The Highland Park News-Herald from Highland Park, California (2024)

"Mr-1 "THETHICnitXNtrTA3iK'. NEWS-HEItAtDrtOS ANGELES "CALirpRNTX' wiyy vwmMt-Minwrp re-- Hn raroATTAnmzor.razs WANTED -id FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Real Estate Business DireiL aha no a motor to this fltoactorp isr ana sath $184, II aato ran bmtosm Iff ih CONTRACTOR AND BUI LB RE JL E. Finlay Mil FaaaUoaa Am. OArf. MIL ELECTRICAL AFFUAMCB Etoetrte atop Hit A van os.

OArSaM MIL tairrs ui vegetables-1 NlfcaMa Fraflaaa Ca-18 Ava. OArf. 4441. Lumber FMtan Davtoa IM Waal Ava' II OArf MIL -r Yorkdale Assn to Hold Sale of Foods The Yorkdale A. will hold a food sale at the Unity Market (Whites), on York boulevard at Avenue 57 tomorrow, Saturday, April 21.

Wa will have a large assortment of cakes, pies, bread, salad and cooked foods of all kinds. Everything will he for sale at very moderate prices and the proceeds will go to pay for the free milk given the needy pupils et the Yorkdale school. Attention, wives! "T'Doesyour husband insist on your spending all the money you want at the Monday- bargain sales! Does he show you all the little attentions and niceties 'your- heart craves? Does he-sweetly--offer to tend the baby while yon take the evening off? Will he offer to stay at hofne, aew on buttons, dam stock ings, chop the hash while you spend a pleasant evening out with friends. or at the theater? If he does not do any or all' of the above come to the Yorkdale auditorium on May 4 and i find out how you can make him" love to dq "all these-things. The Yorkdale A.

is going to put on a play which is a solution of all domestic Press Chairman. TO WHOM rr KAY djNCERNi? i -V Notlre la hereby plvaa that 1 am aa! resronKlbis lor any billa or 1 Mil la- rarrad bp D. U. Itorvar ar aharpm made apalast tha Barvaasa UpMsey aad Furniture Shag aa totaled at Map Fasadsaa Avo. after this date, tha lid of Mpreh, 12.

Stoned. JAMES. $TITfL 1 (First Publication Apr. I 8) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Na MUM T. Estate of JOHANNA OLSON, DeeeessiL Notice to toraby.

given by tha uadaiw' sipnad Administratrix ef the Estate af 'i1 Johanna Olsoo, dareaiwd. to the eredHorS af, aad all parsons having dahas aaalast tha mid dareaiwd, to exhibit thsaq with V. tha necessary vourtorq within ted ateatha after tha flrat' publiratioa of this to said Administratrix at the ofltre. 'I of MILLARD M. Anwyo Bare Bank BuUdtna- Las Aapalea Call- fornto, which said afftof tfao oadersipaed selects ax i 1 plan of bu uluses in all blatters reuaretad -with, said astute, to fila ikon, with tha asressary reushsrq within, tea moatba after tha first puM6- ration of thla aot Ire la tha afitoa af tha Clark of tha Bu parlor af tha Mute uf California, in and for tto Couaty af Los Auxalre.

i Dated March 2L I32L-. MINNIE OLSON. -C Admlalstratrix. MILLARD M. MIEB.

Atteraayutt-Uv 218 Arrays Brea Baak Bld. Los Aasatoq Califonto. Publication March 38 It) NOTICE TO CREDRORB Na MSM Estate of ALBERT GROVER. Dareoaad. Notlre to hereby yireu by tto unitor -j-slynod Executor of tto Estate of Atari Grorar, drcrered, to tto creditors of, aad all parsoni tovLt clalias ssslaat tto rid Jrrsssrd, to sxhiMt ttouq with tto iiy voinhorq within ten after tto flrat publication of art Icq 1 to tto said Extcutor nt tto ofltoa of MILLARD M.

MIBB. Atterasyt-Law. of Loa Anprisq County of Las Anqrisq State of California which sold ofltoa undandated sstocts as piare af bual-" nass la all putters reanartsd with said or to fila thna with tto teres ary vamhrrq within ten areal hs after tto first publication of this nsttoq ta the flffire of tto Clark of the Bupsrhry.1i Court of tto State af California, Is aad for tto County of Loo Aapriaa March 23. 1(23. GEORGE Bl MIER, ILLARD M.

MIERp 7 213 Arrays Ssca Bank Bldg. Loa AngskaCriiforaia- (First FuhUratlan Inarch 24 4t) NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP Tire capartasreiiip hsretafara relstlno under tire nanw and sty la af tto HIGH-' LAND PARK HARDWOOD FLOOR' COMPANY, at 813 North Areaaa la tha City af Loa Angriaq County af Loa Aagstoq State of California to thla---day dissolred -by mutual esnssat. All itsraam who are Indebted to tire mdrr igflad are raspoct fully raqusstsd to seres forward and maka payrecat Dated at Lao Angatoq la tire said County uui State aforesaid, thla (2nd day af March. A. D.

1828. -flignadt FREDERICK ATKINSON, S223-A Fasadena Ava Signed: -W. M. BATEMAN. alas, all af outside work aranad the tousa.

Call 414 8. Ava 4L Call after 4 p. to. OArf. MIL Ftf VOU WISH amriap daaa by pariaaaad draaamakar call IM Na Ava 14 or GArf.

021. F-tf MARCEL I1AO Feset la days fma All athar kind of toautr work alia The Hill-tap Baaaty Shappa IM N. Ava OArf. lit. Mrs.

Mary Peak. Ftf NEW alpa. organ far practise at Abtwy Saa Kncina 4141 Faaadaaa Ava GAr. 14. Chapel rented for waddings and parties.

F-tf I1BST CLASS psparbanpinp. painting aad deearatiag, prim rcaaonabis, artt mates cheerfully plvaa Carrsdlns, 1117 Na Ava. 40. GArf, TIM. F-tf UMODEUNG day or awa tract.

J. C. SUnhq GArf. T22L-' Ftf CARPENTER BUILDING Rapaira and AUaratteaa Cablast Work H.UEBS. 414 Na Ava M- CArf.

fit F-4f ROOF patching and ahlapliap and roof painting fay expsrianetd faun. GArf. 1425. A. Greenlee, 4451 Mount Eagle PI.

F-tf GARDEN, town work mtiafactlaa puaraatead. asn. repairs GArf! 0712. F-tf WANTED Any kind af add jabs; pare denlng, carpeaterlap, GArf. 1187.

4184 Mem Ava 42-4F DRESSMAKING Mlsa L. D. Ratoon "5m movrd to 6422 Pasadena Ava. fram UUt Faieutena Ava. 44-F1P PAINTING, TINTIKiG.

carpvntt-rlnp, repairing. C. Baltimore GArf. 424L 45-4 TINTING Lrt me figure your job; 'work' guaranteed. Claude 0.

