(Blowing out Asuka's) Back Kenpo - OwTheEdge (2024)

“Ahhh man, school was killer! So glad it’s finally the weekend!”

Asuka Kazama stretched her arms out as she walked briskly through the streets alongside her fellow classmates, Miharu Hirano, Ling Xiaoyu, and Panda, who walked on all fours alongside them. The sun shone brightly over the Land of the Rising Sun, adding to the liveliness of the bustling Friday afternoon.

“What are you gonna do this weekend, Asuka?” Ling, the pigtailed Chinese student asked.

“I dunno, but I’ll tell ya what I’ll be having for lunch these next few days. Yoshinoya’s Jumbo Beef Bowls courtesy of the bratty French princess herself.” Asuka said with a bright smile on her face.

“Wait, Lili is paying for it? Is she visiting again?” Miharu asked with a raised eyebrow.

The tomboy shook her head. “Nah, she just wired me some money yesterday. Can you believe that dumbass basically gave me a fortune? How rich and sheltered can you be? I can get like a whole year’s worth of beef bowls with all that!”

She laughed boisterously while her friends exchanged questioning looks with one another, expressing their mutual confusion without words.

(You better throw some of that money my way. Sharing is caring!) Panda trilled, pointing a narrowed gaze at the girl.

Asuka shrugged. “Yeah, sure. We can buy you a buncha bamboo to snack on.”

(And a shopping spree at the mall. I need new hats. And purses.)

Asuka rolled her eyes. “Alright, you’re just pushing your luck now. Speaking of which, I could probably use that money to get a new bike, too. I had my eye on this cool blue one at that one shop in that alley downtown. It’s got a cool bird design and it could fold!"

"What happened to your old bike?" Miharu asked.

(You wrecked it riding across rooftops again, didn't you?) The Chinese bear immediately deduced.

"Mmmmaybe..." Asuka's eyes shifted back and forth.

"Why did Lili send you all that money anyways?” Ling asked.

“Hush money, basically.” She clarified.

“Huh? What's she making you keep quiet about?” Miharu asked.

Asuka abruptly stopped on her tracks, prompting her friends to do so. She turned to them with a serious look on her face.

“Look, she’s an annoying, spoiled little brat, but I gave her my word that I’d keep this a secret. And a Kazama never goes back on her word. I'm only telling you because I trust you guys. You understand?”

Miharu and Ling nodded solemnly. Even Panda seemed to be realizing how serious this is.

(Sounds like something big.)

“We won’t tell anyone, Asuka. Promise.” Miharu vowed.

Ling gave a firm nod. “This is just between us girls.”

Panda proudly roared and raised her big black paw. (I’m the best at keeping secrets! I’ve never even told anyone about what Ling does every night with Jin’s photo!)

“Pandaaaa!” Ling flashed an angry gaze towards her pet and bodyguard.

Asuka heaved a sigh. “Well, if you gotta know… she lied to her father about sleeping over at my house.”

All three girls gasped.

“Lied to her father? How could she do that?” The Chinese teen held her face in surprise.

“But then where is she instead?” Miharu asked.

“She’s in Hawaii. Meeting… Ganryu.” Asuka let out a breath like a weight off her shoulder.

Ling was reasonably confused. "But why?"

(What business does she have with that weirdo?) Panda growled quizzically.

"Wait, Ganryu owns a restaurant there, doesn't he? Maybe she wants to invest in it? Or build some sort of partnership?" Miharu deduced, trying to stay positive.

"Ohh, that makes sense! Yeah, it's been getting big recently, too. It was even featured on TV the other day." Ling pointed out.

(Don’t forget he’s also hosting Eddy and Christie’s wedding. Lili might be involved in organizing it.) Panda added.

They all seemed relieved and even comfortable with that answer, nodding and agreeing with one another. That was until Asuka gravely shook her head and everyone's smiles instantly faded.

"That's... That's what it is, right?" Miharu had one smidgen of hope.

The tomboy sighed. "No. She... wants to date him."

The other three girls were stunned and speechless. Their eyes were as wide as plates and their jaws were left agape. The only sound that could be heard was the wind passing through rustling leaves and passing cars in the distance.


