Arc of Hell - Rewritten Edition - Chapter 18 - Horned One (VoidDevil) (2024)

Chapter Text

It was the evening of the same day Jaune had talked with Mister Colt. He had come home in time to save dinner. But besides that, having one more semblance was quite the feeling, and honestly? He doesn’t feel as conflicted as he did before about hoarding them. He didn’t feel as bad … He felt good. Maybe a bit guilty, given he copied it without permission, but the old man did also use his semblance on them quite a bit when they were younger.

Got them grounded more than once. This was payback for all the times he was made to tell who took the last cookie.

Still, he had to prepare. He had already picked gifts for all of the girls, and now, only one remained to check.

For that reason, he was in his bathroom again, contacting Ignium.

"Jaune! What a...Well, can't say it is well-timed."

"Well, I-" Jaune didn’t get to say much before Ignium let out a strange grunt, his image in the mirror fading to black. "Ignium?"

"Still here! Just- f*ck, you are clenching!" Ignium let out, Jaune recoiling, hearing the demon talk dirty. "I am nailing some hoe!"

At this, Jaune immediately went red, having called Ignium in the middle of his own little moment of bliss.

"Say it quick!"

"I was wondering if there is anything to cure blindness in demons!" Jaune quickly answered.

"Yes! There is! I can send you a- Yes!" Somehow, that last 'Yes' sounded strange. "I will send you a bottle later! Gotta go!"

He finished the call, leaving an embarrassed Jaune behind. It was one thing to know they do it and another to … witness it. At least he cut the image. He didn't need that to scar him.

Walking out of the bathroom, he walked to his mini-fridge, wanting something to forget what he witnessed … only to find nothing useful. It had been a while since Malina gave him that glass of Vodka in Hell, but now he kind of wished she would give him more. Something to think about later.

He was about to close the fridge when something colorful caught his eye. He picked up a water bottle and looked at the note on it.

I bless this water with my love and support to whom I am a guardian angel to.

Jaune smiled. It was a small gesture, but the thought behind it was sweet and caring. A warmth filled his chest.

What was he thinking about again?

Right, gifts. He drank some of the water and felt refreshed. Hopefully, Hell’s delivery service was swift.

Christmas was tomorrow, and Jaune spent a long time preparing each gift for each girl. It took him a bit of asking around and sneaking about to hide the gifts until the holiday arrived, but with the last one figured out, he was confident he managed to secure them. He eyed the labels. He got gifts for all of them: Monica, Mo, Cerbi, Mal, Zdrada, Aza, Cool-J and High-J, Baphy, Lucy and Beel. Also tried getting nicknames down for each, Zdrada being the only one without a nickname for now.

As for what he got for each of them? Well, that is to be revealed tomorrow. Tonight, there were other activities he could do, namely, simply spend time with everyone. He has been hanging out with Justice and Judgement a bit, discussing multiple subjects such as his training.

Judgement and Justice agreed that they would push him in the spring. Azazel is the only one making his training possible by healing him, and now they are going to abuse that. Oh, joy.

As for the others? He had to prevent another fight between Malina and Zdrada from causing too much damage to the house. This has to be the sixth time it has happened since returning from Hell, and it had him worried. It was not uncommon for siblings to fight at times, but those girls were taking it to the next level.

He decided not to lecture them too much, despite having siblings and the possibility to relate. He had a feeling that stuff would only escalate.

At rest, Monica was lecturing Azazel about the demonic laws, customs, and torture methods used in Hell, which the angel was speedily scribbling down in her notebook. He was surprised at first when Monica agreed to lecture Azazel, and he even feared for the little angel's innocence. He still does, thinking one day she'd come out of the library with her halo broken in two. Which, by the way, no one could do with raw force alone. They all tried, but that thing proved indestructible.

Next on the list were Modeus and Cerberus. The lustful demon, when not reading or snooping in his room, clinging to him when he was around, or simply asking for attention or … Eloping; she'd often spend some time outside with Cerberus, watching the triple demon play around in the snow.

Beelzebub also does the same, hanging out and watching over the girls, not clinging to him and whatnot. She was like this mother figure to all, always looking out for everyone. Granted, whenever you'd praise her, she would often do a 'grand dialogue,' as Jaune dubbed it. It wasn't a bad thing, just her personality eccentricity. That is true, and she is a glutton when it comes to sweets. Quite obvious considering her sin - gluttony.

Baphomet spent little time at home, given how busy she was, but she made no effort to hide her delights. Jaune had just the thing. Last but not least, Lucifer herself. He had been spending time with her around the house or in the kitchen cooking. She spends a lot of time in the kitchen, cooking all sorts of pancakes. Like Beel, she has a peculiar reaction to praise, but in her case, it's more of a self-compliment.

Fits her sin as well, that being her pride. Monica once told him lust for sin is in their blood, so it mostly explains their behaviors. Each must have a sin or sins that make up their being.

But did he care? Not really. It has been months since living with them, and he has more or less gotten used to this lifestyle already, except for Monica's occasional finger-breaking. By the Gods, Jaune's skill in making coffee must be top-notch in terms of how much coffee he had and how much care he had to do.

If not for aura, his hand would be crooked even now. But what was the plan for today? Simple preparations for tomorrow's Christmas party. And for that, he needed to step into the basem*nt finally.

He had already asked Beel if it was ok for him to venture there. And she agreed. Reluctant, but she said yes. It wasn’t the biggest thing to be concerned about, but his curiosity had been building for so long. Thus, he went to the door, turned the handle on it, and opened it. He was surprised to see it all lit up, the way down being enlightened by multiple lights. So he began his descent, going down the stairs into the lower levels, eventually reaching the bottom.

And this was not what he had in mind.

"What … The Hell?"

This was the basem*nt, or rather, the underground floor of his house. As he arrived, he was met by a hallway going forward with two doors giving access to some large room.

"Quite the surprise, right?" Beel said, prompting him to turn around to see her descend into the basem*nt as well. "The underground area can be expanded as much as we want! No need to worry about outside aesthetics."

"And you had to keep me out; why?" He asked.

"Because, darling, the girls have made … requests regarding this place." She took out her handkerchief, starting to wipe away her sweat. "Some are more persistent than others. Anyway, since you also insisted, follow me to the boiler and generator room. That is the only room I'll let you see for now anyway."

The demoness led Jaune towards one of the doors on the side, leading him into a smoldering hot room. Jaune didn’t need to read minds to know this was the boiler room, but something else caught his attention aside from the actual boiler.

“Why is the generator here?!” He shrieked out in a panic. “It can blow up!”

“On the contrary, Jaune,” Beel assured him. “The generator you have here is a technological wonder, unique only to this house! You see, we did use a few generators a while back to power the house, which is another reason you were not allowed down here, due to the mess, but during his last visit, Ignium was nice enough to offer some help.”