Palmar; 148 Aw. 42. GArf. 8411. F-tf ALL kinds, of ninharJ landscaping ml pantea work lawns eared Xml psnl rf.

5748. FAINTING, paparhaafng, deouratinc aad pralnlnp eteaa competent workmen astimatea given; terma if -desired. Davis A lteylq 828 No. Ava M. GArf.

2181. 40fttf INVALIDS A rast-ssskani wanted la fins private hema' Nnrea Dtetitlaa Fries GArf. 112 N. Ava 4. 14fiU HARDWOOH FLOORS laid and Old floora made Hka aaw.

S. Horn dsrsnq 4144 Almadcu Dr. AL. 4ML Mtf CARPENTER WORE, polnUap. tint.

Inp, roof repairing also add Joba CArf. 486L Mfttf LILLIAN BEAUTY SHOP GArf 1432 Lean Oil Permanent Waving Expert Fin par Waviap Iffltf PLASTERING Cement and brickwork. mantles all work guaranteed. R. Hmmuq 4M0 Uncoil Ava GArf.

1881. 244ytf EXPERIENCED ptidsnsr; any kind af stork, day ar hour. GArf. 3311. 221 tf.

Cement Work wanted PORCHES STEFS, Fbuadatmaq -fiat ate. ELMER ADAIR, note OArf. 344L 1421 Na Ava near York Blvd. ffitf IF YOU WANT aobbtoq sand, pravsl. hauling dirt, rubbish, GArf.

3420. 44f3P MATERNITY HO8FITAL! HOME HIT Monterey EL CArf. fiftf Cement aim far na 34 poc day. Psllvarad. Als -IHL ALL ktoda af palpHap.

aratlap. Day ar GArf. 4I4. WANTED Housework IkT 4427. Jelly.

iqtf 44fi8F PARPENTER reerk, building and att, kinds. of alterations; palntlap tad Ilatfnp. Call OArf. 7240. 43Ctf WE WANT yea to know that you caa get lawn mowers prauad, radiators repaired ar any repair- job 1 doaa tore quickly aad reasonably.

DaBsUq 3023 Fnsadena Ava 1 GArf. 3481. (h CEMENT MIXER for ml $4 a day. 1 GArf. MIL 2834 Ma Ava It Qtf CARPENTER WORK by day or rate Nash A Buaa GArf.

IML 20Ctf FAlNTlNd, hMTlNa PAFERHANGING cheerfully plvaa. GArf. SL a. b. liARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, M.

reflnlshsd. ALbany 4227 48rtf Bale TENTING, purarhaapinafi lew figures know haw go anywhere. FItsroy 1824. 4364 WANTED Bundle washing mending done fret oCcharpe; will ran for aad deliver apwi sir drying. Mr.

Heuaa 4810 Pasadena Ava I3tf NlMlAlG, day or wk, by undergraduate urm; It yre. axp. 123 E. Ava 44. llgIF WANTED General housework by tour; qr care of chiMren.

GArf. 3ML 81C4P VICTORY CARPET CLEANING (XX; faam 'stork at naa prism; quick mm vica HUmtoidt 1I4L Mgtf SMART DRESSES and alterations la your ilnq 14 a day. GArf, MIL glp -k by tha WANTED Hou GArf. 171L NURSE ready for specialty. GArf.

3043. WHITE womaa wants worh. day ar half day. CAp MIL- Mra. Hurt.

4lgtf RE LIABLE tody wiahea cun -far chil-dreu days or aveq OArf. 1083. Mg3 CLEANING, 45e an hour; washing to taka boms, pieces far $1. Mrs. House.

4414 Pasadena'-Ave. 33fttf WILL mra (br aid lady or semi-iavalid'; ptoaaaut home. GArf. 8231 for partial- lara. 336 2p WISING 'flxtureq extra piupe; let aatlmate; repair reueaaabto lamps and Cpll Southwtek Elect rto.

8237 Pamdcna Asa GArf. 4742. I3gtf ANTED-Housswurii and- sewing. Me aa hour. GArf.

2141. Mg CAN hasu mad rabbit coops for them away at 888 Terraco 40. WILL wash windows or do other work around bomci also hare sanitary couch (of talc cheap. GArf. 0240, PRACTICAL nurse to at liberty.

-IML GArf. WANTED Trained nurse wishes position. Prtors reasonable. GArf. 473L WANTED Any bind of add Jobs; gar- dosing, rarpsaterinp.

repairs, a av GArf. 47-4 HIT. 4184 Mesa re. I WILL give .1 or 2 female kittens la hums with ao small children. 118 to Are.

44. GArf. MIL YOUNG tody will do any kind of office work several ymra' experience raid-toat of Highland. Box 321. Mcwa-Harald.

LADY uranta clean ins. cooking or cars of convalescent by hour or day; aha high school girl wishes position as nothcrs helper. GArf. S87L Pasadena Ave. at Ave.

64 IN CHtVIOTDAIF Indicstive of the buildins setiv ity noticeable in the Northeast section ia that of Cheviotdale Heights, where many residences are going up and where many substantial sales have been made within the pant few weeks. The Wm. R. Myers compahy, developers of this addition the following construction work L- and transfers latelw recorded: The new home of Mr. and Mrs; P.

K. Burnham ia well under way on Redwood under the supervision of the Wm. R. Myers company building department. Another large- and imposing residence fa being built at the top of Anita Drive in Cheviotdale, overlookin' Pasadena and thevre-gions roundabout.

This ia the C. M. Fuller, county sealer of weights and measures. Charles- Boxsani, with the Boi-xuni Motors organisation, has Just concluded the purchase of. the six-room residence on Juniper Drive Among recent arrivals in Cheviotdale ere Mr.

end Mrs. Hale B. Kilmer, who hate pur-t chased the imposing home at 484 Juniper Drive. The Kilmers formerly resided in Eagle Rock. Mr.

ami Mrs. K. O. Sherman have started construction' of their new home on Cherry Drive. Ira L.

Allen of R. G. Dun A Co. has bought a lot in Cheviotdale on Elmwood Drive. They are Highland Park residents at present WANTED DRESSMAKING-Work puaiaateod.

SCO A teams Si. GArf. 4284. 47gtf PRACTICAL nurse wishm work; ax-- iisrtoncvd apt 25 reference. GArf.

42M. WANTED Parent and taactors to know wa. carry grammar aehool reads rq pcltorp and arithmetic for home uaa Monte 'Vista Book Store, 5210 Monte VMa at Na Ave 62. F-tf DUMP TBUCK SEBVICE Frrtilher, Top Soil, Sand aad Gravel HOPPER A SON -6075 Aidants St. GArf, (148 GArf.

8717 47-dp PAINTING, TINTING, PATCH PLASTERING no Job too small; reaa; all work fl rut-clans. GArf. 8284. WANTED Housework by day or hour. GArf, 8233.