Miharu and Xiaoyu cried out to the heavens, their voices echoing all over Japan. Even Panda roared in complete shock. Asuka immediately jumped and scolded her overly dramatic friends.

“You idiots, you don’t have to react so loudly! Geez!” The tomboy hissed.

“But why would she-”

“Shhhh!” Asuka slapped her hand over Miharu's mouth, whose volume was still too high for comfort.

“Sorry. Why would she want to be with… him?” She asked, more quietly this time.

(She's old enough to be her dad!) Panda growled.

Asuka shrugged. "Hell if I know. You know rich people. A lot of 'em ain't right in the head."

"Aww, I think it's kind of sweet." Xiaoyu beamed a bright smile.

"Huh!? Xiao, you can't be serious!" Miharu flashed a flabbergasted face.

"But isn't that what love is sometimes? Wanting to be with someone you probably shouldn't? No matter what anyone says?" The young Chinese girl mused with a dreamy look in her eyes.

(Yeah, you'd know about that, wouldn't you?) Panda rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Now that you know, you can't tell anyone else. Got it?" Asuka pointed at her friends.

"Alright, but we better get Jumbo Beef Bowls, too." Miharu proposed.

"I want Takoyaki!" Ling raised her hand.

(Bamboo and Cheesecake for me!) Panda growled excitedly, her paw raised.

Asuka sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine. She gave me more money than I know what to do with anyway. Let's just go to my house already, I wanna change outta my uniform."

The girls continued down the road until they turned a corner into the street where Asuka's house was. They all got into conversation about weekend plans, forgetting about the weirdness of that revelation of their mutual friend.

They all stopped dead in their tracks when the gate to Asuka's house opened. All of their faces froze in shock as they saw that it wasn't anyone that was from the neighborhood, or even Mr. Kazama. But they recognized the person all too well. Asuka could never forget that jet black hair and the way it was done in a long, braided ponytail that trailed behind him. And that permanent scowl carved into his face

Like many of the other men that took part in the many King of the Iron Fist tournaments, Feng Wei was a tall, muscular man, broad shouldered and sturdy chested, he was truly built for combat. He was Chinese and practiced Chinese martial arts, much like Ling as well as a few others, thought he wasn't as nice. Far from it. Strangely, he didn't wear his traditional combat garb, but instead a simple gray tank top, a pair of jeans, and dark gray boots while carrying a large green duffel bag. Surprisingly casual for a savage martial artist like him.

"What!? What's he doing here?" Ling asked.

(Uh-oh. This is gonna get ugly.) Panda shook her head.

"Asuka, I know what you're thinking. Don't." Miharu said.

Asuka growled through clenched teeth. "That bastard... HEY!"

The man stopped, turning his narrowed gaze towards the girls. For the briefest of seconds, he locked eyes with Asuka and a flash of recognition passed over his gaze.

Then he immediately turned and walked in the opposite direction, turning his back and completely ignoring them. The anger flared even hotter within Asuka.

"Hey! Why are you here!? Did you do something to my dad again!?" Asuka loudly demanded.

But Feng said nothing and didn't stop walking. Panic only set in as images of finding her dad lying on the floor, bloodied and battered flashed through her mind. Her body moved before her mind could even process it, ignoring the pleas of her friends as she practically jumped over the gate and barged through the front door.

"Papa! Papa, where are you!? Papaaaa!"

Asuka shouted for her father as she ran through the halls of her house, her heart hammering in her chest and threatening to break out. Adrenaline flowed through her veins, fueling each rapid, stomping step that kept her moving ceaselessly through every room in her house.

Asuka barged in through the living room, roughly sliding the door open, eyes wide and wild and breathing short and labored. She caught the sight of her father kneeling at the low hanging table, holding a wad of Yen bills with several stacks neatly piled on said table.

"Hmm? Oh Asuka, you're home. How was school?" The older man flashed his daughter a casual smile.

Asuka let out a relieved breath before calming down. "P-Papa? You're okay... that Chinese meathead didn't hurt you?"

"No, not at all. Quite the opposite actually."

She blinked in confusion. "Huh? Whaddya mean?"