Jaune leaned down to look at it, noticing the demonic runes. As he got closer, he noticed it was colder the closer he got. It absorbed the heat around it, most likely to enhance its production.

“It combines Remnant’s Dust-based technology for its fuel, which is Lightning Dust crystals, and demonic arts to create it. It not only saves space, but it outputs energy even by absorbing heat! And at the rate of Malina consuming energy? We need it.” Beel finished, then pointed at the boiler, starting anew. “As you know, this boiler heats the entire house, but there is also another function.”

“Wait … ” He turned to Beel, then he looked at the pipes. He saw one going to the outside of the house, towards the pool. “We can heat the pool?!”

“And even add some water jets in!” Beel continued. “The pool was well equipped with such luxuries. However, Jaune, this is the only room I can allow you in for now. The other room you saw? Something for later. Way later.”

“Noted. Glad to know the pool can be heated; I was kinda planning on asking about that.” He said, earning the curious look of Beelzebub. “You see, I was planning on holding a little Winter beach party, and heating the pool is perfect!”

“That is a perfect idea; I am not going to lie, that does sound very entertaining,” Beel said. “But is it just for fun or to get a glimpse at all of us in swimsuits as well?”

Jaune blushed hearing her tease, which made the demon giggle in delight, seeing him getting flustered. He can grow as much as he wants, but they will always get to him.

"Still a sweety, darling. Anyway, just turn the lever over there to have some of the temperature travel to the pool. It's freezing outside, so I recommend turning it on now and letting it run overnight."

"If you say so," Jaune replied, then followed her instructions, turning the lever. The boiler flickered a bit as one of the pipes started to turn slightly hotter. It was working, alright.

"Marvelous. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a swimsuit to prepare." Beel said, leaving the basem*nt. Jaune followed outside swiftly after her, waiting for tomorrow to begin. This was going to be great! Maybe he should call Ignium and the others as well. No, that wouldn't be a smart call. After all, as Beel said …

Swimsuits …

Jaune slept little during the night of Christmas Eve. Why? Because he was thinking about his family. This was his first Christmas, and despite it being a holiday meant to be spent with one’s family, he was not.

It hurt a bit, despite it being a holiday they knew nothing about, but then he remembered the girls and how they slowly became his new family. He got used to them, survived, trained, played, and ate with them… He thought of them as his family at this point. Strange, considering the implications of having a Harem. They were, as much as it embarrassed him to admit it, his wives. Even poor Azazel.

He got up from his bed when the morning started to break, around 5 AM, and went to freshen up in the bathroom. His hair was undone, so he had to tie it up again. He still couldn’t believe how different he looked now compared to almost half a year ago. Especially his hair. Long and blonde, making him tie it in a ponytail every day.

He stepped out of the bathroom, getting his clothing on. His clothes got tighter over the months as well, becoming skin-tight at this point, and some of them did not even fit him anymore. He’d have to get new clothing.

Walking down the stairs leading to his room, he noticed none of the girls were awake yet, so he decided to sneak off to the backyard. The cold winter air hit his skin and invigorated him as he stepped out. He looked around, his breath visible in the frigid air. Winter was beautiful in its own right.

He then looked down, picked up a lump of snow, and began to wash his face with it to help wake him up further, even rubbing it on his neck to help wake him up some more. And it worked, making him shake his head and feel the drowsiness wash away. Today was going to be a busy day.

However, nothing could stop the ensuing party. He looked at the pool, seeing the snow around it melted away. Steam was coming from it. He took his hand and put it inside, measuring the water. Perfect. He smiled, knowing the girls were likely to enjoy it. Heck, they might jump in right away once they see the steam without him needing to explain it. Does he need to explain it even? They might be aware of this already.

Still, he had to prepare. He went inside the house, then straight to the kitchen, grabbing the ingredients. Morning pancakes were a promised treat, so Jaune set to work on preparing the sweet, thin, and cavity-inducing treats. He had to get each girl’s preference right. He even made Malina’s favorite drink, ‘Screwdriver’. Vodka and orange juice with ice is an interesting mix, though he had yet to partake in it since his first try of it in hell. That was not an embarrassment he needed to relive. Still, he had played games with her enough to know how to make it the way Malina liked it.

Suddenly, he heard a tired yawn entering the kitchen, making him look at the door to see none other than Azazel walking in. She looked a bit surprised seeing him.

“Good morning, Jaune! What is up with you so early?” She greeted him and asked, keeping a small, still sleepy smile on her face.

“I got up earlier than usual and decided to make some pancakes. After breakfast, we open gifts and then enjoy our Christmas Day at the pool.” He said in one go, flipping a pancake in the air.

“The pool? Isn’t it cold outside?” Azazel asked, confused, and then she noticed his smirk.

“Not if you turn up the heat~” He replied with a singing tone. “I went down in the basem*nt and turned up the boiler to heat the pool as well. You girls don’t need to worry about it being too cold.”

“That’s nice! I do have a swimsuit I have wished to try out since moving here!” Azazel said, then Pandemonica showed up, yawning. “Oh, hello there, Monica!”

Azazel greeted her as well, but the tired demon only had one thing on her mind.

“Coffee.” She said, and Jaune got the message. Luckily, it was already brewing, so he simply served it, making sure it was the right mix, and then she drank it. Her horns grew out, and her grin appeared, the sad*stic demon coming into view. “Perfect as always, Jaune. But I find myself asking, why are you up so early?”

“He said he simply woke up early and decided to make breakfast!” Azazel replied for Jaune.

“I see,” Monica replied, taking another sip of her coffee. “I take it you have plans for today?”

“Oh yeah.” He replied, finishing the last plate of pancakes for the girls. “And it will be a nice, warm Christmas day.”

Jaune walked into the living room after having enjoyed a special Christmas buffet of pancakes and other goodies with the girls. Anything leftover had been stored in the fridge for later. Though odds were that Beel would find it before anyone else. She left little to begin with.

He only got a step into the room before he found himself approached by one of the girls.

“Drink this.”

Jaune blinked down at the glass held in front of him. Malina was glaring up at him for taking so long. Deciding not to question it, he took the cup and sipped it.

“Vanilla.” Jaune’s tongue was washed over with a creamy texture.

“It’s Eggnog. I figured I’d start you off with something easy to pop your cherry on that virgin liver of yours.” She poked a finger into his chest. “You better appreciate it, you big baby. I’ve never bought light rum before.”

“I do. It’s an interesting flavor.” Jaune smiled. “Thank you, Malina. You’re awesome.”

“Whatever.” She huffed and looked away. Her scowl … lessened? Worsened? He couldn’t tell, but it changed somehow. “Mark my word, by next Christmas, I’ll have worked you up to the good stuff. Speaking of which, come New Year’s, you’re doing shots. We need to get rid of that light sh*t somehow, and I’m certainly NOT drinking it.”

Malina didn’t give him a chance to reply as she took a gulp of her own drink and walked away.

