The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky (2024)

1. 23d, of a bank which a published in Published in accordance with Section of the Louisville Board of is Federal Reserve of the 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. Administration Building, 506 System, and Contracts accordance with the provisions Report as of December 31, 1956, of West Education Hill Street, until 3 p.m., C.S.T., Federal Reserve 1956, of Investment Realty Company, 207 January 22, 1957, for: Act.

West Report a 9 Fidelity of December 31, Company, Market Street, Louisville, Kentucky, which Tuesday, Paper for Stores Citizens Insurance Fidelity affiliated with Liberty National Bank blanks may be obtained at which is affiliated with Citizens Lousville, Ky. is and Trust Company, Louisville, Ken- Proposal of Purchases and Contracts, and Trust Company, tucky, Charter number 14320. the The Board reserves the right to accept Federal Office business of this affiliate: District number 8. Primarlly acts 89 agent Insurance for companies, standard Kind Reserve of business of this affiliate: or OMER reject CARMICHAEL, or all Superintendent. fire and above-named organiza- Real Estate casualty Manner, in which bank, Manner, in which above-named organiza-1 PLANNING AND ZONING tion is affiliated with member tion is affiliated with national bank, Louisville and Jefferson County and degree of control: and degree of control: and Zoning Commission wilt The The entire stock of the Fidelity relations with bank: Planning public hearing at 1:00 p.m..

Citizens Insurance Company is owned by the Stock Financial of affiliate registered in name hold a January 17, 1957, in the JefferCitizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Com- of affiliated bank or known to indirectly be County Court House, on proposed Thursday, pany of Louisville, Ky, owned by bank directly or adjustments of the Zoning Plan and the Financial relations with bank: in name (par value): Zoning Regulations for the unincorporated Stock of affiliate registered known to be Oscar Dolson, secretary and do treasurer sol- territory of Jefferson County, Kentucky, of affillated bank or of Investment Realty Company, following proposed adjustments and owned by bank directly or indirectly emnly swear that the above knowledge statement The uses of land will be considered: (par value): $50,000.00, true, to the best of my zoning from One-Family Lee P. Miller, president of solemnly Citizens is and belief, Change in Commercial of property on Fidelity that Insurance the above Company, statement do is true, OSCAR before DOLSON. me to the northwest corner of Shepherdsville swear belief. Sworn to and subscribed Poplar Level Road, fronting the best of my knowledge LEE P. and MILLER.

this 4th day of January, ALICE MeGAUGHEY, OIl Road and Shepherdsville Road approximately and subscribed before me this Notary Jefferson County, Ky. 130 feet and fronting on MARY Poplar Level Sworn to 1957 Public, 6, 1958. Road approximately 200 feet. 8th day, of January, FENLEY, My commission expires April Change zoning from One-Family W. in of property on Notary Public, Jefferson County, 1960.

Ky. OF AN AFFILIATE OF A to Industrial Valley at the My commission expires Nov. REPORT BANK north side of Fern NATIONAL accordance with Section westerly line of the Kentucky Turnpike, Road REPORT OF AN AFFILIATE OF A U. S. Revised Statutes, fronting west on Fern north Published in Valley Road 200 NATIONAL BANK 5211, of December 31, 1956, of 209 feet and extending to a depth of Published in accordance with Section Report 209 South Fifth Street, approximately 400 to as feet the south line 5211, U.

S. Revised Statutes. Fifth Street, is affiliated of Morgan Lane, Report of December 31, 1956, of Louisville, Trust Request to establish a private camp on Kentucky, which as Liberty National Bank and Broadhill, 307 West Market Street, with Louisville, Kentucky, Charter the banks of the Ohio River at the north Louisville, Kentucky, which is and affiliated Trust number Company, 14320. Federal Reserve District line recorded of Juniper and Beach Subdivision Subdivision Book as with Liberty National Bank business of this affili- in Plat Louisville, Kentucky, Charter number 8, Kind 5, page 96, in the office of the of clerk of Company, number 14320, Federal Reserve District ate. Jefferson County Court.

fronting north number 8. Real Estate above-named organiza- on the Ohio River approximately. 783 Kind of Business of this affiliate: Manner, in which with national bank, feet and extending east to a depth of Real Estate. tion of control: approximately 240 feet. affiliated Manner in which above-named organiza- and degree with bank: Proposed amendment to the zoning tion is affiliated with national bank, Financial relations registered in name regulations for the unincorporated terriand degree of control: Stock of affiliate known to be tory of Jefferson County, Kentucky, Financial relations with bank: of affiliated bank or indirectly affecting Section 8, "D-1" Commercial Stock of affiliate registered in name owned by bank directly or District, A.

Use regulations by deleting of affiliated bank or known to be (par value): "laundry distributing station (no launderowned by bank directly or indirectly Other information necessary ing done on the premises) and by insertto disclose (par value): fully Investment Realty ing in its place relations with bank: "laundries -distributing Other information necessary to disclose Our affiliate, stock of the stations self-service only. No the fully relations with bank: Company, owns all of the laundering to be done for other disOur affiliate, the Investment Realty 209 Fifth Street, Ine, and tributing stations or laundry establishCompany, owns all the stock of Oscar do solemnly ments." Broad- Dolson, secretary treasurer hill, Inc. of 209 Fifth Street, The said proposed adjustments to the Oscar Dolson, secretary and treasurer swear that the belief. Zoning Plan may be inspected in detail above statement is true, of" Broadhill, do solemnly swear to the best of my knowledge OSCAR and DOLSON. in the office of the commission, 900 that the above statement is true, to the before me Fiscal Court Building best of my knowledge and belief, Sworn to and subscribed A.

REGNERI OSCAR DOLSON. this 4th day of January, Secretarv 1957. Sworn to and subscribed before me Notary Public, Jefferson County, Ky. MARY ALICE this 4th day of January, 1937. commission April 6, 1958.

Charter No. 14320, Reserve District No. MARY ALICE Jefferson County, Ky, My expires REPORT OF CONDITION Notary Public, 1958. State No. 21-10 Of the Liberty National Bank Trust My commission expires April 6, Reserve District No.

Company of Louisville, in the State of 21-52 Trust Com- Kentucky, at the close of business on REPORT OF CONDITION Reserve District 8. State No. of Citizens Fidelity Bank and Published in reREPORT OF CONDITION pany of Louisville 1, Jefferson County, December call 31, made 1956. Comptroller of Of The Louisville Louisville Trust at the Company close of Kentucky, at the close of banking business in- the Currency, under Section of sponse to by 5211, 1, Kentucky, December 31, 1956, a State banking business institution December 31, organized 1956, and oper- State stitution organized of and this operating State and under a ASSETS Revised Statutes. banking laws of this the banking laws Reserve System.

1. Cash, balances with other ating under the member of the Federal State and a member of the Federal Published in accordance with call banks, including reserve Reserve System, Published in accord- made by the State Banking Authorities balance, and cash items in call made by the State the Federal Reserve Bank of process of collection 30,180,104.38 ance with a and by Authorities and by the Federal District. 2. States Government United Banking this Reserve Bank of this district. ASSETS guaranteed 28,395,130.20 obligations, direct and ASSETS 1.

Cash, balances with other 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve political subdivisions 5,910,221.69 3. Obligations of States and banks, including reserve balance, and cash items balance, and cash items in process of collection 84,943,495.27 debentures 1,050,539.40 4. Other bonds, notes, and in process of collection 2. United States GovernGovernment obligations, direct 5.

Corporate stocks (includment ing $195.000.00 stock of 2. United States obligations, direct and and guaranteed 65,124,354.37 Federal Reserve bank) 195,011.00 guaranteed 3. Obligations of States and 3. of States and subdivisions 4,922,227.37 6. Loans and discounts (inObligations political bonds, notes.

and eluding $31,836.98 overpolitical 4. Other drafts) 54,525,393.40 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures owned debentures Corporate stocks (includ- 7. Bank premises Corporate stocks (includ- 5. ing $435,000.00 stock of $521,234.38, $288,573.14..

furniture and 800,807.53 5. ing 150,000.00 Federal Reserve bank) 9. Investments and other $150,000.00 stock of Fed- 510,001.00 fixtures eral Reserve 6. Loans and discounts (indiscounts (in- $49,952.57 over assets repreindirectly 8. Loans and eluding senting bank premises or cluding $1,190.29 over drafts) 110,612,865.12 1.00 other real estate.

181,500.00 drafts) 7. Furniture fixtures $1,00 11. Other assets 7. Bank premises owned 8. Real estate owned other $374,605.23, furniture and than bank premises 1.00 12.

TOTAL ASSETS $121,657,355.24 fixtures $129,652.55. 504,257.78 Other assets 531,859.25 LIABILITIES Other assets 13. Demand deposits of indi12. $96,529,425.63 12. TOTAL ASSETS viduals, partnerships, and $270,144,758.39 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES LIABILITIES corporations 69,233,316.24 13.

of indi- 13. Demand deposits of 14. Time deposits of indiin- Demand deposits dividuals, partnerships, and partnerships, and $124,348,385.31 viduals, partnerships, and viduals, $56,548,492.67 corporations corporations 23,038,221.83 corporations of indi- 14. Time deposits of individ- 15. Deposits of 14.

