioally he came back with a green back tn the amount of twenty. II" put it all on the rod red won. The whole pile again went on th red, and again the red won. He changed it to black, and black wou.

Iu short, everything that he laid hi money ou was th win ning oolor. In less than five minutes from tlis time he began he quietly cashed his check and left with over eighteen hundred dollar. Ho much for liluk During th two hour that I waa in the ea- lahlishmeut sum live or six thousand dollars ohangod bands. There are some five or six first clasa estab lishments of the kind In Washington, besides any quantity of other of leaser note. They are well known to the police, and in faut every body else, but are not disturbed, luey are as necessary to Congress as the nlggor question, aud nearly or quite as much patronized.

ItffS HAVOC OF WAR IN VIHUINIA. A letter lo the New York Times, from Buf-folk Court-house village, eight miles from tbo Potomac, dated Dec. 8, aays 1 This llttlo Virginia hamlet, which ha figured ao conepicuously during the rebellion, again aeeuuie prominence oil account oi havmx been the headquarter of Gen. Frunblio, uiiiu-mandor of the Left Grand Irivi.foii of the Army of Virginia. The place now presents a scene of utler mill.

Dwellings, formerly occupied by the better clsss, are deserted, and the surrounding negro hut have been consumed, ti oilier by timber, iu the oarnp fires of the Union soldiers. The onos neat Conrt-honse stands by th roadside a monnmont to treason and rebnllion, deprived of It white picket fence, stripped of window blinds, oases and dome, walls defaoed by various hleroglyihios, the Judge's bench a target for Iho expectorating Yankee the circular iuohianre occupied by the jury was besmeared with mud, and valuable documents, of every description, scattered about the floor aud yard It is, indued, a sad pioluie of what an Infatuated people will bring upon themselves, iu ore corner of the yard stands a bouse of records, in which wore deposited all th Important dueds and papers pertaining to thit section for a generation past. When onr advance entered the bnildlng, they were found lying about the floor to the dupth of fifteen inches or more around the door steps and in the door yard. It ia Impossible to estimate the Inoonvoiileiioe anil Insets which will be Incurred by the wholesale destruction of deeds, claims, mortgages, Ao. I learned that a squadron of exasperated cavalry, who passed this way not long since, committed the inisohlof.

Our soldiers have rendered animal lile almost extinct In this part of the Old Dominion. Indeed wherevur the armv iroes. there can he heard the piercing wail of expiring pork, tho plaintive lowing of a stricken liovmo, or suppressed cry of an unfortunate ifallluacious. The sauiu correspondent reports stopping at a plao for drink of walor, and tound only a negro woman, VJ yr old. says Threo time she had herself hoed th llttlo patch of corn iu frout of th tint, gathered and liimkod II.

Oumv inquiring it she ah replied 1 "10 partial to Vankees, but aouu of duiu ia mighty rogues. Utm ar low olas puoplo steal all my tilings. Two came along last week, and showed me tweuty liv ociit lor soiti hue cake, which I gib (Uui aud, bloss you, ohile, wheu dey com to pay, lolt iu all da pockets aud couldn't find the money but, God bleas you, chile, dey knew all time whoio it waa but, cbilo, tho Buulhious ar just as bad." A correspondent of th New York Tribuco, writing from the Kappahunnock, fifteen mil! Lolnw Fredericksburg, ou th 7lh, says I am writing again Irom one of the old mansions of Virginia, whose foundation were laid In iho seventeenth century, but to whoae su perstructure addition have been made all along to the nineteenth, it Is a fine old place, com-manding a btautilul view of the river and ihe valley for many miles to th east and west. I hula atretofi to the north au'i south, but not itufe-l iuhahitaul is to ti of that Immense Fitshngh tat, which, ao-cording tn Bishop Meade, originally contained 4,000 acres. It ha been cultivated for an or than two centuries.

Field hav been cnlti. vated until they wer worn out, then bandonod until dense pin forests covered them, than war agiin cleaved and prepared for cultivation, and ao alternating throngh th decade 'm iimner to torweo) and wheat. Th Fills-hngh know who with the o( Virginia, watt on. of th most arielceratMn Virginia. William founder on thin nf (h Atlantic lived really like one of the oV, F.ngliah Barons, and during hia life wielded quit, mnah power a man of talent, fore ol character, as well a of grwt Hut very little of his vast estta now remain in th family, although branches (j tr fonnd all along the valley, from Fredertakahnrw the Chesapeake.