“Well, liver, we had a good run. Let’s enjoy our time together while it lasts.” Jaune took another sip and eyed the rest of the room. Not everyone had arrived yet, and those who were seemed fine to wait for, except for Azazel, who was looking at something and wasn’t moving at all. Jaune moved towards.

“Hey, Aza, is something wrong?”

The Angel startled and looked at him. “Oh Jaune … well, no, but … well, I don’t remember putting this decoration here. And it is … well … ”

As her voice trailed off, Jaune looked at what had caught her attention. It was a display that took up one of the end tables. It showed a snowy landscape with a sleigh sliding along it with a man at the front of it. Red suit, white beard, and a round stomach. Jaune had heard the girls talk about Santa Claus once or twice. Even if he didn’t know that much about the jolly man, he knew enough to know things were off.

First, the sleigh was being pulled by several goats, not reindeers. Next on top of a pile of sacks at the back was a miniature version of himself. The tiny Jaune was nearly naked, his defined muscles on full display, with only a wrapping bow covering his crotch from being fully exposed.

“S-sorry.” Jaune blushed. “Sorry if it isn’t … um, correct? I can, um, remove it? Replace it.”

“No, No.” Azazel shook her head. “It is the thought that counts, and they clearly put effort into it. They cared enough to make it so it’s … a fine addition to our celebrations.”

She turned around and walked away. “Still, everything else is lovely. The snowflake stickers on the windows, snow globes, a little Jesus in a crib, wreaths over the fireplace, and a warm fire. Then the tree! It is so nice, it has lights, garlands and with a … with a … ”

Jaune tilted his head up to follow her gaze. Atop of the Christmas tree was what could only be described as a mini chibi Azazel.

“Oh well, you see … ” He scratched the back of his head. “You said an angel went on top of the tree and asked me to get one. And well, you’re the only angel I know of … I’m sorry if it’s wrong.”

“F-fine addition.” Azazel’s cheeks were burning. “Thought … matters.”

She walked off to go and take a seat. Jaune just sighed, hoping she was ok. Drinking more of his glass, he waited as more of the girls filed into the room. Thoughts of what would happen later entered his head. He’d be lying if he wasn’t looking forward to it. But that was for later. Right now? All of them were currently in the living room.

It was time for the big event. It was time for the presents.

Jaune inhaled deeply, feeling a bit nervous about this next part. He had no idea if they'd enjoy his gifts, some of them seemingly goofy and whatnot, maybe even pathetic. But he’d like to see someone else try to be in his shoes for once, and those girls were not exactly your normal gals looking for makeup and whatnot. He could see the difference after all of those months.

But walking to the middle of the room and clapping his hands to grab their attention set the wheels in motion.

"Alright, girls, time for presents!" He exclaimed cheerfully, everyone excitedly gathering around. Figures they'd be excited for the part where they get stuff from him.

"I have gifts for all of you, so how about I start first?" He proposed, and the girls did not give any objection to his proposal. "Great."

"First, we have Pandemonica's gift," He said, bringing her gift. It was hard deciding on a gift for her that wouldn't be too … weird, considering her split personality quirk. Then he recalled her fondness for coffee, so he got her a coffee mug personalized just for her. It was mentioned that some gifts were quite silly, so he hoped this would be okay.

"Here." He handed her the cup, looking sheepish and somewhat embarrassed. "Sorry if it isn't much, I couldn't decide on something else, and seeing as you like coffee, I-"

"I like it." She replied, cutting his little apology session short. The mug depicted a pentagram above a fiery ravine where souls were being thrown into by pitchfork-wielding demons. Although the tool is no longer in large use, the ravine was an idea to try later in Hell. She still had connections back in Hell, so maybe she could give them a message. "It's unique … Thank you."

Jaune smiled warmly and felt a stone lift off his chest. For a moment there, he believed she was going to break an entire arm. But he moved on.

"Next, I have a gift for Modeus, which was fairly easy to select. Here, Mo." He handed her a book with a bow tied to it, the title reading 'Ninjas of Love Vol. 1.'

Honestly, he only knows of this book because it's his aunt from his mother's side, who is the author, and he happens to have been her 'professional' help since he was 13. He never understood why he could not tell his mother until he was 15 when the realization hit him. Smut. In all its glory and literal mightiest.

His aunt made a fortune over this book, selling countless copies and continuing the series. Yup, Celine Chafleur was living a good life. He hopes she never learns of his situation and decides to write a book about it, or else he might just call Ignium to drag him into Hell to burn.

The book he gave to her was the first, fully refined and snipped for mistakes, volume. It was a gift from his aunt for his work. Good to know he finally found a good reader for it. Modeus removed the bow and opened the book, reading it over for a bit and flipping through the pages until she stumbled upon one of the … steamy scenes in the book. Her face went bright red reading, her tail moving around chaotically.

"Where did you hide this?!" She asked, demanding an answer from him, judging by her tone. But he couldn't tell her about his aunt, ‘less he risked a sh*tstorm of inappropriate stuff.

"A secret!" He teased, giving her a wink. The demon was already reading; her eyes were glued to the book.

"Right. Next, I have something for Cerberus!" He said, and the triple demon rushed straight at him.

“What did you get us?” The first one asked.

“Is it something shiny?” The second one asked.

“Something to help us, corrupt humans?” The third one asked, and they all noticed a certain new decoration appearing around their necks swiftly. They all looked down at their necks, looking at the latest accessories.

“Collars?!” They cried out in unison.

“Yeah … ” He replied sheepishly.

“Kinda the only idea I had for you three. The collars have a plate with my number on them in case you girls ever get lost, so have someone call me to come to get you.” He explained. “With that being said, try also to memorize the number as well, and do not wander off alone far from the house.”

They all looked at the collars, taking in the design. They were all red, with a silver decoration hanging on it with the scroll number of Jaune. They all smiled widely at him. “We like it!”

“Great! Next on the list, we have Malina!” He exclaimed aloud, looking at the resident gamer girl who was downing a bottle of liquor. He thought he hid it well enough. He sighed but decided against letting this bring him down. Instead, he got the box out.

“Open this, Mal,” He said, putting the box in front of her.

The sour demon gave him a skeptical look as she took out her knife, opened the box, and was ready to stab any potential puppy that’d pop out. Instead, however, she widened her eyes and gasped.

“Where did you get this, you blonde f*cker?!” She shouted, getting the object from inside the box out. It was the new game, a strategy one, turn-based as she likes them. It's not a classic, but a modern one. It was called Advent of the Dust Hearts, and she had been watching some trailers about it online. Jaune caught her one night looking at gameplay even, so that is how he knew.

“I had Beel portal me to Atlas a few weeks ago,” Jaune smirked. “That game is hard to come by around here, but it is very common in Atlas!”

“I cannot believe you had this for weeks and hid it away!” She exclaimed aloud, trying to sound angry with him. “We. Are. Playing. TONIGHT! NO EXCUSES ARC!”