47-F-4p SEWING Will pa out by day ar taka work home; pood work. GArf. 1284 or mil (Ml Pnllard SL, Garvama WANTED Help SALESPEOPLE I men and i women wanted on greatest subdivision property aver developed In. Southern California extraordinary chanes for larpa earnings and 1 advancement. See Mr.

Eddy II a. 6425 Paaadeaa Ava to A WIDOW with 2 children wants housework and laundry work by the day. GArf. 350L i WANTED Woman to do handkerchief work. ---Apply Mondayq Wadnasdayq Fridayq 3 to 4.

MM Bom Vhw. 474(2 WAITRESS WANTED Spilt shift; (18; 3 days 3 hours Suptrba Caft. HIT Pasadena Ava GIRL wanted to work in Dentist's office mum to neat and' willing worker answer by totter, giving aaa past employment, telephone number, ete. Box 20, News-Herald. 47gtf SHERIFFS SALE Na 2IS33T Net ice of Sato af Baal Batata Under Epccatlaa John Ganlctto, va a Seag-' liaoac.

Defendant. By virtue of aa axocuttoa Issued out of the Superior Court of tha County of Los A apt lea State of California, whsrsia John Gardatto PlqluUffi' tad G. Beap-llaooe. Defendant, upon a judgment rendered (ha Ith day of April, A. D.

1327, for thereum of Thirteen Hundred Thirty-alxht and (41848.14) Doilarq lawful money of tha United Btateql besides costs and- iateresL hare levied upon all the right, titta claim and la-tars st of said defendant, G. Seagttaoaa of. In and to tha following dsaeribsd real estate, situate In tha. of La Aapeiaa Rato of CallfornU. aad bounded and descritod aa follows: Lot Nino (I).

Block One til. Tract Na MIL as par map recorded In Bank Forty-scran (47), Pape Forty-tkreeI44). in the office of the County Bacorjtr of Loa Anpetos County, California. Torrens Certificate Number BB1MTL Pubiie Notlre la Hereby (Svau that I will, oa Monday, tha 14th day of May, A. IX 1828, at 12 o'clock M.

of that day, la front of tha Gaurt House door' of tha County -of Lao Angolan, Broadway entraaeq sail at public auction for lawful of the United Statea all the right, title, claim aad Interest af paid defendant. G. Seapliaoaa of. In and to the adore daserttod property, or ao much thereof may to necessary to re is auffiekat to satisfy said Judgment. with interest and costa ate to the highest and tort bidder.

Dated this 20th day of April, 192L WM. I. TBAEGER, Sheriff of Loa Angelas County. By W. D.

GILMAN. Deputy I8IDOR MORRIS, Plaintiffs Attorney. (First Publicatloa April 20-28 4t) Sell it the Went Ad Wa j-Uflfi the Newfi-Hersld. GArfleld 0521 FOR RENT FOB RENT Oirabhad aunap t-raam I PM. P2P Na Ava 14.

FURNISHED 'south ride of my atudU baaia. 4 ar rooms private balk I trasq Bowprq parapa; adulta. 4447 Mar-War. GArf. PIPI.

FOR RENT Furaiahad, (24; 8-raaaa ad. bung aad parapa hdwd. A I aarr alaan. M41 Bor St, I bib. An-aanda la ear.

beautiful P-raaai aad braakfaat ream apartment; automatic boater bath and -rink: atehapaap flalah; parapa; adulta IM 8a Ava 88 UNFURN. 7 raw; 8 alaepiap perchea; auaar, clean (bade artistic. 4412 Faaadaaa Ave. GArf. 6408.

HOUSE furaiahad farp attractively aaar. bath can; ataapiap areemaredatlous; free phono ear vice water paid 7 lawn eared far Ilf JO with--parapa. -424 $1, GArf. RENT1; FOR RENT Now Spaabih atueeo I rooms parapet small dining room $24. 234 8a Am.

47. 47g2p FOR RENT Furaiahad completely. rma, klteheaetta bath light. gaq phu paid; plcaaaat ham far ona lady; 14, GArf. 7731.

WANTED TWO nice clean awa to beard aad ram lovely horn cooked mala; IIP a week. IM 42. GArf. 4422. ROOMS $2 aad bawd ar llpht houachcctitap can ha arraapad parapa GArf.

002. Ava 44. FOR BENT Nice away kitchenette, turn. Complete for house act; very reasonable. 7N Na Ava.

GArf. MI7. 4-ROOM cot tap, uafaraiahad ar partly furaiahad; newly renovated fins view; shrub and flewem: rant maaonnbla. 4S2M Elder St. GArf.

4427. 'GRAif NEST." furnished artistic Mt of country hidden la city for refined person wantinp quiet, mt aad beauty; auitabla for artist or writer i rbarminp aaa It. GArf. 1244. $K-v-Uafurnishsd 4 rooms and alaepiap pqrch alee airy fiat 2 doors' cast of Aw.ijU(E.

Ava. 41. Phope GArf. 2214. FOR Nicely furnlshad rooms with board, parapa Fhona GArf.

2474. 422 Na Ate. 61. CLEAN, modara uafura 'upper flat; I rooms screen parch, paa nape adulta wall located $24. GArf.

1J74. 12 Na Avc. 40. EITHER furnished -or unfurnished cm nor bunpalow; I sunny porrh all latent conveniences rent vary iaod-crate. Corner Avc.

10 aad Echo St. NICELY fura 4-rm. atueeo; flat for prawn family; 1 blk. Na- of York Bind, end 4c emir. 4225 Fayette St.

4-ROOM house, unfun, $21; fura, $30, or will rant 2 houses furaiahad for I or. 2 yearn for $10; parapaa 1420 Rcpton St. Qdl after I p. m. 47fllp RENT 4-room FOR RENT 4-room house neat aad damn also yard; 'fruit and flowers dore to rar; 420.

GArf. SMI. FAKE VlSTA APTS. Fura. alnpletmt $20; 1 Mk.

Sycamore Park close to 2 ear lines. .4122 Echo St. LARGE new 4-room modara horns with parapa; corner lot; $20; at 4000 Hub St. Near la ear and atoms. FOR RENT 4 room medera near schools 424.

GArf. 7414. BENi1 HALF PRICE OR LESS My flue 12-room 8 story apartment house, 210 North Ava price reduced from MS to Ml yor 122.40 for lower mama with ears af lawn aad let; near atoraa pram mar and Uph schools; will plve loam. Key at first house -north. F.

W. Hart, phene DEteware 2005. LOVELY front had room. separate ea-traaea adjoin! np with private family, dtl Na Are. 41.

GArf. 8142. FURNISHED i rma near carlines $20. GArf. and aloe pi up porch, IIP Na Ava 02.

47tf FOR RENT Fura. aleepinp room for pentkman parapa; all for 120. 0247 Mcridlaa St. ATTRACTIVE 4-room ton. apt.

oa view lot; extra law-door bad; parapa MM Stretford Rd, car. olden. ALbaay 2474. FOB RENT Waal someone to ehare my home of 4 roams prater ladiea ar middle aped couple reamaahla rent. 4212 Tipton Way.