Time deposits uals, partnerships, and United States viduals, and 4,455,130.47 corporations 13,064,029.57 postal savings) 2,921,259.95 partnerships, Government (including corporations 15. Deposits of United States Deposits of States Government (includ in 16. Deposits of States and 2,736,557.18 15. Government (including pos- 6,296,479.98 political subdivisions 2,102,527.34 postal savings) 17. Deposits of banks 13,221,833.88 tal savings) of States and 16.

Deposits of Stater, and 18. Other deposits (certified 16. Deposits 1,256,546.04 political subdivisions 3,959,180.37 and cashier's checks, etc.) 1,364,745.91 political subdivisions 25,116,173.51 17. Deposits of banks 100,952,162.08 17. Deposits of banks 19.

TIME 18, Other deposits (certified and officers' 2,333,015.33 labilities. 1.943,031.00 18. Other deposits eccertified DEPOSITS $112,515,934.02 and officers' checks, etc.) 23. Other 19. TOTAL 19.

TOTAL DEPOSITS $250,953,252.64 24. TOTAL DEPOSITS $90,018,126.56 3,240,923.66 LIABILITIES $114,458,965.98 602,172.93 23. Other liabilities 23. Other liabilities. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES $90,620,299.49 24, TOTAL LIABILITIES $254,194,176.30 25.

Capital Stock: Common 24. ACCOUNTS CAPITAL ACCOUNTS stock, total par 3,250,000.00 CAPITAL stock) 25, Capital (Common stock) Surplus 3,250,000.00 Capital (common of 1,000.000.00 total par 4,500,000.00 26. Undivided profits 651,741.01 with total par value 26. Surplus 10,000,000.00 27. 46,648.25 Surplus 4,000,000.00 Undivided profits 1.450.582.09 28.

Reserves 27. Undivided profits 909,126.14 27. 29, TAL CAPITAL 7.198,389.20 29. TOTAL CAPITAL 29. TOTAL CAPITAL AC- ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTS COUNTS 15,950,582.09 30.

LIABILITIES AND 5,909,126.14 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $96,529,425.63 AND CAPITAL AC- MEMORANDA A $121,657,355.24 MEMORANDA COUNTS $270,144.758.39 31. Assets pledged or 31. Assets pledged or assigned MEMORANDA assigned to secure liabilito secure liabilities and 31.

pledged or 85- ties and for other purfor other purposes 4,187,500.00 signed to secure liabilities poses Assets 5,409,000.00 Loans 89 shown above are and for other purposes 18,189.922.79 Merle E. Robertson, president of the 32. after deduction of I. Wm. J.

Clark, Vice-President and above-named bank, do solemnly swear serves of 1,400,000.00 Comptroller of the above-named bank, that the above statement is true to the named E. R. bank, Muir, hereby president certify of the that above- the hereby certify that the above statement best of MERLE my knowledge ROBERTSON, President. and bellef. is true to the best of my knowledge and above statement is true to the best of bellef.

Correct-Attest: my knowledge and bellef. E. R. MUIR. Correct--Attest: J.



State of Kentucky, County of Jefferson W.M, G. FRANK, Directors. Sworn to and subscribed before me Directors. of January, 1957, and I State of Kentucky, County of s5: State of Kentucky, this certify that I am not an officer or Jefferson, County of Jefferson, ss: this 8th day Sworn to and subscribed before me Sworn to and 1957. director of this bank, subscribed before me this 8th day of January, 1957.

8th day of January, MARY ALICE McGAUGHEY, LILA RUTH SNELSON, W. L. FENLEY, Notary Public, Jefferson County, Ky, Public, Jefferson County, Ky. Notary Public, Jefferson County, Ky. My commission expires April 6.

1958. Notary May 5, 1960. My commission expires Nov. 22, 1960. My commission expires Opportunities Livestock Merchandise Rents Real Estate -General.

14 Services Offered 14 Services Offered-General. 14 Moving and Hauling. 21 EXCAVATING, basem*nts. ponds. PLUMBING and heating; new work; esti.

Anytime--anywhere; low rates inMOVE IT IT--YOURSELF now: free grading: discing: seeding: mowing: remodeling and repair; free clude gas, oil. P.L.P.D. insurance service. removing trees; top soil: dirt de- mates. Raymond W.

Doak. SP 6-4714: and collision protection; modern KOCH livered. CH 5-4541, SP 8-9009. nights. trucks, all types in tip-top condiTW 6-0904, FEDERAL and state income tax PLUMBING, new and repairs, re- tion: pads and dollies available; complete returns prepared by Internal Reve- modeling; prompt service: work everything furnished but the driver.

electrical, paint- nue agent, retired after 21 years' guaranteed, reasonable. EM 8-3930. HERTZ TRUCK RENTAL masonry, plumb- service: telephone now for appoint. Howard Gosnell, 1225 Arcade, 657 8. 3d St.

Louisville. estimates. TW ment. Eugene Baumgarten, TW PLUMBING, new and old work; hot Phone JU 4-4251. 3-7697.

water neaters, work Landford. guaranteed. MOVE YOURSELF -SAVE remodeling, sid- FENCE, all types; akilled erection; SP 6-0094. Keeling and Closed vans for local or long disestimates; guaran- no job too small: also gates, ken- ROOF repairing: gutters cleaned, tance moving; open evenings and immediate serv- nels. F.H.A.

terms; FENCE estimates, SP 8-7521 repaired; chimney capping and Sundays; pads and moving EM 8-9304, FALLS CITY flashing; in business; ex- equipment available. modernize FLOOR sanding, floor refinished; cellent 'references. For immediate THE U-DRIVE IT CO, from basem*nt floors laid: sanders for rent: floor service. call Tucker Roofing Serv- 615 S. Third St.

JU 3-4829. service; terms. materials. 1316 Rufer. JU 5-3507.

ice, EM 7-7140. HAULING crushed stone, fill dirt, HI 1435. EM 3-9793. Highfill Hester. ROOFING; roof repairing of all rich top soil, sand.

gravel, cinders. plain sewing FLOOR sanding, refinishing old kinds; guttering; chimney's flashed; Call Woody Wilson. EM 8-3221. 4527 Dixie floors a specialty. floors cleaned, tuck-pointed; no leak too compli- HAULING, clean up jobs; baserefinished.

Watson Floor Service. cated; all work done with written ments, attics: reasonable, JU 4-2828. refrigera- ME 4-4573. refinishing; old work done: 20 HAULING; rock. fill dirt.

top soil, guarantee: all the references you JU 3-4695. FLOOR sanding, like before is immediate years' serv- cinders Thompsons, 6P 8-3885. SERVICE floors asphalt and made rubber tile new: laid. M. P.

ice, local EM 3-5604. experience; LIGHT hauling, moving; pickup like hardwood, SERVICE 1708 Berry EM 8-0574. guttering, chimney, cor- closed truck; immediate service; IN DEBT basem*nts and home re- reasonable rates; insured. John Williams. ROOFING, group your work guaranteed: nice; pair service; guaranteed workman- Washer.

JU 3-5178. FLOORS, baths, repairing; complete payments that kitchens estimates. tiled: Charles Floor Serv- ship; terms. Finn, JU 3-9628. LIGHT hauling and moving, and Home ice.

Jeffersontown 5092. repairing rubbish removed; no job too small: inter- free 7-6943. laid, and fin- coating, ROOFS; new, guttering, siding; 31 years' reasonable rates. SP 6-4525. specialist, W.

JU Jefferson. ished; old hardwood, floors refinished; 35 experience; insured. Walter Hart- LIGHT hauling, tear down small FLOORS, years experience. Bill Suel, ME lage, SP 8-2187. buildings, haul them away; hour or IN DEBT 7-6071.

SCHOOL papers, house organs and job; colored. JU 5-4577. FLOORS tiled; kitchens, baths, other publications are printed by MOVING, pickup service; reasonfast, effi- basem*nt; patch work: floors the O'Bannon Publishing Company. able rates; 7-day service. Call payment and give your cred- sanded.

Eddie Franklin Tile Corydon, Ind. One or two more Movers, ME 4-3493. plan will help ME 6-1838, publications invited. LIGHT hauling and moving, 24- until 8 p.m. FLOOR sanding.

100 square foot; SEPTIC tanks, dry wells, grease hour seryice: insured; white B. Steele, Sr. laying, refinishing; asphalt, rubber traps and lines cleaned; reasonable Gray's Movers, JU 3-1016. Veteran. in Louisville.

tile laid. Call SP 2-1679. Fillatreau. prices: prompt service. EM 6-1173.

LIGHT hauling, moving. sheds 139 4th. FURNACE installation and service; SIDING) aluminum applied wrecked; rubbish removed. EM JU coal, gas, and oil, Hinton Heating by specialists; insured; no cash 8-5311. 2-2538.

lifetime repair; closets, Co. JU 7-1493, ME 5-7218. needed; estimates. Phone EM 8-3318 GENERAL hauling; dump or flat finished. No job FURNACES repaired; gas, oil and or HI 5632.

truck: prompt. JU 4-7566. 5-3745. coal; immediate installation; 22 DURO CO 4009 Crittenden Dr MOVING and hauling, local; white, order, carpen- years experience. Horlander Heat- TELEVISION service; for depend- sober help.