Jaune gulped. “Noted. Anyway, moving on to our resident smoker, and masoch*st - Zdrada!”

The girl in question simply snorted aloud, smoking from her cigar near the chimney. “Try as you might, there is nothing you can give me, blondie-"

Her words died in her smoke-filled throat as Jaune snagged the cig from her mouth and shoved an electric pipe in; the aromatics turned on. She took a long drag, letting the smoke settle in her mouth. It was bitter and sweet at the same time, and she knew the aroma.

"Black chocolate?" She asked, looking at his smug face. "You pass this year, Arc."

"Next on the list, taking a detour from demonic gifts, we got an angelic one, Azazel's gift." He said, and then the curious angel walked forth.

"Jaune, there is no need for a gift for me. The celebration is about praising the son of our Lord, not-" She was interrupted as Jaune put a holodisk in her hands. It was a documentary about Remnant. Her hands started to shake. Trying to contain herself.

"THIS IS PRIME RESEARCH MATERIAL!" She shouted aloud, then jumped to hug him. "Thank you, Jaune!"

"Ha. You're welcome, Azazel." He replied, returning the hug before letting the angel return to her seat, smiling as she sat. Next came Justice's turn. Now, with this one, he had some issues, her being blind and all. But he knew what to get. "Here, Justice."

The blind/awesome demon stretched her hand out, picking up the object he had handed her. She felt it with her hands, and slowly, the realization of what it was hit her. "A bottle?"

“Yeah, well, you see, I asked Ignium if there was something to … fix your eyes?” He said, watching everyone look at Justice with puzzled looks. The blind demon held the bottle in her hands for a bit, being deep in thought. There, in her palm, was the key to becoming herself again. But then she showed a confident smirk and put the bottle down.

“No thanks!” She replied loudly, stunning everyone. “Before you say anything, I do not want to recover my vision. Look, I admit this whole blind thing sucked at first, but it grew on me, you know? I have been like this for … sh*t, how many centuries now? And it isn’t that big of an issue anymore.”

“Are you sure?” Lucifer asked her, seeming concerned for once. “That is a great gift. If that elixir is what I think it is, then it can surely grant your vision back.”

“I’m sure. If anything, I think I will keep this in my room. Who knows? Maybe someday, if it is really necessary, I will need to recover my vision. But until then? Justice is blind, people!”

Jaune snorted at her demeanor. He had to admit only Justice could be ok with being blind and not giving a crap about it. “Next, I have something for Baphomet.”

“Oh? And what did you get little old me for this … This … ” Jaune gave her a sheet of paper, the demoness opening it. Her eyes not only went wide, but the way she became flushed and her breathing grew labored, and the girls could tell that Jaune had likely sold his soul.

“It is unavoidable it might happen, so at the very least, I will control like this. A voucher for … One round of … ” He had difficulties saying it. “Sex while in a goat form.”

“BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!” Baphomet jumped and hugged Jaune. His head was instantly submerged in her ample and generous bosom. It was the softest thing he had ever felt and was invitingly warm. Jaune wouldn’t have minded staying like that for longer, but the boy quickly found himself running out of air. Rapid pats to her back, and she let go swiftly. “I will cash this in as soon as the option opens up.”

“Noted.” He inhaled deeply, moving on with the gift exchange. "Next, we have-"

"Me," Lucifer said, a sly smirk on her face. She predicted his turn order, didn't she? "Now, what is it that you have gotten me, Jaune? A golden necklace? A diamond set of earrings?"

She kept asking, the list of gifts being all well above his paycheck. Instead, she received something she didn't quite expect: an accessory, yes, but something similar, yet different, to her own brooch. It had the Arc family symbol added to it, being made of both silver and gold. She took it, inspecting it. "Hmm."

"I tried thinking of something you might enjoy, and I thought, 'why not something symbolic?'. So, I got some cash and ran into town to get this done." He explained. "Hope you like it. Alternatively, I planned to gift you a recipe book, but I guess that wasn't grand."

Lucy giggled and placed the brooch above her breast, the metal shining in the light.

"I like it. The symbol you made is more or less like a promise. As long as my symbol and yours are together, then that means you will belong to me. Always." she finished with a smirk, Jaune smiling back at her.

"Next, I have the gift for Judgement, and I just say, this was the most expensive," He said, catching Lucifer's attention for a brief moment with that statement. However, any possible anger faded when she saw the twin gauntlets, similar to Judgement's old ones, being placed on the table. A ribbon neatly tied them together. They looked somewhat more mechanic, and it immediately clicked to the prosecutor.

"Mecha shift weaponry!" She shouted, then grabbed them and put them on. "How do they work?!"

"Easy there! There is a trigger on the sides, a button you press to fire. Straighten your palms and press it with your thumb." He explained, and Judgement followed his words. The Tonfa’s on the gauntlets shifted, revealing the muzzles within and retreating to the gauntlet, becoming gun barrels. She pointed it in a random direction, checking the weight and whatnot.

“Long-range … ” She muttered, watching as the Tonfa turned back to normal. Jaune gave her a sheepish look. “Those are - you have - how did -”

“I always knew you wanted some more range. During the first days, you complained about not being able to attack from a distance, which annoyed you effectively. You also said you refused to carry guns, so here you have the alternative. The gauntlets use special Dust rounds to fire, which I have the blueprints for, so we can work on making them at home. You can also thank Ruby; she gave me a hand with those.” He finished, and then he recoiled back as Judgement leaped on him, hugging him tightly.

“Thank you.” She said in a much softer tone, catching him off-guard. The other girls looked a bit stunned as well, except for Lucifer and Justice, who had likely known about her kindness for a long time. Looking back at them and seeing everyone stare, Judgement quickly recovered, putting back her little mask. She cleared her throat. “Those are going to be useful. Thank Jaune-”

“Oh, for f*ck’s sake, Judgement! Just drop it already!” Malina shouted at her. “We have been living together for half a year. We all pretty much suspected you were faking your little prosecutor act. You are one big softie, aren’t you?”

Judgement blushed at the accusations, and then she looked around for help. She ended up staring at Lucifer with pleading eyes, but she remained silent.

“The gig is up, Judge!” Justice said aloud. “No more need for shouting and other things; be yourself.”

Judgement fidgeted in place a bit, feeling uneasy. However, Jaune placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to reassure her, and was granted success.

“No one here is going to think any less of you just because you wear that mask.” He said to her, the shorter demoness looking up at him with large eyes shimmering in the light. In fact, he could swear small things were forming … “Oh no, please do not cry! Ignium will-”

He was shut up when Judgement hugged him again, more tightly, this time both for his nice words and not to spill any more beans. He gasped for air a bit, and then he simply hugged her back. “Merry Christmas, Judgement.”