1 NICELY furnished bedrooms noma mania: parapa If dedrad. 1207 Manta Vista Ava. Phone GArf. I7M. FOR BENT Housa 4 rma; modara; 2 bad rooms; f2I; water paid.

4201 Eaphaal Fhona owaar, CApitol 2044. VERY Ana new buapalow court; I rooms and bath furaiahad; eeefcatove. tee baa breakfast -set aad water. Call and appreciate location. 4110 Reho SL Fries 24.

i-ROOM house, parapa qteaa aad in per test order near I ear Ham adulta reasonable. Ava 12, just off Pasadena Ava Key at 10P Ari, 12. EUot 8270. i- PABK apartments. 0012 Faaadaaa Ava; newly toraiahad si nates $24, with bath and aaek; avaretaffad acta fleers lamps hiph FOR RENTr-Furalahad Ocm.

private aatranaa: parapa; J20. GArf. MPO. AIM Mesa Ava 4-ROOM mod. housa hdwd.

Soon, dp. parch, pmrapv water paid; $27. 5217 Grarita Inquire 121 Na Ava 42. CArf. 4404.

FOR RENT Vary dedrabh sinpla aad double apt. newly decorated private entraaee reasonable. 240 Tharaa St, off 8a Avo. 10. a WANTED To Rent WANTED TO RENT by the 2Pth by mother pad budnaaa daupbter, madam I or mam bunpalow; yard; aaar ear not over $24; describe.

Box 112, Ncwn-Hcrxld. WANTED- TO RENT frhsdmm pood lomtioB; near aehool I Phone OApv ISteTlfter 5 p. m. FOR SALB Real Estate FOB SALE OR RENT New 4-rm. lurea bunpalow; modem.

CArf. trgiP $1400 EQUITY la three acrea to flpa 'near Riverside laeome tba firat yaar; will sail or tradq GArf. T47P. Mtf YOUR own pries, new Woedwprd, 211 88th 8 Baaeh. IKftlP 22440 BUYS 1 roam madam bunpalow; lot 40x114; parapa; 2 blka ear; 1404 dawn and 121 a ma WORDEN REALTY CO.

4484 York Bird. GArf. 7417 LOT 10x111; 2 blka to ear -or boa llaea oa York; walkhfp dlatawca to Fraaklla Hiph pud 'Peridental Coi-bpe; level beautiful view; no trades; 11000, fnetudlap aammlaalnu aad all ha-pravamaata pakfa W. Starr, GArf. 2P71 or 2440.

4MHf SPECIAL SACRIFICE Brandmew 4 aad Vraaa hoaaaa strictly medera; Brest to sold by non resident earner; Priced $24M to -4204; ampa In aad save rent terma to cult. 4174 Faaadaaa Ava GArf. 44M. SNAP Mast sell new 4 mam ataeea cloar; MOM; MM dawa- hal -par Park. Jean.

4421 Faaadaaa Ava. IKttf MOD. I roam buapalaw; hdwd. Seers. la livlap aad dialap roam; kollt-la bath: larpa lot $4140 terms; $1410 cash.

Ma Ava 54. 2004 PE RENT 4-rm. plastered bourn; aereaa porch, bath; lot 40x200; I parapss; ehictox; yard price- $2000, terma rant 224. .1474 Na Ava S2. Key at 484 SACRIFICE 4L104 aquHy $500.

doe ite aiekasm in fondly; 4-rm. frama kv rape; 1 madam eoavaalsat: level m. 44x111; ahndha Smrnra, yaua toartap fralt traaa; chaa aehoola fluea ekeretoa Wy car; boat buy la dtyi'BO apeata Sea owner after 2 p. m. $12 Will Bt.

iW 2-Jtk. Imhiss i earner lat I well teested eteae te ear aad school; easy terma GArf. MM. Vs- SEE US far barpalaa la bulldlap Psnptasq York Mvd. NEW stucco duplaa rma above 3 naa down; doable parapa; reatricted district moaay; $1000 dawa haL M400 at a ma, laaL lat.

GArf. 1244 ar 4044. 40tf FA8ADENA Baiuitiful Spanish hema new; badrooau tila hatha. Caa uaa rahun ar mil steal! down paynieut. El.

1444. CLAS8ELL FARE- ACRE M7M Four ram bag as, chickaa ysrda fruit tress klph, healthful flai view botwasa Glendale aad Loa Aapriaa Juat off Saa Fernanda Road aad daw te aaw Fletcher Driva te car. aad acheoli; paa llpht sewers to and paid, Cu divide lata dx full dty lata Only $2254 cash, bal. And mortpapn. Owaar, GArf.

7472. Mftf OWN YOUR HOME Dandy 4 mam house larpe- lot; 4111 Bernice Ava; Sec owner, 4114 Pasadena Ava GArf. 4441.. Ma med. almost a bunp.

hdwd. flsera d. patch; $2240; lam far half. cash. 4244 Mt.

A.apelua Dr. GArf, 1116 awralapa aad ava al Bps. Hfttf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 4-rm. ari atueeo; will tnda for trust dasd, clear lat or email house. GArf.

Mil, MODERN S-room bunpalow; larpa. level tot, fenced; small dawa payment bal. Ilka Owaar, GArf; 2254. Mgl NEW SOUTH PASAbEliA larpe want 4 ar 4 room borne la- cx- ebanpe. Eliot lltHL FOR SALE S-rak Spanish modern stucco, juat eemptetad, an paved blvd rastrtetad A tons rock bottom price; a real place to live.

You will enjoy it. 1147 Ha Ava 41,. 44-tf FOE SALE acre of toad la Bouquet Canyon, 4 mike from Saupus plaO aa acre or 17000 cash. 8. 4M Museum Dr.

4flf-4u FOR SAFE INVESTMENT buy a tut or two la beautiful Baa Marina where it likely will double far you in a abort lime. Al' Improvements In; low taxes. Larpa residence tote 12000 up; business tote $100 par foot. Wa, Heidenua, 1444 Eatt. llriva-8aa Marina Phono Alhambra 2414-M.

Ofltoa block 7 south Huntinptou Drive, between City Hall' and 44F-tf 2 LARUE lute, Mt. Washiaptoa fraattom prow avoradoa ate. fine hcuwalte bxeepttoaat barpaln 'at $2000. Owner, GArf. 2244.

LOT, 44x144; tovd; pm near aehoala roilepe high and healthful; bioek from ear liae. 1205 Oak Crest Way. 7frtf 4-ROOM stucco, modem throughout plumbing the teat; rone rate basem*nt parage: bouse in rear; worth $0000; sale price $4240. 12740 4 rooms large fruit trace and shrubs; near ic ear; EX terma ONLY $2400 4 rooau, modern nice location a real buy; only $200 down. 424 '( month.