A. Powers, EM 6-6039. immediate serv- ing FURNACES, and oil serviced; able service call a dependable serv. the Painting, Papering. 23 additions; ga- Service Co.

JU 3-9760 gas ice dealer, we employ only 5-3345. 20 years experience; sheet metal finest technicians, no helpers will CLEANING paper, walls, woodwork, wanted: small work of all kinds. Call SP 6-6162. service your set when you call HI windows washed. floors cleaned, Pleasure Ridge GAS, water lines work; hot water 7600, Night service no extra charge.

waxed. Furgason Housecleaning heaters, floor furnaces, gas meters Calls received after 9 p.m. will be Service. JU 7-7055. termite.

joist installed. Lanham, SP 8-0643. made the following morning. DECORATING, complete, remodeljoists leveled GENERAL repairs; roofs, guttering, RUTH ELECTRIC CO HI 7600. ing; painting; wall and floor tile; additions, gen- chimneys, painting, tree trimming, TELEVISION service on all makes; sanding; papering, roofing and carpentry and concrete work.

Wells, prompt city wide, service daily: 17 guttering; insured workmen; terms; SP 8-5333. ME 4-1717, years same location; reliable and serving home owners since 1929. remodeling; repair- GREASE traps, septic tanks, dry dependable; ask your neighbor. Chess McNulty SP 6-4157. rooms added; wells cleaned; reasonable.

SP CLARKSDALE RADIO TV DECORATING; painting, plastering. square foot 8-7995. SALES SERVICE paper hanging, remodeling, tile INCOME taxes compiled, Federal JU 5-5292. JU 7-6914. flooring, carpentry work; insured attics fin- and State; large or small, anytime, TELEVISION and radio service; re- workmen; serving Louisville home fire escapes office or your place; experi- paired in bome; $3 service call; ex- owners since 1937; clean tarpauEM 8-2836.

my enced, former Federal income tax on all makes; work lins. no muss. Hayes, JU 3-6295. employee. 7-5825.

704 off S. 4th teed: WEST'S UHF specialist. RADIO SERVICE DECORATING, cleaning, papering, floor repairing; re- St. ME JU 1104 S. 12th painting, steaming, plastering, no money 3-3528 anytime.

sanding, tile work; 3 loans estimates call JU INCOME taxes, expert Internal Revenue; TV service calls, fast, effl- available, years in Louisville; inpreparation, former auditor bookkeeping cient work; qualified, trained tech- sured, references. C. W. Lehr, SP repairs; individuals, 25th Hill, SP 4-5484; nicians; day, night calls; guaranteed. 6-2169.

businesses, estimates; terms services. residence. SP 8-7553. BOULEVARD Park Blvd. TV SALES EM SERVICE 8-6277.

PAINTING, decorating, papering, 4532 steaming; expert, insured workman. remodel- INCOME tax returns for individuals, TELEVISION SETS FOR RENT ARTHUR G. MAAS kinds. B. V.

businesses, expertly prepared in Low rates; home and hospital rent JU 7-1028. Nights, TW 6-4869. my office or your place, 4480 Air als. Call PAINTING, interior work a spe JU 4-5645. large or View Drive.

EM 3-2589, TELEVISION service: for fast and cialty; at low winter rates, Call call any tax individuals; efficient service call GL 8-3055. TW 5-1287. INCOME returns; SUN TV. JU 4-0177. State and Federal: short form $1 PAINTING; offer you complete and re each; also long form.

Call EM TELEVISION service calls, 9 to 8. Satisfaction-Quality-Service. easy terms 6-3208. Taylor and Berry section. Call ME 7-1919, Home Television WALTER BLOUNT.

JR. HI 1772. INCOME taxes filed; 10 years' ex- Service. 514 W. Gaulbert.

PAPER hanging; 1st class work. home. walls. perience; prompt service, individ- TELEVISION service calls $1 any reasonably priced, immediate serv. and paper uals; 3 locations, EM 8-9624, ME time; guaranteed.

Southern Tele- ice. Claude Pinkston, phone Okoand buffed: 5-5607. vision. EM 7-8054. Iona 21-9-3796.

and exterior, INCOME tax service, Federal and TV service calls $1.50, your home, PAPER furnished, 5c roll up; plaswalks, 8-8089. porches, State; anytime, anywhere. R. day or n'ght; Day fast, EM 7-7168: dependable. night.

tering, steaming, papering, paintHale, 822 S. 3d, JU 2-1052. guaranteed. ing; 7-6304. guaranteed work.

Tom Conley, patios; free esti- chimney, grate EM 3-5333. ME PLASTERING; this week, SP TV service calls, and night, work; half price $2.50. All work guaranteed, ples PAPER shown; hanging; patch $5 room plastering; up, samsteps, porches, imblocks, plas- 6-5621. A. B.

TELEVISION mediate service; free estimate. ME rates. JU 7-0088. PILLOWS and cushions; made from 3113 4th EM 6-3846. 7-3298.

experienced; also featherbeds; we sterilize pillows: TV service, day, night, Sunday, PAPER hanging, painting and 4-7615. we do not buy used feathers. WOODY'S TV SERVICE steaming; free estimates; samples BOUCHARD PILLOW SHOPPE 1129 W. Broadway. JU 3-6955.

shown; immediate service. EM. 1130 Bardstown Rd HI 4952. TV fixed sour nome day or night; 7-8872. R.

E. Layman. since 1938: PLASTERING; new and patch terms on picture tubes. Webster PAPER hanging, painting, cleaning, any night or work: also stucco: 18 years experi- Electric ME 7-8128 steaming, patch plastering: free display of the ence: prompt service: free est.i- TV service in your home; fast; day estimates; immediate service. Bob want and need mates.

Call EM 8-9290 or EM 8-5273, or night; guaranteed; service call Owings, JU 3-0891. a contractor: PLASTERING, new and patch; special, $1.50 with ad. EM 3-4324. PAPER hanging, first-class work chimney, grate work; one hour TV service: days, nights. Sundays.

guaranteed; labor $5 room up; free ELECTRIC JU CO. 3-5139 service; winter rates; guaranteed. JU 3-2157: evenings, ME 5-7828. estimates; immediate service. C.

1st SP 6-5621. TREE service: experienced men; Barnes, SP 6-0170. No worth job doing too PLASTERING, patch; concrete and removing dangerous trees; power PAPER hanging by experts; paintserv. stucco work; 30 years experienced; estimates. equipment; free estimates: fire ing plastering, remodeling; samples 24-hour prompt service, immediate service; free logs.

JU 2-1022 shown; immediate service. HI 4797; SP 4-3442. and PLASTERING; cracks, new and removal dangerous, dead trees: PAPER hanging: labor $5 SP 8-4286. TREE topping. trimming.

pruning: nights. SP 2-0809. old room up; old, patchwork a specialty; fully transplanting; power equipment: samples shown. SP 5-8185. work free Insured, plaster contractor.

Pewee free estimates. JU 3-8039. PAPER prices, licensed: Valley 6-2312. bookkeeping hanging, Graham, labor $5 room, 8-7728, Nelson basem*nts TYPING and simple samples shown. SP 4-3918 PLASTERING; patch; done in my home; have own type- PAPER hanging, $6 labor.

J. W. stuccoed, cracks repaired; no job writer; neat, accurate; immediate French, EM 6-3268. general re- too 21-9-5265. large or too small.

service. Write S-824, care C.J.-Times. PAPER hanger; 1st class work Okolona immediate work; UMBRELLAS recovered; a dies. anteed. J.

C. Walker, SP 8-2451, guarPLASTERING, new and patch reduced this men's suits altered Mueller's. 705 PAPERING; special rates, 2 weeks CO, week prompt Ted service; Dryden. prices ME 4-0303 E. Market.

JU 3-8021 only; immediate, sober service; TW 5-5770. remodeling, WASHERS free estimates; tarpaulins. Peerce, PLUMBING repairs, All makes repaired, complete stock EM 3-0250. money down. water Floyd heaters; Schanz, estimates 1257 cheerfully Pres- of parts for all makes washers; delivery.

1- PAPERING, steaming, tarpaulins ELECTRIC ton. given. ME 5-7431, day FACTORY service; free AUTHORIZED pickup, THOR used. Haysley, 2820 Montgomery, JU 7-0516. SP 2-1101.

by licensed PLUMBING, repair work; immediate serv- H. G. Washer Service PAPERING, steaming, patch plasbathrooms built, new SERVICE and repairs; ice. work, W. J.

Jarvis, 6719 Thalia. EM ME 6-1731. 728 Shelby Parkway. tering: quality work: tarpaulins reasonable prices. immediate service.

Nichols, 8-5322. work, and Hauling. 21 GL 8-3690. repair work remodeling PLUMBING and repairs: work new guar- PAPERING; labor $5 up room; plasheating: Moving service; all work Call and A. Williams, SP HAULING with truck, flat or dump.

tering: steaming; painting. EM Schnelder Elec- anteed, SP 4-1563. 8-6842. 2-9683, MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1957 SECTION 2. COURIER -JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE, AFFILIATE REPORT OF AN AFFILIATE OF A proposals will be reecived at KY.