Last spring, inst before th advano ol lan MoDewell, fifty fonr negroes ocounied th hrrvg I hav have inst spoken of. Five of them wer hastily packed In a big Virginia wagon. and trundled off In the direction nf Richmond. The rest, more fortunate, anticipating ths movement, escaped tn our lines, and ar now scattered throngh th North, Th old mansion and the empty negro hnta now look oold and And yet there Is something attractive about it, as the enow fall rapidly and th oold norlhaast wind shrieks and howls arnnnd th corners, and this log fir of pin knot crackle aud snaps on th wjile fire-place. Fimiohs Rivtr Crottmgf in Military History.

At the Granions, three hundred and thljty-foar year before Cbrlat, Alexander th Great op. posed tba Persian fore of on hundred thous- sand foot and ten thousand horse, with a small but select army, only thirty five thousand strong, Unhnideued by artillery, the Mao- Ionian aud Greeks plunged into th stream at several points, ami rnuiea in enervate rer- lans. This battle waa bnt the type of those which followed at tho Issns and llydaspe. It may be remarket), in passing, however, that there wore no well-posted batteries to sweep Ilia orossings. a aar a ussssg of th Itblne wa far mora artlstio and mnr alrateglo his famous bridge being designed not only lor that crossing, bnt to keep np Ids communication, and to present to the barbarian permanent manifestation of his skill and power.

The orosstntr ol the liriilira ever me inarone at A rcola was but a tactical aioyeruant In th midst of orantti. Hut Napoleon' passatre of Ihe lianubs, at the lolaud of Lobail, in 1M0, waa a daring actio iu which tho Frenoh were defeated at Aapeiu, and oompelled alter great louses to recross, hut thank! to the Island of Lohail, when Napoleon concentrated bis troop and supplies, be was soon ready for another crossing aud another trial, and at tb nxt attempt wa successful ia winning th battl of VV'agram. lie had, however, Increased the number and strength nf his bridges before he triad It again. At Ihe lieraetna, tn 1H12, a river crnetting th retreat with inadequate bridge, th raault waa foarlully fatal that did mnr lo red no and demoralize th remnant of the French army than anything that had yet been done or, rather, it was th finishing slrok to a hailstorm of divas' or. In th first movement from Kitpatorla upon Behaatopol, Ihe Alma, although an unimportant stream, gave th Russians choice position and played au important part in the battl of the 20ih Heptember, 1HM Ho did th Tohernaya aud Troktir bridge in the day afterward.

ihiiall atroarue aranot without great claim Id grand tactic! the tributarioa of th Djnube, the lller, the Iaer, Ihe Inn, the Lech, hav bean of groat value iu every campaign nf that great river. Th Tanaro and lb. flormida, and avail the brook Fonfanoua, were features ol th field of Marengo th litll uiaay atreamaln Belgium dictated the movement npon Waterloo. Gen. Pops.

A correspondent of th Cincinnati Commeroial, who is in attrudano npon the Fits John Porter inrt Martial, speak as follows of Hi appearanoe of Gen. Pop on th witness stand Hi ornss-sxamination ha bean a very levers ordeal, and he baa stood fir vsry wall. After three month have elapsed, Is sxam-ined minutely a to the battles ol th and 30th of Annuel, and the movement iinmedi. ately preceding thorn. He wa asked where tils troop were on certain aays ana at certain hours what waa th ooudltion of th road what th position of th enemy at what hour he sent orders at what tima lie thought hi Generals should hav received hi order when they wore ordered to makooertalo movement, aud why and how long they wer about it what prevented this and that from being don where was be at tills aud that tiioa, aud what doing.

Hi answers wer given with a readiness, oouraoy and, general oousisvonoy, aud a maiilluoss, too, that surprised those who ei peeled to see him ruined ou roBB-exeiniu-tlou by the adroit, able, and anreleutlng coon-sel of the accused. It I only lair to say of Gen. Pop, thst th clear undrtaodiiig of what he wa about In th battlea that ended hi career as poutiuauder of tit army of Virginia, whiok he ba somewhat unexpectedly displayed, has, Iu a considerable degree, tempered the uncharitable feeling toward him n- tor rallied in this quarter. Fuuuir Aminia. A certain at tending court iu a slilr.

town, waa passing along Hi road wher a boy was just letting down th bar to drive some cattle In. Hi f- her atonil in the door of III boose, on in opposite aide of the road, aud setting what hi liopclul boy wa uuing, snouicu out "John, don't you drive them cattle Iu ther. I told you to put them iu th pastura bchlud the house." The boy took no nolle whatever nf th r-inolmli ance, aud hi father rooeaUd th older iu a louder tone, wttu nil mo leasi enoci mu the third time gave positive orders not todriv th cattle iu there. The sou didn't vn deign lo look up, aud dlaobeyed tit parental iijuucliim wiiW a coolness whtoli positively shocked the Judge, who, louklug at Ut oolprit, said, in a ton of ollicial dignity I iioy, don't yoa hear your lather speaking ya as," replied th boy, looking at tb Judge, "but I doutiulnd what be say. Mother don't either, aud 'iwoen sh aud w'vf about got the dog, so he duu't." Kidney Biuith dtllned Kuglish bensvolenc to be a atroug iaipul on the part of A when be aee II iu distress, to compel 0 10 help slu*t.

