Crimson Lark Academy - Artistic_Chimera (2024)

Chapter 1: Black Sheep

Chapter Text

"Our world of Kyrandia, it's a world at war, the entirety of our world is filled with normal every day and defenceless people along with the constant guarding presence of Shikari, or demon hunters. When demons first became a threat to our world, crossing over the border from their own world put into place eons ago. The Titans gave mankind the knowledge to deal with these creatures and keep them at bay. Those men and women then built schools to train the future generations in their ways which is what made the six Shikari schools of Kyrandia. Crimson Lark, Cyan Dragonfly, Amber Rattlesnake, Sage Leopard, Teal Orca, and Rose Bear each one of these schools hold up the torches that light the path of a Shikari and are the only places in the world where you could become one.

My name is Rick Reaper, son of Daniel Reaper next in line to inherit my family's sh*tty business, see my family in its long history have always been graveyard keepers, buriers and coffin makers, goes with the name I know but I don’t want that for myself. I don’t want to be some servant of Challa I want to be a Shikari so of course I applied for Crimson Lark academy the best Shikari academy in Kyrandia and I’m surprised that I got in since I have no other training, probably something I should have worked on... Well, this is my last diary entry before I head off to Crimson Lark, I hope I do well.”

Slipping his pen into his rucksack Rick threw his journal into the old torn bag and swung it around himself before grabbing his suitcase and rushing out of his room down the stairs towards the door, the bus would be here soon.

However, his father, forever the disapproving one blocked the door.

"You're actually serious about this aren't you?" His father growled, Daniel Reaper was a tall and very intimidating man, Rick lately had loathed his father's very existence, everything he did, he did to oppose his son's dreams.

"Of course, I am, father, don't you ever think of anything but yourself. Maybe I don't want to be a grave digger, do you have any idea how boring just digging in the dirt is day after day?" Rick retorted, spitting the word father. He watched as his father's pinkish red eyes burned with obvious hatred.

"Listen here you little sh*t, we've worked hard to give you the life you have here, and if you want to go and risk your life on some stupid lifestyle which will get you killed... Then I hope they burn your body because I know I won't be burying it!" His father yelled storming off, his wife, Rick's mother Lucia followed her husband trying to calm him down.

Rick stared at the front door and heard his father yell.

"You walk out that damned door and you are no son of mine!" That was the final straw Rick kicked open the door and throwing it shut stormed over to the bus stop.

The early autumn air was still a little warm from the last few days of precious summer warmth but living in Arionde the weather is mainly winter-like for nine months at a time so having thick clothes are always a must in this part of the world.

Rick's house was just across the road from the bus stop so he watched as his parents prepared to go to work. They disapproved of Rick's choice strongly and had been arguing with him since he first told them of his acceptance into Crimson Lark. He turned to two others stood at the bus stop.

"Hey, I'm Rick Reaper." He managed a smile. The two looked at him and smiled back.

"I'm William Blade, but Will is fine." Will had orange hair which was framed to fall perfectly at the sides of his face, his pink eyes reminded Rick of his father, but Will's eyes were just pink there was no hint of red or anything. Years ago, this would have made no sense but ever since demons had crossed into the human world strange eye and hair colours had become common, Scientists blamed it on a mutation caused by their world's atmosphere while others attributed it to the miniscule amounts of demon blood most people now have caused by rare demon crossbreeds.

"Shane Belmont." The other young man smiled his silver hair carefully combed out of his face; his violet eyes were almost glowing in the bright sunlight of the morning.

Rick was the black sheep of the family while they lived mainly to prepare bodies for burial, build the coffins, carve the tombstones, dig the holes then bury the poor sod in the wooden box, Rick wanted more out of his life. Being a Shikari meant that the next day would be a complete mystery, each day a new thrill, not knowing if you'll see the next day or if you'll even get a mission to go on that was the life Rick wanted.

His attention was diverted when he heard the approaching bus, checking his watch Rick was surprised that a bus was on time for once.

The bus was obviously property of Crimson Lark since it was a stunning red shade in colour that and there was a painted depiction of a graceful bird on the front and sides. The bus rolled up to the curb the only sound was the tires rolling over the small shards of stone on the road, the doors folded back allowing Rick to step on board.

His dark sapphire eyes ran across the other students who sat on the bus. He took a seat near the back, he threw his rucksack up onto the ground between his feet, the boy beside him had black messy hair and amber eyes he was staring out the window earphones plugged into his ears drowning out the world, he knew now he couldn't have sat next to a less sociable person on this bus. The bus was far from silent the other students were laughing and socializing with one another, or so it seemed, as he observed he noticed that many just stuck to who they knew and tried not to expand. Rick sat across from Will and Shane and decided to sit back and listen in on the others.

There were two girls sat chatting with one another both had blonde hair and slightly tanned skin and bright blue eyes, they mostly seemed to be talking about fashion so naturally Rick moved on to the next pair though he swore he heard mention of demon skin clothing. A boy with short grey hair and blackened eyes was talking to a girl with long dark brown hair and deep purple eyes, the boy seemed shy and often didn't answer her.

There was yet also another pair sat talking, well the girl was talking the boy was using sign language, the girl had light blue hair and bright green eyes, more examples of demon worlds mutation, the boy looked more like a full-grown man really, with short stubble lining his jaw, long brown hair tied up and sky-blue eyes. Rick continued to watch these students for a while for about another two stops until the bus came to a halt. The conversations continued but four new students got on.

Two girls with long black hair with random braids throughout, one with grey eyes the other magenta, a girl with white hair and a single aqua blue eye and the final student yet another girl with long Auburn hair and emerald, green eyes.

The grey eyed girl and the white-haired girl sat together leaving the third the magenta eyed one stood alone, she gave them an annoyed look and sat behind them the Auburn-haired girl sat beside her, Rick noticed the black-haired girl slightly push herself against the window as if slightly embarrassed or uncomfortable, he wasn't entirely sure which.

Rick continued to watch these newcomers and made the connection that the two black haired girls were somehow related to the white-haired girl.

"Saga why don't you at least try to make some friends? You can't always rely on Rain and me to do all the talking." So, the magenta eyed girl was Saga? Weird name.

"Maybe I don't want to." Saga muttered just audible to Rick, that comment however earned the girl a hard smack around the head while the two were arguing then Auburn girl spoke up the grey eyed girl seemed to back down just as the bus began to slow again to allow more students on.

Two more, another girl and a boy, the girl had platinum blonde and sky-blue hair, one eye hidden under her hair and eye patch, her companion looked foreign most likely from Redcrystia. He had black hair and dark amber eyes; a scar cut across his left eye.

They took the remaining seats behind Rick, he quickly swivelled to face them.

"I'm Rick." He smiled the two gave each other a look before the girl said.

"I'm Skylar and this is my cousin Aravind." She smiled politely Rick began to question his resolve there were a lot of people he would have to make a good impression and began to doubt himself, maybe his father was right...

The boy beside Rick suddenly turned.

"Look buddy I'm trying to catch up on my sleep here so do you mind keeping it down." He growled Rick went on what little guard he had.

"Sorry about that I'm Rick Reaper by the way." He smiled trying to look brave, but his voice shook the other boy just grunted and spoke.

"Francis Cassel..." He replied turning back to the window.

Rick slumped back down and gave a sigh and went back to trying to listen in on some conversations.

"Hey Coal, look you can see the school from here!"

Rick leaned towards the window, his jaw dropping as he stared at the school, it looked more of a palace built at the base of possibly the largest tree in existence with a large courtyard, extravagant gates and arches, huge fountains and several large buildings, all bordered by large roots that curled artistically around the school’s many buildings, the eighth however had small plumes of dark smoke billowing out in place of a building at all. Of course, the new students were far too excited to notice the absence of a single building.

Chapter 2: Twins

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When the bus pulled up against the grand gates of the legendary Crimson Lark Academy its prospective students gazed up in awe at the magnificent white Marble Towers which made up the school. The driver opened the doors and the young students flooded out whispering in each other’s ears.

"It's even bigger than the rumours suggested." One girl breathed with a hint of an accent in her voice, as the crowd gathered together another student ducked into the growing crowd, he had brown and white hair and turquoise eyes, he hadn't been on the bus so Rick figured he must live nearby, the two locked eyes and he noticed a small teardrop tattoo under his right eye, the boy turned as the sound of tires screeching approached. A large, luxurious limousine drew close, and its driver hurriedly got out and opened the door so the posh looking young girl inside could step out assisted by another boy who looked her opposite, scruffy and droopy-eyed, he looked rather uncomfortable with his surroundings.

"Well would you look at that. A White Stag company car." It was Saga speaking, the car did indeed have the logo of the famous White Stag Weapon Manufacturing company on its side. The girl must be its heiress.

"It doesn't look so bad I suppose. It definitely doesn't look like a place that harbours filthy demons." The heiress spoke probably to her companion, but she didn't look at him.

"Yes, ma'am you're so intelligent ma'am." He sighed and while the chauffeur looked like he wanted to retort he looked more scared of the blue-haired companion then the platinum blonde young woman.

"Shut up Vertigo, I heard some silly rumours in the estate, apparently the school is enrolling a pair of demons, twin monstrosities, how disgusting."

"Rightio miss Rosaline rightio."

Rick noticed the three girls standing relatively calmly among the crowd though the white-haired girl's blue eye flashed with irritation. A slow clapping filled the air. Two teens stood clad in the academy's uniform, a long white coat with black highlights and fur trimmings. One a male with flaming red hair to his shoulder and matching amber eyes which seemed to glow with rage, three red claws hung from one ear. Standing across from him was a beautiful girl with blue hair and colder blue eyes, she was wearing the white coat shorter and without the signature black fur, one ear was adorned with a blue diamond, she looked at the new students and strode out to meet them.

"Greetings, rookies and newbies!" She exclaimed holding her arms out "To Crimson Lark Academy, school of the Shikari, home of the mysterious, battleground of Morulian and hunter, as they say, we will be your guides through to our grand entrance hall!" The chatter started again, and the blue-haired girl was flashing a fanged grin, her companion rolled his eyes and joined her side to watch the flock.

"Upperclassmen?" One student wondered aloud behind Rick before she spoke again.

"No, no. We are your classmates, friends. Allow us to introduce ourselves, Kirai and Ikari Inka, twins, at your service." There was a gasp of disbelief, some of horror, some of anger and even some of disgust.

"No way. They actually expect us to study alongside a couple of demons." It was Rosaline speaking.

"Wait, there's no way they're actually demons, right? They don't look like monsters, plus they can speak so they can't be." There were some murmurs of agreement and a couple of demon insults. Rick saw the youngest of the three roll her eyes, her elder, the white-haired one seemed to be bristling.

“Looks like there’s a few misunderstandings we will have to clear up sister, since you so strongly believe yourself the more intelligent why don’t you teach them?” Ikari spoke turning to his sister who laughed.

“Yes, so there seems to be a rather unfortunate rumour being spread that we are demons, pathetic, disgusting, stupid beings which can’t think for themselves without a Shikari holding their tail. Well, that’s a lie.” Rick momentarily calmed himself with the knowledge although he did wonder what these twins had done to be compared to such horrible monstrosities such as demons. A ripple of relief spread through the crowd.

“We are Morulians, yes, I am a from a fire-based race, obviously and my sister is an ice one also obviously. As for Morulians being unintelligent that is a lie. A lie spread by some unfavourable Shikari among the little people to make themselves feel better about their own pathetic selves." Ikari stated and Rick froze unsure how to respond to this.

"Ugh absolutely disgusting. They should know better than to treat me, a high-class citizen in such a manner, allowing me to be in the same learning environment as this scum, disgusting." The sister stepped forward brandishing a handgun with an intricate serpentine design from the holsters around her waist.

"Is that a problem little princess?" She asked pointing the gun at her face, Rosaline looked about to shrink back but held her ground and spat back at her.

"You dare point that at me you filthy beast?" Her bodyguard immediately acted swinging out a folding mechanical spear which glowed an eerie blue at its curved points and held it between the two young women as a warning to both.

"Ikari, Kirai!" A man shouted running to the scene, he had a familiar auburn colour of hair, and his eyes were a stunning green blue. "You two should know better than to get into this kind of trouble and with the heiress no less..."

"Ah you must be their handler, you should really keep these beasts on a shorter leash, this one pulled a gun on me." The twins growled in synchronisation and the other turned his head sharply towards the young heiress.

"Don't misunderstand, if your social status didn't risk a bigger issue, I would allow Kirai and Ikari to take their irritation out on you for your offensive remarks. As it stands as their friend and classmate, I won't let them get punished but that doesn't mean I'll help you any little girl. I suggest you close your mouth and try opening your mind for a change." The heiress was too shocked to respond, and the bodyguard folded his spear and put it away with the slight sign of a smirk on his face.

“And that goes for the rest of you, there will be Morulian and half Morulian students, don’t be surprised if you get something important snapped off if you call them a demon, not just and arm, leg or fingers, they will aim for below the belt.” A chorus of pained and scared groans came from the crowd.

"Priam!" The auburn-haired girl pushed her way to the front of the crowd dragging the sisters along with her.

"Lecti you made it onto the bus on time!" The man greeted her enthusiastically with an embrace which left a blush on the young girl's cheeks. "I knew it wouldn't be too hard for you, was the ride fine?"

"Yeah actually, I met some people along the way, Priam these are Saga, Rain and Branwen Rentier." As she spoke Priam's eyes widened for a moment and Kirai watched the newcomers from the corner of her eye, Ikari turned his head quickly looking at the white-haired sister.

"Saga, Rain and Branwen huh, well thank you for taking care of my little sister Alecto, she can be quite the handful but she's the most wonderful person I know."


"Also, it's fun to get on her nerves. Ah but we can't be standing around here, first years, the welcoming ceremony begins soon. Follow me in an orderly fashion and don't try starting anything alright?" He instructed placing a hand on his sword sheath. The crowd went quiet, but it didn't last long as the excited chatter broke out as they followed the upperclassmen, as they walked Ikari snuck his way into the crowd finding the sisters.

"So, your name is Rain?" He asked quietly.

"Y-yeah Ikari, the flame of Twivolas right?" She replied even quieter only adding to the awkward atmosphere between them.

"Right, something like that... I guess my father's reputation reaches far and wide, nowadays not a Morulian seems to not know him..." Rain's eyes widened and she looked startled

"Aa-ah sorry I was rambling s-so..." The awkward conversation went on until they reached a building Rick recognised as the school's great hall. Priam stopped them at the gates.

"Before we go in, I'll warn you, the teachers are... interesting people. Just don't talk out of turn and listen respectfully to the headmaster's speech. Headmaster Alder is a wise man, he's seen... many things. I think you'll find he's a very down to earth man." Ikari and Kirai laughed and pushed Priam out of the way.

"C'mon stop scaring the poor kids, Alder is cool and all, but Professor Lir is the best of em." Kirai told them.

"I think you mean Professor Cyra but anyway carry-on Priam."

"Just follow me." He pushed open the doors and more similarly aged teenagers began to gather around the group. Rick was confused and so made his way through the growing crowd to Priam.

"Who are all these people?"

"You didn't think you were the only first years, did you? You're all just the hounds of the year, the Shikari in training, we also have the dragons here to study sports and physical education as well as the griffins studying the typical academics. Though you are also here to study the arts, at least that's the cover up."

"But I'm no good at any art."

"Well, no worries as long as you can qualify as a Shikari, though I'm surprised, I had you down as a drama queen." Priam shrugged and led the students down through the hall, the great walls were adorned with portraits and tapestries of great Shikari and famous academics, at the very back were a line of pictures of the academy's many headmasters who all shared a shocking resemblance to one another. There were also artistic creations of past students joined by names and dates.

"Wow." One student uttered looking around the seemingly endless hall. Eventually they came to its end a long crescent shaped table at which were seated twenty-five teachers some looking older than the others. A woman with blazing red hair and glowing amber eyes met Rick's gaze and he felt genuine terror at the sight of her strict glare. The older students were sat around the side of the hall on solid stone benches, some looked bored, some excited, some gave looks of pity and one scoffed at Priam leading to him jumping up as If set on fire.

"Newcomers, students, pre-graduates, Echo, Richter and Twivolas twins." A quiet laugh filled the hall to which Priam went bright red, a girl who had finally managed to push through the crowd joined him and the twins and gave him a nod, she too was glowing red. "Rentiers." He coughed. "Welcome all to Crimson Lark Academy, home of the studious and the artistic, the athletic and the destructive, still in the process of putting out that fire..." The red-haired teacher glared at him. "I'll explain later. You are all here to learn, to hone your talents so that you may put them to use in the real world, or to begin your path to the future. And we are here to guide you. First, we will split you into the houses and you will be given your identification and temporary uniform. Please note, each student is given a tailor-made jacket, but these will suffice until they are ready." He spoke pointing to three boxes in which there were piles of plain black, green and blue jackets. One teacher stood up and took his place next to the boxes.

"First up the Green Dragons, these students are the ones among you whom are here to study athletics and sport. To become professional athletes in the future. You wear the colour green which symbolises growth and nature, I hope that by wearing this colour you will strive to grow into great athletes." One by one the athletes from the first years separated from the crowd and making their way to the front, collecting their jackets and then going to the right side of the hall.

"Next, the Blue Griffins, those of you with the mental capacity to continue your studies into the world of math, literature and sciences, hoping to become geniuses in your field and perhaps even teachers like us someday. The colour blue symbolises intelligence and peace, serenity even. By wearing this colour always remember that you are endowed with knowledge beyond your years but that doesn’t give you the right to use it to inflict harm." Once again, the crowd was cut, this time over three quarters left leaving a small handful remaining in the centre. The new griffins took their jackets and went to the left of the hall. All that remained were those who had been on the bus, the four upperclassmen, the rich girl and her escort, two foreigners and one brooding stranger. All eyes were on them.

"Last but not least, Black Hounds, here to take lessons in the arts, your colour symbolises many things, unfortunately enough death, however black can also mean life, power and elegance. We hope by carrying this colour you will remember that your craft is full of meaning, it can be powerful, it can be elegant, and it brings life to many. Also remember that not everything is black and white, things that appear dark can have another meaning, black is a colour with many sides to it." Silence followed as each student lined up to take theirs from the pile. Rick quickly made sure to join before he could be last in line.

"Oh, look Professor Cyra, more Rentiers." One teacher spoke to the red-haired woman and the hall went silent once more with a few students' heads turning. Surprisingly the teacher laughed.

"Ahem, now if the head of departments would please escort their new charges to their buildings." The headmaster spoke up and the white-haired teacher who had done the speeches continued.

"Each year has a building for each of the houses. There you will find your dormitories, dining room, kitchen, living space and all other essentials, your luggage has already been transported now if you would please follow each of your head of department, they will give you a quick tour of the academy grounds. Professor Church, head of Green Dragon." He pointed a purple haired teacher who waved as her name was mentioned. "Professor Vargas, head of Blue Griffin." A man with dyed green hair. "And Professor Cyra, head of the Black Hounds." Rick felt sick as the red-haired woman stood leaving her associate, a man whose family must suffer greatly from the mutation factor judging from his yellow, red and purple hair to give them a reassuring smile which was obviously full of pity. The teachers all went to their pupils and the hall quickly cleared out leaving the Black Hounds to their new teacher.

"Right, let's do this but first, what's this I hear about a fire?"

"Oh dear." The girl next to Priam spoke quietly.

Chapter 3: Black Hounds

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Rick followed the others as they were marched across the school grounds their head of department a fiery tempered woman with the hair and eyes to match easily kept control of the group, no one dared speak out of turn or even step out of line. The tour ended when they approached a large building the outside was decorated with flags of a snarling dog head painted black. This was their "home" for the next five years.

Rick had expected the house to be a block of flats with multiple rooms and maybe one commons area not what looked to be a whole mansion!