LEGAL NOTICE THURSDAY THE REPORT OF AN AFFILIATE OF A REPORT OF AN member of the NATIONAL BANK the Sealed Office of the Division of Purchases REPORT OF AN AFFILIATE OF NATIONAL BANK Published in accordance with Section Statutes. 5211, 5211, S. Revised of of December 31, 1956, Report as West Two Broadway, Kentucky, 509-11 which is Broadway, affiliated Louisville, Liberty National Bank and Trust with Louisville, Kentucky, Charter Company, 14320, Federal Reserv District ville, number number 8, Kind of business of this affiliate: Real Estate. which above-named organizaManner in with national bank, tion is affiliated and degree of control: Financial relations with bank: or known to be Stock of affiliate registered in name of affiliated bank by bank directly or indirectly owned Other (par information necessary to disclose value): fully relations with bank: Our affiliate, the Investment Realty owns all of the stock of Company, Oscar Dolson, secretary and treasurer Broadway, Inc, of Broadway, true, to the of do solemnly swear that the above knowledge and belief. statement is best of my OSCAR DOLSON.

and subscribed me this my before Sworn to January, 1957. 4th day of MARY ALICE Jefferson County, Ky. MeGAUGHEY, Notary Public, My commission expires April 6, 1958. OF AN AFFILIATE OF A REPORT NATIONAL BANK Published In accordance with Section 5211, U. S.

Revised Statutes. 1956, of Report as of December 127 South 31, Liberty Parking Company. Second Street, Louisville, Kentucky, National which Bank affiliated with Liberty is Trust Company, Louisville, Kentucky, Charter number 14320, Federal Reserve number 8. District Kind of business of this affiliate: Real Estate, Manner affiliated with national bank, in which above-named organization is and degree of control: Financial relations with registered in name bank: Stock affillated bank or known to be of affiliate of owned by bank directly or indirectly (par information necessary to disclose value): Other fully relations with bank: Our the stock of Liberty Parkaffiliate, the Investment Company. owns all of ing Company.

I. Liberty Oscar Parking secretary Company, do solemnly Dolson, and treasurer of above statement is true, that the swear best of my knowledge and belief. OSCAR DOLSON. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of MARY January, ALICE McGAUGHEY, 1957, Notary Public, Jefferson County, 1958. Ky.

My commission expires April 6, No. 8 State No. 21-58 Reserve REPORT District OF CONDITION of Lincoln Bank and County, Kentucky, Trust Company of close of business December 31, Louisville, Jefferson at the State banking institution 1956, of this State and a member ganized and operating under the banking Federal Reserve System. Publaws of the lished in accordance with a call made by State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ASSETS 1.

Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items of collection $24,761,243.53 in process 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 22,249,145.67 3. Obligations of States and 2,242,634.02 political subdivisions 4. Other bonds, notes, and 284,572.50 debentures 5. Corporate stocks stock of in Reserve bank) 120,002.00 Federal 6.

Loans and discounted (ineluding $21,575.66 over drafts) 33,675,101.48 7. Bank premises 0 $448,350.40, furniture and 575,350.40 fixture $127,000.00 274,696.18 11, Other assets TOTAL ASSETS $84,182,745.78 12. LIABILITIES Demand deposits of indi13. viduals, partnerships, and corporations $42,677,772.62 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and 7,503,157.78 15.

Deposits corporations of United States 2.125,053.57 Government 16. Deposits of States and 977,184.45 political Deposits of banks 25,066,507.86 subdivisions 17. 18. Other deposits (certified 258,318.42 and officers' checks, 19, TOTAL Other liabilities 1.066,193.75 DEPOSITS $78,607,994.70 23. LIABILITIES $79,674,188.45 24.

TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25, Capital (Common stock) total par 3,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 26. 508.557.33 27. Undivided profits 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 4,508,557.33 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $84,182,745.78 MEMORANDA 31.

Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes of 4,962.179.82 I. Norton Hassenmiller. Cashier certify that the above-named statement bank, is hereby true to the best the of my knowledge NORTON and HASSENMILLER. CorrectTHOS. A.


T. CHAPIN. Directors. of Kentucky County of ss: Jefferson, State Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th of January. 1957.

A URBAN H. FEHRIBACH, Notary Public, Jefferson County. 29, 1957. Ky. My commission expires July Employment at 1:30 p.m.

Thursday. Travel In Odd Fellows Ceme- KENTUCKY, Ky. Mark, 93 years, Virginia, West 1957, age 1 traveling this January 8, at p.m.; to hear from 111 S. Shawnee Terrace; covering same Mr. father of Andrew Mrs.

G. John Thome; W. in sharing car; start late and 14 great- exchanged. Write also survive, Mr. 2114 W.

Times, at 9 a.m. Friday, LOS ANGELES Ratterman's, Funeral, Church. Inter- driver of highest Columba Cemetery. The rosary Holy to reference ferry car given. be by the Thursday at 8 p.m.

C.J. residence, Mrs. Mary 1721-F. Harrod Where (nee of George 0. Vollmer.

DOE RUN Inn; at Schoppenhorst Bros. this winter Home, 1832 W. Market St. miles east of services later. Kentucky 448.

Mrs. Nancy Suzan, passed Wednesday, January 9, rest- 1957, in her 88th year; Lincoln. Beloved Mrs. mother Beulah let 2-door de duxe; AUTOMOBILE: Alma, Mr. Spurrier, Dalphus Walls; license 443-965; and by 4 grandchildren.

BILLFOLD; lady's resting at Nunnelley Dr. Lang's is Home, Services from the New Jersey 4327 Taylor Broadway; Saturday, January Pleasure Ridge home Rev, Floyd A. Dav. BILLFOLD, man's Hazelwood Methodist urday afternoon officiating. Interment, Walnut and to 2d Cemetery, Taylor County important please copy.

Kunz SP 6-2512. James Dean, age 1 year, BILLFOLD; will January 8, 1957, at St. called HI 6461, Infirmary at 11:45 p.m. please call again; 2809 S. 2d.

Beloved son brown Seal John and Mrs. Margery male; strayed from Woostey: brother of Highgate Springs. Marlene, Janice, John Woosley. 4-1361 extension and Blanford Roger Ratterman's, CLOTHING; lady's at Thursday coat, 2 suits St. o'clock Funeral from the Saturday night: at 1 Rest- reward.

Call SP home. Interment DIAMOND ring. Cemetery. diamonds on each In Memoriam. 2 vicinity 4th St.

loving memory of my reward, JU 3-1040. In John F. who passed DOG, co*cker 10th, 1954: and white parti lies in peaceful sleep cense number we shall always keep, name tags on by WIFE and CHIL- home on Wolf reward. Call CA DOG, coon Lots, Monuments. brindle; lost at MONUMENT Rent CO.

District, ber 8-1811, after 5' 31, 1956; the High Jefferson St JU 4-1883 hound, Resthaven Cemetery; red tick markings, in section 5, Masonic Ralph and Camp EM 3-4734. ward. SP 6-5039. Funeral Directors. 7 January 8th; lost DOG; Pekingese, DOUGHERTY SON reward.

Phone St. ME 4-3771. DOG; large black at 34th. SP 6-6642. strayed from PEARSON SON, INC.

ward, Call SP Third St. ME 6-0349 4-3628. DOG, Beagle; Breckinridge Lane TW vicinity of 2800 The McDaniel ward, Call SP Funeral Home, Inc. KITTEN, white, 3-3567 4339 Park Blvd Whitey; strayed E. CRALLE INC.

Monday; child's 1330 S. Third St. 7.4641. ME 4-3647 RING, lady's NEURATH SON filigree work on Funeral Home. of center downtown Market.

JU 4-1191. reward. Call TW FUNERAL HOME RING, lady's, Stanley H. Maas. town or Bardstown at Floyd.

JU $-4284. mental value; SCHOPPENHORST BROS. 1227-J, Funeral Home. Market. JU 5-4394.

BOSSE SON DOG, hunting: Funeral Home. area; January Ellison Aves. HI 4348. and pay for ad, RATTERMAN de SONS Funeral Parlors. InformationMarket.

SP 6-4661. ATTEND the FUNERAL HOME modations for Bardstown Rd H1 1758 complete chartered Lodge Notices. 8 motel New reservations; Orleans; Chapter, number 273, $53.65, Write meet Thursday, Janu- RUTH and Saul 7:45 p.m., Boaz Hall. Shel- at Highland Mulberry Sts, Luella Ber- Important. for regular and initiation.

CARE and kindness Adeline Williams, Sec'y, Chapter, Thursday, Number 14, O.E.S., 10th, centrally located; folks: good January in Liberty Hall, 211 W. for regular business and Audra Craig, W. Reynolds, Sec'y. Lodge, 853, F. and A.M., beginning January 11, meetings will be held nt Masonic Temple, 1409 Belregular meetings on 2d Fridays of each month all Master Masons corinvited.

Lodge number 740, F. 3d and Central in stated communication. January 10, at 7:30 for business and conference of degree; all members reattend. visitors always J. C.

Norton, Master: C. Sec'y. Travel Opportunities. 9 gentleman driving accommodate 3 riders; share references exchanged, GL 4, EM 3-4421, NATIONAL BANK Published in accordance with Section City and County Statistics 1125 Red Fox Mrs. Jerry A.