$7400 2-Aoor flat la the heart of Hiph-- toad Park; new aad up-to-date; large lot; a wonderful buy. ABOUT $2200; T.TT drawing mil at 20 discount. Bee H. LaFranec at-4450 -Pasadena -Ava. or 817 Annan-dale Blvd.

FOR SALE I roams oa concrete street; 11100 terms. Apply 4424 York Blvd. GArf. HERE'S YOUR -OPPORTUNITY Lot 40x124, N. Griffin Ava; now Improved I garages; all assessments paid; price $2100 rad joins 4224 N.

Griffin Ava ripe for bunpalow court, flats or duplex; easily under Saa owner, 4114 Pasadena Ava. GArf. 4441. h)R SALE OR EXC1L 4-room boass; parapa; larpa -tot; near ehurchea stum carfare priced right will consider Detroit property only. Air tony 214.

EXCHANGE -I rooms and steeping parch; 1 acre walnuts chicken ranch; exchange for your equity. 4-ROOM bunpalow parapa; larpa lot; MM0; $104 cash. 4-ROOM mod. new atueeo a steal at M45P; $444 cash. DOUGLASS 6515 York Blvd.

GArf. 4094 FOR SALE $5500 I roam frame atedera bunpalow, 427 Pollard: larpa level lot; unusual terma te dependable buyer. 44744 4-room frame, like new tot 48x144; hardwood floors parapa 1211 Kipling, off iota, and El Modena Terms llte rant. 14000 I ream atueeo; lot 50x140. 2027 Wot lam, near DivWen.

$1200--Larpo view let; close to Aaaan-dale aad LaLoau; 11400; reatriettoaa; $120 dawa; $12 moatfaly, iaeludinc jt Interest. Owners, WM. X. MYERS -102 S. Grand Ava TUeker 1477 Devatopero af Chsvtotdato Helphta LARGE res Id ante lot la fast growing York Manor Treat an York near Gins-mil Junction priced to sell.

Call GArf. 7M1. CANT BE DUPLICATED 4244 Striek-. land Ava; $4404; terma MOO cosh. $45-0 month.

4027 Hub Sb; $2000; terma (too -each. $20 a aumth. Bm them. F. O.

Farter, 47g2 I BOOMS, madam; fireplace all tea prov. la; parapa; tot 40x140; 1 blk. from ear Una; (IMP eaah ar terma Owner, 2701 W. Ava 22, A. ALtony 288.

TC 14PM Madam 4-rak frame all hdwd. floora: MOP wv terma; aaar Southwest Muaaum and park PP2 Museum Dr. $4404 4-rm. mad. bunp.

42 bedrooms) urn; small payment rash or dear 718 Grant ldg. TUeker 4774. 4 1 SMALL S-room heuaa and parapa; alec level lot: Iswa, fruit and Powers; only 1 blk. to York near Ava tot atoue worth the mousy; GArf! mate your own terma P1PP Call FOR SALE OR-kx CHANGE 5 pood view tote, prada aehool param neat atraat Maprevenaant toinp Installed; all late am larpa and available for houses; at aaariflea prices from $400 to $810; terma- Call CArf. NEW ataeea; maaaq breakfast mom; nudera throughout double parapa; flaa claw; block team la ear; near aehaala church, stores; will eonvhtor.

aaaaltor housa or lot la trad. CApitol I8M. I-ROOM housa hdwd. 'ate. tocrlflca MM Stricktend Ava Fh.

BEbcm-MIO before a m. or 4.7. ATTENTION. BUILDERS AND DEALERS tola owned by non resident. must eqjd as a whole: -price $700 each; small eaah payment down terms to' salt litoral re- 1171 Faaadaaa Ava GArf.

4444 WANTED Real Estate $24 New ptaa sails mat estate. Bee ar write King. 4440 Manta VlaU 0P 1 A Tf FOR EXCHANGE HOUSES aad tote to axehaapa for athar Pr0pr? A. T. 'STEVENS Na Ava GArf.

2114 11 ACkES. BAN FERNANDO VALLEi Must sell or trade far luoama property, atoar or nearly etear. vajua. I1MN told; bauaa prapta mtoa fruit -Mk. Van Nuya -Saa M14 Madia Dr, A.

-GArf. right; ar dutep track aa desra payment. GArf. 7244. 4-RM.

Eapliah atueeo oa pood claaa la for tract dasd. let or what! GArf. MIL nlM; pilcaj BEAUTIFUL earner for court site; wlU trade -ana ter carpenter contract. Also 4-raa reaa EXCHANGE Lot la Waatwaod. $2744; trade far new buapalow, Hlphlaad Park.

WORDEN REALTY CO. MM York Blvd. OArf. HIT l' CLEAR late aad I tot 4-rm, heuaa clear; axebaapa ter duptoa. dbL kua-patow ar I touaaa an 1 tot, HIpMaad Park.

What have yeaT WORDEN REALTY CO, Mil Yerh Blvd. GArf. Till HAVE tourinp car to trade far fural-- tare, waahlup maeklna ar aawlnp aia-ehlne. OArf. 844.

4044 Fayette Bt. SWAP Clear Lake Beach tot with dub membership for ear ar 2-ton track; also electric washer, radio. Fiord parte ter tout. 1007 Arroyo Varda Dr, South Pasadena. jj- EXCHANGE Wail located acre, price 42000, ter.

hoaw priced about MW0 ar 14000. $211 York Blvd. ALbaay 211 or' 1401. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE UaSalahofl 4210 York Btori. 42tf GOLD SEAL BUICKS Used Car Frieaa New Car Onaraateea 1 Howard Auto Ca Used Car Lot II aad Faaadaaa Ava GArf.

4212 AUTO-PIANO, brash and n4U; pae3 eaadltloa 1140. 2227 W. Ava 84. ALbaay 1111. 41tf PIANO SALE At.

piano-aterapa warehouse; (M up; will rent 42 up. Bee Mr. 55 8a Mnrenpa Faewicna m6bf FOR ALE Overm uffed art. 1 jacquard; aaw, $44. MM-Monterey Rd.

GArf. 4419. llfftf EGGS for. hatehinp, Harrisoa strain axtra larpp. dark red, 41 ter 15.

Phone CArf. 4712. Call at 487 Echo St. ilftl NEF Edison art modal, amt 1250; with 40 records for 170-GArf. ,4115 momiaps aad avealapa Mgtf RADIO ELECTKiC SKTS' from 44 up.

A-l aarvka Wa teat year tottertes aad tubs fres. Call GArf. 4M2. Intar-pkoaa Electric Co, MIO Moata VlaU. Mgl YOlR old carpet woven Into beautiful rugs; have aur estimate man call with aaawlea Pott Rug Ca HUmboit I1M.

F-tt WANT Iqt or rash for equity a five-room bungalow tile bath and aiak small paymrata GArfleld 8412. FOR SALK Vialia tow and mm; nil wry' pood condition cheap. GArf. 2ML RADIO 4-tute B-battyry, load speaker A-l eoadittoa; cheep. fin Aw.