However, the moment was interrupted when someone cleared their throat. That someone being the fly of the Harem. “Forgive me for butting in, but we have a full day ahead of us. Shall we keep going?”

“Oh, right!” Jaune exclaimed, having nearly forgotten about the part that came later after the gifts. “This one's for you, Beel.”

He brought out a small box and gave it to Beel. She took it slowly, opening it to reveal a new handkerchief with the Arc symbol on it, beautiful golden threads contrasting with the white of it.

“Oh my Hells, Jaune, I love it!” She exclaimed aloud, honestly speaking about her gift. Her tail moved around quickly. “When did you get this? I helped you collect all the other gifts, so when?”

“I sewed that one myself.” He confessed, surprising everyone present. “What? I used to sew before as well; my sisters insisted I learn when they happen to damage their clothing accidentally.”

Everyone nodded at that statement, saying how it made sense, or they didn’t care much overall. However, now it was time for gifts from the girls.

“I will start first,” Monica said, getting up and reaching into her pockets, bringing out an envelope. Jaune took it in his hands and opened it, revealing a small, neatly written … One-Time Spare coupon? “In case you get the coffee wrong and you don’t feel like getting your fingers broken.”

“Ok, I will keep this at hand,” He said, depositing the coupon in his pocket. He was going to hold on to it dearly. He then turned to Modeus, who, to his surprise, was holding another envelope in her hands and handing it to him.

“I made those for you.” She said with pride, puffing her impressive chest out as she gave Jaune the envelope. He opened it and then looked inside, seeing multiple photographs within. However, upon picking up one and looking at it, his face went red like a tomato. Those were nudes … Mo’s nudes. He put the photo back, closing the envelope. “For when I am unavailable, and you need some … inspiration.”

“He is certainly going to be inspired by those.” Zdrada laughed loudly. “Very inspired.”

“Cerberus?” Jaune called out to his demon, the three of them beaming up upon hearing that it was their turn. They all went to Jaune, and each one of them gave a gift. Three in one? Nice!

“I helped her choose, so I hope it is to your liking, Jaune,” Beel said as Cerberus revealed her gifts. The first one was a new, limited edition Pumpkin Pete’s hoodie! It was white, and the rabbit was brown! He grabbed it like a child would with candy.

“We have more!” The other two said together, bringing him two other gifts as well, which enlarged his smile and slightly confused him. The second gift was a pair of new boots combat-oriented, and the third was … Three leashes. Oh, he sees how it is: Dogs.

“Thanks, girls.” He replied, giving each of them a pat on the head. They all giggled together at the action, but now it was Malina’s turn.

“Here. You better enjoy it.” She said, putting the item in his lap. The box was pretty small, and when he opened it, he saw a strange sight. A notebook? “This is a strategy note meant for you to write down any strategy you come up with during combat. Or games.”

“Thanks, Mal. This means a lot.” He replied, making the demon girl scoff, showing a small blush. However, he then looked at Zdrada, who had a wide grin on her face, making him mutter. “Oh no … ”

“So, Zdrada, what gift do you-” He was shut up as the demoness pulled out a whip from behind her, with a wide grin on her face. Jaune’s eyes widened, the same as Modeus’s, whose breathing picked up at speed.

“Kinky.” Modeus said.

Jaune gulped. “Is that for … ?”

“Bedroom adventures?” Zdrada said for him, placing the whip in his hand. “Better not disappoint, big boy. Or are you too much of a wuss to take what is yours?”

“Isn’t that more for her than him?” Baphomet muttered.

“You do not even try to hide you are a masoch*st, are you?” Malina asked dryly, to which her sister laughed.

“Of course not, Malinka; who do you take me for? Some shy redhead?” Zdrada said back, and then she looked at Jaune with a sly smirk. “I will be waiting for the day you use that, big boy.”

“Call me as well, please, when it happens,” Modeus added, increasing the amount of sexual pressure Jaune found himself under. His innocence was running on borrowed time still; he had already caved to a blowj*b … Right now, the only thing still keeping him a virgin was his own decision and measures to prevent Modeus from getting into his room at night.

“A-anyway, shall we m-move on?” He asked, stuttering in his words a bit as he put the sex toy on the side. “Azazel?”

Azazel, for her part, just looked a bit nervous. “Well, you see, Jaune, I worked together with Justice to get your present.”

The former prosecutor showed her trademark wide smile. “Yup! You got a gift chosen both by an angel and a demon! Although it is more Azazel since she could see what we were getting. Bring it out, Aza!”

“Here, Jaune, hope you like it!” The angel brought out what looked to be a small box, handing it to Jaune, who took it in his own hands and opened it, widening his eyes when he saw what was inside.

“Holy Dust, where do you girls get this kind of money from?!” Jaune asked aloud as he pulled a golden chain from the box - a necklace of sorts with his family’s symbol at the center. He could see where both Justice's and Azazel’s tastes have mixed, judging from the color, but also something else. He noticed multiple other decorations, each representing one of the girls. A mug for Monica, a book for Modeus, a doghouse for Cerberus, a bottle for Malina, a cigarette for Zdrada, a cross for Azazel, A goat horn for Baphomet, a scale for Justice, a pentagram for Lucifer, a clenched fist for Judgement, and a fly for Beel. He didn’t waste time, putting it on around his neck and checking it out.

“Looks good on you,” Beel replied, smiling at them.

“Indeed. Now I know why those two came at me to call Mammon for extra money,” Lucifer replied, earning Jaune’s confused look.


“Mammon, the Cardinal of Greed,” Lucifer repeated the name, this time adding a title. “You see, just like I embody pride and Beelzebub here embodies gluttony, there are five other demons named Cardinals who embody a sin. Mammon is the name of the demon in charge of greed, and he was the one who supplied us with a budget. He did it with pleasure as well, seeing the Lien is not a shiny trinket like the ones that decorate his palace.”

“You mean to tell me we have an unlimited amount of money at our disposal?” Jaune asked.

“But of course!” Lucifer replied again, feeling her pride swell up. “That mongrel owed me a few good favors, so I pulled a few to get him to supply us for as long as I say.”

“Ok … Moving on from realizing we are richer than royalty, next present!” He said, to which it was Lucifer’s turn to bring his gift. However, for his gift, she had to put down her glass of wine for a moment.

“Judgement, if you’d please bring our gift to him?” Lucifer asked Judgement, who smirked as she went to the fireplace. Lucy snapped her fingers, and the fire winked out of existence as if it were never there to begin with. A magical illusion? Judge set some ash aside. Smart hiding place. However, Jaune’s eyes went wide when he saw Judgement bring something, Lucifer going swiftly to grab the other object.

Jaune knew what this was. Oh, boy, did he know.

“Our gift to you, Jaune. To serve you in your years of glory to come.” Lucifer stated that as Judgement gestured for him to get up, the two girls slowly went around him to help him strap the armor on. This was the armor they had commissioned. The one Ignium said he was not ready for.