Phelps, Complaints Filed Mrs. Dec, 7. Herman T. Puryear, 2901 3d, Williams vs, Oddis Wil24344-Anna liams, 24345-Kettye B. Barker et al, vs, C.

divorce, 24346-Miller B. Lee vs Birttie "Bud" T. Aaron, damages, Lee, divorce, 24349-Doty Discount of Corp, delivery. vs. ton Cooke Ford, order Gribbins VS, Kenneth 24348-Nellie 24349-Building divorce.

Stone vs, Ed Mason, Gribbins, collection, 24350-Beulah Baumgardner vs, Earl Baumgardner, 24351-Linda L. divorce. Elkins vs. Ronald P. Elkins, 24352-Hazel divorce, M.

Campbell vs, Allen Campbell, Albert et al, vs. Grant divorce, 24353 Coleman et Land damages, vs. Guthrie Tucker, 24354 George 24355-Citizens Fidelity, Anna Bank Nelson Trust et administrator, Haydon vs. J. C.

complaint, 24356-Beverly J. Haydon, divorce, LeGrande vs. Charles W. 24357-Gordon Carroll, damages, Wilma M. 24358-Willie E.

Wilson vs. Wilson, divorce. vs, Jos, 0. 24359 -Frances Redemann Redemann, divorce, C.I.T, Corp, vs. Kelly Fields 24360-Universal et order Credit of delivery.

Grenell VS, Edward c. 24361-Jean Grenell, National Bank vs. divorce. Walter E. Leavitt, complaint, 24362-American -Gladys R.

Lush vs. William G. 24363 Lush. divorce. Boylan, Vs.

24364-Charles H. Charles 24365-Mary L. D. Rodgers VS. Arthur Duggins, damages.

Joseph Rodgers. divorce. Outfitting Co. vS. Taylor E.

24366-Bensinger Coffman et collection. Rene Spears Vs. Erwin 24367-Almea Spears, 24368-Elbert divorce. Duvall vs. Agnes Duvall, 24369-Christine S.

Jordan vs. Vernon Jordan, Roebuck divorce. Co, vs. John D. Essex, collection.

24370-Sears, Building Permits concrete steps for H. 2003-2005 Baringer. $600. Hickman Smith, dwelling, Yards addition to building. Bourbon 1048 Stock E.

Main. $12,000. G. Hawkins, building, J. 2901 Greenwood.

$40,000. brick-veneer dwelling. Warren Harton. 600 Asphalt two sheds, Cressbrook, $22,000. Louisville 315-17 M.

Eversman, Lee, $1,500. Minnie dwelling, William 2815 Etscorn, Meadow addition to dwelling. $8,500, 1800 S. 24th. Hospital, second floor for $900.

hospital. 226-236 E. Chestnut. $60,000. Children's Lurding Lot 3, Wicksbury $12,000.

Smith. brick dwelling. Runner, building. 1931 Deer Elva Jefferson County Jail, enclose open $784. Jail and garage, 514 W.

between Liberty, $12,000. County Court Frederick J. DeSanto appointed guardfan of Franklin J. DeSanto. Co.

Citizens Fidelity executor of Bank of Trust Michael J. appointed Dant estate. Ethella Simms appointed executor of C. Coleman Petty appointed executor Kendrick A. Simms estate.

of H. Norton appointed adminFlora Petty estate. Charles istrator of Samuel Edwin adminis- estate, Norton Emil Loewenfeld appointed trator of Melanie Loewenfeld estate. Georgia Moorehead appointed administrator of Eugene appointed, Moorehead administrator estate. Storts of Albert P.

Lemons estate. Irene Allgeler appointed administrator Joe of A. Carl J. Wallace appointed Allgeier estate. tor of James P.

Love estate. Police Court Storehouse breaking--John Buford Sullivan, held to grand jury Monday. Grand larceny M. G. Driver, postponed to Jan.

25. Charles Knowingly P. Norris, postponed to Jan. 23. receiving stolen propertyPossession and sale of liquor Mrs.

Carrie E. Wesley, $200. Drunken driving-Hardy 1 Lee Johnson, $200. Reckless driving-Betty. L.

Gillespie, George R. Miller, or Leroy Allen, $100 each, Violating weights Company, $40. Marriage Licenses John pairman, J. 1002 Welkel, 23, Highland; radio and Carol Jean TV Scheler, 19, of 1820 Garland, Hunter J. Lusk, 26, teacher, Rt.

10; Ann Marie Ade, 22, of 1821 Sils. Ronald Willet, 21, Army, Luckett, West of 1442 Branch, Cecilia C. Births Boys Mrs. Joseph Newton, Lebanon June. tion, Nov.

15, Mrs. Melvin L. Osting, Lyndon Rt. 1, Dec. 5.

Classified Section; IT'S EASY to place a Classified Ad Call JUniper 5-2211 and ask for an Ad-Taker 14 you are a permanent resident of the city, you need only say CHARGE IT An "accommodation" bill will be sent you after the ad expires. The The Louisville Times The Courier-Journal and Times will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisem*nt. Notice of must be given in time for correction before next insertion. COPY CLOSE 5 p.m. (day before) for week day issues of The Courier Journal or Times.

5 p.m. Friday for the Sunday Courler-Journal. EMERGENCY DEADLINES (For receipt of ads or corrections that could not be placed earlier.) 10 a.m. (same day) for Times (Friday 9:30 a.m.). No ads started in Times Saturday.

10 a.m. Saturday for Sunday Courier-Journal. CANCELLATIONS Accepted until 9 p.m. Courier- Monday through Friday for daily Journal; until 12 o'clock noon Saturday for Sunday Courier Journal; until 9 p.m. Saturday and from 6 p.m.

until 9 p.m. Sunday for Monday Courier Journal. Announcements Deaths and Funerals. ALFORD, Robert age 83 years, suddenly, Tuesday, January 8, 1957, at 11 a.m., at his residence, Seatonville Fern Creek, Ky, Funeral from the Schildt Funeral Home, Broadway at Clay, Thursday afternoon at Interment in Cave Hill Cemetery, Please omit flowers. BATTS, Mrs.

Emma, passed away in her 83d year, Tuesday, January 8. 1957, at 9 p.m.: residence, 511 W. HI1 St. Loving mother of Mrs. Guy House, Mrs.

Livingston Payne French of Fayetteville, N. and Mr. Franklin Lamar Batts; sister of Mrs. Elmer Louden of New Castle, Ky. Mrs.

Batts HIll will be at until her residence, 511 W. 11 a.m. Friday, January 11, at which time she will be taken to New Castle Christian Church. New Castle, for services p.m. Interment, New Castle Cemetery, BROOKS, Mr.

Walter, of 5126 New Cut passed away in his 57th years Wednesday, January 9, 1957, 12:20 a.m., at the I.C. Railroad Hospital, Chicago, Ill. Beloved Brooks; hus- deband of Mrs. Leona voted father of Mrs. Carl (Mildred) Dohn, Mrs.

Aaron (Shirley) Lankford, Miss Joan Brooks and Mr. Walter Brooks, brother of Mrs. Irene Thomas, Messrs. Will, George, and Harry Brooks; 6 grandchildren. Remains will be at the W.

G. Hardy Shively Chapel, 4101 Dixie Hgwy. Notice of arrival and services later. BOYD, Mr. Jack.

died January 6, 1957, at Veterans' Administration Hospital; family residence, 3424 Hale Ave. Beloved husband of Mrs. Beatrice Boyd; also survived by nieces, nephews and cousins. Funeral from S. LeRoy Mason Sons Funeral Home, 1508 W.

Walnut, 1 p.m. Thursday, Interment, Zachary Taylor Cemetery, BUCHANAN, Mrs. Lula Ball, age 60 years, Wednesday, January 1639 Jaeger. 1957, at 6 p.m.: residence, wife of Mr. J.

W. (Buck) Buchanan; devoted mother of Mrs. J. R. (Helen) Gaston; grandmother of Mrs, Tome, Chapman, sister of Mrs.

R. H. Buchanan, Mr. Tim Ball and Mr. Emil Ball; also survived by a greatgranddaughter, Mrs.

Buchanan is at Blanford-Ratterman's, 2815 S. 4th. Notice of services later, CRADY, Mr. Clay passed away in his 45th year, Wednesday, January 9, 1957, at 8:45 a.m. Loving husband of Mrs.

Helen B. Jackson Crady. Family residence, 4607 Peachtree St. Devoted father of Jo Ann and Dorothy Jean Crady; also survived by his sister, Mrs. Louls Leonhardt; his grandfather, Mr.

George E. Schneider; his uncle, Mr. Ernest Normandin, and nephews. Mr. Crady is at the Arch Heady Southern Funeral Kome, 3601 Taylor at Carwhere services will be conducted' Kenneth at 11 o'clock Friday by of Rev, Rathert, pastor St.

James E. and R. Church. Interment Zachary Taylor National Cemetery. James age 68 years, Tuesday, January 8, 1957, at 2:50 p.m.: residence, 735 W.

Jefferson St. Beloved husband of Kathryn Eyle Cummings; devoted father of James F. Cummings, Austin, Dec. 10. Mrs.

Donald 0, Rankin, 1237 S. 2d, Dec. 6. Mrs. Harry A.

Saurer, 1538 Loney Lane, Nov. 20. 10, Mrs. Louis P. Schnelder, Rt, Dec.