From the outside the House looked elegant yet unusual. It was built with dark bricks, not pure black and not a grimy grey with purple heart wood decorations. Large rectangular windows allowed the house to be illuminated with as much natural light as possible. A large kitchen... a larger dining area, separate shower rooms, there was even a large spacious room for the drama and dance students, soundproof practice rooms for music and large spacious empty rooms for sculptors, painters, as well as high tech computers for digital artists.

Upstairs was the floor that had empty rooms for the first years.

"Now as you know, separate dormitories mean some of you will be sharing rooms with people you may not have met before, we think this is a good opportunity to get out of your own little bubble and socialise, makes some new friends. You can't just stick with your siblings for the whole of your time here." Saga quivered at Professor Cyra's words and looking around at the intimidating strangers and prospect of rooming with Morulians, Rick knew he understood her fear.

"Now if you're all done worrying, I'll use this as a chance to introduce each of your classmate by their full name, we will be doing extra activities in homeroom to allow you to bond tomorrow but for now knowing each other's names will have to suffice." One of the Morulian twins laughed poking her brother and pointing in Rick's general direction.

"Room 1, ladies." She pointed at one of the two corridors behind her, indicating the left side she continued by pointing at the eldest of the Rentier siblings, the more mature looking of the three. "Branwen Rentier. Amore Celeste, Cassandra Faust and of the senior students joining us, Naomi Richter." The girl who had stuck close to Priam and the twins smiled shyly before joining Branwen, she had soft amber eyes and dark brown hair, she must have been pushed back a year too Rick thought watching as two more girls joined them, the ones with the foreign accents from the bus, they both had dark blue eyes but whereas the first's hair was platinum blond the seconds was a brighter yellow. He now recognised the accent as Skaycian.

"We're together again!" Cassandra spoke excitedly.

"Lucky! I can't imagine being in a room with some strangers." Celeste replied and Saga shuddered as she watched the first of her sisters being separated from her.

"If you'll let me go on... Room 2, Evangeline Law." One of the pair who hadn't taken the bus, she had black hair and hazel eyes, she too looked foreign, she left her partner not looking very surprised by this. "Alecto Echo and Rain Rentier." Rick saw Saga's face drop as both her remaining sister and acquaintance were separated from her as well.

"H-hey wait-" She tried to speak out.

"Room 3, Rosaline Winchester, Ellen Walker, Skylar Johnson." The heiress rolled her silver eyes and stepped forward.

"I suppose I'll have to get used to the commoner life for now." The two sharing a room with her exchanged a glance, Rick recognised Ellen as the girl from the bus who was with the mute boy and Skylar of course was the nice girl from the bus, the one with a single blue eye.

"Please reconsider-" Saga was ignored again as their teacher continued.

"Room 4, Dervilla Ryans, Saga Rentier and Kirai Twivolas." Saga looked beyond hope as the Dreodacan girl with purple eyes tried to wave encouragingly to her. Kirai laughed and put her arm over Saga's shoulder.

"Don't worry kiddo, you'll be fine with me. We'll have tons of fun don't worry, I know how to be a sister, even if I don't have my own." Rick didn't envy her stuck in a room with one of the demons-

"Room 5, men now, Ikari Twivolas, Aravind Indra and Rick Reaper." It was his turn to cry internally as his world came crashing down. The demon, eh Morulian. Ikari didn't seem to be bothered by this and just shrugged it off. The other boy, he was the one from the bus, the nice one with Skylar, he could find a little solace in that, he hoped.

"Room 6, Ferris Wednesday, John Faulkner and Priam Echo." Priam nodded to the mute boy who didn't really look like a boy at all and now that he looked at the two of them, he realised Ellen and John must be from Artamola, if that was the case why wouldn't they choose to attend Amber Rattlesnake or Rose Bear. The Echo siblings on the other hand had darker skin but he couldn't pinpoint where they could come from. Ferris was the brooding stranger, amazingly spiky brown and white hair with turquoise eyes and a dark tear drop tattoo under his right eye. He like Evangeline and her companion had walked.

"Room 7, William Blade, Coal Blaze and Shane Belmont." Rick was envious, the quiet boy from the bus was with the two best friends he'd met at the bus stop. With those he'd feel safe but with the red Morulian...

"Finally, Room 8, Francis Cassel and Lance Vertigo." Just two, apparently there weren't enough people left, the heiress' bodyguard with the golden eyes didn’t seem bothered, the moody boy from the bus however didn't seem very happy.

"And that's all."

"Uhh miss what about him?" Dervila pointed at the only guy left, a tall muscular man with black hair and red eyes.

"Vice is a special case." She replied and though most of the class were confused his partner Evangeline nodded knowingly.

Walking into the room following his roommates Rick grabbed his bags and looked over at the beds. Simple oak bunk beds, plain dark purple sheets, probably just a house colour thing. Simple draws and two wardrobes, one door at the back leading to the plain white tiled bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink with a mirror.

Rick quickly unpacked his stuff and neatly placed them in a draw or on coat hangers in the wardrobe, he hadn't yet talked to either of his roommates and he would try to procrastinate that task for as long as possible. Sitting on the bottom bunk of the set he chose Rick looked down at his hands.

"Rick Reaper, right?" He froze as the red Morulian suddenly addressed him from the top bunk casually upside down. Long flaming hair hanging down, it if he didn't know better, he'd think the hair belonged to a woman.

"Y-yeah." He dropped down and offered his hand to the shaking boy who accepted it unsurely.

"Like we said back at the gate I'm Ikari Inka, fire Morulian son of Twivolas."

"Is that why the teachers refer to the two of you as Ikari and Kirai Twivolas?" Ikari frowned.

"So far they have refused to acknowledge that we have taken on our mothers name." He spat reverting back to his Morulian anger scaring Rick who was unsure if he should reply.

"S-sorry but your mother?" Ikari turned his blazing eyes on Rick.

"Yeah, Morulians have mothers too idiot. And she was about as human as you are too."

"So, what happened to her?" Rick asked shocked.

"She died."

Rick didn't know how to reply and he couldn't help but wonder what the redhead Morulian was trying to imply with his comparison to a dead, very human woman, sure he was untrained but that didn't mean he had no potential, if it weren't for his roommate's pointed fangs and long claw like fingernails reminding him of the redhead's heritage Rick probably would have made a retort.

"That does not bode too well for you." Rick looked up, not Ikari's voice or their other quiet roommate, he sat in stunned silence as he noticed the small humanoid crow seated on Ikari's left shoulder.

"W-what? What is that!?"

"Mist, my familiar. What are you doing here?" Ikari asked the small black bird who blinked blue eyes in reply.

"Looking around, the last room seemed bigger."

"Yeah, they don't think putting me with other people is dangerous no more, Kirai too. Now we have to share, well whatever, go back to Tuskviel the teachers won't like you around here not till we've had Ahio first lesson and stuff."

"Whatever you say." In a puff of white smoke, the Morulian was gone Rick wanted to question Ikari further, but he just shrugged him off.

"Do whatever you want, I'm out." The Morulian climbed into his bunk and left Rick to his silence with his other roommate.

Rick looked over at his other roommate feeling quite awkward about the situation.

"Aren't your family famous for digging graves and buildings coffins so tight not even a Morulian could crack into one?" Aravind asked and Rick nodded.

"Yeah, that's us... I didn't want that kind of life you see." He chuckled keeping his voice low in case he disturbed the sleeping Morulain above him.

"Don't know why you would have chosen this life, after all some students have actually died during practical lessons... or didn't you know that part?" He continued, Rick felt his face drain of blood as he realised that he was in the most danger of adding to that number, but if his favourite shows have taught him anything, it's that the goofy loser becomes the greatest hero.

So, he hoped...

Chapter 4: Friendship is Hell

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Saga sat on the edge of her bed, awkwardly watching as her two new roommates sorted through their luggage placing things down, family photos from Dervila and strange icy sculptures and artworks from the Morulian along with a painting of her, her brother and an older woman with long raven coloured hair. She stopped her rummaging through a large black bag to turn and look at the younger girl.

"Don't you have any photos? Y'know of you and those other Rentier siblings?" The ice Morulian asked.

"No, some old books and wood carvings too but nothing like that." She replied pointing at the painting.

"Ah yeah, us and our mum, truth is she died a long time ago, so we don't have any real photos with her, not as we are now, had this made instead. Pretty sappy huh?"

"I think it's alright, not everyone is so lucky to spend time with the ones they love." Dervilla spoke up as she sets a picture of her and her parents onto a desk, Saga shuffled obviously uncomfortable with the situation as she moved to go through her things.

"To be fair... I didn't even know I was a Rentier until about a year ago, I've been by my sister Branwen's side for as long as I can remember." She sighed finding two hand carved wooden statues, one was a crow the other was a stag. She placed both onto the bedside table that was beside her chosen bed.

"That the case huh? Can't imagine a shy girl, nah shy isn't the word huh, socially stupid? A socially inept girl like you had a whole lotta friends growing up huh?" Kirai said half to herself. Saga didn't reply and Dervila sat next to her on her bed.

"Well, hey, we all have to start somewhere, and we'll have to spend a lot of time together, cos we're roomies and all." She spoke putting an arm around the younger girl, suddenly Kirai dropped to the floor from the top bunk and before her shocked classmates could respond she put her arm around both with a grin holding a cheap blue dispensable camera in her free hand.

"Smile!" She exclaimed giving them just enough time to crack an acceptable if not slightly fake smile and the camera flashed. The blue Morulian let go and waved the camera around.

"Now we just gotta take this little guy to one of them printers they got around school and then you'll have your own picture to hang up and put on the table whatever you wanna do with I don't care but hey! You got good memories too now huh?" She declared dancing around the room as though she was a small child on a sugar rush.

"Uh thanks..." Saga trailed off.

"It's Kirai, remember it okay?" She grinned dropping the camera into Saga's hand and shaking it energetically.

"Yeah, thanks Kirai."

"Alright now let's go get photos of all your soon to be friends! Team Cold Chaos away!" She grabbed the unaware girl's hand and quickly dragged her through the open door and down the corridor leaving Dervila in utter confusion. She kicked open the first door in her path.

"Quick kid! Snap that shot! Pretend it's a gun, aim it at the enemy!" Saga complied and a shot of an equally confused room three was added to their growing collection, the two ran out again Kirai in the lead leaving Rosaline to scream after them. After taking a shot of all the girls Kirai moved her conquest onto the boy's room, kicking at the locked down until she eventually succeeded in breaking it down.

"Awake Ikari awake!"

"Kirai it's way too late for this!" Ikari moaned jumping down, Aravind woke in confusion and Rick fell from his bed leading to their most awkward shot yet. The next room however won it over as shocked Saga captured Priam still changing from his day clothes, he chased them from the room in leaving Ferris to groan irritated into his pillow. Finally, they left the final room with Francis and Lance now able to channel their anger towards someone other than each other.

"Uh Kirai, I think that's everyone." Saga told her as Kirai dragged them to their next location.

"Right, you are kid, now we get these bad boys printed." Turns out the building had its own computer room with many printers ready for the task, after quickly showing the younger girl the ropes Kirai smiled gently as Saga was able to confidently print the contents of the camera and pass the results to her. Kirai shuffled through them quickly before stopping and staring.

"Oooh nice."

"The pictures came out great huh?" Saga asked looking over her shoulder.

"Uh yeah sure." Kirai continued shuffling. "Now we just have to get you a board for these, that can wait till morning, get some rest kid." She consented and headed back to the room leaving Kirai on her own.

"Who'd of thought she'd be such a shy thing without her big sister there to keep her safe huh?" She spoke to a small snake curling around her shoulder.

"What are you planning to do?"

"Oh, nothing really, she's just needs to break out of her shell is all, just like someone else I know." She laughed looking down at him. The snake narrowed its eyes and hissed quietly.

"Very funny."

"Now you should get going, or Ahio will really let me have it." The snake dissolved in a black wisp and Kirai followed the corridor back to her room. Entering she found her two roommates had already succumbed to sleep.

"G'night kiddos, things are really gonna liven up tomorrow. Sleep well."

As the lights in the building dimmed following Priam's call for lights out one room on the bottom floor remained well lit. One of the teachers headed down the steps from the computer room and entered the lit room, his grey hair contrasted greatly with his young face in comparison to his colleagues, upon entering he was greeted by Professor Cyra with a steaming hot cup of coffee.

"Ugh thanks, one of those kids did a real number on the printing systems, glitches could have corrupted the entire school." He dropped down onto the teacher's couch slouching next to a woman with hair black as a storm cloud fading into brilliant blonde who patted him on the shoulder reassuringly. The headmaster Alder smiled as he sorted through a mountain of paperwork covering his desk, a blue haired man was trying to assist him with the white-haired teacher from the ceremony.

"Let's just be glad it was only the technology which took a hit, with Ezra suddenly away we'll have to settle for our average school nurse."

"You don't think they'll be any real injuries, do you? Training doesn't start for another few days." The blonde cut in.

"I wouldn't be so sure Lyn; those kids don’t seem to really like each other." The grey-haired teacher spoke taking a sip from the silver mug, he instantly spluttered. "Titans alive Cyra! Volcanoes don't make for good kettles you know!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I think this temperature is perfect."

"Ughhh, Lir a little help here?" The blue haired teacher sighed and took the boiling cup from him and moved over to the sink.

"Cyra if you could try not to incapacitate Lostrum, we need him to keep our electronics in order." He scolded.

"Speaking of incapacitation, it's your ice-breaker lesson tomorrow right Cyra?" The white-haired teacher laughed. "I'm sure the kids will have fun with that."

"I'm not sure about that, personally I think they’re looking forward to the familial lessons much more, even those who don't know about familiars have heard rumours from their upperclassmen about the "Legendary Lessons of Ahio" The rest of us don't stand a chance against your popularity."

"Hah speak for yourself!" Lostrum interrupted "This year's weapon-smithing is bound to be one to remember. Alastor and I have been working to make it the perfect lesson." Storm smiled smugly.

"With Alastor in charge things are bound to go your way this year."

"Well, I look forward to the challenge." The white-haired teacher grinned.

"I don't see the point in this, competing for the student's attention." Lir rolled his eyes. "Hey Cyra, did you sort out that mess the twins made?" Ahio put an arm around him.

"Oh, Lir it's just a bit of fun."

"The fires out but the building will take some time to fix, thankfully nothing too important was lost, just some extra supplies."

"Morulian twins, Rentiers, prodigal humans, mysterious newcomers and envoys from new lands. This year's Fledglings are shaping up to be a real interesting bunch aren't they." Alder spoke looking through the student profiles, finishing his reading he locked them away in his desk next to a small, embroidered box containing a single, black feather.

Chapter 5: Heart of Fire

Chapter Text

The Fledglings were woken just before dawn by an older student nearly breaking down their doors and yelling over.

Apparently, the Black Hounds woke up long before the other houses must, to the dismay of many of them. Kirai and Ikari woke up just before the banging reached their doors as did Priam and Naomi. Saga, Branwen and Rain found no problem with getting up, pretty much everyone else groaned in despair as they were forced up to start the day.

After waiting their turns for the bathroom everyone got washed up and dressed in their uniforms, black shirts, the black jackets and either a dark red pair of trousers or a skirt. Their first lesson was with their home tutor Professor Cyra. Sitting close to those that they know the students sat at their desks staring at the old-fashioned chalk board, many rubbing their eyes and stifling yawns as they waited for the red-haired woman to walk in, they didn't have to wait for long as the door was opened the shadows of the hall kept the teacher hidden until she walked into the room, dressed in a pair of black suit trousers, a dark red dress shirt and matching high heels.

The woman moved behind the desk and took off her glasses and with a sigh addressed the class.

"Now, since you're all here I guess it is time we begin your induction and we'll start with a little game, a way to get to know your new classmates and fellow Shikari in training. So how about a round of 2 truths and a lie?" Her serious demeaner crumbled as she smiled at the class.

Despite the obvious excitement no one had the guts to be the first to speak up.

"Okay... I see that you're all a group of chickens so let's choose the old-fashioned way. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe." Her finger landed on Saga, the black-haired girl swallowed and tapped at the desk a little her mind obviously drawn blank.

"Come on now, we don't have all day." Cyra sighed watching as Branwen whispered something to her younger sister who then began to speak up.

"I grew up out in the wild far from civilisation, I'm terrified of snakes and I can barely read." She announced, the room fell into hushed whispers, Branwen refusing to give the answer away.

"Alright, hands up for the wild born?" Francis, Cassandra and Amora put their hands up.

"Ophidiophobia?" Everyone apart from Francis, Cassandra, Amora, Ikari, Priam and Naomi put their hands up.

"Barely read?" Priam, Ikari and Naomi held their hands up.


"I have Arachnophobia." She mumbled gaining a few snickers from the others and a dirty look from Roseline to which Saga shrunk, Branwen snapped her head around her grey eyes flashing red the others soon shut themselves up and Roseline looked elsewhere.

As the game went on everyone began to learn little bits about one another. Rain used to be a mercenary, Ferris could trace his heritage back from Ancient Cala, a civilisation whose god apparently created the seven days of the week. His last name was a respectful nod to this carried down over the many generations. Aravind had no ambitions to become a Shikari, he was really only there to keep his hot-headed cousin Skylar from getting herself killed, Evangeline had a dragon though nobody knew where said dragon was hiding, Branwen knew some pretty impressive magic tricks and even stuck Roseline to the ceiling, Amore didn't like swimming, Lance was homeless before meeting Rosaline, Naomi wanted to be a ninja when she was little, Priam once had his hair dyed pink by Kirai and Ikari, Skylar had a messed-up eye.

Somewhere in the middle of the game Kirai thought it would be funny by switching the way she would play the game in what almost became a fight between her and the teacher.

"Hey, my name is Ikari, nice to meet you... I'm Kirai's twin, my mother is a human and..." He looked over to see Kirai gesturing with her eyes towards the board in what could only be some secret twin code. "My name means hatred." He sat down again lazily, and Professor Cyra held her hand against her face.

"It's nice to know you're taking this so seriously." She sighed "Would anyone like to hazard a guess at the correct answer?" There was a strong tint of sarcasm. Priam raised his hand.

"Ooh ooh I know." A sudden book flew into his face. Kirai hissed at him.

"No, bad Priam, you don't get to answer."

"Kirai please sit down."

The game continued as normal with the result of the majority guessing that his mother was not indeed human, save the Rentiers, the twins friends and roommates and a couple of the more open-minded students. As he had told Rick previously however this was not the lie, and they discovered his name did not mean hatred. Next was Kirai's turn.

"Oh, but you already know everything about me, or at least, you think you do." She leered at Rosaline. "Hmm, I can cast Nordic magic, my name means anger and..." She thought it over gleefully preparing her next fact "Ikari and I actually have a long-lost triplet that has forgotten us, we were separated long ago and I long for the day we will be reunited." This of course caused a wave of confusion through-out the classroom. Professor Cyra froze up suddenly and her eyes were almost aflame with anger.

"Kirai! The game loses all meaning when you give two lies!" She told her and Kirai just grinned.

"Whatever, just trying to make this lesson more fun." She sat back down and relaxed, leaning back in her chair.

"It'd probably be best if we just moved on, for the record, our ice Morulian here can indeed, cast Nordic magic." Branwen suddenly sat up, more alert than before. "She does not however have a "Long lost triplet who she longs to be reunited with" and her name certainly does not mean anger, that is what Ikari means, her name appropriately means Hatred."


"Moving on." Professor Cyra ignored Kirai, and the game continued. Kirai's book was thrown back at her with twice the speed however it froze before it could get close enough to her and dropped to her desk scattering ice shavings on the desks and students around her.

Just about five minutes before the end of their first lesson there was a knock on the door to which soon opened revealing a young man with hair of the finest gold carrying a large box.

"I've come to deliver the modified coats to the new lot." He smiled leaving the box on the desk, he left as quickly as he had appeared, the class were about to ask who he was, but the Rentier sisters seemed more interested in the new coats.