It was purely white, with golden trimming and red detailing here and there. His legs were fully covered in armor, but it was not uncomfortable, and it felt like his movement was being impeded. No, it felt light and flexible like a second skin. His feet were fully covered from his hips down as well, meaning maximum protection. Next, his chest plate covered the upper part of his abdomen, with his left arm having a paudron on his shoulder.

Chainmail black as the night extended down from the pauldron, reaching into a gauntlet that covered his arm from elbow to palm with an intricate claw-like design. He noticed a bulky section atop the wrist, yet, just like the feet, it felt light and flexible. His other arm lacked the pauldron and chainmail but retained the gauntlet, which had the same model.

Lastly, he received a helmet that fully covered his face. It was like staring at a blank screen, and when he put it on, he noticed it brought up a HUD. Like in a video game! This thing had some crazy tech in it.

Then, Lucifer brought to him his sword. It was without a sheath, but he had a feeling as to why that was. It was a rather large sword, and as he grabbed it, purple lights lit up in both his gauntlets.

“That is the Magnetic Dust synching with your weapon,” Lucifer explained. “From what I learned, this Dust, which is a combination of Lightning, Earth, and Gravity Dust, is used for technology that implements the recovery of your weapon if you drop it.”

“Useful,” Jaune remarked, holding the sword and marveling at the fine design. The handle was blue, made of a fine material that felt both resistant and comfortable in his hands, with the guard and pommel looking like they were made of gold! The blade itself, however, was quite the sight. It shone with a dazzling white light, looking as pristine as fresh snow.

Then, with one motion, the blade separated into two, and one folded down into a six-round revolver.

“Nice!” Jaune shouted, spinning the empty barrel.

“Both blades can fold themselves into revolvers. You have several boxes of rounds in your room, all with various types of Dust. The weapon meisters Ignium got were true artists of their craft.” Lucifer remarked. “Also, try your shield.”

“My shield?” Jaune looked to his left at the bulky section, and then, with one move, the shield expanded. It was a heater shield, like that of Crocea Mors, with white being the dominant color. However, the inside of the shield was different. It was golden trimming, but it had a pentagram painted in red on the front, together with the symbol of his house. “Woah … And all of this is so light! Is this the metal you girls mentioned?”

“Yes, it is.” Judgement stated. “Second-best material Hell can offer.”

“Awesome. I don’t know how I can thank you enough, girls, for getting me these. Truly.”

“You can start by f*cking us,” Modeus remarked, causing the room to erupt into laughter. Well, maybe not Jaune, as his blush was quite something.

“Maybe, Mo … Maybe later.”

“Let us continue,” Beel smiled widely, stepping up as the next one to give him a gift. “To advance your training, I got you a specific gift!”

She brought out what someone can only describe as four tickets to something. Jaune, however, recognized them. His family went to one when he was younger, roughly ten years ago!

“The Sanctum Selection!” He shouted aloud, looking at the tickets with awe in his eyes. “Amazing! How did you get tickets, Beel?”

He went to the demoness and grabbed one of the tickets.

“Oh, just some demonic persuasion, nothing more. But, darling, this also has to do with your training. From what I found out, the Sanctum Selection is an event reserved for the seniors of Sanctum, the winner receiving the boon of graduating early and requesting where their studies shall continue with all traveling expenses covered!” She then chuckled. “The perfect place to observe the skills of others … And find semblances for you.”

“I also went ahead and booked two hotel rooms,” Baphomet stated. “Beel and I decided to unite our gifting efforts…Seeing how she got the idea about the Sanctum Selection first, I decided to cover the rest.”

“And to watch the tournament!” Jaune added. “We have four tickets as well! One for me, one for you, Beel - since you got the tickets - and I guess one for you, Baphomet, as well.”

“Oh, I do not wish to join you. I am quite busy on that day.” Baphomet stated, but Jaune understood.

“Ok, well thank you, Baphomet, I appreciate the gift. You too, Beel. Now then … Who else? I mean, we cannot take everyone; we only have four tickets.” He pointed out, then he looked around, trying to choose who to take with him. Luckily, the girls made it easier.

“I am not coming,” Monica replied. “Azazel and I are going to be busy during that time, so you can count us out.”

“As much as watching more human customs take place and researching them is fun. Pandemonica’s teachings are way too intriguing to pass!” Azazel added.

“I am not coming either. I want to read this book and finish it. Plus, someone needs to look after Cerberus while you are gone.” Modeus replied, her comment noticed by the triple demon who perked at her words.

“Why can’t we come? It sounds like a good chance to corrupt humans!” The triplets replied in unison, and then Jaune snapped his fingers.

“Yeah, sorry, Cerberus, you aren’t coming. They won’t understand, and you will take up three tickets.” He said, confirming it. Their ears plopped down, and the whimpers and sad puppy look were getting to him. “But I guess I could bring you some gifts, how about it?”

The hellhound hybrid smiled brightly, hearing that.

“There is no way I am going to miss this!” Lucy replied firmly, going over to Beel and snatching a ticket from her. “I am coming. No objections.”

“I and the sisters are staying home as well!” Justice replied aloud. “I am blind, so I wouldn’t be able to see much, and I doubt those two want to go. Someone has to make sure they do not burn down the house while you are gone as well.”

“I guess that means I am the only one left.” Judgement replied, taking the last ticket. “It will be interesting to see how humans train and fight. A good chance to gauge their fighting potential and see if any ideas come to mind to improve my own set of skills.”

“Alright, then, it is settled!” Jaune said. The group that was going to visit Mistral during the day of the Sanctum Selection was chosen. Himself, Beel, Lucy, and Judge. He was a bit worried about leaving some of them at home, feeling somewhat guilty even, but he had to remember this was for the best.

Not to mention, the time had come.

“Alright, girls, now that the gift exchange session is over, it's time for the main party!” Everyone cheered aloud, and then he looked outside at the steaming pool. This was going to be a beautiful Christmas. A beautiful one indeed.

The moment was here, and Jaune couldn't be prouder of himself. A pool party to celebrate Christmas in a pool with heating. Even though the outside was cold, the water was hot, letting out steam and melting the snow around it. It should be large enough for everyone to have a good time, himself included.

Jaune was standing at the edge of the pool, nothing but some blue swimming trunks on him, letting his body take in the winter cold. Sure, it was freezing, but Aura did miracles taking care of that.

Plus, once he got in the water, it wouldn't matter anymore. He did take a few moments to check himself out in the reflection of the water; his body was no longer noodly but with defined, toned muscle that covered his entire frame. He was not too bulky either, but bulky enough to use his weapon easily. Not to mention, he had a six-pack! He always wanted one!

"Crazy training regiment or not, Judgement knows how to put someone in shape." He muttered to himself, but a chuckle had him turn around, spotting Zdrada standing there in the bikini he saw her in last, with a white jacket loosely thrown around her.