COMPLETE bourn furnishlnpq cheap; partiaa Ivavlnp town. 4402 Malta 2b near Aw. and Moata Viata GArf, 8422. 8807 Na Grif- IS FUR SALE R. I.

K. hatehinp epxa 140 per rent rertnln; pood toylnp strain $1 wr 15. 6429 Stratford Rd. GArf. 6711.

VACUUM ctoanrrq nearly as; sacrifice 216; cost $46 will deliver. Vermont 187. I ROOMS of furniture bedroom, dinlnp room. -llvinp room suits rapq eta; no apenta 224 N. Are.

47. FOR SALE $-ft. bath tub with flttlapa pood, toilet tovtl and seat. medicine cheat. 4x22x24, with or without plate piaaq to 17 pas tenter dad tank.

47 A0 suta beaten, $1L $2L Ml sinkq MAO aad MAO; kitchen cnbi-aeta complete, 412 closet chest with drawers and doorq 2xtx4A, aaw 24x2 Akroa tire, 44.40.' Can save you 10 to 25 an any hr all palntinp. Phone early ar lata, CArf. MIL FOR SA Peninsular par- raapq hiph area peed hater 4 bo man 18. R. I.

R. hatehinp appq Otic a doaan. GArf. 846L 1870 N. Ava 5L ri)R SALE Sinpto bed.

wrinp mattme; now condition $20 cash. Call Saturday only. 0081 Roy 8t. FOR MY EQUITY la a. new make dee-, trie washer aqd wriapec combined I will exehanpn.far pood used waster joj wrinper and-80 clear.

GArf. MIL FOR SALE Simmons faldino tod, ire, with mattmq fine eanditioa $20 white enamel had paa. aluminum lined -ffrelasa cooker boa 2 aprinp otq $1 ea Ml lfa Ava 4L GArf. 22SL FOB BALE Hendenoa awtorcyde in first-clam eoridittoa: peed firm; a terrain at 40. 1448 W.

Ava. 41. KEEN want mantels aad haartha complete. Installed from $18; present brick man tala $21 brick Incinerators from $12 chimneys a specialty jobbing of all kinda Fraser, 4485 Pasadena Ava GArf. 4TSL F-tf FOE SALE Palmetto teat.

0x0, waterproof Boor, practically new; 2 cola chrap. 1727 College View PI. COMPLETE net of auto 00880100 hand taels with, chart, includinp si wraneheq driUq eta; cheap 5821 Pi dens Ava. CArf. 4785.

FOB SALE Largs walnat drearer, like now. 1085. Na Ava 1. OArf. 7217.

FOR SALE1 Turten toby chicks and krtchlnp ppa- H10 ttaitr St. 47-4 PIANO, goad coadition, Mi cash; also 2 sanitary couchsq 2 paad cotton mat-trssssq pram larpa oval mirror, chair aad kitchen stool; other mine. GArf. MIL 40M Monte Vista FOR SALE Baby -high chair, 42; lame lamp 222 Na Ava .54, rear. CArf.

5ML FOR SALE Child's bed la perfect coa-dltion. 714 Ava 53. MONEY-WANTED 42490, $2200 and $2400 wanted oa firat BMrtpapaa oa Hlphlaad Park homes of more thaa double valuation. During tha past ymra la Loa Angeles era have toadied Invnrtments for over 40.100 people la atertpapea tram deedq syndicates and stock, and will pay yoo far tha asms af anyone. who caadot sail at a profit, ar for anyone who has tort by following our advice la any invest, eat.

Chaa, A. Elder, 4320 Pasadena Ava GArf. IML IftStf WANTED Lana from private party; will pay 7. MIL HCftf MONEY TO LOAN 4-J- Money ready for real estate airvtoa Wo aim toad! auto aad fli H. A.

SHUTEB -1217 Faiadaafl Ava GArf. 140- MONEY to toaa 1st martpsq 1 quick artfao. Wsrdau Realty Ca $Mf York Blvd. GArf. 7117..

WE CAN LOAN yu weary without delay at towest rata We aha have niewey to toaa au amrtpapm, tram dssdi or contract as MONTE VISTA EEALTf CO, Bealtas Mi Na Ava GArf. 1471 MONEY TO l6XM au resktoacm. promptly. I 'pra 1, TR. 0471.

Mg $1404, 12404 $26M to lean aa Aral ffiftfEML WQRDEN REALTY CO. MM Tack Blvd; 'GArf. 7417 FIRST MORTGAGE money; 12440711804. $1404. A.

H. Cornwell. MM Fasadena Ava $ML FOR SALE Used Cm '27 Master I Sedan (Gold Seal)- $1174 4-pasa. Coupe (Gold Seal) 1411 'M Standard Rcadeter 400 24 Master Tauriap 140 24 Master Touring 1 175 Open Evealnps G.M.A.C. Terms HOWAkD AUTO (XX II and Pasadena Ava GArf.

FOR gALE-Dodys touring, 120; A-l; pood rubber M0 cash. Strickland Ava Ul5k17 idstr, perfect rendition 1 tote of extras: just like aew mull down pavmrat; bak awnthq Ckll OArf. MIL 1 1 CLASSIFIED RATES Rates far Waal II canto 'par far Hrntr nriii -AH rw tawtr IH canto par void Tba Mcwa-Emld will not to Iffa for war thaa ona iaaarraet lamp-tlea af aay adrartlaonat ordered aw thaa 'aaa thaa. If la your advertisem*nt, notify tba Mawa-Hcraid News-Herald Phones GArf. 2695 GArf.

2696 FOR RENT NEWLY decorated S-rea apt, ballUa bad; goragai N. KIT Garaanu OQtf FOR RENT Small faralakad- apL; water," caa aad light paid. Call at Euabaaia Ctaaaarv WlH Faaadaaa Aaa. 0447. HQtf FOR RENT (US, UP Winding Wap (S.

Aaa. U). wqtf UNFURN. 4 raomq aoak, shewar, bath, disappearing bed; garage baat MM St, GArf. MOO.

eu FOR RENT-Nicsly furnished. Jaat pw pa rad aad painted. bungalow I raw Book, bath, garage; 122. HI 8a Aaa. M.

82-tf $18 FURN. APTS, of double bosga-low. MOP Granada Ht. 4O0tf I-ROOM apt. la baautiful CASA UNDA COURT; furs, $21.50 aaarythlap aaw.

442 Abbott Plata. GArfleld. 8840. Mgtf RENTS AGAIN REDUCED 121 Na Aaa. M.

SINGLES and Idoublaa; furaiahad or un-furaiahad; aaar atraat earn add atoraa; aaarythlap madam. 84Qtf UNFURNISHED, $28, four-room modern; bath, braakfaat nook nearly now ataeae parapaa axtra; fact from oar atop; that from Faaadaaa Aaa. buainaaa center at Avo. (4. Chan A.