"Before any of you ask that was the school's personal tailor, I'm actually surprised he got these finished so quickly... It usually takes him a week to complete all of the coats." Cyra said opening to box and handing out the coats, the students soon shed their temporary coats to don their brilliant white coats which they would be wearing for the next few years.

The wide range of styles became apparent when they all began to inspect one another's coats. Saga and Branwen enjoyed longer coats, the elder however preferred no sleeves, Rain had fur lining the inside of the coat for extra warmth, some kept their modifications simple like sleeve length or hem length then there are larger ones like the missing sleeves or hems settling above the waist.

The group then spent their final few minutes talking to one another about their new expensive looking clothing and then their next lesson, unsure of what was to come.

Chapter 6: Crafting Lightning

Chapter Text

After the bell signalling the end of class rang Professor Cyra stood up immediately and walked towards the door.

"Follow me to your next lesson, quickly now. We don't have all day." The students obeyed quickly, and Professor Cyra led them out of the main building towards the sports fields, there a great number of teenagers were running about wearing green jackets, as the Hounds were led past the Dragons stopped to stare, whispering amongst themselves and pointing at them giving several of them a strong and awkward feeling. Many of the Hounds decided to stare at the dirt instead.

Finally, they were past the sports ground and instead of stopping they turned and headed behind the main building. There was a concrete patio with a small, hut like building only large enough to hold maybe half the class with how much metal equipment and weaponry were on display. Holes were scattered around the walls. Out in the open was a large steaming forge. Seeing them coming a grey-haired teacher rose from his seat by the forge to greet them.

"Ah finally! Thank you, Cyra, hey kids, the name's Lostrum, I am your smithing instructor, though you probably know me better as the photography teacher back on the main campus." Professor Cyra handed him a register and took her leave giving a brief nod to the young man sat inside the hut sharpening a large piece of curved metal.

"Now as you know fighting Morulian takes more than just your average knife. That's why first we must make sure you each have a weapon well-suited to your abilities, some of you will already have your weaponry and so are free to use whatever tools you need to work on them, sharpening or repair. But please ask me or my assistant in there for help, do not endanger your lives." On cue the young man exited the hut carrying in his arms the pole he had been working on.

"Done with the new goal post, can you take this over to the Dragons when you're done? Church is expecting it." He spoke with a deep and almost calming voice, his blue eyes scoured over the students and the students looked back. Now that was what everyone expected a Shikari to look like, tall, muscular and calm. Black and blue hair to match his eyes, he looked ready for anything, and Rick heard the two Skaycian girls whispering about him. Even Rosaline didn't have something scornful to say. He and Ikari locked eyes for a moment before Ikari looked away.

"Will do, just preparing to craft the new kids' weapons. Oh right, kids this is Alastor Rentier, he's not quite my assistant but for today he may as well be. He's a genius in this field and many others, just not romance." Alastor looked put off but before he could retort one of the students spoke up.

"Rentier? Like our Rentiers?" All heads turned to the threesome, or once threesome. Saga now had Kirai stuck to her other side while Rain and Branwen just looked confused. Ikari on the other hand was trying more to talk to Rain.

"Yes, we are related..." He sighed shaking his head. "We should move on before we get anymore stupid questions." The students shivered at his freezing cold tone; he nodded back towards the hut. "How about we get inside and get your weapons sorted, as soon as you have those you will be tested on your natural abilities and your "speciality" when it comes to combat so we can gauge if your chosen weapon is actually useful to your style." He stated leaning the pole against the wall.

"So, we need to know a little more about you, here's a question. Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Wind or Metal?" The question put of a good few of the students off, so Alastor repeated it, as always, the elder students coupled with the Rentier sisters looked completely in the know, this was really starting to irritate Rick.

"Come on, it's not that difficult a question." Alastor was looking at the Rentier's expectantly. Rain stepped forward.

"Water." She spoke before stepping back into the crowd next to Ikari. Alastor nodded his approval before looking to the disgraced second years next.

"What? You already know ours. We all have our weapons!" Kirai exclaimed holding her arms up. Her friends nodded. Alastor narrowed his eyes.

"Fine, fine, well Ice technically but I suppose Water is close enough, right?" She looked back to Rain who nodded.

"Fire." Ikari spoke simply.

"Er I'm Earth." That was Naomi.

"I'm pretty Metal myself." There was pause. Alecto groaned and Priam laughed nervously. Saga was the next to speak up or in her case whisper.


"Alright that's enough from you. Now see what I expect, choose one of the above or none at all." Alastor turned to the others. Joining Ikari in his choice or more accurately birth right of Fire as was Alecto to Priam's slightly mocked shock and gasp of betrayal. Water led by Rain and Kirai was made up of Cassandra and too her own irritation Rosaline who obviously wasn't allowing her hatred of the Morulian to affect her school life too much. Branwen, Ellen and Aravind chose Earth like Naomi. Shane and Skylar were in Wind and Metal got John and Francis, Priam seemed happy with John in his own little team, Francis not so much.

"Alright you all can go inside and start looking through the catalogues." They were still a little confused but did so to find said catalogues containing an enormous list of the many weapons in existence grouped together into categories, the remaining students were more nervous than confused.

"So, you don't want to choose any of the given. Well, that's fair." Alastor looked a little offended that nobody had chosen Lightning. He gazed around the students who remained.

"Right let's get this out of the way. Who wishes there was a light option?" He asked and Rick considered raising his hand, he has always liked the idea of warriors fighting along the power of light, however, the way Alastor had said it made it sound a little cheesy. Amore, William and Dervila raised their hands though.

Alastor made a few notes in a small book which Rick had only just noticed and then sent the three of them inside. Next, he pointed at Evangeline.

"You, your people have their own way, right?"

"Y-yes sir! We Kinling share our dragon's powers, I have the Darkness element." Alastor wrote it down.

"Right, you can go in, you three too." He pointed at Lance, Cole and then Vice who followed Evangeline inside. This just left Rick with two of the Rentier sisters and the intimidating stranger he'd learnt was named Ferris. Suddenly he found himself missing Aravind and Ikari. Alastor spoke quietly to the fellow Rentiers. Then to Ferris whose quiet response surprised him, apparently Alastor wasn't used to meeting people even colder than himself. The three walked in and so Alastor turned on him.

"And you?"

"Uh me, I don't know, I never really thought about it." He admitted nervously. Alastor obviously groaned inwardly.

"Well, what would you be otherwise?" Rick didn't need to think about this one, unfortunately he knew the answer to it.

"A- a gravekeeper..."

"Right, Death then, go on. Inside." He obeyed though he did now deeply regret his choice he turned before entering the hut and tried to talk Alastor into changing his answer.

"Can't I just be Water instead?" Alastor just gave him a glare and he hurried in hearing the cold Shikari mutter something along the lines of "Too good for you." Turning his attention to the hut it was less cramped then expected, mainly thanks to a majority number of the students, namely Alecto, Dervila, Aravind, the twins, Evangeline, Ferris, the elder two of the Rentier sisters, Priam, Naomi, Ellen, Rosaline, Vice and Shane having already gone out the other exit. They apparently already had their weapons.

"Hey Dick, you sure took your sweet time." Francis spoke throwing one of the ridiculously heavy books at him.

"Uh it's Rick but whatever works for you..." He opened it too look at the large variety he had to choose from. Now this was a hard choice, he'd always wanted a sword, large and effective but he couldn't be too quick to choose. He looked around to get some ideas from his peers. William and Skylar were obviously into range as they studied firearms and bows alike. Francis and John were predictably looking into the heavier weapons and Coal showing some interest. Amore was studying some small knives, given her that she had explained last lesson that her family’s fashion business ran off skinning Morulians this seemed predictable. Her best friend was instead looking into whips. Saga, he noticed, was drawing on a piece of scrap paper what looked to be a pair of small hand scythes attached together with a long chain. Eventually Rick settled on a cool looking lance design he found in the catalogue.

As the room grew louder with the students talking about what kind of weapons they would want, Lostrum would listen carefully writing small notes to create the perfect weapons for each person when it came to creating their weapons.

"Now how about we make things more interesting with a... demonstration." Lostrum had finished taking notes from the weapon less students and now looked to the ones who were already well-equipped for battle. "Any volunteers?" Branwen Rentier stepped forward with a smirk and brought out a long metal staff with a runed raven perched atop, Lostrum held out his hand and though hesitating slightly Branwen handed it to him and the teacher began inspecting the material and giving it a couple of swings. When he was done, he held it above his head so the crowd could see it.

"Alright can anyone tell me one of the strengths a weapon like this possesses?" Silence, no one was confident enough to speak up, that or they didn't care. The silence was filled by the loud clanging of metal as Alastor began his work beside the smelter. Lostrum sighed and carried on.

"Staves like this can't usually cut which can put them at a disadvantage against bladed weapons, however they can create more force and tend to have a longer reach than your average sword. They can also be utilised as a very effective medium for all kinds of magic." He tossed the staff back to Branwen and began looking about the crowd once more.

"Now do we have any ranged weapons on hand." A few hands were raised, and Evangeline stepped forward presenting a magnificent black bow, the string was thin and silver and looked incredibly firm as Lostrum inspected it, the spines covering the bow gave great credibility to Evangeline's dragon stories. Their teacher was obviously impressed, and this only increased when he was handed a black leather like quiver filled with long jet-black arrows with similar dragon scale points.

"Wonderful, so this is Avoaran craftsmanship?"

"Yes sir, made using the bone from... warriors who fell in battle and the shed scales of my partner. I named it the... Visceral Bow. Er is that weird?"

"No, no. I encourage it. Your weapon is an extension of yourself, if you don't deem it important enough to name how are you supposed to wield it as such?" Lostrum held the bow up and once again asked for the classes input. This time Rosaline held her hand up.

"Bows can be used to hit from far away, that way you can hit from really far away." Lostrum nodded and carried on.

"Or from the back of a dragon yes."

"Unfortunately, they aren't great in close combat but enough training can easily fix that." She spoke proudly and Lostrum laughed.

"Yeah, or you can use the bow similar to a staff, it's curve makes it harder to handle and it's not a great shape to use as a magical medium. Arrows are often too fragile to be used as knives however get a good slash through a Morulian's common iliac and limit movement." He drew the bow putting a single arrow in the rest. Pulling back the strong metallic string and aiming it at the hut, he released allowing the arrow to fly, piercing through the wooden walls and continued out of sight till it stopped with the students hearing a metallic clang.

“Could you not?” Came Alastor’s remark.

"Sorry about that lad, and there you have it, powerful and elegant, the Visceral Bow. I suggest that those who have yet to name their weapons begin to think of a suitable name. Branwen about that staff?"

"Spook." She responded and Lostrum nodded handing the bow back to Evangeline who moved to put it away.

"Now wait a second." Lostrum put his hand up. He looked back at Alastor who was starting work on his fifth mould. "Why don’t we have a match? I did say demonstration. Let's see how Spook and the Visceral Bow match up against each other." There were hushed gasps and little excited whispers and the crowd slowly back away to form a good space for the match. Evangeline looked slightly nervous but with a nod from her friend she straightened up with a determined look on her face. Branwen looked more confident and with the loud cheering from her little sisters especially Saga she looked determined to show off for them. Weapons drawn they stood facing each other, ready to begin their fight.

"Ready... Start!"

Branwen wasted no time in trying to gain the upper hand rushing at Evangeline, she jabbed rapidly at the shorter girl's ribs, Evangeline tried desperately to dodge and for the most part was successful with only a few scraping her. Jumping back Evangeline swiped at her with an arrow concealed in her sleeve grazing Branwen's wrist, she then took aim with her bow shooting a powerful but unsteady arrow towards her shoulder. Branwen rolled out of the way from this one and took a large jump, the staff began to glow revealing blood red runes carved along its length and the bird atop. The bird’s wing stretched out melting and moulded into a Warhammer shape. Evangeline gasped and took another arrow; this one radiated a kind of black energy and when she fired it into the ground before where Branwen was about to land it blew up releasing a cloud of pitch-black fog which quickly enveloped their surroundings.

"This goes against the aim of this presentation however Evangeline was right to cloud her opponent’s field of vision." Lostrum told them and the students could only mumble their agreement, most of them obviously too enthralled by the action. Now they struggled to see as most of them had to narrow their eyes to make out the two figures in the darkness.

A silence followed as both turned to stealth, Evangeline obviously had no trouble navigating the darkness and had taken to hiding, Branwen on the other hand was listening for signs of movement. There was a tear in the darkness as a spear-ended Spook was thrown past Evangeline missing her left leg by a few inches. The noise increased as Evangeline began to run, however not away from her opponent this time, she was now encircling the weapon less Branwen while keeping a safe distance hitting her with a ruthless barrage of arrows.

Only a few of the arrows met their mark and Branwen escaped the circle, tracking her weapon she used a large surge of power to dispel the fog, they could all see again and both combatants had taken damage both to their bodies and their stamina. However, a new addition to Spook became apparent, at the top of the dark metal staff sat a raven made of metal with glowing eyes and markings matching the burst of magic that had disbursed the fog.

"Dragettird!" Evangeline cursed, she took a complex arrow from a separate compartment in her quiver, this arrow was noticeably bigger, and she released it from the rest into the shadow of the building, any confusion the students had at this point were worsened as instead of crushing the ground it sank into it out of sight. Branwen was distressed and began looking around her for the shadowy projectile. At last, it came back out of the shadows having travelled in a straight line and Branwen had to use Spook to block it, the force pushed her back, but she rushed Evangeline catching her by surprise.

As the fight became a close one, staff against bow Branwen had the obvious upper hand until Evangeline took advantage of her bow’s curved form to dig sand up from the ground temporarily blinding Branwen. With this done Evangeline retreated while her opponent cleaned the sand from her eyes, however instead of hiding she took out a handful of arrows and set them in the group around her and then readied her bow as Branwen was able to remove the sand from one eye. Evangeline was beginning to pant, and Branwen took this time to step back and survey the situation, as this was happening Evangeline was released arrows clumsily, each being dodged easily allowing Branwen even closer. Realising the trap before her as the arrows surrounding the Kinling began to hum with energy Branwen jumped back and her staff's runes glowed again the raven opened its beak as this time an icy blue cluster of icicles formed and thrown at Evangeline who could only block the onslaught with her arrows which collided with the ice shattered it into dangerously sharp pieces. Evangeline was low on stamina and now out of arrows. As the ice had no effect the rune changed to a warm orange and to match the balls being created were now pure fire. The twins were obviously having fun and Rick called out to the teacher.

"Uh isn't this getting out of hand?"

"These kids wouldn't be here if they couldn’t handle this." Was the only reply he got as the fireballs were launched, knowing she couldn't block these Evangeline took a couple of the arrows surrounding her and rolled tucking the arrows into her sleeves, the remaining arrows in her circle imploded on contact with the fire in a small black cloud, Evangeline was unaffected and ran at Branwen one more time, her bowstring detached from one end and was rolled back inside the bow. The fight became a clash of weapons once more and neither was intent on giving in however Evangeline's stamina had run dry and her swings got sloppier. Taken advantage of an opening Branwen struck her in the stomach causing her to drop to the ground and Branwen pinned her holding the raven head of Spook to her head, the razor-sharp beak held merely an inch from the surface of her eye. Saga and Rain cheered.

"And that's the match. It's Branwen's victory." Before the class could applaud Evangeline, whose bow was still held in her hand above Branwen's head, pressed a button and the bowstring was pulled out sharp and dangerous and it was pressed close to Branwen's throat.

"Now that's enough Evangeline, it's still Branwen's win, however class you should take this to heart. Never underestimate a fallen enemy." Evangeline smiled and withdrew the bowstring.

"Just making sure you didn't get all superior on me." She laughed "Now will you get off us, you weigh a ton!" Branwen offered her a hand and pulled her up.

"You've got nothing to worry about. If you want, I can teach you somethings about hand-to-hand combat. Evangeline... Law, right? The techniques of the Kinling are pretty interesting too."

"Eva's fine. Yeah, your magic was surprising too, how about I tell you more about my people in return for those tips on hand to hand?" The two shook hands and Evangeline laughed again.

"You've got a deal."

Chapter 7: Hopeless

Chapter Text

"Right, now that you have all seen the sort of thing expected of skilled fighters, your weapons should be finished by now." Lostrum announced leading the group back over to the hut where along the wall the weapons leaned against it each with the owner's name tied to it. The students without weapons quickly gathered their newly forged weapons.

Rick held up his lance gritted his teeth at the weight, he hadn't taken into consideration how heavy it would be, Alastor made it look effortless but then again, the blue-haired male didn't have the physique of a stick

"Alright, grab your weapons and follow me, next up we've got your physical evaluations with Lyn and Tide, so I'll be dropping you off so none of your newbies get lost." Lostrum called waving the others to follow the students gathered sheathing their weapons and following close as they were led back to the main building taking a different route keeping them well hidden from the Green Dragons. When they came to the main building, the school councillor Lir with his fitting blue theme was waiting along with a woman with bright yellow hair and lightning blue eyes they hadn't seen since the opening ceremony.

After a quick transfer of words Lostrum left them with the two.

"Right then, now we begin your introduction exams. First is deciding who would join the mage class, one member is among you already, and from what Lostrum has told me we have another among you who has a vast knowledge of magic. However, we have to learn which of you remaining have the ability and patience in order to wield it." Lyn announced.

"Magic is an important tool for a small number of Shikari, used for healing, defending, even building and of course cutting down your enemies, magic is readily accessible for those with the patience and willingness to allow the ancient power to awaken. In history humans could easily conjure magic, however over time and with constant exposure to destructive forces both human and Morulian in origin the numbers began to dwindle... Making what few mages we have these days, rare and invaluable to Shikari alike." Lir explained as the group was led into a large room, the ground was covered in a fake grass like material which felt almost real to the touch.

"We'll start by finding out who in here have the ability, through an admittedly very old-fashioned method, to wield magic." With that Lyn held up a glass lantern with what looked to be a ball of glowing white light. A few hours previously Rick would have scoffed at the idea of magic however with Branwen's frightful display earlier he'd learnt better. Now he could only hope that maybe the test would be successful and that he could use magic just like her but on the other hand he knew he'd probably struggle to learn it properly.

"In this lantern are a type of very special Morulians named Breeran or just Brees for short, completely harmless to humans and hunted by other Morulians as food. They do have one special trait which has led to our conservation of these peaceful creatures. They are attracted to the magic within people no matter how dormant it is. So, everyone will stand still and once all these little ones have settled, we'll see exactly how many mages we have in this class." Tide smiled opening the lantern.

As soon as the front panel of glass swung open hundreds of tiny glowing butterflies of all colours of the rainbow flew out and began to circle the group, while some of the group gasped in shock, fell silent or watched in awe. Rick saw the Rentier sisters all react completely differently, Branwen looked completely unimpressed as they began to settle down on her, Rain was giggling as they landed on her to rest before taking off again, Saga watched as they crawled around her hand with a grin on her face.

One the fluttering had stopped Rick leaned forwards and saw the eight who were covered in constant moving lights. Francis stared at the tiny Morulians in disgust, Will and Shane laughed at how many they were both covered in, Amore and Cassandra couldn't help but stare in wonder at the little butterflies now that they could see them up close. Branwen and Kirai stood there without much of a reaction to them, Dervilla tried to hide in the amount covering her.

"Well, this is a nice amount." Lir muttered watching the eight before pouring a little honey back into the lantern, there was an uproar of fluttering wings as the Brees all flew back into the lantern flying so fast inside that the colours were lost in pure white light.

"Now, we should get on with the health check, we'll be looking for any ailments that you're hiding, disabilities, prosthetic limbs that sort of thing." Lir smiled.

"However, since our resident doctor is away on a mission, we'll have to call in a little help. Professor Cyra will be conducting the exam on the females and our little outside help Dr Crestshard will be dealing with the men." Lin said eyeing them up.