9. Mrs. William Simpson, 508 Rolling Lane, Dee. 8. Mrs.

Samuel Spurling, Belmont, Dec. 6. Mrs. Charles V. Stevenson, 9329 Geneva Way, Fern Creek, Dec, 5.

Mrs. Marvin Underwood, 1115 Maplewood, Dec. 6. Mrs. Thomas Wooldridge, 1444 S.

1st. Dec. 8. Mrs. Millard G.

Beltz, 667 S. Dec. 5. Mrs. Claude Bowman, Rt.

8, Dee, 6. Mrs. William E. Brown, Shepherdsville Rt. 2, Dee.

10. Mrs. Phillip Bryant, Muldraugh, Dec. 9, Mrs. Albert H.

Chann, 1449 1st, William C. Culver, Rt. 3, Dec, 6. Dec. 5.

Mrs, Mrs. Murel Daniel, 9614 Anita Valley Station, Dee 1. Mrs, Ervin E. Dennis, 3025 Likens, Dee. Mrs.

Joseph A. Early, 1912 Griffiths, Dec. 5, Mrs. Carl B. French, 8003 E.

Gray, Dec. 1. Mrs. Jack V. Frymire, 1218 Bates Lane, Dec.

10. Mrs. Joe R. Furnish, 711 Meigs, Jeffersonville, Dec, 4. Stanley C.

Cartland, 7205 Wimstock, Valley Station, Nov. 30. Mrs. William P. Gast, 3610 Windward Way, Dec.

8. Mrs. Donald K. Meredith, 922 Rose Dec, 9. Mrs.

Joseph A. Nalley, Lyndon Rt. 6, Dec, 5. Mrs. William O'Reilly, 3508 Mildred Dec, 5.

Mrs. Lloyd Paddock, 422 W. Hill, Dec. 7. Mrs.

William T. Palmer, 1040 Everett, Dec. 6. Mrs. William G.

Payne, 7707 Sierra Dec. 5. Mrs. Hobert E. Pender, 912 Morris, Mrs.

Jeffersonville, Donald E. Nov. Pierce, 200 Southland Dee, 7. Mrs. Claude 5425 Distler Dec, 3.

Mrs. Joseph A. Raymond, Fairdale Rt. 2, Dec. 8.

Mrs. David L. Reeves, 1831 Stowers Dec, 9. Mrs, Joe R. Sandy, 6605 Estele, Dee, 5, Mrs.

Glenn D. Staples, 3005 Greenwood, Oct. 11. Mrs, James L. Streble, Valley Station Rt.

1. Dec, 6. Mrs. James Strickland, 678 Curry Dec 4. Mrs.

Robert T. Suel, 2115 Bradley, Dec. 5. Mrs, James Taylor, 952 Grade Dec, 8. Mrs.

William Thomas, 1505 Arcade, Dec, 2. Mrs. Norman Turner, 4011 2d, Dec. 7. Twin Boys Mrs.

Willie C. McCubbins, 4411 Lynnview. Dee, 4. Divorces Granted Zella M. Cunningham from Joseph cruelty; two children: married 1947.

Sharon P. Sharp from Lincoln cruelty: one child: married 1955. Amber J. Atkins from Warren Joseph: cruelty and one- year abandonment; one child: married 1949 William Logan from Floretta: fiveyear separation: married 1950. Bernice Watts Locke from Willis David, felony: married 1949.

Elaine Marie Haycraft from Dillard cruelty: two children; married 1938. Betty Still Caudle from James Everett; cruelty; one child: married 1951. Wanda Marie Neal from Homer Stanley; one-year abandonment: children: married 1946. Henry Rogalinski from Mary Kathleen: cruelty: one child: married 1934. Maxine Warf from J.

cruelty: one child: married 1954. Owenton Ex-Farmer, R. G. Holbrook, Dies Special to The Courier-Journal Owenton, Jan. Ran G.

Holbrook, 93, retired farmer, died today at his home here. For a number of years he was president of the Farmers National Bank of Owenton. He was Owen County clerk from 1918 to 1922 and sheriff from 1932 to 1938. Lexington Lawyer Dies Lexington, Jan. 9 (PI--C.

X. Johnson, 69, Lexington attorney, died tonight at his home after a week's illness. Announcements and Leon Cummings; brother Society Dennis Cummings; stepfather of Thursday Eyle, Fern Creek, also OELTJEN, survived by 5 grandchildren. Serv- day, Neurath Funeral Home, 725 dence, Market Thursday, at 2:30 loved Interment, Resthaven Ceme- Osten, J. DISCH, Mr.

Robert Tuesday, L. January 8, 1957, at 8:05 p.m., in his Young residence 432 N. 26th. Louisville, year, Beloved father of Mrs. John T.

(Louise) Ulmer and Mrs. J. Oeltjen (Roberta) Murphy, devoted Wathen brother of Mrs. Louise A. Coombs, the W.

H. Silliman and Mr. C. E. nelces Silliman; also survived by 4 grand- Mr.

children. Funeral Friday, L. Manning January Funeral from the George where Funeral Home, 518-520 N. 26th Friday 2 p.m. Interment Cave HIlL Schedler Cemetery, Redeemer.

ELLINGSWORTH, Mrs. Lulle Jen- Memorial kins, passed away in her 83rd year, PERDUE, Wednesday, January B. 1957 at 7:35 away p.m. Loving wife of Mr. Allen ElJanuary lingsworth.

Family residence, 1105 residence, Breckinridge St. Devoted moth- nita loved of Mrs. also W. survived H. (BIll) by her sis- Elizabeth Ellings worth: ter, granddaughter Lee Ann El- Perdue; Mrs.

Clarence (Minnie) WelkMisses ingsworth, her nephews, Earl Messrs. Wilson, Jenkins, Ed. Tilley and William Perdue, Welker. Mrs Ellingsworth is at Mr. Arch Heady Funeral Home, Mr.

1201 E. Oak St. at Schiller conducted Ave. Southern where services will be E. 2:30 p.m, Friday by Rev.

W. Saturday Dragoo, pastor of Franklin St. Louisville Bantist church. Interment Cave Hill REID, Cemetery. away, GREENERT, Mrs.

Frances Kaelin, in his passed away January 9, 1957. at of 1707 11:05 a.m., in her 80th year, at husband Kentuckiana Nursing Center: family field) residence. 3800 Taylor Blvd. Be- Herley loved wife of Mr. Frank Albert Margaret Greenert, loving mother, of Braden, Mrs.

George (Dolly) Wesbecker, Frank Greenert. sister White, Mr. Benjamin M. Kaelin and Reid, Anton Kaelin, Mrs. Anna Herberger; Hall of grandchildren, 2 great-grandchil- Reid dren.

Services for Mrs. Greenert conducted in the Arch L. by 6 will be Heady Southern Funeral Home. grandchild. 3601 Taylor Saturday at 9 Owen a.m., and Most Blessed Sacrament Ave.

Church at a.m. Interment, St. ing, Michael Cemetery. The Altar Sociand ety of the Church will recite the Gardens. rosary Friday at 8 p.m.

RUSSELL, HODGEN, Mrs. Mattie age 83, passed noon, January 9, 1957, at 4:40 formerly of Louisville. V.A. Survived husband, I. W.

701 W. fort, by children, her Mrs. E. H. Strube husband Hodgen; Hodgen; granddaugh- Durchholz Mrs.

Martha Dotson. Remains of and Mr. J. T. ter, Home, Messrs.

are at the Roger Funeral John Frankfort, Ky Funeral arrange er of ments to Phil years, Tues- Bert be published later. HUNT, age 1957, 72 Mr. day, January 8, Baptist at 9:50 Hospital. p.m. dence the Kentucky he will Residence 2227 Six husband of Sallie Nazarene Mile Lane, Buechel.

Devoted until Paine Hunt: beloved survived by pastor. father of Mary Bess Hunt; also National several nieces and be nephews. Serv- Son ices for Mr. Hunt will conducted from the McAfee Buechel, years, Funeral Home, 3928 Bardstown in 2:55 Thursday, January Cave 10th, Hill at 2 Cemetery. p.m.

residence, Interment in Louisville, KNAUER, Mrs. Esther Moore, passed Mrs. away January 9, 1957. 3:10 p.m., at the family residence, 5701 Southland (Louise) Boulevard. Loving sister of Mrs.

Miss (Sangia) Dunnavant, Mrs. R. S. Edward (Cora) Carter, Mrs. George (Alta) will Wearnz, and Mr.

William Moore. ret Mrs. Knauer is at the Arch L. day, Heady Southern Funeral Home, 3601 p.m. Taylor Blvd.

Time of services to H. announced later. LINDSEY, Mr. James entered eternal life suddenly Wednesday, passed January 9, 1957, in his 29th year; 7:20 residence 931 Thornberry, Beloved residence, husband of Mrs. Evelyn R.

Lindsey; voted father of James Michael Schad, stepfather of John and Sharon Flora Daley; loving son of Mr. and Mrs. DeGrella Gillis L. Lindsey: brother of Mrs. hardt.

Vera Chamberlain, Mrs. Dorothy Funeral Allan, Margaret Stewart, Funeral Mrs. Rebecca Vaughn, Chester G. at 8:15 and Paul E. Lindsey.

