The High Harper | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)

The High Harper

Type Companion Quest
Act Act 3
Companion Jaheira
Reward ???

The High Harper is a Companion Questin Baldur's Gate 3.The High Harper can be acquired from Jaheira during the Act 3. CompletingThe High Harper will progress Jaheira story progression forward.

The High HarperObjectives

Meet the Harpers at Danthelon's Dancing Axe.
  • Jaheira asked us to go to Danthelon's Dancing Axe in Wyrm's Crossing, where her Harper contacts are waiting to report.
Meet the Harpers in the basem*nt of Danthelon's Dancing Axe.
  • Danthelon told us that the Harpers are waiting for us below his shop.
Talk to Geraldus.
  • The Harpers rendezvous turned out to be an ambush by doppelgangers. Only Geraldus, the last true Harper, survived - we should speak to him.
Talk to Jaheira.
  • The Harpers rendezvous turned out to be an ambush by doppelgangers. Only Geraldus, the last true Harper, survived - we should speak to him.
Find Minsc.
  • Jaheira's Harper rendezvous turned out to be an ambush by doppelgangers. She revealed that she was hoping for information on an old friend who was taken by the cult: Minsc of Rashemen. She will search out a new way to find him once we reach the Lower City.
Speak to Nine-Fingers Keene at the Guildhall.
  • Jaheira wants to speak to Nine-Fingers Keene, leader of the criminal Guild. She believes the guildmaster might have a lead on how to find her old friend Minsc.
Search the Guildhall for a lead
  • Nine-Fingers revealed the Minsc is none other than the Stone Lord, a rival gang-boss who's been stealing her territory for the cult. She's laid a trap to deal with him, and won't tell us where. We'll need to search the Guildhall for clues.
Find Minsc at the Counting House.
  • We found a note indicating that Nine-Fingers plans to ambush Minsc at the city's Counting House. We need to get there first.
  • Uktar, Guild bursar, revealed that Nine-Fingers plan to ambush Minsc at the city's Counting House. We need to get there first.
  • Two drunken Guild members let slip that Nine-Fingers plans to ambush Minsc at the city's Counting House. We need to get there first.
  • We found Minsc, an old friend of Jaheira's, robbing the vault beneath the Counting House. It seems he's being manipulated by the cult. After escaping a trap laid by the city's guildmaster, Nine-Fingers Keene, he teleported away. We should search the vault for clues as to where he went.
  • We saw Minsc rob the vault beneath the Counting House, led by a doppelganger wearing Jaheira's face. He escaped Nine-Fingers' trap and teleported away - we should search the vault for clues on where he went.
  • The lower levels of the Counting House are off-limits to the public. We need a vault pass from Head Clerk Meadhoney to enter.
  • Head Clerk Meadhoney revealed that a 'Stone Lord' matching Minsc's description was taken down into the vaults by the Head Banker a short time ago.
  • The lowest level of the Counting House is protected by a great vault door. We need to enter a code to pass.
  • We found a book of significant dwarven dates in the Head Banker's office. A certain entry was circled - 1356.
Search the Sewers for Minsc.
  • A cultist in the Counting House carried a note mentioning some hideout in the 'Cistern'. We should head down to the sewers to search for Minsc.
  • A dead cultist in the vault mentioned some hideout underneath the city. We should head down to the sewers to search for Minsc.
  • We found a trail of muddy footprints in the vault. They reek of the sewer - that's where we should go next to find Minsc.
Search the Sewers for the Stone Lord.
  • We entered the sewers. The Stone Lord must be here somewhere.
Confront Minsc.
  • We found Minsc's hideout and learned that he has been tadpoled by the cult. If he's being brainwashed by the Absolute, then perhaps there is still a chance to take him alive.
Speak to Minsc.
  • We found Minsc's hideout and learned that he has been tadpoled by the cult. It seems he's being brainwashed by the Absolute - Jaheira asked us to take him alive.
Follow Minsc.
  • We managed to subdue Minsc - for now. We should deal with him before he has a chance to come to his senses.
Speak to Minsc.
  • Minsc appears to have found what he was looking for. We should speak to him and see if he wants to join our party.