After the long and tedious exams apart from some of the group having some scars, Skylar and Rain of course had a missing eye in common, and one member of the group having traces of an unknown poison in their veins there was little that troubled the teachers. Ellen left the examination room and joined the others now the group were awaiting Ferris to finish his exam. Rosaline was waiting impatiently at the door when Professor Cyra came striding down the corridor x-ray results in hand. She nearly threw open the door her attention on their quiet and mysterious friend.

"Mind explaining this!?" She shouted sternly pushing the image in his face. From where they sat the other students could make out the vague picture of a human ribcage although some of the ribs were different. The schools nurse tried to calm her down and pull her from the boy who regarded the x-ray with little interest however the proximity of the angered teacher had him on edge and for a moment he was giving her the most hateful look possible.

"I was in an accident when I was... younger." He replied simply when Dr Crestshard had successfully pulled the teacher back.

"And the ribs?" He asked as Professor Cyra was still busy fuming.

"Three damaged, seven completely destroyed, beyond repair. I was given replacements as part of a program; I was their guinea pig. I didn't want to bring them up, thought you'd kick me out, this has been my dream for longer than you can imagine." He was still deadly monotone, but he spoke with an elevated voice when it came to being a Shikari, Rick could understand that.

"So, the prosthetics?"

"A newly made alloy of carbon and titanium using elements of the human bones."

"I see, well if they've survived this long there shouldn't be any further troubles." The nurse mused letting Professor Cyra go.

"That doesn't excuse you withholding this!" She exclaimed and Ferris dropped his head. "You could've been seriously injured, one wrong move and you'd be coughing up blood, is that what you want?"

"I am prepared for any risk to achieve my goal. I'm sorry for endangering myself in the process, it won't happen again. Just please don't send me home!" He was speaking more politely and sincerely then they had seen all day. Even Professor Cyra could no longer argue.

"Well, we know now, now we shouldn't keep Miss Winchester waiting." Crestshard cut in and the two of them allowed Ferris to leave, he sat awkwardly next to Ellen and John at the end of the row and for a while everyone was silent.

There was nothing wrong with Rosaline and she was allowed to leave quickly after, and the teacher stood before them again results in hand. Before the teachers started Rick leaned over to Ferris hoping to start a friendly conversation.

"That was intense, I thought they were gonna make you remove those ribs of something." Ferris looked disgusted but replied.

"If they did, they'd be no guarantee of survival." Rick decided to take this chance to brag.

"Well, you know if they'd said that to me, I'd just leave, the other schools might have better uses for my skills." Ferris groaned and edged away. Professor Cyra coughed, and silence returned.

"Thank you, now next up we will analyse you in combat." On que Lir entered from a door across from them and beckoned the students to enter single file. Once inside they were shocked to find a quite high-tech training facility. They were on the second floor which doubled as the observation area for below where they could see several long chambers walled off from each other, there were eight in total, and each contained a single simple dummy at its end. The walls were obviously hiding secrets and Rick imagined the teachers could make the training as difficult as they pleased.

"You will each spend two minutes down there, there are eight chambers so you will take it in turns, we will judge your progress first in single combat and then you are permitted to re-enter with a selected team or partner with whom you know well." Lir looked around "Any questions?" No one wanted to speak, and many were itching to get down there and perform. Once again, the students were called in alphabetical order.

Shane, William, Coal, Francis, Amore, Alecto, Priam and John lined up and were went down to the different chambers, the others flocked to watch from the observation windows. They entered weapons drawn and ready for whatever would come at them, a confident and calm expression on Priam's face.

Baseball bat, crossbow, fire axe, mace, knife, xiphos and shield, spear and shield and a warhammer, many of the weapons were newly forged but their wielders looked confident. Rick inspected his own lance, he'd yet to name it despite Lostrum's insistence but he knew he wasn't the only one still confused on what to name their partner.

"Having trouble there, champ?" He jumped the two Morulians had snuck up on him while he was deep in thought, how typical of their kind. He turned Kirai had a look of glee, Ikari one of disinterest.

"I was uh, just thinking about this." He held up the lance and Kirai laughed.

"Well, you gotta name it something cool right? Nice and intimidating."

"What did you name yours?" He asked.

"We didn't." Ikari replied simply.

"We got them from our father, his prized weapons." Kirai drew her two icy blue handguns and stroked the serpentine pattern fondly. Ikari brandished an impressive scarlet sword with a fiery and monstrous design.

"The Crimson Dragon." He told him and the edge glowed with an intense heat in response.

"This is the Arctic Adder." Kirai told him holding out one of the guns. "And this is the Arctic Python." Rick was silent, returning his gaze to the combatants squaring up to the training dummies. Each of them holding their weapons upright with determined looks and a confident position. Alecto and Priam were holding themselves near identical despite the wall dividing them and once the whistle sounded and the group set off the two siblings surged towards their targets as if side by side.

"Go get em Pri!" Kirai called from her place by Rick's ear, Morulians had loud roars, human disguises or not. The Rentiers had joined them at the window and the youngest seemed to be supporting Alecto. Rick couldn't tell if the fighters could hear their cheering and if they did, they showed no sign of distraction, Alecto was knocked back by a sudden lunge of the unstable dummy but she soon gained her composure, a few of the others were having trouble, Amore tried to cut at the thing repeatedly and John was bashing its head in with his enormous warhammer. Priam alone looked confident and relaxed with no need for running and hiding or a furious onslaught of attacks to compensate skill with strength. As Alecto's posture was thrown off by the dummy's random strikes Priam dodged with ease and getting behind the mechanic creature and slashing it, his spear leaving a large gash.

The dummy, now on its last legs threw itself at the older fighter who used his rounded shield to block and then lift the machine throwing it into the air. The spear was thrown and impaled it, pinning it to the ceiling where it struggled briefly before turning completely still. Priam waiting in silence till a siren rang and the lights in his chamber flashed green before holding out his free hand. The spear came loose and dropped down to him along with the dummy. Lostrum came in lifted what remained of it and carried it out over one shoulder dropping another in its place and Priam followed and after some words between the two the older student looked neither pleased nor irritated but an odd mix of both.

"That was quick." Rick stated still in disbelief and Kirai smirked in reply.

"That was Priam." Ikari replied flatly as if that explained everything.

"And Sharp and Sol." Kirai told him. "Simple names for simple weapons but you saw him go at it, with the way he uses them they don't need loads of flashy powers or complicated weapons. Just one."

Rick then turned his attention to Alecto to see that she was struggling and moved a little sluggish compared to her brother, her axe cleaved through the dummy taking out one of its arms as she blocks the other one with her shield. She was quick to gain her footing and looked to be whispering to herself, her next strike came with practised ease, the iron blade edge of the axe severed a leg then the head of the dummy.

The siren called and the lights flashed green again, Lostrum replaced the dummy and disposed of the old one, Alecto looked exhausted from her fight. The rest of the fights finished soon after Alecto's, Shane and Francis bashed in the heads of the dummies and Will eventually shot enough holes through his with his crossbow bolts.

The second group consisted of Cassandra, Aravind, Skylar, Evangeline, Rick, Naomi, Dervilla and Branwen, the eldest of the Rentier sisters. Rick had seen the eldest whisper something to her younger black-haired sibling who now stood at the observation window her eyes glued to her sister. Rick looked at the motionless dummy that laid before him, then to his lance. He then saw a twitch; the dummy was getting up.

With little to no warning the Dummy lunged for him, sluggish almost zombie like, Rick moved on pure instinct his lance stabbing through the Dummy's shoulder, keeping with the momentum Rick almost glided by the Dummy. Spinning on his heels he couldn't stop the smile on his face, maybe he did have a chance after all. The hope was soon knocked from him when he felt a heavy fist hit him in the jaw.

The Dummy was slow and uncoordinated but strong. Rick scrambled up and went for another lunge this time the tip pierced through the chest of the Dummy. He felt another jarring hit as whatever of the tip tore through the Dummy and into the wall pinning it effectively, it struggled for a handful of seconds before falling still. He sat back and began to laugh, proud that he didn't die at the first hurdle.

Making back over to the others Rick was a little disappointed that he was the last one to finish in his group.

"Hey, not bad Ricky, there might be hope for you after all." Ikari smirked giving his what would have been a playful hit if he was another Morulian like Ikari, however Rick was not a Morulian and was nearly thrown to the floor.

When the last group collected their weapons Rick again saw Branwen stop Saga and whisper something to her, Lostrum who stood by them suddenly looked at the two in shock, whatever he heard seemed not for the faint of heart.

Rick watched at the window he was curious about the Rentiers and why the hall went silent when one of the teachers had pointed them out. When the final group began their fight Rain was using her background to her advantage, easily slipping under the Dummy to get a few hits to its back. Looking at the youngest sibling Rick felt the blood drain from his face. Saga was brutal beyond words, she seemed happy to only scratch the surface of the Dummy then rip it apart. The Rentiers were brutal fighters, some more than others, but when it came to a fight, instincts based on pure survival seem to take over.

Lostrum watched the two Rentiers just as carefully muttering something to himself. Rick turned to see Ikari melting his dummy and Kirai had turned hers into an ice sculpture, though this didn't seem to be enough for the she-Morulian as she proceeded to fire two bullets through its head and chest, they passed through cleanly and continued through the wall. Ikari hadn't even bothered to draw his sword. Probably the very last thing he would expect from the two Morulains and Rick found himself wondering if the bullets would ever lose speed or find a surface too thick to penetrate. Ellen had just shot the face of her Dummy clean off.

"Don't f*ck with her." Rick thought to himself seeing the shining double barrels on the gun, Rosaline seemed to have the same troubles that he did against the metal thing, the arrows from her own bow were stuck fast in the body of the beast, her quiver was running low when one arrow shot right through the head, the Dummy jolted before falling lifelessly to the ground. Meanwhile Lance once again unfolded his mechanical spear, whatever the weapon was tipped with that glowed an eerie blue it was definitely effective, he didn't even bother aiming, he just stabbed the dummy through its hand as it lunged at him and the crystalline tip sent a pulse, a blue heartbeat through the machine and it began to fold in on itself resulting in a compact pound of smoking metal which probably would have blown if Lostrum hadn’t come in quickly to stop it.

The students now knew better then to mess with rich girl Rosaline and her scruffy blue butler. Between Ellen and Rosaline was that quiet boy Ferris, he brought out a ring like weapon, a chakram Rick remembered. That was a rare weapon and the loner probably had two, but he only needed one for his opponent. He threw it and the spiked wheel flew towards its target tearing straight through the dummy's neck. The head and rest of the body collapsed, it's limbs spasmed and jerked until Lostrum entered. With some training he heard the teachers say, Ferris could be just as terrifying as the elder Rentier siblings.

"Well then, that was an impressive amount of skill that many of you have shown, some of you could do with some extra training sessions while others may require a more challenging opponent." Rick felt many eyes on him when Lostrum talked about the extra training.

"Now then as I had mentioned before you may re-enter the training room with a companion of your choice, do we have any volunteers?" No one dared move until Branwen and Saga stepped forward.

Branwen whispered again to Saga but the few closest to them caught what they said, whatever it was confused the other student as it was some sort of dialect they didn't understand.

The two stood close to one another's side as two Dummies were left with them, as soon as they began to move Saga drew her new chain scythes and moved into a defensive position in font of Branwen her purple eyes locked onto the machines in front of them. Branwen then said something in the same dialect as before, Saga crouched low before lunging her blades leaving large grooves in the dummy's chest plate.

Branwen focused on the second one, muttering under her breath as her weapon Spook glowed red as the fireballs from earlier began to heat the metal so it would glow and melt onto the ground.

"When alone the Rentiers were dangerous enough," Rick had thought, "but together they are more than a force to be reckoned with..." Even though they looked completely human something about them screamed danger, maybe they were hiding something from them, but unlike the twins the Rentiers didn't talk about their family apart from siblings.

Chapter 8: Midnight

Chapter Text

A couple of weeks passed and after a good number of exhausting lessons on combat it was decided that the students were ready for their first Familiar class. The class was gathered outside Ahio's classroom talking quietly among themselves, after all only a few of them understood the concept of familiars with many unaware of the partnership between Morulians and shikari. Those were the people like Rosaline, still ignorant on the intelligence and attitudes of Morulians.

"Sorry for being late, a small problem came up that I had to sort." Ahio smiled unlocking the door to the room and leading the group into the large spacious room. A large door led to a conservatory looking out over the plains which they would be using for practise. He let the students take seats from anywhere in the class and had them arrange them in a large circle around him. The centre of the room was engraved with one of the symbols for Morulia homeland of Morulians.

"So how many here understand what the term Familiar means?" He asked gazing around the teens, a few obviously understood him but there were many unaware.

"Being familiar with someone?" Someone muttered and Ahio laughed.

"Well, that may be the standard definition but in the field of shikari it means something quite different."

"Easy, the Shikari definition is, a Morulian who had or has made a contract with either a single person or a family bloodline." Branwen stated.

"Correct!" Ahio grinned. "Today we will be testing you for bloodline familiars you may have inherited or see if any Morulians are interested in forming a contract with you." There were some gasps both of surprise and horror, maybe some fear.

"Now I'll demonstrate..."He smiled raising his arms, the winds suddenly picked up in the room and the students watched in shock soon snapping their eyes shut as a blinding light filled the room, once faded a large grey bird stood behind their teacher.

"This, is my familiar, Ironplume, a Roc." He announced; the giant bird glared down at all the students with large yellow eyes. "Now not just anybody can summon because Morulian have to be willing to form the contract, there have been situations in which a contract has been forced, these have never ended well for the summoner. Even Morulians can be the summoner, Kirai would you like to demonstrate?"

"Sure, thing teaches." Kirai stepped forward to the centre of the circle, from her jacket she brought out a slim pair of glasses and Rick noticed small rune carvings on the arms. Putting them on she drew a circle of frost with her foot in a swift movement and gave a short chant, her glasses glowed obscuring her eyes and the runes glowed blue. The frost surged to create a storm in the circle and when it cleared the students were given a shock.

A man-sized wolf stood in the circle, not just a man-sized wolf but a literal man-wolf. It was like the wolf-man himself was stood before them. Jet-black fur and intimidating red eyes burning with ferocity. Sharp, dagger like fangs.

"That was a demonstration of a more complicated summoning, familiars will often choose an object important to their shikari or themselves to symbolise the bond. They can share but it tends to offend more territorial Morulians. Thank you Kirai." The ice Morulian nodded and stepping into the circle and embraced the werewolf round the neck, the Morulian's eyes were confused and almost soft as she spoke to him.

"Sorry for summoning you out of the blue like this Fen, just a demonstration, you can go now."

"Demonstration? Wasn't Jor enough?"

"Oh, but you make a much better impression on the new kids." She winked and the wolf growled and returned to frost.

As the teacher continued speaking Rick noticed Ferris looking away, he followed the other boys gaze to a cabinet at the edge of the room upon which a pitch-black wolf was perched with glowing silver eyes watching the class, its paws were dangling over the edge casually and it clearly meant no harm, there was a glint of silver in the beast's fur that was as difficult to ignore as the predator's eyes shifting from silver to gold. It locked eyes with Rick and Ferris and to the boys’ amazement, winked at them. They shifted their attention back to the teacher.

"Now some of you here may already have familiars so I'll need you to both demonstrate with one and register them all with me." Ahio stated when their attention was back on him. "Who here already possesses one or more familiars?"

Saga, Branwen, Rain, Ferris, Lance and Coal raised their hands.

"You Rentiers never cease to amaze me, Saga come summon your familiar or one of them." Ahio chuckled waving the girl down, keeping her eyes low Saga stepped into the centre where Kirai once stood and pulled a few odd charms from her pocket. A blue dog whistle, a tooth necklace and a black scale.

She stuffed the whistle and scale back into her pocket leaving the tooth in her hand. The tooth itself was almost as long as her hand so whatever it was attached to had to be huge. Glancing to her sisters Saga swallowed her doubt and cut into her hand with the tooth. The small droplets of blood that hit the floor were soon lapped up by a shadow. The large beast of powerful muscles, thin black fur, a thick dark green mane, bones protruding from its back, joints and tail.

Its canine like skull slowly raised up to look up at her.

"Drudid!” Amour exclaimed, Rick had heard about Drudids, powerful Morulians who can stand like a human, and some were apparently strong enough to rip a man in half with a single tug. Other students ducked away to find cover except for Ahoi, Branwen and Rain.

"It’s alright everyone, he’s harmless.” Ahoi called out, as the hiding students slowly came out to see the Drudid growling softly as Saga was scratching it behind its long hare ears, its little tail wagging happily as it sat there like a dog, but it was still at shoulder height to her.

Its ear twisted to the rest of the class, causing it to twist away, its eyes like burning coals with pure white slit pupils began to flicker across each student as it rose up to its full height, it stood easily over 7 feet tall, with long horns atop its head, and a spike rib cage chest piece.

“This is Jack, he won’t attack unless you threaten him.” Saga explained as the Drudid nodded its skull head.

"I'll go next!" Rain volunteered over-eager to show off her familiar, it was then when Rick noticed a blue feather keychain attached to her coat.

The youngest swapped places with the middle child. Rain placed a hand over the feather and took a deep breath, as she slowly moved her hand away bright blue mist leapt from the feather and followed her hand before it began to zip around the room, the ball of cold air getting larger and larger until bright ice-blue feathers became visible. Sharp talons, curved ice axe like beak, pure white, cold and intelligent eyes made jaws drops as the class realised that this creature was a phoenix.

"A Drudid, and a phoenix? What next?" Ahoi laughed as the bird landed on the white and black-haired girl.

"Icewing has been with me since I was young." Rain beamed with pride.

"Well then since two of three have been up would you like to summon yours Branwen?" Ahoi smiled as the bird turned into mist once more and returned to the single feather.

"Sure, just to warn you, he might not play nice." She sighed now taking Rain's place in the circle. She pulled a strange amulet from her pocket, it looked to have been shaped into three hounds each one with a different jewel embedded in it. A ruby, a sapphire and an amethyst.

Branwen simply spoke a few words into the amulet and the room began to shake, the amulet raising up from her hand as a blinding light emitted from the jewels, after everyone had regained their sight fear was the only thing most of them felt.

A beast from the very gates to hell stood behind her. Three heads with rows of sword like teeth, six eyes stared down at them all burning with an eternal fire.

"This is Cerberus, I don't think I need to say anymore." Branwen smiled as the centre head lowered itself for her to pet. Its black fur only a thin coat covered muscle perfectly built for hunting and slaughtering, scale like plate armour decorated the beast’s body, claws as long as Rick's arm made to slice through the toughest armour as if it was soft flesh. Needless to say, no one dared to challenge her claim.

When Branwen had shooed off her dog Ahio laughed and looked round the class once more.

"Now that will be a tough act to follow but does anyone else have a familiar to demonstrate?" After a few moments of deadly silence Lance Vertigo stepped forward, their teacher's eyes followed him keenly.

"You're... Lance, yes?" He nodded and took out his creepy glowing spear again, its blue crystals shone the same colour as his hair which just made it more concerning, he for once looked nervous.

"Y-yes." He replied simply, he unfolded the spear and swung it in a full circle, the blue light overtook everything blinding all the students and when it finally cleared the sight amazed them. Seated on his outstretched arm was a large snowy owl, just its presence radiated power and wisdom and when it spread its wings, they let out a mystical light, the owl's wings were like feathered stain glass windows. Even Ahio was speechless.

"Crest has watched over me since I was little, he used to be my father's partner." The Morulian folded his wings, the believed image of Morulans being dark and violent now becoming more of a mirage than ever.

"Greeting's classmates of the young master." A soft yet intimidating voice swept over the classroom. "Please know if I observe any harmful behaviour towards him, I will not hesitate to mirror it on you tenfold." Lance flushed red and he withdrew him arm quickly, Crest hopped off it and after some flustered words from his summoner he disappeared in the same blue light.

"… A-anyone else?" Ahio managed to regain his composure. Ferris followed Lance having a small chameleon appear on his charkram and nobody dared to laugh after the previous summons.