Eldar, PP2P Faaadaaa GArf. 8990. tXjtfj 4-ROOM buapalow and parapa, POOS Burwood pint; rpom far pardon $25. Phone. ATIantlc PPI4.

41Ctf UNFURN. 4, rooms bath, parapa; vary clean IK: 2 or 1 adulta only landlady rear. 4M4 Aidants, near Ava 60. 1 tlgtf LOWER 6-rm. Mat, newly decorated sunny attractively situated: 2 car Ham; parapa.

147 8a Ava 52. GArf. I15- tlfatf ROOMS and bath, completely fura, 1 80 122.40 with parapa; aaar aehaala atoraa eorUnq 4751 Wlotm 8L Albany 2442. 42(gtf FOR RENT Fura. or uaturn.

house I larpa raoma and parapa; 111 par ma; water paid blka na of Pasadena Ava 4PM Eldrad 8t via Na Ava 44 Jgtf ISO New modern tepuam and parapa; all the latest up-toulate plumbing; heater and ahoweri all hardwood floors breakfast nook, porches, hip lot cement atraat and Beware; lateat Jata atueeo raised flower Interior planter. Wa will piva you a dead to thla property too aad dear If you pay your rant promptly. No taxsq aooc sem*n to ar internet to pay; just rant. Chaa A. Eldar, MM Pasadena Ava' GArfleld 2444.

ilfetf FOR RENT -Fura. email apt, rear; newly decorated. 62M Hub St. GArf. 7144.

4Mtf 'TABLE board; also room with or with out board. GArf. PUP. MM Paao- dona Ava. POQtf LARGE 44eem modern fat.

Ml, Apply Apt. A. lit Sycamore Fk. Dr. MQtf 126 4-rm.

newly fura, flat orantuffad furniture close la; 2 bads cheap rant; 2 carllnaa adulta till Piedmont Ava, aaar Faaadaaa Ava Taka MW Jlgtf FURN. sinpla apt. with ad can. MI N. Ava 14.

VICE larpa alaepiap room. 4441 Moata Vista St. liftf PERT desirable 4 rooms, bath, parapa atwly decorated; completely furnished near Ava 24 and Dayton. Inquire 2424 JaSrlaa Ava. ISttf JX)R RENT 420 fura.

S-room daplex llpht, alma, airy. 4227 Baltlmcra 44gtf FURNISHED 2-rm. apartment; sunny private bath, paa liphte and parapa 144 N. Ava. 43.

GArf. Mil. 47g4p FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 4-rooia modern hdwd. floors qtatlaaary Mb; I bada parmpc; I blka from MWH ear; near F. H.

very cheap; adalta Abbott Plmw Mgtf ATTRACTIVE new furnished buapalow, raw, parapa; ap to the minute suitable younp couple rent. reaa. 794V4 Na-Avo. M. Mgl BUNGALOW In beautiful oaurt; I bath extra wall bad and parapa; $24 unfurnished furaiahad $44 par mouth.

Andy 1741 Gillette Crescent ar PIT Summit Drive, off Meridian Ava, South Faaa-dana. IPgPF LARGE shatpinp room with lavatory, twin bada with or without um af the ktteben. GArf. P01P. Mgtf NEW mod.

I ram. and parapa; hdwd. floora, nook, firaidacc aaar cars. OArf. 2244 ar 4444.

Mgtf FOR RENT-fm. Aim. bourn, parapa; near school tad can MO. Also 4-rns. fura, 12P0 N.

Ava 44. GArf. 4222- 4etf FOR BINT Nicely fumishoj 4-rm. front kunpnlaw; xtra bad; avsrstuffad. M7fc Na Are.

44. SLEEPING Team, bandy to bath, $11 far tor parapa extra Na 41. GArf. 1774. UNFURN.

1 rtue. and bath mod. bunp. newly tilo sink hdwd. floora; te ear; naa CMP Monte Villa GArf.

PI4R. RENT double bunpalow, 4 modern and vary attractive adulta preferred. Mil- Meridian GArf. 1792. 1 Mgtf FOR RENT 4-room duplex; nook, bullt-iaa extra bad.

hardwood floora, pa-117 Sa Ava P4. HfiH UNFURN. 4-roam house, all vmlcncaa; hdwd. floora shower, bad; water paid; adulta Mil Ash St. GArf.

1274. P-RM. HOUSE Ml MONTH Uafura modcrw larpe coraar lot; P-rape; ao objection to children or-will aril. rent, 'includinp Interest; fins view; make Saa owner, MM Madia Dr, GArf. 7214.

MQtf 4 ROOMS; 2 bada parapa; alt conveniences; near 7W car aad Franklin Hiph; very cheap Nat. GArf. M72 MAY let: dellphlful t-nk buapalow, pn-rapa; blk. from York via Branch; aaar aehoola ear Una- atosca 4041 Fhyetta, cor Neva FI, for Inspection new. IMtlp FOR BENT Furnished bunpalow I bi and parapa Cell (40 Na Asa ST.

CELY fura, cool 4-rm. apt. in attrac dvc heme priv. oat near ccboola wspcrtatiou water, llpht included 225. Meridian.

GArf. 4587. Mg FOR RENT Beautiful 6-rm. stucco bua-, palow tile bath aad sink; all hdwd. floors; breakfast nook; all modem eao-Wnlcnccs.

4412 Baltimore 8t. IN ORDER to All cur brand-Aw and 2m. furaiahad apartmanta with daair-aUa small famUIca we red need the rants muck our apartmanta must be to be appreciated aaw furniture, fine beds; modern la every detail, ner Ava. 40 and Echo Bt. Cor- P-BOOM artistic hoaw amdera; furaiahad axeapt linen; fruit traaa flowers; near aniaaum; parapa 44M Mar-adaa Way.

GArfiald 4144. FOB KENT Nicely fura 4-rm. medera apt; aM-idnp perch, parapa; uaa of 120. 127 0404. FURNISHED 4-room ipartmaatT well located tor; eanvealant; 111 8a Ava.

M. modara Inquire rear FOE BENT Ona larpa room, $1 par' wask. GArf. 4422. IM AlUMM 8 IP) Yi i Nk XMM Ndc If hbflf btm IMsr School Program Entertains Fathers A capacity audience filled the auditorium of the Way aehool at the fathers night' meeting of the Parent-Teacher aaao ciation last Friday.