The High Harper Walkthrough

Now, proceed northward until you arrive at Dantheleon's Dancing Axe located at X:-11 Y:141. Engage in conversation with the seller named Entharl Dantheleon. Entharl will bring up the topic of Jaheira. You can respond with:

  1. Yes, it was. And she recognizes you as well.
  2. Stop lying. Jaheira has a tendency to use truth-enhancing herbs.
  3. Let's move on.

Opt for the first option, and Entharl acknowledges that he knew she was alive. He clarifies that you're at the right place but should search for the Leaf Licker on your own. Respond with:

  1. Somewhere else, but she trusts me with this task.
  2. That's not something you need to worry about.

Select the first option, and Entharl mentions that you are one of the few she trusts. He hands you a key to access the area below, where others await bearing grim tidings. Proceed to the adjacent room and descend the ladder. As you reach the bottom, you'll encounter Harper Geraldus, who was expecting Jaheira but is surprised to see you instead. You can reply with:

  1. You have keen observation skills.
  2. I'm here on her behalf. You can deliver your report to me.

Choose the first option, and Harper Chelvin recognizes you as the individual who defeated Ketheric in the Shadowlands. Geraldus, through his tears, sends you a signal indicating his fear. You can respond with:

  1. [Detect Thoughts] Probe the halfling's mind.
  2. Geraldus, I'm sorry - please just speak plainly.
  3. Why is he so frightened of you?
  4. Ketheric was only the beginning. Do you possess information on the other Chosen?
  5. And you are...?

Opt for the first option, and with sufficient intelligence, you realize that Harper Chelvin is a doppelganger. Respond with:

  1. Geraldus, I'm sorry - please just speak plainly.
  2. Why is he so frightened of you?
  3. Ketheric was only the beginning. Do you possess information on the other Chosen?
  4. And you are...?
  5. Strike before the doppelgangers act.

Choose the fifth option, triggering a battle. Following the fight, you can converse with Geraldus again, who expresses gratitude. Respond with:

  1. No need for thanks. Are you injured?
  2. Don't express gratitude yet. How can I trust you're not a doppelganger as well?
  3. What's the story behind the Selune's Tears reference?

Select the first option, and Geraldus appreciates simply being alive. He then inquires if you are the individual sent by High Harper Jaheira. You can reply with:

  1. Indeed, I am. I've come to offer assistance.
  2. Jaheira didn't dispatch me anywhere. We're partners, equals.
  3. I'm not associated with the Harpers. I happened to be passing by.

Opt for the first option, and he expresses gratitude for being the first friendly face he's encountered during the day. This updates the "The High Harper" quest. Geraldus proceeds to explain that others have either scattered or perished. Jaheira sent word about the victory over Ketheric and instructed them to seek out cultists in the city. However, the cultists were actually hunting them. The situation grew quiet until they began asking about Rashemaar. You can reply with:

  1. Who is Rashemaar? What's Jaheira's connection to them?
  2. And then what unfolded?

Choose the first option, and Geraldus wonders if Jaheira didn't inform you. He requests that you convey his message to Jaheira. He reveals that he cannot continue the hunt. The cult has done something with Rashemaar, and they don't want him found.

The Counting House

Following the events that took place after Jaheir and Nine-Fingers Keene's meeting, you will now continue to look forMinsc. Your next destination is The Counting House, where you will solve the Vault Puzzle and meet Minsc for the first time. You will find this building on the Southern side of the Lower City at exactly (X:-98 Y:-148).

As soon as you enter the building, you will find yourself in a Grand Hall, fitted with a tall ceiling and bright fixtures. Speak with the Head Clerk Meadhoney at the front desk who seems to be worried about something. You will get the following options to respond:

  1. Remind me again where Head Banker Glitterbeard is?
  2. Who is this Stone Lord that has you worried?
  3. I'm not a customer. I'm here because Nine-Fingers is planning something in your vault.
  4. I need access to your vaults.
  5. I would like to open an account.
  6. Leave.

Choose the second option that will prompt Meadhoney to reveal that a man named Stone Lord has taken the Head Banker below. He didn't say where specifically so you'll get the next options to respond:

  1. [PERSUASION] Let me help. I'll go and check on your Head Banker.
  2. Tell me more about this large fellow.
  3. It sounds like a robbery to me.
  4. I want to open an account.
  5. Leave.