"I agree. You're not too bad to the eye, blondie," she said, bringing out her cigars. However, it wasn't to smoke. She set them aside. "Relax, I won't get ash in the water."

Jaune nodded, and then he turned to see more of the harem join them at the pool; Monica, Azazel, Cerberus, and Malina were the first ones, along with Zdrada, to exit the house. He did take the time to check each of them out. Azazel was wearing a simple one-piece swimsuit that seemed to be skin-tight. It was white, with the sides cut out, exposing skin from the middle ribs to just above her hips. The edges were colored yellow, with no other detail visible. A simple swimsuit.

Next was Monica, whom he found wearing an almost similar design. Almost. Her swimsuit was simple as well, but different. It was made of two pieces, with the bottom piece being a basic bikini, but the top was almost a corset. It covered her from above the belly button, covering her chest but exposing the cleavage. He could swear it also pushed her breasts up to make them seem bigger, but he didn't complain. The top piece didn't have any straps. Instead, it was held around her with tight laces. The colors were black and red in design, which was to be expected, really.

Malina had an interesting bikini, though, being a black two-piece one with the top having the letters H and M on either breast. Heroes and Magic, her and his favorite game? Was it a limited edition, just like his Pumpkin Pete's hoodie? Must be.

"Can you stop drooling over us like a dog in heat?" Malina said, a blush forming on her face as she called Jaune out. True, he has been staring.

"Give him a rest, Malinka. He probably cannot help it," Zdrada said, coming to Jaune's defense. To his surprise. "Besides, wait until the others get here! His trunks will come flying off!"

And now it was his turn to blush. No way the other girls were all going to get a reaction out of little Jaune just with swimsuits!

“Don’t worry, we will catch them if they fly!” Cerberus replied in unison, despite Jaune recovering a bit from Zdrada’s words. The trio was wearing a matching bikini set that consisted of two pieces, a top and bottom, with straps wrapping around their necks and two strands of the material connecting the black bikini.

This wasn’t really a big deal. He had spent months with his girls. Feeling a confident smirk creep on his face, Jaune decided to poke the hornet's nest.

"How about a bet, Zdra?" He asked, earning the attention of the demoness. "50 Lien if I do not get a … hard pole just from the swimsuits!"

The demoness hummed, arching an eyebrow, stopping to the side of them. "If you want to punch a hole in your wallet, then you’re on, Arc. I will even wait in the cold. Hard to hide a hard-on outside of water."

"Fair. You girls hurry up in the water." He said to the others, did as told, and got in the pool. Monica and Malina simply remained in the shallow areas, enjoying the relaxation. Wait a minute; where did Malina get a bottle of Vodka? Well, it's too late now … the others jumped in the deep end, Cerberus doing a triple cannonball.

"Sorry for the wait." Beel's formal tone of voice reached him, and he turned his gaze to find the next batch of … hotties. Before his eyes stood Justice, Beel, Baphomet, Judgement, and Lucifer. First, there was Beel, who chose a bright red bikini. A simple one, nothing too fancy except for a fly designed on the right breast. Still, despite her … curves being accentuated, he held strong. He will win against Zdrada!

"It's ok." He replied, trying to retain his calm.

"How's the water?" Judgement asked, which brought his attention to her. Her swimsuit was a one-piece, like Azazel's, but the midriff was connected only by multiple strands of fabric that made the shape of a pentagram with her belly button in the middle. Black in color, her swimsuit had a few grey lines running down her side. Luckily for him, it covered her bust entirely. But on the other side, the backside of it put her bun on a great display. Jaune was pretty sure it was basically a thong at the back with how much of her cheeks were showing.

Then there was Baphomet, who chose quite the selection.

“I hope it isn’t too hot.” She came wearing a one-piece string bikini. Whoever thought simply having a bikini that resembled drawing a V over a woman was a mad genius. The skin on display under her belly button went lower than the other girls. The back was just a G string. The thin fabric disappeared between her ass cheeks for a bit before reappearing. It showed her entire back as it went up her back and split to go over her shoulders. Somehow, his problems didn’t stop there.

The damn thing threatened to let her breasts spill out at any moment. The strings from her shoulders came down to two rectangles, which were then connected to her crotch. Jaune wasn’t sure this counted as cleavage anymore. The tops of her breasts, the bottom of them, the inside of them, her side boob, and even more than 50% of the front of her breasts were there for him to drink in. And then she moved.

Despite being tight, her bikini didn’t offer much support. Moving forward, she had her breasts splitting apart, only to crash back together when stepping down. The jiggling was intense. Still, Baphomet’s swimwear only had three pieces of fabric covering all the critical areas.

"It's nice and h-hot." He replied, stuttering a bit. "It wasn’t that long ago she hugged me. I wouldn’t mind going in between those two massive, soft, and-WAIT! NO! BAD THOUGHTS! Hold it together, Arc! Dry thoughts! Turn off thoughts. Hmm. Grandma Arc at the pool!"

"Oh man, my glasses will be steamed!" Justice whined, but Jaune could tell she wasn't serious. "As if it matters anyway."

Jaune checked Justice's swimsuit. Again, we have a one-piece one, red, with the initials HPJ on the chest written in white. It was a pretty modest and simple one, but just like Judgement’s, it rode up her ass so well that it really brought out her forms to the world, not making Jaune's job any easier. Luckily, the scarring memories of Grandma Arc at the pool seem to be working.

"Too bad, Justice. You would've loved seeing my swimsuit." Lucy replied, grabbing attention to her swimsuit. The top was bright red, while the bottom was black, with straps wrapped around her neck to hold it up. Her hair was tied up in a bun, and two ribbons were tied around her biceps.

"Safe? Safe! Yes! I won!" Jaune cheered internally.

"It's a really pretty swimsuit, Lucifer. I like it." He replied, making the devil blush.

"But of course!" Lucy replied, trying to hold on to her usual demeanor, which got a chuckle out of him. "Nothing but the best for the Queen."

"Anyway, let's head into the water - " Jaune stopped as he noticed something. Someone was missing, and it was the one he dreaded the most. "Where is Modeus?"

Everyone just looked meek and walked past him into the pool. Only Judgement wished him some good luck before going in last, and then he heard the door open again.

"Sorry for being late." That voice. Modeus’s words got him to tense up. The day of reckoning was upon him; he just knew it. The moment he turned around, he'd set eyes on what was likely the sexiest swimsuit out there. So slowly he turned around, trying to keep calm … But everything flew through the window in one second.

He saw perfect skin, smooth and delicate in all its glory, a valley surrounding two great mounts and a small forest in the south … Modeus was naked. Completely nude! He could see it all! Her voluptuous breasts as they jiggled as she moved; despite being smaller than Baphomet, she bounced more. She was so perky, though. If she weren’t moving, support would be unneeded. Her areolas were, strangely but somehow to be expected, heart-shaped as well, like her eyes. He also noticed a small, heart-shaped bush to the southern border, further empathizing with one detail he knew was true.