Coal then stepped up and just touched the horn that hung around his neck, a large dark circle appeared on the ceiling and a huge battle axe dropped onto the ground. Another black circle appeared on the ground as a huge skeleton minotaur crawled out like something from a zombie film. The huge beast shouldered the axe and snorted at the others.

Next Ahio told them it was time for the new familiars. He brought out a box and emptied it onto his desk, hundreds of small triangular objects spilled out, he took one between his finger and thumb and showed it to them.

"This is a dragon's tooth this is only one of many methods, but we've got a whole load of these from a friend, so this is what we go with." He put force on the flat of the tooth and the point almost pierced his thumb. "Oh, I don't need to show you that though. Just prick yourself with the tooth, anywhere harmless to you would be best, all we need is your blood and the tooth to mix, then place the tooth in the centre of the symbol. If you have an inherited familiar or Morulian interested, they'll come."

Enough of the teeth were handed out among the students. Rather than putting them in an organised line the chilled-out teacher let them line up however they wanted resulting in a crowd that gradually thinned into a single line, the more enthusiastic people pushed to the front and the least tried to keep to the back. Some calmer kids were pushed to the front resulting in Aravind Indra at front. He took a deep-breath and put a blood tipped tooth into the floor. The blood soaked into the circle and gradually transformed into fine grains of sand which swirled around Aravind. A large cat's figure appeared in the swirling sand and Aravind visibly cringed but when the lynx like creature stepped from the storm he calmed considerably and stood tall to keep it.

"Aravind Indra." A female voice came from the beast's mouth. "I am Savannah Lynx, a hellion. As you are well aware." It spoke lowering its head in a sort of bow.

"Well, it has been a while since I've seen a new Hellion in Crimson Lark." Ahio could keep the grin from his face. "But this specific one looks to be a Gaia Paw not a Dune Claw." He continued.

"I see you are perceptive Enlil I am a currently one of a kind of my race, born to the mountain hellions I have been raised among the Dune Claws giving me a unique range of powers unknown to the two. Though I am not a true half breed." The Morulian bowed to the teacher and then still speaking its calming voice looked around the room at the other students, her gaze lingering.

"I see you have an interesting class I do believe however they I have made the right choice in you Aravind and you have no need to worry, I am not your brother's hellion as you have already deduced." With a final respectful bow of her head the Morulian imploded turning into grains of sand which engulfed Aravind's staff leaving intricate clawed markings in its length. Though shaken the quiet classmate retreated to stand with the others who already possessed familiars. Ahio cleared his throat.

"Well then, that was an interesting start, but it gave you an idea of what to expect. I assume you have a Shikari brother Aravind? Ah of course. Well then who's next?"

"I'll go next." Alecto smiled placing her tooth in the circle, nothing seemed to happen, they waited about a minute or two until most of them thought that there wasn't any Morulian interested, until there came the tell-tale sound of little claws clicking on the floor. Out of the corner of her eye Alecto spotted something, a long black snout, but as soon as she turned her head it was gone, turning back she fell in shock at the sight of the little black fox in front of her.

Large, pointed ears twitched, its eyes glowed like stars in the night skies as it circled her sniffing at her clothes, then at her weapons, sitting on the discarded shield.

"Hello there, my name's Vulpo, but you all know me as Canis Minor."

"The fox that can never be caught!" Alecto blinked in disbelief.

"That's right couldn't let an interesting girl like you go to my chase partner. Anyways you know the deal, if you ever need me, you can summon me through your shield." It clicked suddenly turning into smoke and shrinking into the shield's surface leaving little paw prints to constantly walk along the rim of the protective gear.

“Been a while since someone summoned a constellation Morulian.” Ahoi muttered under his breath

Both the teacher and Alecto's brother moved forward to congratulate her as the line moved forward again. A couple more of the students came and went unsuccessful in attracting a Morulian. Rosaline attracted a large hellion making her look uncomfortable, but she didn't try to send it away, it seemed the Morulian previously belonged to her uncle. A few more students some successful, some not so. Ellen seemed content with the spider Morulian she had summoned and then came her friend’s turn to try.

John placed the tooth down and stood back the winds picked up as two large paws appeared, slowly walking towards John, a large powerful jaw connected to the skull of the hellhound like creature.

“Hello again.” It growled opening its maw to reveal three sets of needles like teeth and allowing a small bronze ring to fall onto the floor.

“I only killed your Mama and Papa because they tried to force me to be their familiar, the old man wanted me to look after you after he left, but THEY had other ideas. Come on kid, let’s put the past behind us, it’s what the old man would have wanted.” The beast continued lowering its head to nudge the ring to him.

“Skulker.” John whispered straining his long-forgotten voice.

“Come on, see if it’ll fit!” The large devil dog wagged his tail and danced on his paws as John picked up the bronze ring and slipped it around his left index finger, it fitted perfectly.

“Congrats you now have a murderous wind hellhound, let’s have some fun!” Skulker laughed as he turned into a gust of wind and slipped into the ring.

More passed before it was finally Rick’s turn, putting the tooth into the floor he watched as a green liquid began to bubble and ooze from the floor surrounding the tooth. Rick used his lance to poke at the tooth cautiously when a little lizard emerged from the pool. The small creature clung to his lance and began climbing up the lance to him, the green ooze was then shaken from its body, scales of gold and various shades of green covered its form. It unfolded tiny wings that it used to flutter onto his shoulder and put his head to his ear. He noticed the class was laughing.

“Act natural, help me out and I’ll help you, otherwise...” The tiny dragon had a quiet male voice and when the threat was made, he dribbled a little which sizzled and left a noticeable indent in the floor.

“Well, it seems you’ve summoned a… baby draconian.” Ahio cut in stopping the laughter with a few looks at the ringleaders. “You should probably name him to start the contract.”

“Acidspit.” He replied, the twins obviously not impressed shook their heads at his choice, Acid himself seemed displeased but he said nothing. Still maintaining his silence, he disappeared in a cloud of green smoke which stank to high heaven and a streak of green formed along his lance.

A yawn sounded from the edge of the classroom and caught the classes immediate attention, in all the excitement Rick had forgotten the wolf watching the class, Ahio jumped and instantly tensed, one arm ready to attack the beast, it soundlessly jumped down from its resting spot and strode forward, the glints of silver in the wolf’s fur turned out to be long curved blades extending from its shoulders, matching the metallic sharpness of the creature's eyes. It spoke in a slightly low toned voice with a bit of a rasp to it and Ahio was immediately caught off guard.

“Did you not notice me, oh dear, ever so sorry. Crimson Lark’s teachers must really be slipping. Soon they’ll be sleeping in their own classes, seriously, things aren’t looking great.”

“I’m still plenty strong enough to take you out friend, but you’re not like any other Morulian, are you? We don’t need to fight.”

“Clever, clever, well you’re mostly right and-”

“Midnight what the hell!” Ikari pushed his way to the front of the crowd and put himself between the two, wrapping his arms around the creature's neck.

“Wait... Ikari is this beast?”

“Uh he’s one of my familiars Midnight Strider, sorry about this teach, he likes to tease people. C’mon man you can’t just crash our classes like this!” The teacher narrowed his eyes.

“Ikari, you only have Dranavane and Mist listed as your familiars, you neglected to tell us about, him.”

“What? Midnight didn’t you register yourself? You said you, had it?” He hissed in the Morulian's ear.

“Oh, must have slipped my mind.”

“Slipped your- ugh whatever I’ve had Midnight since I was pretty little, longer than Mist, not Vane though.” He held us his sword which was currently contained in a dark brown sheath. “He’s here.”

“Looks like I got you in trouble, sorry kiddo, I’ll get going, see you soon.” With another wink and a flash, the Morulian was gone, and a sheepish Ikari left to face Ahio.

Following a discussion between the teacher and both twins, he sighed and continued with the lesson.

Chapter 9: Golden Fruit

Chapter Text

“Well now that most of you have acquired and registered a familiar, follow me to your next lesson. You’ll be building a bond between you and your Morulians.” Ahoi smiled leading the group outdoors again but this time they had walked right into a plot of land with a few horses.

“For those who don’t have a familiar that can or will carry them, the school will provide you with a horse of your choice, pick carefully as some are more built for bucking you off.” Their teacher joked letting the students run out to choose a horse.

Those with familiars large enough to carry them just sat down on the soft grass.

Rick walked past several different horses of all colours, patterns and breeds. He stopped at a chestnut stallion, with long stick like legs built for speed. He went up to the horse and began to pet its snout before hooking his foot into the stirrups and pulling himself up into the saddle.

Guiding the horse was the easy part but getting it to stop was harder than expected.

Looking at his classmates Rick noticed that Roseline was sitting straight in the saddle of her pure white mare. His friends Will and Shane were on matching black and white horses.

Those who had large familiars where chatting among one another, some making another appearance, such as Cerberus who was staring at the horses hungrily, Icewing who was preening her feathers, and Skulker who was trying the edge closer to John but kept being pushed back by the spider Morulian Ellen summoned.

“I heard you have a flying horse familiar.” Saga smiled coming up to Priam.

“That’s right. Here let me introduce you.” Holding up his round shield, silvery feathers glowed around the edge and a large pure white horse emerged from the clouds with a bright silver mane, large wings flecked with silver and hooves that shone like gold. She landed next to Priam and stood proudly among the other horses.

“She’s quite impressive, but I’ve got something on the opposite side.” Saga smirked sticking two fingers on her mouth and whistling. The high-pitched noise made most of the horses suddenly turn from calm to worried and pacing.

All was quiet for a minute or two then the thunderous noise of hooves became apparent as a large shire stallion, black as charcoal, its body seemed to have armour covering it as it had a few odd additions to it, mainly the horns on its head and glowing amber eyes, burst from the earth.

“This is Odin.” She smiled pulling some pebbles from her pocket to feed the horse. Priam’s white mare snorted in response to the stallion's appearance.

Odin raised its head and shook its body flicking a layer of soot from its body revealing its beautiful but rather jarring ebony armour which looked to be akin to bone plates, its eyes rolling around in the eye sockets like bouncy balls making it look rather disturbing.

“Not bad, for a pile of bones.”

“Not bad indeed, a Curse Hoof, right? Those are rare; I’d offer a race with Fever, but this might not be the best time.”

“Yeah, maybe another time.” Saga smiled climbing onto the saddle.

As the other students chose their horses and got comfortable on their familiars, they had noticed that Ahoi had left them on their own in the field.

“Alright, it’s time for the first familiar bonding task, I hope you’re all prepared.” A man announced, everyone turned their heads to Alastor who stood on the other side of a large metal gate. He was accompanied by a young woman with long black and blue hair, the other a man with short golden hair, they recognised him from when they got their coats.

“So please follow us to your first task.” The golden-haired man smiled as they opened the gates allowing them out of the field.

The group were led up to a large mountain like rock, some grooves were left in the side as if something had climbed it.

“Now first of all, many of you have met my brother Alastor so allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ifrit Gabriel Rentier, the third born Rentier, everyone just calls me Gabriel as my twin brother and I share the first name, but you’ll easily tell the difference between us.” He smiled brightly.

“This is my challenge, at the top of this piece of stone is a tree that grows golden fruit. Your challenge is to climb up to that tree and bring back down a single fruit, with no harness, this challenge is to strengthen the bond between you and your familiars as in this challenge you must trust them to catch you if you should fall.” He explained, the students chattered among one another in both fear and excitement.

“Do we have any volunteers, to go first?” Alastor asked

“I’ll go, show the kids how it’s done.” Ikari said stepping out of the group.

The fire Morulian stepped up to the large rock and began to scale the surprisingly stable surface, the rock had been worn down in some places creating hand and foot holes allowing much easier grip for the free climbing students. As he climbed the existing foot holes seemed deeper, with cracks and claw marks.

The redhead was soon at the top of the rock making it look a lot easier than they thought. At the top of the rock Ikari sighed as he went to pluck one of the golden fruits from the branches, it is still a mystery as to how the tree could grow here and produce the large golden fruit year after year since the school started.

After snapping the stalk that held the plant to the bark Ikari moved to the edge of the rock, his burning red eyes glanced around the treeline not too far from the rock.

With a smirk he jumped. With a swirl of flame emerging from his sword a dog sized dragon with dark maroon scales caught him with relative ease, the two preformed some harrowing air manoeuvres for the less experienced students to gawk at before landing carefully on the ground, Ikari jumped off his stead and walked up to the golden-haired man.

“So, where’s Regulus?”

“He’s working on his car again, upgrading the safety features so he doesn’t have time to be a brooding emo teenager and cause you hell.” He laughed.

“Right, who’s next?” He asked.

As each student made their way up the wall, their familiars keeping a close eye on them in case they slipped.

When Branwen collected her fruit, Cerberus had allowed her onto his or their back and then just climbed down, Ellen’s Desert Widow allowed her to do to the same thing as the giant spider could easily climb the rock face. Skulker used its ability to command the winds to float John down. Icewing carried the fruit while Rain climbed down, the ones who didn’t have familiars had a tougher job since they must carry the large fruit and climb down.

Horacio practically threw Cole up to the top before jumping down while the boy was safely inside its rib cage. It became a very routine process as they climbed up and were helped by their familiars. Saga was climbing before Rick, neither of her familiars seemed keen on following her up there.

As she climbed the rocks seemed a little looser than before, it didn’t help with her shaking, the further up she climbed the further she dug her fingers in, it didn’t help when one handhold broke off in her hand and sent her plummeting back down.

A large black streak shot across with a loud roar of worry. The horse sized black dragon held the collar of the girl’s coat in its teeth, the large leathery wings gave a single beat and the two when on top of the rock, they could all just see Saga gripping the dragon tightly as it laid down to try and comfort her.

Saga took down another fruit and climbed onto the dragon her arms wrapped tightly around the black scaly neck. With a bash to the rock due to the crystal club on the tip of its tail the dark beast flew down and landed silently beside the others.

“Saga, you alright?” Branwen asked pushing through the other students to help her still shaking sister from the dragon.

“Y-yeah, I’ll be fine, just need to sit down.” She murmured as she sat with her back against her savour.

“Since when have you had a dragon?” Alastor asked coming up to his younger sisters.

“Three maybe four years now, Obsidian is still very young.” Branwen answered as she pulled a half-eaten chocolate bar from her jacket pocket, shoving it into Saga’s hands.

“Right, last one, let’s go then we can move on.” Alastor called Rick gulped, his familiar wasn’t very big so obviously couldn’t hold his weight.

Acid was perched on his shoulder as Rick began to climb, he gave each one a test tug to see which would hold his weight the best as he ascended. The climb up was easy, up close the tree’s emerald, green leaves glittered in the sun’s light, there was no other green life on the rock apart from this tree.

Grasping the golden fruit, it felt fuzzy like a peach but quite heavy like a large balloon full of water, Acid broke the stalk and the two made their way down, with each step Rick felt more confident until he slipped and with one hand holding onto the fruit his other just slipped. Rick felt his heart stop as he fell.

He squeezed his eyes shut expecting to join all the others that had died during training. But the floor never came, just a cold grip on his shoulders, opening his eyes Rick was surprised to see Icewing had caught him, the surprisingly strong phoenix flapped her wings swooping towards the others dropping Rick onto the floor then went to land on Rain’s arm.

“Gotta keeps you alive Rick, don’t want one of our numbers to drop early.” The white-haired Rentier smirked feeding Icewing a chunk of meat.

“What are these going to be used for?” Alecto asked as Gabriel collected up all the large fruits and placed them in a basket.

“I’m thinking a pie or something, best see what the house cooks this week are thinking of doing.” He gave a bright smile before wandering away in the direction of the house. Everyone watched the man in shock as they realise, they had just risked their lives for a simple ingredient.

“Your next challenge will require a swimming costume if you don’t want to be walking about in soaked clothes.” The woman with blue hair smiled.

Chapter 10: Blue Pause

Chapter Text

The students, clad in swimwear now stood before Alastor and his final companion Serenity, who stood in between them and a surprisingly clear pool of water. She studied the crowd and gave them a warm and satisfied smile.

“Well for a start it’s good to see you’ve already begun building up muscle, the majority anyway, this job really isn’t possible for those unwilling to put in the work and while it’s not absolutely necessary I will tell you those Shikari who are athletically challenged have much harder lives than their peers.”

“As far as challenges go Serenity’s … can be the easiest.” Alastor told them with Serenity nodding beside him.

“That’s right, any of you guppies should be able to do it, let me start by telling you to never underestimate the ocean, she’s a beautiful and peaceful body with a very bipolar nature, she gives life and she can take it just as easily which is why Shikari need to be able to swim in this land of 70 percent water.” There were some uncomfortable murmurs from amongst the students.

One in the crowd however seemed to be almost hopping on the spot with excitement, Saga was held still by her sister Branwen.

“Looks like she just got a bit excited.” Alastor whispered to Serenity who only smiled.

“At least someone is showing a little enthusiasm about swimming.” She elbowed him playfully in the ribs, he frowned and turned his head away with a huff.

“Anyway, she is correct there have been cases of Shikari falling prey to the ocean, either from poor planning or stupid little mistakes. This challenge should help teach you all the dangers even small pools of water would be in our line of work.” Alastor continued his cheeks only slightly dusted pink after her little joke.

“My challenge requires quite the lung capacity as I have hidden my Familiar charms, a necklace and a bracelet, in a couple of chests in this pool of water, be careful I have also placed empty ones inside to throw you off, and there are some Neptune Tail Hellions occupying the area and they may be willing to be a hindrance to you.” She warned as they all stepped up to the edge

“You can enter when ready.” Alastor announced watching Saga immediately dive into the water, the others just slid in, Ikari and Rain both looked a little uncertain of the water.

Opening his eyes after hitting the water Rick couldn’t help but stare in wonder, the rock walls and floor of this pool like tunnel space were spotless allowing in as much light as possible, looking around the area Rick saw no sign of a chest, but he did see what he guessed was a Neptune tail.

The Hellion looked like a crossbreed between an Ocelot and a tabby only with a bluish green colour to their pelt, probably for camouflage. One swam up to him and pressed its webbed paw against his face before swimming off, its tail looked like a dolphin’s as it propelled it forward through the water after the others probably to mess with them.

Another, smaller one swam up to poke its head above the surface, turning away from the Morulian Rick kicked out swimming closer to the bottom to see if any chests were hidden under a pile of pebbles or something. His chest was already getting tight from holding his breath, but he had to find something before he swam back up for some air.

The further down he went the warmer the water seemed to be getting, pushing aside all the loose pebbles he could find Rick came across a chest, however upon opening it a Neptune tail slammed into him digging its claws into his skin. Inside the chest were a couple of sleeping cubs nestled in the empty container. Rick pushed up towards the surface, releasing the air from inside of him he gripped the edge. The small Morulian had nearly torn his arms to ribbons.

Not a good start.

Diving back under Rick swam towards the others sweeping the rock floor with his hands in case he knocked something that could be another chest, hopefully one without any Neptune Tail cubs inside.

Swimming alongside the others Rick noticed how easily some glided through the water compared to others. The two Rentier sisters swam ahead of the others, Saga clawed at the rocks to see if any are loose and hiding anything, she soon found a chest containing a necklace, she quickly stashed it in the pocket of the wet suit she was wearing.

One had been found so Rick kicked out to find the other. His lungs began to scream but there didn’t look to be any air holes in the tunnel they were swimming through, so Rick just swam up hoping for the best. He then found out that there was some headroom to get air from. He gripped at the rocks above him as he panted surprised that he had so far seen no one else come up for air.

Ducking back under he struggled to catch up with the others, his body was starting to tire so he knew it wouldn’t be long until he had to give up. Just then brushing up by him swam Razor the hellion Rosaline summoned, he easily swam after the others with his large paws giving him an advantage over the students. Thinking to himself Rick wondered how many of the other familiars would swim.

Acidspit was out of the question, he was far too small to keep up with them. Then out of nowhere Jack the dog swam by him, Rick had no idea that Drudids could even swim, they were forest dwelling Morulians where tunnels submerged like this one wouldn’t be too common.