This is what th oottou lord ef Lansashlr ar duii uow. THE DAILY DELTA Axothbb New Paper We wuloonia to our table, lUhonKh It Is in the French Unausiie, the new pper of Mr. Frsnk A. Barolay. This latest lilerary aeplrant to pnbllo fttvor made Its sppearanoe oa Monday morning, ondor the title of La Republiqoe.

It presents very neat appearanoe mechanically, and ao far as we are able to judge from onr limited knowledge of Frenoh, is ably edited. As a strong advocate of the oanse of the Union, and a bitter foe to seoession, we hail the birth of the Repnbliqne as a favorable omen for the oanse, and fesl that it will do good servioe to the country by com-bating the heresy of disunion among our ancient popnlation. IMS CATHOLIC CHURCH. Thar ia not, and there never was says Mr. Maoanlay, in that masterly essay on Rank's history of the Popes on this earth, a work of human policy ao well deserving of examination as the Roman Catholic Church.

The his tory of that church joins together the two great agea of human civilization. No other institution is left standing, which oarriea the mind back to the timea when the smoke of saoriHoe rose from the when oamelopards and tigere bounded in th. Flavian amphitheater. The prondeat royal house are bnt of yesterday, when compared with the line of the Supreme Pontiffs. That line we trace back in an uubrokon series, from the Pope who orowned Napoleon in the nineteenth century, to the Pops who orowned Pepin in the eighth, and far beyond the time of 1'epln the angsst dynasty extends, till it is lost in the twilight of table.

The republic of Veuioe came next in antiquity. Bat the republio of Venioe was modern when compared with the Papaoy and the repnblio of Venioe is gone, and the Papaoy remains. The Papaoy remains, not in decay, not a mere antique, bnt full of life and youthful vigor. The Catholic Clin roll is still sending forth to the furthest euda of the world missionaries as cealous as those who landed In Kent with Angustin and still confronting hos tile kings with the same spirit with which she confronted Attila. Tba number of her chil dren ia greater than in any former age.

Her acquisitions In the New World have more than compensated her for what she lost in the Old. Her spiritual asoenden-ur extends over the vast ocuutries which lie between tba plains of the Missouri and Cape Horn countries which, a oentnry hence, may not improbably contain a population as large as that whloh now inhabits Eu rope. Th members of her community are certainly not fewer than a hundred and fifty millions and it will be difficult to show that all the other Christian sects united amount to a bnndred and twenty millions. Nor do we see any sign which indicates that the term of her loDg dominion ia approaobing. She saw the commencement of all the governments, and of and of all the ecoleeiastioal establishments that now exist in the world and we feel no atisur-ance that sh is not destined to see the eud of them all.

She was great and respected before the Saxon had set loot on Britain before the Franck bad passed the Rhine when Orecian eliquenca still flourished at Autiocb when idols wore still worshipped in the temple of Meooa. And she may slill exist in undiminished vigor when some traveler from New Zealand shall, in the midst of a vast solitude, take his stand on a broken arch of Loudon Bridge to sketch the ruins of 8t. Paul's. Claihoens F. Jackson Dead.

The robel Governor of Missouri is said to have died on th 7th of last month, near Little Rock. He was one of the arch traitors who attempted to precipitate Missonri into rebellion, and died an exile and outcast from the State he had tried to betray. 11 was a man of talent, and ao- quired some distinction in former years for his valuable servioe to his adopted Slate bat bis traitorous conduct while Governor has obscur ed bis former aud better aots, and he will be remembered ia future rather for th part be took in the rebellion than for the real good he has done. A Veteran Miller. In reply to certain questions proposed by the census officers with regard to the business of John Kelly, of Massachusetts, the venerable miller makes the following interesting response I Mv mill is what is called a custom mill I grind for farmers and others.