He owed Zdrada money.

"Ha! Pay up, Arc! I see that tent!" And on cue, Zdrada was quick to collect.

"Modeus … Why are you naked?" His eyes found her puss* lips looking so full and inviting. “Even if I can’t get balls deep in her, I’d settle with just shoving my face in between her legs and eating her out until-NOT AGAIN! DAMN IT BRAIN!”

"Why aren't we skinny dipping?" She asked, leaning a bit forward. Jaune averted his eyes a bit, or at least tried to. Modeus was beautiful, plain, and simple. All of them were. But Mo? She was also, as her nickname implies, lustful. As she leaned, her breasts jiggled again, and he could swear she was doing it on purpose right now just to get the reaction out of him, teasing him. But he knew he had to be strong. He was not going to increase the number of Arc tonight!

“N-No. C-Can you go get a b-bikini?” He asked, stuttering in his words again. Modeus, for her part, smirked slyly when he was not looking, a low giggle escaping her mouth as her tail moved around. “Mo?”

“I’m afraid I don’t exactly have one … ” She walked past him, making sure to keep swaying in her hips, making her perfect peach-shaped ass jiggle. She brushed her breasts by his elbow a bit, leaving the Arc a mess. She walked in the water, letting out an intentional moan as she did to entice him further.

Malina facepalmed seeing her. “f*cking slu*t.”

“I don't think you can be either of those things if ya a virgin.” Zdrada laughed. “But A for effort.”

“f*ck me, this is tougher than I thought!” He thought to himself, then Jaune inhaled deeply, bringing the turn-off images to block Modeus’ sexy body. With his eyes looking up, not daring to risk seeing Modeus again, he walked into the pool, the hotter water making him jump a bit before he went in fully. He let out a relaxed sigh of relief, entering the pool. Nothing beats the hot water touching his skin and relieving some of the gathered stress.

Granted, he did have to be careful. Mo could decide to get more handsy at any moment. So he decided to go next to Lucifer for protection against the lustful one, which proved to have SOME effectiveness, seeing as all Modeus did was tease him by jiggling her chest. He couldn’t help but blush, but he managed to calm little Jaune down … For now.

Traitorous scum threatened to rise any moment.

However, unknown to him, Lucifer had been looking between the two with narrowed eyes. Cerberus was playing around, either in the pool or in the snow. The snow didn’t bother them a lot, but they did feel the cold, making them return to the pool each time with a splash, to Zdrada’s chagrin as they kept putting out her cigars.

Smoking outside the pool, but still close enough to bask in the heat? Allowed. Provided no ash finds its way into the water.

Malina and Monica were simply relaxing on the sides like him and Lucy, the former drinking and the latter merely standing quietly and relaxing herself. Azazel was talking with Justice and Judgement, asking questions about their times as prosecutors.

Baphomet was enjoying herself as well. She was leaning back while sitting, somehow, he didn’t know how, on a goat-shaped floatie. Where she hid that until now, he wouldn’t ask. Demons had their magic. He has his aura.

And Beel, for her part, was enjoying a small drink close to the edge, watching Cerberus running around and occasionally shouting at her to be more careful.

Eventually, one of the Cerberus came behind Jaune, holding something in her mouth.

“What do you have there, Cerbi?” He asked, then he picked up the plant from her mouth. It was a mistletoe. Lucy then giggled to his side, leaning onto him a bit and pressing her chest on his arm.

“Well, well, look what we got here.” She mused playfully, looking at the plant. Jaune became more tense, and the close contact made him nervous.

“Don’t you humans have a tradition with this plant?” She asked, knowing full well that Azazel had told Jaune EVERYTHING. “Or, well, used to. But if we still celebrate the day of His son’s birth, we might as well go all the way with following tradition.”

She was just toying with him now, offering some teasing for ignoring her and looking at Modeus. Lucifer would’ve punished the lustful demon already but decided against it since this was a holiday and they were celebrating.

“Y-yes.” He stuttered, his face becoming flushed. And it wasn’t from the hot water.

“When two people, a man, and a woman, find themselves under the mistletoe, they kiss … ” He did his trademark scratching of the back of his head. “But we don’t have to do this, right? I mean, you guys are demons, so breaking traditions must not be too hard for you, so- Wait, what are you doing?!”

Lucifer climbed onto his lap, leaning on his chest with her hand caressing his torso.

“Judgement did a good job.” Lucifer thought to herself with a confident smile on her face as she watched his widened and embarrassed eyes.

“Look at you, a little more contact, and you freeze. How adorable of you, Jaune, truly. Even after a bit of fun with Modeus, you remained unchanged. But I doubt you will lack the gall to take charge forever.” She leaned in closer, further challenging him. There was no way for her to make a mistake. Everything was under her control. “I can feel his heart beating in his chest, his mortal, weak heart so close to my hand. I could easily shove it in his chest and then rip his entrails out. Such a fragile, young, and naive-”

Lucifer’s thoughts, as well as everyone’s attention to their own things, were interrupted when Jaune leaned in towards Lucifer and kissed her deeply on the lips, the Queen of Hell widening her eyes at the sudden contact and feeling her pale skin turn crimson at the action.

So lost was she in her thoughts that she had failed to notice that Jaune had decided to make the first move.

However, even though a part of her wanted to take some distance, she couldn’t. She wanted more of this … interaction with him than not. She wrapped her hands around his neck and used one of her palms to push his head into hers more, feeling his hair. She found the hairpiece holding his tail together, and she let it come undone, letting his hair come loose.

His arm wrapped around her midriff, pulling her closer to him as the kiss slowly turned into a heated make-out session. Everyone was watching; even Zdrada stopped smoking and looked at them in stunned expressions.

They were really into it, and everyone could swear they started using their tongue as well. Modeus looked somewhat jealous, having shown up naked and getting no such attention, but the thoughts running through Jaune’s and Lucifer’s heads were more than enough to make up for that.

Yes, this pool party was to be memorable for sure. Slowly, forgetting about the others around her, Lucifer traced one of her hands to the strap of her bikini, nearly untying it to get rid of the restrictive clothing.

However …

“Jaune! My boy! I finally found - Oh my goodness!” Mr. Colt, through some unholy intervention, barged into the yard, finding everyone there hanging out in the pool, with a naked Modeus and Jaune having a woman in his lap and making out. Luckily, and perhaps a reason to worry as well for the old man, he had passed out from the shock.

That helped Jaune and Lucifer stop, the devil getting a bit of distance between herself and Jaune, who, for his part, was looking genuinely scared.

“Girls! Human Forms! Quick, before he wakes up!” He shouted, jumping out of the pool and running to the older man. “High Alert! High Alert!”

This … This wasn’t good.

Arc of Hell - Rewritten Edition - Chapter 18 - Horned One (VoidDevil) (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.