The -aehool talent program, ponaiating of cornet aoloa by Earl Barnes, readings by Warren Bishop, violin sol os by Douglas Adams, piano solos by Meta Arkman and Irene Koingsmark and songs by Mlsa Tischauuters eighth grade and Misa Carrs fourth grade pupils surprised and delighted the audience with its excellence. Bruce Findlay, assistant of schools, explaining the reason for additional aehool bonds, told in a stirring, convincing manner how Loa Angeles, because of the tremendous growth of its must provide more aehoola, aa even now children are attending school but half sessions in some sections of the citv. while others are housed in tenta and incompletely equipped Mrs. Elaine Anderson Dudley, presentinr the wprk of the Goodwill Industries, aisked that housekeepers, after they have given what they wish to their aehool or church, give to them jn bags which they supply all papers, old clothing, even too badly worn to be repaired in fact, everything but glass bottles or tin cans. This work, she ex-plained, gives 'to needy and disabled men and womeqr Not Charity.

but a Chapee to support themselves in self respect at regular Jobs. Goodwill bags will he sent from 842 North Main street fan request. Mrs. Maida E. Caswell, president, conducted the meeting; 'Coffee and sandwiches were served bv Mrs.

R. W. Conover and her hostess committee at the-social period following the meeting. Players Offering. Well Received A cauacity audience filled the Annandale School auditorium Friday night to see the delightful play Daddy Long Legs," given the Annandale Community Little Theater group.

Notwithstanding it was an and the 13th the month as well, the performance was a success from every standpoint The players have been showered with from their many friends, every player having done their -part to add to the success of the performance. Musical numbers were furnished Graham and Dorrell Edmnndacm; Marguerite Brown, and sang My Daddy Long Legs and also an encore." The club home ia now ready and the building, has. been, accepted from the lessor, and it is exported to hold a special meeting in the new home next Tuesday evening. Other plays will follow, but Just now members Will devote their time to get the club home in order, for the. housewarming.

WM Island npWBNTY-FIVB reSss SMI- far 1 tea blare Pasta (real Lot Aa Boating, Bothiqg, Fuiiinf, Gulf, Tmkm, Riding, Moure-uia Hiking stray divsroion imsgmsbla. Famous Glare Bore tom Bom dwwing worednrful Submarins Gsrdsna Wide rerirep s( nrewwilwii I2M easy toapdmw brent 'tat- te 883 -X- --tl IM6w RMI- IS RVIm Si. Calhsriat JAsuncaa piaa). Haul Alwstsc (garspssu aba), fi-j-o 1 MYOTV Wn IRVIIIr M4 ssTUtissi sab- Wwittfor FretVkwBk Santa Ciulini Itlsnd Co, 101-4 Psoflc Etoreic ire Aagstre btaihto. Vital Marina Angrio Santo, DsfondattL va Mall Saate By rirtua of aa rassatton bared of tire Suptrior Court of tho Couaty of Loa Angatoq State of California nhresln Vital Marian Ansuia Santa TTifsadsot and- Mali Santa Plaintiff, upon judg -arent readsrpd tto 14th dw-f Qrttoq Al D.

102L for tto gum of Two Thau -rend Threa Hundred Fire aad 44-lOOtha (1233243) Doilarq lawful teamy uf United Stoteq toslrlrs rente and laterreq I tore tovtod upon aU tto rtoht, tttta claim gad inteiret of laid MsM Santa of. In aad to tto following described' -real astute, situate Jn tto County af Loa Angriaq State af Crilfsrria -ud boundtd aad daserttod as foltowat -tot 83 of Tract 1707, aa per map re-, In Book 23, Fijp IH, of Mapq af arid Laa figgslm County, in said County teoatirer, with all Improrenrenta Urereon; tto said regard owner af property. -v'-' FlAite Natire fa.Hsrehy Glren 'that I wil, an Monday, tto 30th day of: April. A. D.

1328 at It ref. that day. In.fNiit'. af tto tart Hrereo dore of tto -Cauaty of Loa flggatoq Broadway sntraare sgfi at public anrtlcq for Ail re easy of -too United Stoteq aH tto right, titto, aialm aod latere of Hid MoH Son to of. Ini.

aad to ttoatova daserttod property, ar re much (harts as guy to ascassaiy te rales to satisfy mid Judgment lateraat and realq ato. to tto highs and 'tost hkMsf, a. i.v 8" 'j thla 3th day of April'Htt. WM L. TKAEGSR.

Storiff of Loa Angctoa Cauaty. By W. D. GILMAN. Deputy LUCAS F.

SMITH, Plaintiff's Attorney. (Fir Publication April "7''' SHERIFFS SALE i Notire af Erie af a. A. Swisher, PUls tiff, Monraa- Defiredaot By virtu of aa. aaseutton tosuad out of tto Maalripri Caurt af tto af Laa Angotoq State of Caltfonite, whrrria a A.

Ftatetlff. pod W. Mcrgaa Dsfoadaat. apoa a Jude- nrent rendsrad tto 24th day of May, AJk 1827, far (ho sum of One Hand rad Party- two aad 73-1 (Mho (2142.78) Dailon1 tew. ful money of -tto United, costa ud hare all.

tto right, titto, dotal ef sold defendant. W. C. Morgan af In and to tto foHawtag dssertad real estate -xltuata ta tto County af Loo Angotoq -State af California and toundsd -aad da-srritod aa" follows Lrt 8 Tract MSS, as par reap reoordrfl 1 Baak SR at' Poos 2ll of Mops. Boa-ords of Loa Angrim Ctnotpc otondiag af -retard fat tto aopreo qf-WX, Morgan, Deteadsat" torsin, and Mottio Morgan MM Riwrrida tore tad at saw addresa Puklte Nattoo Is Hereby Oreo (hat 1 will, pa Monday, (ho tSri day of April A.

132k. at 12 a'riaek M. of that dr. te (root of tto Caurt Horen door of I. Cauaty of Loo Aagstoq Eraodwgy an- traneq iril at public susttoo- fog-lawf I gmov-.

Of tto United Stoteq all I -rtoht. titto. data, aad interred of dtlbndaaU of la and te tto ok ore -ssritod pupil tr. or to nureh tbs reef i amy to nososaory te ralre vuSteisat -satisfy mid Judgment, vrith Interart casta ota. to tto Mrirest- and tost h1 1 Doted thb SOU day af Marsh.

1 I TEAEfC, of Loa Asarics Cw I -V, By D. GILMAN. (Pint PubUratteo March 30-2S4) i- R. W. ROHRER, Mauser Real Estate Insurance Loans FOR SALE BUNGALOW court alto an Anosmia la corner, 122121 close fato Junior High school.

This Is $3003 underpriced. Can to arid for 38600. Only $3000 ruh required. 4-ROOM bunpalow, newly palntad and decorated Inxids oa level 40x140 lotr'douUa parage. Ciese to grade and hiph school.

Fries M(0O MOO cash i bal. Ilka rent Mere In. 4-ROOM bunpalow, situs tad an towl lot Are. 81 near Eldar St. This mu to arid for M204 cash: Property foreclosed by owner for above amount Originally sold far $4100.

-Miiat tore Immediate at' thla Read todsyl A lEtaml you, i. vr ''-s -v -T-'to, i. kJi 'i 4 r. X'. -1 I-.

The Highland Park News-Herald from Highland Park, California (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.