If you choose to attempt the Persuasion check, you will need to pass a DC of 18. If you succeed, the Head Clerk will say that it is unusual but will agree nevertheless. He will hand you a temporary vault pass that will give access to the lower part of The Counting House. Interact with the Iron Fence next to the Head Clerk's table, then a guard will approach asking for your pass. Hand it over, and then the gate will be opened to your party.

The High Harper | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (1)

There are locked chests here that you can lockpick to loot their gold and some others that are already opened. Take a look around here to get valuable items including gold. Then, interact with The Double Door at the end of the hall where you will see guards stationed at the gate. Before you can go, they will ask you again for your pass. So show it, and then you will be allowed access. Continue following the stairs that will lead to The Vault Door.

Solve the Vault Puzzle in The Counting House

To solve the puzzle in The Counting House, you will need to step on the correct tile in the right order. Doing this will light up the indicators on top of the Vault Door. To do this, you need to ungroup your party first and then move them to the correct tile without stepping on another tile. You can do this with just one character, or have your entire party stand on each plate. So, as you are facing the light indicator, step on the following tiles:

  1. Top Left Corner Tile
  2. Top Right Corner Tile
  3. Center Tile
  4. Middle Row, Right Tile

If you do the puzzle correctly, the Vault Door will be opened automatically. Then, follow the stairs leading down. As soon as you reach the door, a cutscene will play showing Minsc and the Bhaal Cultists.Minscwas kept inside a mimic, a monster chest but he would break free from the inside. Then, a clone Jaheira will show herself and claim to be working with The Absolute. She claims that Nine-Fingers Keene set a poor trap for Minsc, and she will ask the Stone Lord to leave, and then they will retreat to the Sewers.

You will be left to fight with the remaining Bhaal Cultists here if you don't have Jaheira in your party. You are now free to speak with the Head Banker who was caught in the middle of this trap. He will ask for your help to get the coin that was stolen fromThe Counting Houseand he will invite you to look around and investigate the area, then he will leave.

In the Lower City Sewers

As Minsc believes that he is working with the real Jaheira, he has retreated into the dark with the clone after stealing from The Counting House. You will now follow their trace into the Lower City Sewers. You can make use of the Waypoint and travel to theUndercity Ruins, which is the closest one to the Lower City Sewers. Make your way back to The Sluice Gate to reach Minsc and Clone Jaheira's hiding place.

Go through the pipes and a cutscene will play where Roah Moonglow and Minsc are seen talking. They are talking about their plans and that they serve only The Absolute. Roah speaks about returning to The Guildhall to do their bidding. However, Minsc will spot your party from a distance which will put their conversation to a halt. Roah will be seen running away and the battle against Minsc and his party will begin. Attack the fake Jaheira first, and then knock out Minsc.

NOTE: If you want to keep Minsc alive, make sure to switch to a non-lethal attack. This will result in Minsc getting knocked out.

Then, using your Illithid powers, you can see the image of Jaheira in Minsc's mind. He thinks that you have killed the real one, but you can counter this with your thoughts. Minsc will continue to run away deeper into the Sewers. Follow his lead as he destroys the crumbling wall. This will take you to a small room where Minsc warns you to not show fear and to trust in him. Then, you will get the following choices:

  1. I do trust you. I think.
  2. If this is a trap, you die first.
  3. Can we just get on with... whatever this is

Minsc will fall to his knees and appear to speak to a tiny creature. He will introduce you to Boo, a hamster. He calls it a Miniature Giant Space Hamster, and that you will be able to learn the difference in time. Minsc and Boo will join your party and will offer you to cleanse Baldur's Gate of Evil together. Invite Minsc to your camp if you have a full party, and he will give you his approval. This will also completeThe High Harperquest.

How to unlock The High Harper

  • Quest Giver / Location

The High HarperRewards

  • Rewards

The High Harper Notes & Tips

  • Notes & tips go here
Companion Quests in Baldur's Gate 3

A Familiar FaceBalthazar's ExperimentDaughter of DarknessDecide Minthara's FateIn Case of Death...Our fiery friendThe Blade of FrontiersThe Chosen of SharThe Githyanki WarriorThe Grand DukeThe Hellion's HeartThe Pale ElfThe UrgeThe Wizard of Waterdeep

The High Harper | Baldurs Gate 3 Wiki (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.