Just then Rick noticed Jack was holding a chest in its maw, so swimming harder to catch up with the Drudrid Rick wrestled the chest from the rabbit’s teeth, he opened it only to release a Neptune tail wearing a bracelet as a collar, realising what Jack was doing Rick took off after the Neptune tail in hopes to grab it and take the bracelet.

As he swam, he noticed Rain and Ikari had finally joined them in the water but out of the two of them Rain looked a little distressed about being in the water. The Neptune tail with the bracelet swam up to Rain giving Ikari the chance to pull the bracelet from it.

Suddenly Rain began to panic, lashing out as air escaped her lungs, the others noticed this and began to swim over, Ikari quickly grabbed the girl and kicked towards the surface, when Rick resurfaced, he saw that Rain was coughing hard, Serenity and Alastor knelt near her while Ikari was patting her back to help her cough up the water. As the others came up the Rentiers pushed past the others to check on their sister.

Rick watched as he crawled out as the other two Rentier sisters whispered details to Serenity.

“Well one thing’s for certain, she’s not the only one in our family who can’t swim.” Alastor sighed as he moved to help some students out of the water, Rick noticed that Francis was slowly sneaking up behind him.

Branwen whispered something to him suddenly appearing beside him. The black-haired boy backed up almost immediately and glanced about spotting the other Rentier siblings, Rick felt a chill run down his spine as he saw Francis’ face turn sour.

“Rain are you alright?” Alastor asked coming up.

“Yeah, I didn’t take enough of a deep breath.” She coughed.

“Maybe we can avoid having her go swimming again? She’s more for walking on sand.” Alastor suggested.

“Yes, I think that might be for the best.” Serenity replied taking the bracelet from Ikari and the necklace from Saga.

“I think it’s time for them to dry off and prepare for my task.” Alastor growled turning to the students.

“Go dry off and get dressed back in your uniforms and meet back at the stables in half an hour for your next task.” Alastor announced shivering as he felt a pair of eyes glared daggers at him.

“So much for my test encouraging teamwork huh?” Serenity spoke quietly to Alastor looking at him with saddened eyes.

Chapter 11: Air Raid

Chapter Text

The students were muttering predictions on what kind of crazy task they would be given next. Rick looked out over the horizon, Acidspit lounging on his shoulder as dark storm clouds rolled across the skies, the winds began to pick up, that’s when the chattering fell silent, the horses went still, and many familiars turned towards the sight. Something felt wrong, everyone could feel it, they were sure no rain was forecasted for today.

When the first peal of thunder boomed the familiars, all rose, those big enough created a safe space for their summoners to hide under became large umbrellas of sort. Some familiars looked ready to run, the horses in the field began to panic and tried to throw their riders from their saddles.

A flash of brilliant blue lightning came down and there where the grass was scorched by the lightning stood Alastor, a claymore sword holster on his shoulder, the pure metal of the blade was decorated with shards of an unknown blue gem, each seemed to spark with electricity.

“Your next task is mine, and my task will endanger your life more than you think, allow me to apologise in advance for anyone struck by lightning. Those with familiars big enough to carry them and fly prepare to take flight, everyone else if your familiar cannot carry you, calm your horse.” He announced not wasting any time with explanations.

“You will be running a gauntlet; this task will prepare you in case anyone decides to go rogue. There is no salvation for those who think themselves better than the Suzaku Council. You will run the gauntlet and try to stop one another from crossing the finish line, you will also have to avoid the lightning I summon.” He continued the familiar cold glare had returned in his lightning blue eyes.

“Any questions?” He nearly yelled no one dared speak.

“Good.” Was all he said, the students quickly scrambled onto the backs of their familiars, horses were calmed, and everyone prepared for the worse. Rick looked to his left and saw the red eyes of Obsidian, the dragon gave a worried huff as he prepared his wings.

At the next boom of thunder Alastor had yelled go, Rick spurred his horse into a full gallop as Obsidian took off next to him, Rick dared not take his eyes off the track set out in front of them, his horse snorted and had an unusually human glare of determination in its brown eyes. A blinding flash and Rick’s grip tightened on the leather reigns upon opening his eyes Rick saw his horse was doing the driving for him.

Acid was griping his shoulder tightly keeping an eye out for any dangers, out of the corner of his eye Rick saw it a glowing slug of molten lava, looking up Rick saw that Obsidian was spitting lava at anyone who got too close to him and Saga.

Turning his head back to the track Rick saw that a few had gotten ahead of him mainly Rosaline and Razor lead the few students on the ground, feeling the hairs on his neck stand up Rick looked up and saw another bolt of lightning crash down nearly hitting the bladed hellion.

Calming his rapid beating heart Rick let his horse charge ahead steering them from danger and soon they were leading the herd, looking back Rick pulled out his lance ready to at least try and defend himself from the others.

Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse another boom of thunder and the rain came down lashing and soaking the students as they continued to race for the unseen finish line. Looking up once more Rick’s eyes widened in surprise at the sight, the ice phoenix Icewing and Obsidian locked in battle to protect their riders, teeth and claws verses talons and a beak the two continued to battle until breaking away to try and cover some more ground before the other.

To Rick it looked like a battle from one of his many favourite books as a child, lightning struck at the two reminding them of their place Obsidian didn’t look fazed, but Icewing got the message and carried on much to the two riders’ relief.

Turning back the race at hand Rick ducked under a swing from a spiked mace, raising his lance in a defensive position Rick began to push back Francis as he tried to take Rick out of the race, with a well-placed jab Rick nearly knocked Francis from his horse. Keeping a keen eye on how off-balance Francis was Rick continued the pattern of defending until he finds an opening then jabbing back at him.

The rains continued to lash down as Francis moved away from him. Looking ahead Rick then could just see it on the horizon the finish line between two trees. His horse snorted and whinnied in victory as they charged ahead however the thundering paws soon reached Rick’s ears as Cerberus charged past snarling and barking at the competition.

“Stay back if you know what’s good for you.” One head snarled as spittle dripped from its huge fangs, burning red eyes glared into Rick’s very soul making it shiver.

“Servant of death.” the red-eyed head growled as it went past, Rick swallowed and urged his horse faster to try and beat the hell guardian. Rick mouthed the words to himself over and over wondering why it had said those three words, yes, his family were known as servants of Challa titan of death itself, but titans weren’t real right?

Wiping the water from his eyes Rick began to find it increasingly harder to see what was ahead of him, he could only place his hope in his horse that they would get to the end of this horrendous gauntlet in one piece. The cold was starting to seep through him, his fingers were numb but clung to the leather straps. Squeezing his eyes shut Rick felt Acidspit crawl into his shirt to hide from the cold rain.

If it wasn’t for the horse Rick would have thought, he’d be freezing to death in the weather. As the thunder continuously boomed above them Rick felt the sound slowly being drowned out by the sound of his own rapid heartbeat.

As they charged ahead the rain began to clear and the lightning had stopped, Rick raised his head in surprise as the dark clouds disappeared from the sky, the warm sunlight hitting his cold wet form. Upon reaching the end Rick saw that Alecto had beaten everyone with thanks to her fox familiar.

While the three Rentier siblings were obviously disappointed, they congratulated their friend and the familiars that had turned against each other quickly apologised for their actions to one another, many of the students were shivering from the hellish onslaught and were hiding near Desert Widow who was happily drying them all and keeping them warm do they don’t get sick.

“Just so you know, your next challenge is with the final Rentier sibling, and let’s just say he is the exact opposite of Gabriel, his challenge has been known to kill unprepared students in the past... You are all in great danger if you slow down for even a second.” Alastor warned them as a man with burning red hair approached, his left eye was covered by his hair.

The students swallowed in fear as he stared down at them.

Chapter 12: Scarlet Dust Cloud

Chapter Text

The man stood there, unmoving, his angered glare directed not at one of them, however it felt as though he was aiming it at the group.

“Everybody line up!” He suddenly snapped scaring the group into action and stood in a line too scared to dare go against his wishes.

“Now my brother has probably told you, I am the last Rentier sibling, my twin and I share the same first name, but everyone refers to us by our middle, my twin is Gabriel, and I am Regulus.” He told them Rick then noticed the lengths of rope he was holding.

“My challenge is simple on paper but in practise well... it has quite the kill streak.” He warned handing everyone a length, some had longer roped and others – including Rick- had very short ones that would be more useful as a whip.

“On horseback or familiar back, you will be chasing a herd of stampeding cattle, and in the centre is a bright red Bull, your task is to separate the bull from the rest of the herd. Be warned the cattle will do everything in their power to stop you, this includes trampling you to death.” The group looked to one another in disbelief.

“I’ll be surprised if you all survive this, I’ll open the gate with no warning, get on your saddles and get ready, those with the longest ropes have the best chance of capturing the bull, that’s all the help you’re going to get.” He told them walking over to a dark barn.

The students scrambled on their familiars and horses, some prayed to the titans for protection.

The latch was lifted, Regulus moved out of the way as the herd of red eyes cows thundered out. Everyone scrambled onto their familiars or horses and moved free from the stampede in fear of being trampled to death.

Rick watched the stampede in both fear and curiosity, why would the school need all these bulls?

“Saga!” Branwen suddenly yelled as the youngest of the siblings drove her Morulian horse alongside the torrent of thundering hooves, Rick watched almost helplessly as the two sisters went to stop their youngest from going through a suicide mission.

“Come on!” Priam called to the others driving Fever to join the siblings, soon the whole class were making a perimeter around the horde of bulls.

When moving close to the herd Rick noticed the large shiny black horns they had, pulling his short length of rope out he swatted at one just to see what would happen and the bull smashed into the one next to it causing the two to fall and the herd to leave them behind.

As Rick continued to whittle down the group, he then saw it, a bull made of stone with fire spewing out of cracks where joints would be at the very centre of the herd, smoke billowing from its nostrils.

“We need to somehow separate that one from the group.” Priam yelled over the thunderous hooves pelting the ground.

“You don’t say! Rick had an idea, if we can get these other ones to crash into each other than the huge herd will be left with just the fire bull!” Branwen yelled from the back of Cerberus who threw another of the black horned bulls away from the herd.

There was a bellow from the bull in question and the other cows huddled closer to it, hooves charged in perfect timing not allowing the students any closer.

Looking ahead Rick realised that there was NO LEADER to the group and they were all just looking out for their closest of friends, taking a breath to steady his heart Rick urged his horse faster, Acidspit crawled out of his shirt to get a look at what is going on, the little Draconian crawled over Rick’s arm to study the bulls.

“Who has the longest piece of rope?” Priam yelled.

“I think I have!” Will called back already in the process of making a lasso with it.

“Right, then the rest of us will have to stop the rest of the bulls to allow Will to get his rope around its neck.” Priam called everyone nodded and began to work around the bulls causing some to crash into others or be thrown.

The bulls bellowed and struck out trying to force the students away from the herd not that it helped, the horses were quick on their hooves and knew when a strike would be coming, some of the familiars took the hit others lashed right back out.

Will threw his lasso and managed to land it around the magma bull’s neck, giving it a tight tug, he dragged the bull away from the rest of the herd, well he tried too. The bull pulled back.

Will fell from the saddle and into the herd probably about to be trampled to death when a large feline like Morulian leapt in dragging Will out with the red bull being dragged across the floor by the lasso around its neck.

Getting a closer look at this Morulain Rick couldn’t help but gasp at the sight, its molten metal like fur decorated with sharp looking glowing with heat blades, deep red eyes that held more wisdom than most of the familiars around them combined and a burning bright golden flame that was its mane.

The Hellion dropped Will and breathed a sigh.

“Are you alright?” It asked.

“Y-yes.” He replied.

“Good, now then, someone tie the bull to a tree before it gets back up.” It commanded, Rain moved quickly off of Icewing to take the bull and tie it to a nearby oak tree.

“Where is Regulus?” It asked.

“Right here, Hellfire.” Regulus said walking up.

“How many times do you need to be told, this challenge is not fit for first year students.” Hellfire told him.

“I’ll stop when I think of something else.” Regulus told him.

“Umm... Who are you?” Will asked getting up off the floor after recovering from the shock.

“Ah, of course, apologies. My name is Hellfire, I am a cross breed Hellion of an Igneous Leo and a Venomous Blade.” He explained puffing his chest out.

“Now then, before I get any more questions, Saga, let’s go you still have some studies to complete.” The girl in question groaned loudly and urged Odin into a trot to keep up with Hellfire.

“There are Morulian tutors too?” Shane asked.

“Hellfire only works with special cases; Saga is just his latest apprentice.” Regulus explained as he rounded up all the bulls again with only a few hand gestures.

“He’s teaching her how to read and write the common language along with a few others, he’s also keeping a close eye on her training and other studies.” Branwen told her classmates as Cerberus lowered himself for her to hop down.

“Your sister is pretty tough, but I guess that she didn’t really go to school when you were younger.” Ellen said.

“No, she didn’t, Saga and I grew up outside of civilisation in a hidden forest dwelling tribe, I was the only one who could read and write the common language, everyone else could read, write and speak an old tongue, what was it named... Oaktic I believe?” Branwen explained.

“Well, that language is part of your curriculum, so I guess it’s good to have a couple of your classmates already fluent in it.” Regulus let slip.

“Hey, we already know the basics of it for this year.” Praim smiled.

“Yes, but you’re a Fledgling again so you’ll have to go through it again.” The red-haired teaching assistant snapped at him.

“Regulus, I do believe I taught you manners, just because you are a full-fledged Shikari does not mean you get to talk down to those who made a mistake.” It was Professor Cyra, the house head.

Regulus didn’t say anything surprising the group of students.

“Need I remind you about the trouble You, Gabrial and Alastor got into when you were doves?”

“No mother...” He grumbled after a few tense minutes; many jaws dropped including Rick’s.

“Before you ask, all the Rentiers apart from Regulus and Gabriel are half siblings, Regulus and Gabriel are my twin boys.” She explained ruffling Regulus’s hair much to his dismay.

“I came here to tell you all that tomorrow you will be given a day to rest your bones, after these challenges I’m surprised no one has keeled over and coughed up blood, you’ll all be checked over by the doctor and so long as no one is any life threatening situation you’ll be free to return to your rooms and set up where your familiars will stay if they don’t want to or cannot return to the realm from which they came, the horses will be kept in the stables there you should write your name on the chalk board on the stable door so people know it is yours, I also expect Odin and Fever in a stall too.” She told them the group collectively sighed in relief; Rick slumped down on his horse’s neck in fatigue.

After locking up the horses the group trudged to the awaiting doctor, many of them deciding to take a nap during the wait, looking among the faces Rick noticed how Saga –who had apparently been waiting for them with Hellfire- had curled up and was currently hugging onto Branwen’s arm, he couldn’t help but wonder about the Rentier siblings, most of them only shared a father, did they live together in one huge house? Who was their father? Who were the mothers of the three sisters?

The Hellion Hellfire was laid on the floor he too was sleeping or at least it looked like he was.

Rick watched as Saga was called in for a check, as she got up and followed Professor Cyra, he couldn’t help but notice that she was keeping weight off of her left leg. Rick glanced down at the Hellion again seeing that it or rather he was waiting quite patiently.

Rick rolled his head back thinking to himself about why Hellfire was a mentor to Saga, apart from her eyes she doesn’t seem all that special, unless she was hiding something but with how timid the girl seemed to be without her sisters being there, he couldn’t help but imagine the possibilities, maybe she was half Morulian, or even full Morulian and couldn’t control her powers.

When Saga returned, she hobbled back over and fell asleep in her chair, now that everyone had been looked to and given any treatment needed or medication handed out, the group followed their house head back to their rooms. Many students wobbled into their rooms, familiars had shown themselves in a smaller form to bunk with their summoner, some had gone to grab some dinner to take back to their rooms for the night. Rick landed on his bed, Acid had scampered across his bed inspecting the fabric before creating a nest in the sheets, closing his eyes for only a second, he fell deep into sleep’s embrace.

In another room Saga laid wide awake on her bed, the bruises she had were making it impossible to sleep comfortably laying down. Hellfire’s tutoring especially in combat were a pain, they had a quick half hour session today to get her used to using her new weapons, she was sure he had cracked one of her ribs, he had fractured her leg which explained her limp but Professor Cyra reassured her that it would be as good as new in the morning.

Looking to her left she saw Jack curled up in a little ball in the crook of her arm while Obsidian was sniffing about the room, her roommates were probably getting some last-minute dinner, the older students had giving them sympathetic looks knowing how hard the bonding challenges are and had saved them all some dinner seeing it was late when they got back to the house. Saga gritted her teeth and sat up alerting Jack and Obsidian to her new position.

She looked over at her bedside table where the scale, fang and whistle of her familiars laid, reaching over and taking the blue dog whistle into her hand Saga couldn’t help but run her fingers over the smooth surface. The piece let out a silent whistle that Saga was grateful she couldn’t hear and only stopped when she felt a new weight on her bed.

Sat at the end of the bed right by her feet was a large she-wolf, with midnight blue fur, glowing yellow eyes, curled ram horns, elongated fangs and large leathery wing that folded ever so neatly against its thick pelt.

Saga set the whistle down and ran her hands through the thick fluff around the Morulian wolf’s neck, large heavy paws gingerly moved across the sheets before coming to rest at Saga’s side.

“It’s been a while since you called me. Wanted someone to talk to?” It asked. The hell wolf Night looked ferocious to fight but at heart was a giant puppy.

“It’s nice to have another voice, but I just wanted to have all my familiars together.” Saga sighed laying back down hissing through her teeth as she moved her injured leg. Obsidian thought about going back to his investigating but settled down with his head resting on the soft mattress. Running her fingers through the thick, soft fur of Night Saga felt her eyes drift close.

She looked over upon hearing the door open seeing her roommates had returned both with a plate in hand.

“Hope ya like meat kiddo, I brought tons of it!”

“Thanks.” Saga said as her familiars moved to allow her to sit up ignoring the sharp stabbing pain in her leg Saga took the plate from Kirai and couldn’t believe her eyes, slices of ham, beef, chicken, piled high with some mashed potatoes and carrots, this was a common dietary need for Morulians. Saga loved chicken it was her second favourite meat next to rabbit so happily munched that up first.

“Ice cream for afters too. Good stuff too.”

“Yeah, it was made with those weird fruits we had to get.” Devilla smiled showing the bowl of golden ice cream.

“Nice and cool too.” Kirai grinned holding the two bowls in her hands, frost came forth from her fingers covering the dessert. Obsidian got up and began to sniff at the ice cream interested in trying a bit.

“Obsidian, sit down you’ll melt it!” Saga told the horse sized dragon as she finished her few bits of veg, with a whine he laid back down to wait for some.

“I wonder if this stuff is even dragon friendly.”

“Probably but it would be a hot drink by time he swallows it, he usually eats rocks and melts them into lava in his belly.” Saga explained taking one of the bowls from Kirai.

“So, how the training been for you two newbies so far?”

“Not bad really, my family prepared me for how tough Crimson Lark was going to be on the first years.” Devilla smiled sitting on her bunk.

“Apart from those bulls I’m actually enjoying my time here, it’s a lot different to living away from civilization, some things actually still freak me out to be quite fair.” Saga chuckled her cheeks growing red at the embarrassing memories.

“Well, this is still the simple stuff, get ready for it to get rough.” Kirai smirked downing the ice cream.

“How so?” Devilla asked taking her time with the cold treat.

“I’ve been here over a year, trust me, today was nothing.” She laughed pointing to the timetable she had pinned to the wall.

“Well learning Oaktic isn’t that hard once you know the basics.” Saga chuckled as Devilla choked on her ice cream.

“Oaktic is one of the hardest to learn if you’re not exposed to it at a young age.” Dervilla argued worried about their first class on it, Saga only shrugged at her response setting the now empty bowl for Obsidian to lick clean.

“Ugh Oaktic, one year later and my brother still struggles with the consonants.”