I havn not employed any help up to this date, June 1st, 18i0, having tended this mill covenly two jearp. 1 have been one hundred milea from home, nor have I ever rode in the curs or a sieain-boar, I shall be eighty-six years old next December. JoiinKsllt. lihuktkmt, WnroegUr Maag. Th proprietors of the cotton faotorle at Sunoouk, N.

propose erecting; a minister mill next seasou, for the iiiaunlacliire of the naiuo kiud of goods heretofore made theie. Th building, about six huudrtd feet loug, is already atuked out ou the Alleutuarn sideol the Sunoouk river, and it Is anticipated that its erection will shortly commence. Th rise In gold sflVU it only the stock market, but domestic life, ecpucially among persons who at not Lltl with purled teeth fur we aro informed that ou the 1st ol January the leading denlMs of the city will make a cnirsiiluralile increase in their prior on account of the onhunot -n value ot gold. It is said that Mr. Huwarfl bas dismisied tin Uuiied Slate Consul at Vienna, for hi ofli oious aud uuaullioria-td rsuuest to Lieu.

Gari baldi, to outer th military nervis ui iu Uuitod Bute. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY, IN ACRES OP LAND. land, little dreamed of having to contend with thorn for supremacy on the beautiful and placid waters of Galveston Bay. Hut that snoh was the oase, was now potent to all. There were the four steamers Immediately in front, slowly but surely nesting their object of attack.

The two foremost steamers were side by side, the tnirri a short distance tn thetr wake, and the fourth, atill further off. In the meantime everything was in readiness on board the Federal war vessels to give their stealthily-approaching enemy a warm reception a regular old-fashioned Now Year's grootlng. The first veseol attacked was the Harriet Line, by two ot the steamers, one on each side. The Lane, unfortunately, was agronnd when attacked, and therefore unable to herself to any groat advantage, nevertheless she sua cseded in getting several well-directed shots into one ol th steamers, canning her to sink in a tew niluntes. By this time the third steamer had run alongside of the Lane, and the sharpshooters opened upon the gunners, all of whom were killed in a short time, together with the commander, Capt, Walnwright, A soon as Capt Wainwright fell, the Texans boarded the vessel, and after a horoic dotal se by the Fed eral officers and men, captured her.

The lop of life on the Lane was as follows Capt. Waiu- wright, First Lieutenant Lee, ami a large limn ber of the crew, oonalsting of l'JO men. Tho Confederates next Inrned their attention to the I'. 8. steamer Weslfleld, acting com mander Reuehaw, lying a short distance off, and which, like the Harriet Lane, was also aground.

After an Ineffectual attempt to get his vesitel clear of the obstruction, Commodore Kershaw hold a brief consultation with his the renlt of which was a unanimous determination to blow the Worn Bold np. Kvery reparation for the oorsnmiiiation of the awful int heroic roenlvo of these patriotic men wan made, the toroh applied, and in an instant more the notile vessel, with many ol her ultioers and men, was scattered into fiaguients We have obtained the following partirulam of the loss of life on the Weettielil W. It. Kenxhaw, acting ooinmander Lieut. Zimmer man Ureen, engineer alter eb.

ooxnwalu a boat a crew, consistm" nv per sona two quart orma tour nreinen. 1 lie tataA rows ol ilia on me vveeinein, we are in formed, will not exceed fifteen most of the oflioers aud crew having made their escape in mall boats. The steamer Owaaoo, whloh participated in the engagement, had two men killed aud eleven wnnnded. Th remainder of the fleet, with the trans. ports Mary A.

Boardinan and Saxon, escaped out tide the bar. Two bai ks, loaded with coal, from New York lying at the Galveston wharf, wore captured by the Confederates, together with two hnn-dpee1 and fifty soldiers, who had been landed to do garrison duty. The Confederates, after till destrnotlnn ot the Westfiold. had a little bout with the Owas oo, iu which they sustained some loss. They then turned the prows of their steamers (including the Harriot Lade) shoreward, whor* they wore moored at last arlvioes.

WASHINGWS UAMKUNd SALOONS. I intimated in my last that I had boen inves tigating various aspect of Washington lif anil operations, among which was that feature known as lianking, and th gambling halls ol Washington are the most noted on the conti nent, both in numheis and magnitude. The beat customers to these eHtatilinhmenls sre Hie members of Congrens, althongh, since the war broke out, and has oonlined Hie "chivalry," with their oorpnleut pocket books, eoutli ol Mason and Dixon's, Ihu heaviest income of the hells has boen cut id, and at present their bind ness seems mainly confined to officers, who, in full uniform, and at all hours of the day and night, throng the apartments of th Faro anil Konlette dealers. We will be aristocratlo for the once, ami visit only places win-re elegance presidce, where wealth bas scaltnrod her luxuries and mirroundiliuH with a liberal hand. Wo need not fear mistakes, our inductor Is a man of the world.