Mr. Lindsey at at the 0. D. White Funeral Church, Home, 2727 S. 3d.

where services National will be held Friday at 2 o'clock. held Interment in Resthaven Cemetery. by O'TOOLE, Mrs. Lucille Pohl: resi- at ican dence, 2207 Wadsworth St. Anthony Hospital, Tuesday, Gaus), January 8, 1957, at 9:23 a.m.

Be- at loved wife of Arthur Lee O'Toole: pital devoted mother of Mrs. Henry dence, Beyer. Miss Rose Marie O'Toole, wife Donald Paul and Joseph Carl beloved O'Toole: survived also by her Gaus. parents, Mr. and Mrs.

August J. survived Pohl, sisters, Mrs. Arch J. nephews. Curran, Mrs.

J. Leo Mattingly, Mrs. Funeral Carl Gering. Mrs. Wilbur H.

Well- Funeral kamp; brothers, August noon, Norbert Cyril Edward Burial Lawrence and Joseph P. Pohl; TANDY, and A granddaughter, Mary Rose of W. Beyer. Funeral services Friday, day, January 11, at 8:30 a.m, from the dence, Barrett Funeral Home, 1230 Bards- mother town Rd and at St. Raphael the survived Arch Angel Church at 9 o'clock.

several Interment in Calvary Cemetery. neral Members of the St. Raphael Altar neral Jeffersontown Closer to Aid For Project Sewage-Plant Plan Due U. S. Inspection Jeffersontown has moved a step closer to obtaining federal funds for its proposed new $400,000 sewage disposal plant.

The Kentucky Water Pollution Commission Tuesday certified the application of Jeffersontown's Water and Sewerage Commission for inspection preliminary to allocation of federal funds. Carl A. Hummel, secretarytreasurer of the Jeffersontown Commission, said the application for about $120,000 was made last summer. The remaining money will be raised by bond issue. Hummel said, Jeffersontown qualifies for under an act passed by Congress granting cities money for sewage development where stream purification is In Jeffersontown's case, Hummel added, a new treatment plant would deter pollution to Chenoweth Run Creek, a branch of Floyd's Fork.

Girls Suspects Under $75,000 Bonds Lexington, Jan. 9 (PL men accused in an unsuccessful attempt to burglarize the Farmers Traders Bank at Campton were placed under 000 bond today. John Paul Scott, 30, Leitchfield, and Earl Franklin Morris, 35, Ponca City, waived preliminary hearing and were held for United States District Court at Jackson next May. Meantime, Scott's brother, Don, 28, a bospital technician from Liberty, was transferred from Jackson to Lexington and jailed to await the Jackson term of U. S.

court. His bond was fixed at $75,000 after he waived hearing. PUBLIC SALE The following described motor vehicle will be sold at public sale, January 12, 1957, at or about 10:00 o'clock A.M., 720 W. Broadway, Louisville, Kentucky: 1956 Chevrolet Stake Body Truck, Motor No. 'AMERICAN Serial No.

H856N013729, INVESTMENT REPORT AFFILIATE OF A NATIONAL BANK Published in accordance with Section. 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes, Report as of December 31, 1956, of Shelby, 1224-34 South Shelby, Louisville, Kentucky, which is affillated with Liberty National Bank and Trust pany, Louisville, Kentucky, Charter number 14320, Federal Reserve District number 8. Kind of business of this affiliate: Real Estate.

Manner in which above-named organization is affiliated with national bank, and degree of control: 10076. Financial relations with bank: Stock of affiliate registered in name of affiliated bank or known to be owned by bank directly or indirectly (par value): Other information necessary to disclose fully relations with bank: Our affiliate, the Investment Realty Company, owns all of the stock of the Shelby, Inc, Oscar Doison, secretary and treasurer of Shelby, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. OSCAR DOLSON. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of January, 1957. MARY ALICE McGAUGHEY, Notary Public, Jefferson County, Ky, My commission expires April 6, 1958.

Services Automotive will recite the rosary 90n at 3 p.m. Interment Henry age 72, Tues- tery, Bedford, January 8, 1957, 2 p.m.; resiTHOME, Mr. Pleasure Ridge Park. Be- Tuesday, father of Mrs. Harry Van residence.

Los Angeles, and Henry Devoted grandfather of Joseph Sage, and Oeltjen; brother of Mrs. Freda 11 grandchildren and Mrs. Grace Haag of grandchildren; Mrs. W. W.

Cannon, Thome is Bert Steere, and Miss Anna Market. of Dallas. Mrs. J. B.

from St. of Cleveland, Ohio, and ment Calvary late Capt. W. A. Oeltjen; service will and nephews also survive.

Name Society, Oeltjen is in Embry-Bosse VOLLMER, Home, 2723 Preston Haver); services will be conducted Ct. Widow at 2 p.m. by the Rev. 0. A.

Remains of Lutheran Church of the Funeral Interment in Resthaven Notice of Park. WALLS, Mr. James passed away in his 37th year, Wednesday, at 3:40 p.m., 9, 1957, at 9:05 a.m. at his ence. 1140 1432 Longfield Ave.

Be- of Mrs. husband of Mrs. Joyce Jua- Bingham Perdue; devoted son of Mrs. also survived Perdue: beloved father of Mrs. Walls Joyce Lynn and Janet Lee Funeral brother of Mrs.

George at Oakwood. Mrs. Virginia Ballard, funeral Kenneth, Harold and Opie 12, 11 a.m. all of West Virginia, and pastor DE Ralph Perdue of Brandon, Fla, Church, Perdue is at the Arch L. Heady Eastern Funeral Home, 3601 Taylor where services will be held papers, WOOSLEY, at Memorial 10 a.m.

Park. Interment, Tuesday, Mr. John Harvey, at 3:45 passed Residence Joseph January 8, 1957, resident p.m. of Mr. 79th year; Louis former Ave.

Devoted Eschberger St. Hat- Marilyn, of Mrs. Ollie (nee Mr. Jack Reid; devoted father of Jimmie is B. Reid: brother Mrs.

2815 S. 4th Braden, Mrs. Nancy afternoon and Mr. Will Reid, all of funeral Hodgensville, Lora Brown, Mrs. Miss Martha Glen haven Mrs.

Mrs. Ida Williams, Mrs. Mary Evansville, Mr. George MILLER; and Mr. Dave Reid, both of dear husband Elizabethtown, also survived January grandchildren and great- While he Remains resting at His memories Funeral Home, 2611 Virginia Sadly missed services Friday morn- DREN.

o'clock, from Owen Chapel burial at Louisville Memorial Cemetery Mr. Willie Lee, PANKE January 9, 1957, at Out of away in 66th year at the 817 E. a.m., Hospital. his Family residence, IN beautiful Southern Heights. Beloved 6-grave lot of Mrs.

Helen Elizabeth plot: $450. Russell; devoted father James (Mary) Dodson, Willie Lee, Jr. Richard D. J. and Henry Lee Russell: broth- 1230 S.

3d Mrs. Betty Lambert and Mr. Broadway C. Russell: grandchildren. L.

D. Russell will be at the resi- 1310 until 10 a.m. Friday when 149 be taken to the Southside Church to lie 111 state 1 p.m. for services by the EM 3-3566. Interment Zachary Taylor Arch L.

Heady LEE Cemetery, Funeral Director. SCHOEFFEL, Charles age 80 ME: 4-3646. Monday, January 7, 1957, at ALBERT a.m., at Denver, former 1325 Highland 725 E. Ky. Devoted father of MAAS Virginia Hennessy, Denver, step-father of Mrs.

David Broadway Linnig Jarett; brother of Lydia H. Schoeffel, and Mrs. Haeberlin. Mr. Schoeffel 19th and in Bosse Funeral from Home, Wednes- Bar- H.

Ellison 10 a.m. until Dr. Peter Barret and Thursday, 2:30 Funeral services by Pleune. Interment, Cave Hill JOHN B. Please omit flowers.

Mr. John Louis, 2114 W. away January 9th, 1957 at BARRETT a.m. in his 70th year at his 1230 1612 Edenside Ave, Debrother of Mrs. Martin P.

Mrs. Oscar Cecil, Miss HARMONY Schweickhardt, Mrs. John O.E.S. will and Mr. G.

W. Schweick- ary 10, at Remains resting at Owen by and Home, 2611 Virginia Ave. business Services Friday morning tolf. W.M.; a.m, from Owen Chapel and NAOMI o'clock from St. James will meet Burial in Zachary Taylor 7:45 p.m., Cemetery.

Service will be Walnut, Thursday evening at 8 p.m. initiation. members of Shawnee Post Amer. Helen Legion. OKOLONA Mrs.

Sallie G. (nee announces passed away January 7, 1957, 1957, her p.m. at St. Anthony Family Hos- rest- Progress in year. mar 64th 1450 Catalpa St.

Devoted and 4th of Mr. Edward Arch Snawder; Elizabeth thereafter; sister of Miss Gottlieb Gaus; also dially and Mr. by several nieces and SUBURBAN Remains resting at Owen and A. Home, 2611 Virginia Ave. will meet services Thursday after- Thursday, 1:30 p.m..

from Owen Chapel, regular at Cave HIll Cemetery. the E. A. Mrs. Roxie Logan.

Widow quested to D. Tandy, at 6:05 a.m. Tues- welcome. January at her resi- W. Fowler.