“When do first years usually start the lessons? I mean we have an off day tomorrow.” Devilla asked already hunting through her bag for a notepad and pen.

“Hmm I’d say you’ve got a month or so till then, as for tomorrow pretty sure that became mandatory the moment Ifrit Regulus started working with kids.”

“Oh great, heard that he’s the meanest of the Rentiers, and we know all of them so I guess it’s true.” Devilla groaned laying back on her bed.

“Do we know all of them though?” Kirai chuckled “There could be countless little Rentiers out there, with the Rentier dad being what he was.”

“We’re the only ones I know of but who knows, there might be more.” Saga sighed laying back down gritting her teeth as she moved her leg.

“The timing for this really sucked this year, Ezra won’t be back for another day or two, you’ll have to put up with the pain till then.”

“Professor Cyra told me I should be fine by this time tomorrow, no clue what was in the medication she gave me but it’s not as bad as it was when the bull got a lucky hit.” Saga chuckled relaxing with her familiars surrounding her.

“Well, if you need some ice just let me know.”

“T-Thanks, was the bonding tasks this hard, last year?” Saga asked as Jack and Night laid by her sides to help keep her warm.

“Well maybe a little harder, knew what to do this time after all.” Kirai replied using her foot to keep Obsidian from scooting around on his belly chasing the bowl.

“Did anyone in your old class get offed?” Dervilla asked opening a book and removing the receipt she was using as a book mark.

"Like killed? Nah they may act aloof but the teachers do care, they know when to stop Reggie, besides we've got Ezra." Kirai replied with a soft chuckle.

“I feel like I should apologize for him...” Saga sighed stifling a yawn.

"Can't imagine having to deal with that hothead, my own redheaded idiot is enough to put up with." The ice Morulian sighed.

“I’ve known him for nearly a year but I feel like I’ve dealt with his bad mood for my whole life.” Saga joked.

"Gabriel’s nowhere near as bad, if they didn't look the same, I'd never buy them being blood." Kirai retorted.

“Gabriel was always the sweet brother; Alastor would have moments where he would show a smile. Regulus is just always moody we’ve learned to just accept that.” Saga laughed as there came a sudden banging on the door.

“Lights out kids, just because you first years get tomorrow off doesn’t mean you can stay up all night!” An upperclassman yelled through the door.

"Well, you heard em." Kirai sighed as she switched off the light and hopped into bed. Saga laid back staring at the unused bunk above her, her eyes quickly getting used to the dark, she waited silently for what felt like hours until she was sure her roommates were fast asleep.

She raised her hand and a small purple light flickered to life in her palm before dying as quickly as it had come to life.

Chapter 13: Hard Knock Life

Chapter Text

The next day the first years were grateful for their chance to sleep in on their morning of rest. Rick woke to an empty room, even his familiar had disappeared. With a yawn Rick swung his legs out and went to go get dressed before heading down for breakfast. The house was quiet there were only a couple of third year students, but he guessed that they were only there to keep an eye on them during their day off in case they tried to do something illegal.

When Rick joined his classmates downstairs his eyes counted how many were there. Saga was the only one missing it would seem, maybe she decided to spend a bit longer in bed? There was a clicking of claws as Obsidian pushed past him nearly knocking him over as he trotted into the room.

Laying by the sofa he rested his head on Branwen’s legs gaining her attention.

“Saga won’t get out of bed?” The dragon nodded and whined like a kicked puppy.

“She’ll wake up soon, remember she’s got a bad leg, so she won’t be as eager for a morning flight alright?” Again, Obsidian whined and rolled onto his side flapping his one free wing irritated about not getting a “morning flight” this only cause Rick to shake his head in confusion as he went to settle down on one of the other many sofas in this large room. A large TV looked to have been built into the wall and with how the sofas were positioned it looked as though some students enjoyed playing movies on a night.

“Right, how long until we go get the others up?” Rick overheard one of the third years say.

“Give them another half hour, one almost died, and another had a fractured femur, so I think they need a bit more rest.” Another told his friend. Obsidian continued to voice his irritation which began to get on everyone’s nerves.

“Obsidian, do shut up, it’s too early for this.” Branwen snapped at him only to get a growl in response.

“He’s complaining, isn’t he?” Saga asked limping into the room.

“Yes, because no one here will go on a morning fly with him.”

Evangeline yawned and came forward calmly holding out a hand for the dragon to sniff at.

“If he wants to fly, I can ask Vice to go with him. I’m sure he’d be happy to help.”

Obsidian growled thumping his tail against the floor.

“Obsidian, I’m in no condition to fly, someone else is going to have to take you, so stop being a whining child.” Saga growled Obsidian huffed and got up to leave the room.

“Sorry about him, every morning we’d go for a sun rise fly so he can watch the sky change colours and I guess he’s mad that we didn’t get to this morning.” Saga explained slumping down next to Branwen.

“He’s still very young, isn’t he?” Evangeline asked sitting across from them.

“He’s about 10 in dragon years.” Saga sighed. “Which is about 150 human years.” Branwen continued her eyes not leaving her book.

“Vice would be about twice his age then. These crystal dragons are very different from ours though.”

“Well, that’s to be expected as there are like over a hundred different species of dragon in the world, Crystal Dragons are only just another species.” Rain smiled running a brush through her hair.

“Well Crystal, Kin or otherwise dragons are dragons to me, you know there are some Dragonskin who were absolutely mortified that we opened our borders to you but personally the chance to study your dragons was too exciting to pass up.”

“Maybe we should visit your homeland to see your dragons for ourselves, I think I have book with all the Crystal dragon sub-species that are common to Arionde. I’ll have to look through my collection at some point.” Branwen smiled as a black fox-like dog and a large midnight blue wolf ran through the room. Eva’s companion followed behind them clearly annoyed.

“Ah Vice right on time!” Eva got up to talk to the black-haired youth who clearly was suffering from lack of sleep.

“Sorry about them, they like playing tag in the morning.” Saga groaned lifting her leg to allow the dog to skitter away.

“I’m starting to second guess having to stay with the familiars.” He groaned “So what did you want?”

“Think you can take Obsidian for a fly?”

“I guess, gotta stretch my own wings after all.”

“Obsidian! We’ve got you a flying partner!” Saga yelled, the black dragon practically galloping back into the room only to slip and slide across the hard wood floor.

“Good luck.” Saga chuckled.

“They should be an experience.” Vice sighed opening a window. “C’mon kiddo. Try to keep up.” He jumped from the window changing in mid-air to his true form, a tall pitch-black dragon with long wings and a multitude of spines running down his head and legs.

Obsidian made an excited squeal before following Vice out the window, his own large leathery wings blacking out the window as he took off.

“Well, at least he’ll be a bit more docile when he gets back.” Branwen sighed closing her book and getting up, she turned to Eva.

“I’ll go find that book for you. Saga try to be more social; Rain make sure that Icewing doesn’t try to eat Jack again.” She told her younger sisters, both nodded in understanding as the eldest of the three walked off back to the bedrooms.

Rick looked over at everyone keeping his mouth closed and listening to the others.

“Right, I’ll get some breakfast cooking up for them.” One of the third years sighed leaving to head to the house dining room.

The others sat in relative silence, either reading, playing a game on their phones, or watching the large TV on the wall. Rick watched as the dog and the wolf took turns to chase one another through the house, the thundering paws and skittering of claws made themselves known whenever they would get close. After about another few minutes, both hopped up onto an empty sofa and nestled down together to rest.

Icewing had appeared and would wander around using her legs instead of her impressive wings, only using them to get onto a higher surface so she could see better. The phoenix would watch quite eerily from atop the backs of sofas, bookshelves and other things, curious of the other students but not willing to go near them unless Rain would call her over.

Branwen had come back down with three books in hand, two of which were bound in leather, the third bound in what looked to be tree bark, flying behind her was a rather large metal raven, it swooped into the room and began to playfully pull on Icewing’s tail feathers.

“Here this one is on dragons,” She handed Eva the book bound in a deep red almost crimson leather.

“Thanks.” She smiled taking the book.

“This I think has illustrations to go with it.” She handed Eva the one with the dyed green leather cover.

“And this should help with your healing process Saga, so long as you hold still.” Branwen sighed sitting back beside her sister, one hand resting on Saga’s left thigh getting a pained hissed from her.

“Stop being a baby and hold still, you’ve been through worse and barely winced.” Branwen chuckled flicking through the book until she came across the page that she was looking for. The hand resting on the injured thigh suddenly began to glow with a green aura that would sink into the skin. Saga gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut doing her best not to thrash about in pain.

Rick was almost entranced by the display wishing that the Bree had landed on him so that he could learn something like that. When the process had finished Saga relaxed and leaned back into the overstuffed sofa, her eyes drifting close as she once again fell asleep.

“There, she should be walking fine when she wakes up... Spook stop pulling on Icewing’s feathers she’s not made of metal like you.” The eldest Rentier sister smiled running a hand through the youngest’s hair before scolding the raven that turned out to be her weapon.

After breakfast Obsidian and Vice had returned, the younger of the two yawned and climbed up onto a sofa his large wings folding around his body into a tent like shape, smoke now drifting from his nostrils as he snored like a bubbling cauldron.

When the students returned to the room Obsidian opened his bright red eyes, made a soft growl noise. Saga chuckled and pulled some pebbles from her pocket to feed the younger dragon. Obsidian raised his head and carefully held each pebble to crunch up, his tail wagging happily.

As the day went on things were just going... wrong. The older students tried making some cinnamon apple muffins for them, but they had just suddenly combusted the students watched as one of the older students scrambled off to find a fire extinguisher. The other suddenly swung their arm out and from the filled sink leapt forth a large dark blue horse with seaweed green mane and tail, its sharp coral pink teeth glittered as water leapt from its throat into the hungry fire quenching it.

When the second one came back with a fire extinguisher the summoner had pulled out the now soggy, burnt muffins, both groaned at the sight of the oven and left to get some cleaning supplies. The kelpie trotted into the room and began to inspect all the students, nudging the ones it likes and snorting in the face it doesn’t, it even tried to groom Rick thinking him as a scrawny colt than another student, the others laughed watching Rick try to push away the huge horse.

Francis had gone upstairs to get away from all the Morulians as did Rosaline, the kelpie had retreated into the kitchen to help clean the burnt muffin covered oven. It didn’t take the two long and soon they were trying again this time keeping a close eye on the muffins making an extra one for the kelpie too. There was a sudden cracking noise and a panel from the ceiling fell smashing against Branwen’s head, she didn’t even flinch as she raised her mug of coffee up to her lips her eyes scanning the book, she had originally had that morning.

Soon another crack noise came and this time a few panels fell at once along with Francis who fell onto Ferris who was sat away in the corner to be alone. Both spat curses at one another and had to be separated by another pair of older students. Rick then saw Branwen clap Saga around the head and watched the girl shrink away.

Things like this continued, it was almost as if some kind of Morulian that caused bad luck had chosen to take roost in the house and play tricks on them. Rain had tripped and slid down the stairs on her stomach nearly breaking her nose in doing so. Obsidian had gotten spooked by something and had jumped onto Eva nearly crushing her if Vice didn’t yank the young dragon off.

When they had finally gone to bed, they had more bruises than after the familiar tasks, Rick groaned hitting his bed.

“Bad day?” Acidspit had finally shown up.

“You could say that.” Rick replied not lifting his head from his pillow.

“You have classes again tomorrow, don’t forget that.” The small dragon Morulian chuckled disappearing leaving the smell of sulphur behind.

Chapter 14: Terrasian Beasts

Chapter Text

The next morning the students all filed into their first class, their type of PE classes, they all stood with their backs to the wall many still bruised and had bags under their eyes as they were still getting use to their new sleeping patterns. The faux grass beneath them had been trampled from the number of laps they would do first thing in the morning to warm up for their training. Something this time however, was different.

There was no teacher to greet them, no TAs either it was just them in this large room and no one else. This didn’t sit right with any of them. Soft murmurs began to erupt among them, Rick swallowed in agitation. Branwen and Saga were speaking in that strange dialect that they now knew as Oaktic, Rick couldn’t believe that the teachers expected them to learn this whole weird gibberish language.

Everyone paused when they heard the main door opening and shutting followed by hurried footsteps down the corridor. The door to the gym opened slightly and Serenity stuck her head through, she canvased the room and when she found that every student was accounted for, she smiled and opened the door fully beckoning someone behind her to enter after her.

“Now this is a bit different, but we have a couple of transfer students who’ll be joining us for a year or two. They’re still not fluent with our language or culture so please be kind will you kiddos?” She smiled gently though the students could sense the ferocity of a mother bear hiding behind her request. A murmur spread through the class as they voiced their compliance and Serenity led two boys into the class. The two were opposites, the first was all sunshine and rainbows, his smile glowing as bright as his bright green eyes and with the poofiest golden hair Rick had ever seen. His companion on the other hand seemed to tower over the walking sunbeam, he looked like he’d rather be anywhere else and whereas his friend resembled fire, he looked like the ash left behind with dark brown hair and dark yellow eyes which bore into the class. The two wore clothing Rick had never seen before and honestly it looked kinda expensive. The two shared a look before the first boy cleared his throat and began to speak.

“H-hello my name is Malik. This is Baalthazar. It is our pleasure to meet you?” He glanced at Serenity who gave him an encouraging nod. He turned to his friend. “Baal!”

“Greetings.” He muttered.

No one else spoke more confused over the newcomers, Serenity looked among them carefully waiting for one of them to speak up but after a prolonged silence she sighed accepting defeat and motioned for them to start their normal morning exercises as she took Malik and Baal to the side benches to explain what they’ll be doing during their time at Crimson Lark. In the mornings bright and early they would be running laps in this room, then go onto their Morulian classification class.

Rick panted as he struggled to keep up with the group, he was still tired from yesterday’s bad luck spell and from what he could see so were a few of his classmates. They would always stop around fifteen laps just a never spoken agreement on what would be a suitable target to hit each day, some would push to do more while some would tap out somewhere after ten.

They had all stopped just short of eight completed laps, some full on collapsing just for dramatic effect. Serenity reassured the two transfers that this wasn’t normal and that they were just having a bad day. After heading to the changing rooms and getting into their normal school clothes the group shouldered their bags and headed to their first proper class of the day.

There waiting for them was their home tutor Professor Cyra, the room was the same large lecture hall that they had summoned their familiars from, but this time there was large cages set in a crescent shape around the front where their teacher stood. After setting themselves in their preferred seats and pulling out their notebooks Rick noticed that Malik and Baal were sat near the back of the class, about three rows from the rest of the group, Malik looked quite eager to start while Baal glared at the group as if daring them to attack.

With the class about to start Professor Cyra didn’t waste time with the new students and began the lesson with a tap on the nearest cage to her, quickly withdrawing her hand as the Morulian inside snarled and lashed out at her. After seeing just how lively the trapped Morulians were the fire haired teacher quickly went behind her desk and pulled out quite the intimidating mini gun painted a metallic red and orange and made a heavy thud when it was placed on the desk.

No one dared move or make a noise when she looked back at the Morulian that went for her, a silent warning.

“Today we’ll be looking at a strange type of Morulian, known simply as Rakes, each coming in different sizes and forms. The only way we have been able to categorise Rakes due to their forms. Here you will see Rakes of strength, defence and speed. From their body structure alone, you can guess which each of these belong to.” She called out over the sound of pens and pencils on paper.

“We’ll start with rakes of speed, Rakes of Speed are commonly in the forms of horses, birds, bats and pursuit predators like wolves and cheetahs, often they can learn how to fly later in life by develop wings depending on the bloodline of the rake depends on when they will get their wings. Some have theirs soon after birth while others may never have them.” Cyra explained motioning to the pacing Cheetah Morulian its spots, more like stripes, danced and changed shapes and sizes as it padded around the cage.

“Rakes of defence have these large plates of stone or bone and more often than not have large shells like a tortoise that can deflect bullets if their diet is right, their diet consisting, of course, of bones and stones like their shells.” She continued this time motioning towards the cage with a large tortoise creature inside, with the head of a crocodile.

“Now onto the last category of rakes, Rakes of attack are often built primarily of muscle with small bone like plates or appendages for protecting themselves or to deal major damage, these ones often take the shape of massive damage dealing creatures like gorillas or Rhinos but there are some acceptations.” The beast she then directed attention to looked more like a humanoid tiger with elongated fangs and claws, its tail ending with four cruel spikes of bone.

Once the scribbling of pen on paper had silence the teacher glanced around the room and scowled.

“Okay, you lot look a lot more dead than usual.” She continued glancing among her students.

“Well... a lot of things just went wrong yesterday, things combusted, tiles fell onto us, at one point one of us fell through the ceiling onto someone else, by the end of the day we were more beaten than after the familiar bonding challenges.” Branwen explained calmly getting some tired nods of agreement from the others.

Their teacher sighed taking off her glasses to rub her face in deep thought.

“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do, instead of sitting around and writing notes, all of you brave enough, get up here and take a closer look at all these Rakes for yourself.” She called to them, immediately life seemed to slowly be ebbed into the worse for wear students. One by one the students got up and stayed behind some drawn chalk lines which gave them a safe distance from the Morulians but close enough to get a good look at them.

All was going well, the Morulians laid calmly watching and letting the students get a good look at them. But then things just went wrong... Again.

While looking at the Rake that was akin to a cheetah Rick couldn’t help but notice a strange dark purple aura surround the lock there was a sudden click and the door swung open. The Rake lunged out bellowing like a bull as it escaped leaping onto the tables and striking out at the students, no one had a weapon and dived for cover. Saga tried to tackle the Rake to try and hold it down, but a quick flash of red and she fell back five long gashes in her shirt, luckily the cuts weren’t that deep in her skin.

The other locks soon clicked and swung open the other Morulians now crawling out to snap and strike at the students. The crocodile tortoise stomped out and snapped its huge jaws at the closest students growling deeply as the tiger joined the cheetah. Cyra lunged across the room and grabbed her mini gun, the barrel soon spinning getting to its top speed before a hail of bullets shot into the tiger, it bellowed in pain and soon crumpled to the floor seemingly defeated. The weight of the weapon was quite the disadvantage when the speed Rake began to circle them trying to get the teacher to waste her ammunition.

Bright orange bolts soon arched across the room pelting the rake.

“Honestly, I thought we would have had those cages updated so this wouldn’t happen.” Came a new voice a young man dressed quite smart walked down the steps towards the students, he ran a hand through his platinum blonde hair his violet eyes glinting in the light.

“Well better late than never.” Cyra mused realising her bullets wouldn’t do anything against the thick shell of the defence rake.

“I think next time you decide to do something like this you should ask one of us to help supervise. Isn’t that right love?” He smiled as a woman walked in two heavy looking pistols in hand, she dressed in denim and leather and an old Stetson hat doing very little to tame the wild golden locks that fell to her waist.

“Come on Cyra, why keep the fun for yourself? You know we love to help out.” She laughed with a hint of a Southern North Artamola accent. From her pistols came a deafening bang and the shell of the tortoise rake had two large holes in it revealing the pale blue flesh underneath.

The three teachers stopped laughing when the tiger stood up again now lunging for Cyra who didn’t have time to get her gun to speed, a flash of blue streaked past and Alastor thrust his claymore into the Morulian’s chest its cries fell silent as it crumpled to the ground.

Another bolt of orange light slammed against the cheetah as it tried to pounce on the blue haired man. The students watched in awe as the four quickly dispatched the final two Morulians, the cheetah had a few holes in it and the crocodile tortoise had been fried by the lightning that leapt from Alastor’s blade.

The three teachers and the TA did a quick check over the students to make sure no one was seriously hurt before brushing them off and send them off to their next class. Apart from a few cuts and bruises everyone was fine to continue their day.