Ho has frozen his toes in loelann, made love to the tawnv belle of the Chodaws, has trod the tarda of London anil Now York stage, bas edilod a newepaper, healed the sick, embalmed the dead short, is a fliiinlieil, tlior ongh ooMmnpolitan. A ring at a Uoor Den, ami a reconnoiesanoo through Us grated upper half by a stalwart negro, then up a pair ol stairs through an anteroom, and wo stand in the carpeted, elegant jmii(los of the modern tiger." Tliore are two wide, lofiy rooms, divided by folding doors, both dazzling with light, BOitly carpeted, de corated with elegant and voluptuous paintings and Hccnilnitlv ut the snot where poor, tired humanity would come to gut a loretaHie ni Kdeo, and recuperate lor toe sieru names oi lite. In the first room I a aidubnard, upon whose shelves are rows of ohgant decanters, through which blushes the purple stand, or lUnhes tho crystalin extract of the juniper Anglico, glu. Iu this room is also a Ponlutte table, which as we enter, is vacant, and in the other room Is a Faro table, around which are gathered a half ib xon men, so absorbed in th game that, were Gabriel to rock Hie earth with a blast from his trumpet, they would never hear It. The room, by the way, is interesting from reminiscence.

Ilore. not loig since, Hie pre. uirlinir ui-iiiiia was John C. Ilitilltn the light log dissolving love of the fair Adah Iaaaoi Menken and hero, not many ks ago, an aaniiinu HBVinantnr from Maryland succeeded 111 investing in one night the trilling little sum ol twenty-seven thousand dollars. I won't describe the gamo, for what little, ii any, is not known about it In Chicago, is not known Biiywhoio eioo, even iu mis eny in mi-Miiitv Wliiniilon.

hind the labia sits the dealor If-ng iu finger, white In baud, and with the iuevliublti cluster of brilliants sparkling from d'git and shirt bosom. 11 ia giay eyed, potk maiReo, resolute, and pluosoiil iu app uranoe, with a breadth of shoulder and a depth of chest that aliow linn to uu ocean man iu cas of I ao wiuLang of Islio oourtesie. Paid Mi Advance Bolcllora' Families Jra vldad for. 1 JUtlonj and Clothing of tbo Boat Quality forolihed. CARTER, Roornltlng OBVor.

Uuarda. ol FALL 15 1 FALL IN I BTEADT FRONT I yiW MORI MEM WANTED TO PILL TUIA.CBAOI OOMPAMT. aiuu Bounty, or 100 Aoraa of Land. to) PAID iR ADVAROB. Your amnion Well Provided For, PAT AND RATIONS TO OOM MEMOS UPON ENLISTMENT Call Immodlololy at my oSJeo, Ro.

Kauipwrt atraar, naar Canal. SAMUEL WILKINSON, 1 WI8 Eoornlthig OOoar. Vlucher'a Uuarda, LOUISIANA TOLCNTIEKSI Fall lu-Vaaa tma night Flank I IOUNG MAN, YOCB COUNTRY WANTS TOUI NOW IS THE CHANCE TO ENLIST I DM Hundred Dollar! Bounty, or IrMI Aorea ol Laud I 1 TUIRTT EIGHT DOLLARS PAID IN AnNANOE BOLDIIHS' FAMILIRS Wr.LL FsOTIDSD FORI 1 PAT, RATIONS. TO COMMKNOI PROM ENLISTMENT. if Call Immndlaloly nt onr ontoo, Mo, 171 LafaioUo Moot, oaraot ol a Bolloar.

OllilTir iiwnlitoCnVtB. Hpl! HUN KV HtlNO'illN. "To. tiltentlon I t'olortd JHen. Tbo Budonlgood In now roornillng a Company 9t COLOBED MEN POR 1KRT1CE IM TUB UNH Ei STATES ARMT.

ONI HUNDRED DOLLARS, OS IN ACRE! Of LAND. I'Mrly-elgut Dollars Paid la Advanoa. Uood Armo. Rftiloni and Exnlpaienu 'amUbod, and Pamloloo H'iull protlrfcti Tor. Sl3uSipormonlbpald from Hma ef oalntawln.

P. 8. PIMilH BACK, Reotulaag OCoar, tufas Corner Villoroand SlMivltlora. Utailundrtd itollura Uounty, ONE HUN1IHKD AND BIXKY ACRKS OF LAND. Irftulelana Voluutaara bulled mates Arwy Vomitf, ablo-hodlod Moa wllllr.g la outlet la tho Cartod Btetoe Afttiy.

under tbo eommend of the eo'lenlguod. will Sud the eaot obaneo II Ibey oaU at Me. it. fblllp ewoet. oapoolle toe Preaeb huikol.


The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.