221 Kennedy' Ct. Beloved of J. Logan Tandy. Also by sister, Mrs. Ethel Ford; MIAMI, nieces and nephews.

Fu- soon: from Herbert C. Cralle Fu- expenses; Home, Frankfort and Peter- 8-1332; after S. Revised Statutes, Report as of December 1956, of 31, One Seven West Parking Market Company, Street, Loulsville, ration, 127 Kentucky, which is affiliated with Liberty Bank National Bank and Charter Trust Company, 14320. Kentucky, Federal Reserve District number 8. Kind of business of this affillate: Real Estate.

Manner in which above-named organizaaffiliated with national bank, tion is and degree of control: Financial relations with bank: of affiliate registered In name Stock of affiliated bank or known to be owned by bank directly or indirectly (par value): Other information necessary to disclose fully relations with bank: Our all the stock of affiliate, the Investment Realty the Company, owns Company, a One Two Seven Parking Oscar Dolson, secretary and treasurer to corporation. 1, One solemnly swear that the Two Seven Parking Company, corporation, do above statement is true, to the best of knowledge and belief. OSCAR DOLSON, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day MARY of January, ALICE MeGAUGHEY, 1957. Public, Jefferson County, Ky, April 6, 1958. Notary My commission expires HOLDING COMPANY OF REPORT OF A A NATIONAL BANK Published in accordance with Section 5211, U.

S. Revised Statutes First Report National as of Bank Trustees, Louisville, December 31, 1956, of Kentucky, which is Louisville, affiliated with Louisville, First National Bank of Kentucky, Charter number 109. Federal Reserve District number 8. Kind of business of this affiliate: Holding voting shares of affiliated corporations, Manner in which above named national organiza- bank, tion of control: of the is affiliated with and degree shares are owned by bank's voting affiliate, Financial of affiliated bank owned by the relations with bank: Stock affillate (par value): $4,980,000.00, Other fully relations with bank: information necessary to disclose The Board of of Directors of the bank the advisory board constitutes affiliate, controlling election of its trustees Y. Offutt, secretary of First 1, Henry National Bank statement do true, Trustees, solemnly to swear the that best of the my above knowledge and is belief.

OFFUTT. Sworn to and subseribed before me this 7th day of LORETTA January, H. MUELLER, 1957. Notary Public, Jefferson County, 1960. Ky.

My commission expires Feb. 29, Reserve District No, Charter REPORT OF CONDITION First National Bank of Louisville of State of Kentucky, at the close The in the to call made by of business on December 31, 1956, published in response of the Currency, under Section Comptroller 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS Cash, balances with other 1, banks, including reserve balance, and cash Items of collection in process United States Govern2.

ment obligations, direct guaranteed 62,486,392.91 and 3. Obligations of and States political subdivisions 4. Other bonds. notes, and 2,353,575.80 debentures 5. Corporate stocks (including $330,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) 6.

Loans and (indiscounts eluding $10,800.67 ver- 56,383,651.11 drafts) premises owned 7. Bank $903,681.92 510.228.43|11. Other assets 12, TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and 103,515,514.16 corporations 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships.

and corporations 21,012,610.55 15. Deposits of United States 4,141,547.40 Government 18. Deposits of States, and Deposits of banks 28,312,057.23 political subdivisions 17. 18, cashier's checks, etc.) 890,533.18 Other deposits (certified and 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $163,342,208,90 1,013,638.03 23.

Other liabilities LIABILITIES $164,355,844.93 24. TOTAL, CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital Stock: (Common stock) total par 5,000,000.00 26. Surplus 1.053.846.48 27. Undivided profits 29.

TOTAL CAPITAL AC- 12.053,846. COUNTS 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS MEMORANDA 31. Assets pledged or assigned for other purposes 4,924,558.55 to secure liabilities and I. J.

M. Barr, President of the above: named true to the best of bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement and is belief. my J. M. BARR.

President. knowledge Correct-Attest: WM. C. DABNEY. JAMES W.

STITES, RALPH C. GIFFORD, Directors. State of Kentucky, Sworn to and subscribed 8th day of January. certify that I am not tor of this bank. My commission 1939.

Business Opportunities. Tennessee, Alabama, Virginia: salesman territory would like another salesman territory, interested expenses; late model January; references 162, care C.J.- area; experienced integrity wishes around 16th January: Write 0 549, care to Go. 10 open every day except Mondays, 5 Brandenburg, on Lost. 11 1951 black ChevroJefferson County reward. SP 2-2466.

brown; lost in parking lot, 716 E. identification papers, address; reward. 7-4294. dark brown, Satbetween 3d and and Market; papers owner; reward. Henry gentleman who about lost billfold, very important.

Point Siamese, 3651 Kelly Way, GL 4-4022 or JU 329. light cashmere and 1 black dress; vicinity south end; 8-9545, gold mounting, 2 side: Saturday, or Loew's Theatre; evenings. Spaniel; small, brown color: female; li20187; rabies and collar: strayed from Pen Branch 8-1039, hound; large male, Elk Creek, Decemreward. Call GL p.m. black, with blue and last seen at Ground re- brown, male; 1900 block S.

2d; EM 6-1804. and white setter; 2203 Rowan; $20 re8-3825. male, lost Monday in Conestoga: $5 female; named from 905 Burton pet; reward. ME diamond solitaire vicinity with each side; Monday night: 3-5643, topaz; Tuesday, downRd. bus; sentireward.

Call HI Found. 12 Taylorsville Rd. 6th: owner identify GL 4-3842, Personals. 13 Mardi Gras; accomfew more people to bus load with 4 nights, 3 days minimum price 129. -Times.

see manager Liberty Bank today. shown elderly food; private home; reasonable. ME 7-8663, Services Offered Services Offered -General. 14 ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS Repairing, roofing siding. advice on remodeling or repair work.

any planning drafting: experienced: insured workmen: free estimates: 36 months to nay SUTTER CONSTRUCTION CO. 2902 Portland Ave. SP 8-8443. ADDITIONS- ALTERATIONS We specialize in the additions of Remodeling. repairing.

painting ROOMS. BATHROOMS, PORCHES. Reliable, sober. insured workmen. Estimate free, 36 months to pay.

JEFFERSON DEVELOPMENT CO. Call any time JU 2-1851 ADDITIONS- ALTERATIONS Complete residential, commercial remodeling, foundation to chimney; free estimates; no money down, 3-10 years to pay. JIM FINN, Builder. JU 3-9628. County of Jefferson, before this 1957, and I hereby an officer or direc- ELIZABETH NESTELE, Notary Public.

expires September 20. Services Offered ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS Add that extra room estimates: immediate BELL 3617 Lexington Rd ADDITIONS, alterations, service, carpentry, ing and plastering, ing; terms: free 6-8940. ADDITIONS, repair, Ing, roofing; free teed work; insured; Ice. S. C.

Spurlin, ADDITIONS, alterations; now; rooms added to attic; complete JAMES B. WILLIS ALTERATIONS and by experienced woman. Hgwy. APPLIANCES, repairs; tors, stoves: guaranteed. REDMON APPLIANCE BUDGET ADVICE TO ANYONE Divorce your creditors, bills with us with, fit your pocketbook.

views by appointment. Family Budget Service. 203 Fischer 122 BUDGET SERVICE TO EVERYONE Group your bills. make you can afford; we cient service to you Itors: our systematic you. Open Mondays Budget Manager, C.

Oldest Budget Service 402-403 Hoffman Bldg. JU 2-2537. BUILDING; new and attics, basem*nts too small. Young, TW CABINETS; built to try, general repairs, rages, breezeways; ice; estimates. TW CARPENTER work jobs preferred.

7-6168. CARPENTRY, rotted. replaced; bad floor and replaced. new eral repairs. remodeling.

furnished: free estimates. CARPENTRY; ing; attics finished; frame garages, $2.65 complete. TW 5-2292. CARPENTRY; repairs, ished, garages, rooms, built, patch plastering. ME 4-3849.

CARPENTRY and modeling, all kinds; down; for free 7-8181. CARPENTRY; additions, remodeling; free arranged. SP 6-2243. CARPENTRY building. ing, repairs of all Gorrell, JU 3-6056.

CARPENTRY, remodeling: small; free estimates; TW 5-5913. or CARPENTRY; remodeling estimates; SP 2-0467. CLEANING; complete woodwork, windows cleaned; floors waxed painting interior Neuling Service. EM CONCRETE work; steps, driveways, mates. SP 6-3336.

CONCRETE work, driveways, basem*nts, tering; low winter DRESSMAKING; do alterations. GL ELECTRICAL WIRING OLD HOUSES Rewiring specialists come by our shop day and see our type of wiring you before selecting F.H.A. terms. LONGACRE JU 3-5139. 410 ELECTRICAL wiring? large or small; a job is worth doing right; ice: free estimates: Shaw Electric ELECTRICAL contracting; new work; reasonable estimates; fully guaranteed Call EM Electric Service.

ELECTRICAL SERVICE Residential, commercial, pair and maintenance; service: free estimates, ALLIED ELECTRIC 108 Colonial Dr. ELECTRIC Contracting 5 years to pay; no UNIVERSAL GL 8-2842. Free Estimates. ELECTRICAL work electrician: wiring quick service at ME 4-9821. ELECTRICAL work; 24-hour guaranteed, Charles trical Service.


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.