Chapter 15: Monochrome Story

Chapter Text

As the students left to head to their next class no one really paid any attention to the ray of golden sunshine and his companion all too busy wondering what their next class would entail, they knew it was a history class, but they had no idea what the Shikari version would be like. Upon finding the room they would be sitting in for the class, they were surprised on finding the room was opened. A soft murmur enveloped the group as they all slowly made their way inside and began to seat themselves around the room. The students, once settled at the desks they had chosen pulled out notebooks and pencil cases, despite them training to become the next generation of Morulian hunters they were still expected to keep up with the normal school curriculum like everyone else.

History was a subject Rick loathed entirely he never saw it useful since all the people who lived it were dead so it didn’t matter to the modern age. At least that’s what he thought.

Across the room where the Rentier sisters sat, the eldest and youngest keeping their distance from the rest of the class while the middle sister Rain, was fiddling with a mouse keyring she had. Not too far from her Malik glanced over and squinted as if he had seen something, the golden ball of sunshine got up and slowly walked over, Baalthazar following close.

“Oh, hello you’re Malik, right? And your friend is Baalthazar correct?” She smiled looking up from the mouse to greet the transfer students.

“Yeah, uh sorry don’t know anyone’s names yet.” Malik smiled deciding to sit beside her, the other two sisters glanced at Malik then Baal, Saga backed down from the glare but Branwen held the gaze, her grey eyes ominously turning red.

“That’s okay, I’m Rain Rentier, my sisters Branwen and Saga are a bit less social, but I’m sure they’ll open up to you two eventually, you’ve probably already met my brothers too, Alastor, Regulus and Gabriel?” She smiled relaxing around the two.

“Well, we met Alastor, it’s his ship we travelled on, so Rain, are outsiders capable of being part animal too? I didn’t know there was any other people aside from us like that.” Malik asked Rain looked a little shocked at his question.

“Well, no only if that person is a half Morulian or infected werebeast, but please don’t tell anyone I don’t want my classmates to find out.” She whispered though Branwen and Saga had easily heard it and began to murmur in Oaktic to one another, Saga talking a lot more than the others had seen, it’s obvious she’s far more confident speaking in Oaktic.

Rain suddenly turned to her sisters and hissed something at them again in Oaktic and they immediately began to keep their voices low, too low for Baal to pick up but judging from their facial expressions it was something to do with them.

Just as Rain was telling Malik about some of the customs and celebrations of Arionde when a tall tanned man with sea blue hair and a navy-blue suit carrying a large stack of books which was soon distributed to the well-spaced students before approaching the blackboard at the front of the class.

“Good morning class, now before you ask, I’m Lir, now normally I am the school counsellor but I have been asked to act as your Shikari history teacher until the headmaster can find a more permanent teacher for the job.” He smiled taking up a piece of chalk and began to write upon the rough surface.

“Now today we will be looking at something in more of recent history for this school as in the past it had been attacked by many Morulian and human threats but each time, like a phoenix we have risen from the ashes. If you would all please turn to the fifth page, we will be looking at the Monochrome Conflict.” His tone turned from cheery to quite a sombre tone.

Upon turning to the page, the students were surprised to see that this section of their history book had a detailed image printed.

“There will always be a picture at the beginning of each new chapter so that you all can get a feel of what happened during that certain period of time. Also, when I say this is in more recent history of the school, let’s just say that Alastor, Regulus and Gabriel Rentier were in their final year here, we do our best to cover up a lot of these conflicts so that people don’t panic over the number of times we’ve had to rebuild this place brick by brick.” Lir sighed as he raised an arm a ball of water forming in the palm of his raised hand.

“This conflict has left many scars on this academy, some much deeper than others.” with that he let the ball of water drop to the ground, it suddenly swirled and created a statue of the image.

“And just to tell you how recent it is, Alastor and Ifrit Regulus Rentier were Doves here, nearly Owls when this happened.”

The statue of moving water was about 5”4, a boy a couple of years younger than the students themselves probably not even in his teens yet long hair though the colour was lost due to the clear waters making his image, there was a long scar over his nose bridge and what seemed to be streaks going from under his eyes.

“This is the abyss Morulian Shirikuro we’re not entirely sure why he originally attacked the school due his mysterious nature...” The water swirled and two large wings emerged from the demons back sending droplets of water flying through the classroom. Ikari flinched as he tried to duck from the spray.

“His attack came by surprise for as far as we knew we had no reason to be a threat to the Abyss Morulian, we had done him no wrong. He caused three towers of the school to collapse and killed a number of fresh new Shikari-” The water became a wall behind him creating the battle scene before their eyes, the towers that Lir was talking about collapsed and images of faceless students fell dead to the ground- “We battled with him and his army for nearly a whole week when we finally found a weakness.”

“Alastor Rentier first shot him down with the strongest bolt of lightning he could muster-” The water swirled to recreate what must have been the epic final battle- “Ifrit Regulus went to burn off the wings of the Morulian. However instead of dealing the final blow, Headmaster Alder sealed away the Morulian’s power into a single feather that once decorated the Morulian’s hair.” Murmurs of surprise spread through the students their headmasters act of mercy was told.

“Things didn’t go as plan however, as though it were a chemical reaction to his powers being stolen a burst of black and white flame erupted from the boy and the feather. Headmaster Alder was able to keep hold of the feather despite the burns it caused, and he protected the boys from being incinerated however nothing was left of Shirikuro except his ashes. Consumed by his own uncontrollable power and fury...” The teacher sighed deeply, the image of water exploding to emphasise his story.

“Well, that’s the short of it, I’m just going to be going over the main points of three very important events that happened in recent history and I expect you to do further research with the books I’ve given you, after all there is a lot to cover and I only get a small amount of time before your next class. I just wish to iterate a certain quote. “We must learn from the mistakes of the past or be cursed to repeat them.” That’s what this class is meant to teach you. No one in this school is perfect, we’ve all made mistakes so that others may learn to avoid them in the future.” He continued opening his own book and writing a few questions from the book on the board.

“I want you to write these down, as we’re going to be having these as both homework and debate questions, after all History was written the way it was by the winners of the fights and by debating what details went in and what was left out.” Rick felt his skin crawl at those words.

Three questions were written down.

What do you think was the turning point during the conflict?

Why do you think Shirikuro would attack?

How do you think we can better prepare ourselves if something like this happened again?

The class then erupted into a debate, classmates sat on tables making a shabby looking circle comments passed back and forth between them. As this went on Lir was writing on the board, different points the group brough up to give them notes of their work.

To Rick this was more of a debate class than a history class, not that he was complaining, it was far more interesting than boring old history.

Next class came around and they were working with their familiars, well more in the sense of training with them and trying to learn how to fight their own familiars or rogue Morulians that are the same kind as their familiars.

Rick felt like he had an easy time since his was so small but the damn thing wouldn’t stay still. Looking over at his classmates he saw that most of them were struggling against either their familiars’ natural abilities or the sheer size or number of them.

Branwen was struggling to keep up arcane shields to protect herself from the three heads of her gateway guard. Saga was currently being thrown in the air by Jack and caught by her dragon or winged devil wolf only to be dropped before she could lash out, only for it to happen again and again.

Rick ducked as his Draconian spat more acid at him bringing back his attention to his current objective.

Ahio decided that the students without familiars would have to deal with one of their classmates’ familiars.

Will was paired with Night.

Francis was paired with Jack.

Shane had been paired with Midnight

Niaomi was given Obsidian to spar against.

Dervilla was put up against Cordial.

This took some pressure off the students with more than one familiar, but there was still a lot of chaos as the students were taken by surprise at just how some of the familiars fought, even against a bone horse Saga was thrown across the room at one point.

When Ahio finally called it off, the almost feral aggressive behaviours of some of the familiars quickly changed as the Morulians went to check on their spar partners to make sure they hadn’t hurt them too much, Odin gently took Saga’s arm in his teeth as he helped her onto her feet.

“I guess you really aren’t as tamed as I thought.” She joked petting the animated skeleton.

As classes finished for the day the three Rentier sisters headed to the library to get started on the homework they had been given, Rick had decided to just go straight to his room and grab his belongings for a shower, he wasn’t as bad as he was when he first started at the school.

On the other side of the school in the on-campus tailor shop three young men were sat laughing together.

“Gabe, seriously? I know the guy was a creep but did you really have to do that?” Regulus laughed at the story his twin had just told.

“Hey, when he claims to be a “nice guy” he deserves whatever comes to him.” The golden-haired bother snickered.

“Oh, Titans above, I wish I saw that.” Alastor gasped for air, feeling a slight pain in his lungs from laughing so hard. He couldn’t really say when the last time he had laughed this hard was, and seeing Regulus and Gabrial sat there laughing, the two looked even more like twin brothers, their smiles were the same, they were perfect mirror images of each other.

The more he thought about it, the more he realised when the last time he had laughed like this was, his smile dropped as he remembered when his entire life shifted gear.

After a few moments of further laughing from the twins they noticed the way their eldest brother seemed... off.

“Still missing them?” Gabriel asked.

“Yeah, it never gets any easier.”

“You know you don’t have to act like him, right?” Regulus commented, only getting a small nod from Alastor, the twins knew their elder brother was trying to hide his tears and that if he had tried to answer he’d have broken down crying.

“It’s okay Al, how about we change the subject, I’m finished for the day, how about we go play some video games like when we were Fledglings.” Gabriel offered as he spun the open sign on his door.

“I’d like that.” Alastor said, straining to keep the shake from his voice.

Chapter 16: Azure Story

Chapter Text

A week goes by and after two more lessons about the Monochrome conflict they handed in their essay on the subject and are sat waiting to learn about the next battle that had taken place at the school. Rick had originally thought that the history class would be about the world history but instead this class was completely based on the school’s history of being attacked by multiple foes.

“Alright, now I think this one is on page 34, I might be wrong cause I’m not in charge of printing the new copies so things might have been switched about in recent copies.” Lir chuckled flicking to the page himself just to check.

“Yep, page 34, now this one is another recent conflict I believe happening about four years ago, we had just fixed the outdoor pool when this happened.” Lir growled that last detail to himself as he began to write upon the chalkboard again.

“Now everyone has their personal Morulians, and unfortunately the one who attacked us on this occasion is related to one of the TAs you have worked with. Today we’ll be talking about Clear Blue the ocean parasite.”

Out in the forest bordering the school a pair walked through the trees, deeper and deeper into the forest, keeping close to the path to avoid any issues with finding their destination. The path led to a large lake with beautiful clear waters, there the two set up for their “date” a generic picnic setup, after picking a spot not too far from the lake and just off the path Alastor rolled out the dark blue flannel patterned blanket and set the basket on the centre of the blanket.

“You’re so predictable sometimes.” Serenity teased the man.

“I know and you love it.” He smirked back pulling out the food he had made and packed in the basket.

“Anyway, what’s wrong with a nice old-fashioned picnic?” He asked as they sat down to eat.

“Nothing really, I just didn’t really expect you to be a fan of all these old-fashioned ideas for dates.” Serentiy smiled.

“I’ll admit, sometimes the old ideas are the best, if you want more excitement how about next time, we go somewhere more exciting, like an arcade or something.” He offered as he pulled out a few fresh fruits and began to hum softly to himself.

“What about maybe going to a beach? You could do with learning how to swim.” Serenity said.

“Nope, I’m not swimming, no way in hell.” Alastor answered rather quickly as he bit into an apple.

“Come on, you can’t avoid it forever.” She replied.

“No way, I’m lightning, water and I don’t mix simple as.” Alastor tried to argue.

“And yet you still stick with me. That shouldn’t stop you, come on.”

“No! I’m not swimming, not again! Not after last time.” Alastor nearly shouted Serenity was shocked seeing Alastor lose his temper like that, watching the usually calm and collective man grit his teeth and seemed to see if he was about to break down into either tears or into a rage, his eyes began to glow and electricity began to crackle across his body.

“Hey, it’s okay, I shouldn’t have pushed you how about instead we just take it slow. You brought your violin, right? How about a song?” She asked softly breaking his train of thought. The threatening glow faded from his eyes as he reached for a little black case and took out an immaculate midnight blue violin.

Alastor was the kind of person to treat all his possessions with the same respect as his own kitchen. The violin had been in his possession since he started at Crimson Lark as a student himself, the instrument looked as if it was brand new, the strings had recently been replaced to avoid breaking or damaging the body of the violin.

He took a deep breath and began to play just what his fingers felt like playing, feeling his frustrations and his fears, his bad memories and the tears all disappear as he plays. Losing himself in the music Alastor felt most of his muscles relax and his train of thought completely evaporated.

Serenity smiled seeing her boyfriend relax and become completely lost to the real world.

“So easy to distract.” She chuckled softly as she went back to enjoying what he had packed for their picnic sitting there happily listening to him play.

They sat there together in near silence the only noise being what her black and blue haired companion would play. When his song finally came to an end Alastor gently set the instrument down and picked up his forgotten fruit to finish it.

“Sorry about that outburst... I haven’t swum since I hurt someone close to me.” He explained this surprised Serenity.

“Wait, you know how to swim?” She asked.

“Yes, just because my element of choice is lightning doesn’t mean I wasn’t taught a basic survival skill.” He replied in a monotone voice.

“Oh, sorry, I just thought since you have wings you wouldn’t have bothered to learn.” She mused quietly.

“Well, that is a good excuse but no, I just don’t like to if I can avoid it.” He explained.

“So, we COULD go swimming together one day?” Serenity countered.

“Yes, we could, I’m just not comfortable with the idea, also I haven’t bought a new set of trunks since that incident so I don’t have the proper equipment.” He blushed in embarrassment causing Serenity to laugh, her laugh was a genuine laugh it made Alastor smile upon hearing it.

“Okay, okay, how about for our next date we get you a new pair of swimming trunks, come back here and have a swim, it would be nice.” Serenity offered quieting her giggles.

“I-I don’t know if that’s a good-”

“Oh, don’t be like that, there’s no point in trying to avoid it, especially if you’re with me, I trust you not to hurt me, I know you won’t.” She smiled softly leaning back against him and smiling as he let out a soft huff his way of saying he’s relaxed.

Running her hands through his surprisingly soft hair Serenity sat there deep in thought, she had never really seen Alastor’s other form, his true face so to speak, she already knew of his huge beautiful wings of the deepest blues that almost looked like a night sky slowly turning neon blue at the tips of the flight feathers but that was all she knew about him.

A wind blew by and out of reflex Serenity shivered, Alastor felt this and instantly his huge, feathered wings spread wide, one folding around Serenity to stave off the wind chill.

“You’re such a sap.” Serenity teased as she stroked the soft almost owl-like feathers, Alastor didn’t say anything in response just lightly battered her with his wing getting another laugh from her.

“Your fault for not bringing a jacket.” He smirked.

“So, what should we do when we’re finished here?” She asked as she began peeling an orange.

“How about we go to town, get me some swim shorts.” He says surprising her.

“Wait, seriously?” She asked nearly choaking on the orange segment she was eating.

“If it’ll get you off my back for not swimming, yeah, we can also go to an arcade, I’ve been collecting tickets for this crystal bear statue I saw a few weeks ago.” He offers.

“You love arcades, don’t you?”

“I used to go nearly every day, with my brothers. It was easy to collect tonnes of tickets when there were a few of us.” He laughed placing any rubbish into the basket.

“You know what? Why not? It sounds like fun, come on, let’s go I’ll grab a jacket while we’re back at our room.”

“I swear if you steal my leather jacket again-”

“None of that, you have to admit it looks good on me.”

“I need to get you one of your own.” Alastor groaned as they got up to fold the blanket.

Serenity just laughed as Alastor threw the blanket into the basket and carry it back to the school laughing and joking with Serenity about getting her a real punk leather jacket, spikes and all, the conversation the went to what style of swim shorts Alastor would suit, and one passing comment about getting him a speedo which caused the subject to be quickly changed into what arcade games could get them the most tickets possible.

After getting changed into some clothes better for the colder winds, Serenity of course stealing Alastor’s leather jacket, and sorting out the rubbish and leftovers from the basket the two headed out into the nearby city which was a pretty popular tourist destination due to it being near Crimson Lark Academy, immediately Serenity dragged Alastor into a sports shop where they began to browse swim shorts for Alastor.

Eventually Alastor agreed to buy a pair that were plain black and blue and after spending an absurd amount for a pair of swimming shorts Serenity allowed Alastor to drag her to his favourite arcade.

The bright lights and the wide variety of games made Serenity quickly realise why Alastor liked this place. Surprisingly there were very few people probably due to it still being a time when families would either be still at work or at school.

Alastor brought Serenity over to a claw machine with stuffed toys and rolls of tickets as prizes, pulling out a pouch full of gold coins with a bird beak printed on them, Alastor began to play first easily grabbing a pair of ticket rolls that were next to each other. He then went again and managed to snag a toy turtle for her.

“How are you so good at these things? I thought they were rigged.” Serenity asked.

“I have a few tricks, and no I’m not hacking the damn thing with lightning.” He laughed getting another large roll of tickets.

“Hmm how about we move onto something else, I’ve got all the good ticket rolls out of this one, your choice.” Alastor said getting a clownfish toy as his last prize out of it, Serenity took his hand and led him over to another claw machine.

“Huh, this one is new!” Alastor exclaimed excitedly as Serenity led him to it.

“Hold these I want to try.” Serenity smiled handing him her two new soft toys. There were more ticket rolls inside but also rainforest animal stuffed toys, Alastor watched as the claw moved to hang just over a bird toy. The claw dropped and wrapped around the toy; the claw jostled a little as if trying to shake the toy free but she had managed to win it.

“Here, it’s no fair if I’m the only one leaving with a stuffed toy.” She tells him handing him the bird toy seeing Alastor’s face spread into a huge childlike grin he squeezed the toy close to his chest in joy.

“Now get those tickets, I saw a crystal deer pair.” She told him pointing them out.

“Easy!” Alastor grinned going right to work collecting the rolls of tickets.

After collecting enough tickets for the big prizes, they wanted they cashed in the tickets and moved onto play some more games together, racing games, shooting games, even going to some more claw machines this time for the stuffed toys. Serenity couldn’t believe just how much childlike excitement Alastor hides inside of himself just to unleash that energy on the arcade.

After spending a couple more hours laughing and playing and getting a few more bits and pieces from the prize counter the couple walked out with a couple bags containing their prizes.

“Ugh I’m craving pizza tonight.” Serenity sighed.

“Homemade or takeout?”


“I’ve got a collection of takeout menus we can look through those and get something.” Alastor smiled also feeling a bit tired after having so much fun.

“You’re the best, Titans above I can’t believe I was lucky enough to get an idiot like you.” She laughed as they walked back to the school and up to the room they often shared.

Alastor set the boxes of the statues on his dresser and emptied the bags of sweets and soft toys all over the bed, after shedding their jackets and shoes the two flopped down on the bed.

“I now understand your love of arcades.” Serenity smiled as she opened a small bag of gummi bears.

“Yeah, right I’ll get the menus out and we can choose a place to get pizza from.” Alastor smiled getting up and rummaging through a draw before dropping a small pile of menus on the bed.

“You need to try on these trunks.” Serenity tells him throwing the shorts at him then pointing at the bathroom.

“Fine, just choose a place while I go deal with these.” Alastor groaned walking into the ensuite bathroom and locking the door behind him.

Serenity sat the flicking through each menu looking for something both decently priced and has the pizza she’s craving.

“Alright, have to admit this feel alright.” Alastor sighed walking out of the bathroom revealing him stood there in only his trunks.

“They look good on you.” Serenity smiled handing him the menu she chose.

“Hmm, not a bad choice.” He replied as he looked through the pizza selection. Serenity smirked putting an ocean documentary on as he made the phone call. As she watched the baby sea turtles joining with their families the words just slipped out.

“Y’know Micah loved these little guys; half my collection came from him insisting I get them for us.” Alastor froze and Serenity stuttered as the realisation hit her. “Sorry I swear I can go a day without bringing him up, that just came out...” Finishing his call Alastor put the phone down and sat down beside her putting an arm over her shoulder.

“I never said anything, so what else did you two get up to?”

Crimson Lark Academy - Artistic_Chimera (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.