"Between your French friend and that Feng fellow giving us all this money, it feels like our luck's finally turning around. Maybe I can finally open that Ramen shop I've been dreaming about for years." Joy swelled in his voice with each word.

Asuka's jaw dropped. "Wait, he did what now?"

"Yes, he visited earlier and apologized for injuring me and wrecking our dojo all those months ago. Then he not only paid for the damages but also my bills from when I was in the hospital." He explained.

"He... apologized? And gave us money?" The words and the idea itself were so foreign to her.

"Yes, but that's not all. He also got me this brand new Rolex." Mr. Kazama raised his arm to show off the gold watch around his wrist.

She shook her head, still unable to grasp what her own father was saying. "I... I don't know what else to say."

"Well, maybe you should go find him and say ‘thank you’.” He suggested.

Asuka vigorously shook her head. “No way! He hurt you really bad and messed up our dojo! I’ll never forgive him for that!”

Mr. Kazama sighed. “Asuka, sweetie. We made peace earlier and he is turning away from his destructive path. Even if you still don’t like him or won’t forgive him, the least you can do is acknowledge and appreciate his efforts to atone for his crimes.”

She crossed her arms. “The memory of what he did isn’t gonna go away just because he gave us money and an expensive watch.”

“There’s more than that. Maybe you should go check the garage. He got something for you, too."

She scoffed. “You’re joking.”

“Go see for yourself.”

Asuka was beyond disbelief. She struggled to rationalize the fact that a violent beast like Feng Wei would be capable of showing any sort of regret or even kindness when all she knew of him was his tendency to hurt everyone around him for the sake of "getting stronger" no matter the cost. She even knew about him killing his own master in cold blood, just because he was being scolded.

But the girl decided to humor her father anyway. She walked out of the living room, making her way through the halls until she reached the door of the garage. As soon as she opened the door, she froze on her feet, the shock paralyzing her body.

"No freakin' way..."

There it was. The exact bike she'd been scouting for weeks since she completely destroyed her old one. It was brand spanking new, its glossy metal body a solid blue that was shiny and clean of any dents and scratches like her previous bike.

Asuka became a mess of emotions that she didn't know how she should actually feel. She was shocked, confused, even a bit joyful. But that last one she almost didn't want to feel because of all the people who made her feel that way, it had to be Feng freakin' Wei. The man she's been trying to get her revenge on for months since he hurt her father and vandalized their dojo. And he was in the neighborhood.

Despite some sudden change of heart or attempt at redemption, she wasn't going to let him get away this time.

While the other girls were waiting outside, their attention was turned to the garage door slowly opening. It wasn't even halfway off the pavement before Asuka slid out of it, and took off like a rocket out of the driveway and past the gate.

"Asuka!? What happened? Where are you-"

And the tomboy brunette was already out of sight before Xiaoyu could finish her line of questioning. No one bothered to go after her, knowing full well what she was going to do and conceding they had no chance of stopping her.

Asuka let instinct and adrenaline move her legs through the streets. She didn't know exactly where she was going, but she knew that she was on her way to her target. She practically jumped and ran around every obstacle and person in her path. A girl on a mission, letting nothing slow her down in the slightest.

Her instincts eventually led her to a forest, the dirt path wide open and clear. Her feet and her legs refused to halt for even a second. She was like a Bloodhound, able to sniff him out through sheer anger alone. And after making one more turn, she saw that long black braid.


Feng halted on a dime. His body moved like he just let out a sigh before turning around and finally facing his would-be pursuer, who was slowly and menacingly stomping her way towards him, her face screwed in fury.

"Oh. It's you.” Feng addressed her with complete apathy.

“I have a name, y’know! It’s Asuka!” She spat, with a stomp and a clench of her fists.

“I’m aware. What do you want?”

"What's the big idea? What's your game?" Asuka harshly questioned, pointing an accusing finger at the man.

He raised a puzzled eyebrow. "I don’t know what you’re on about."

"You think just because you gave me and my dad money and apologized, everything's suddenly good between us?! Maybe my dad can forgive you just like that, but not me! Not in a million years.” Asuka's voice cracked under the volume of her voice.

The man shrugged. "I don't expect you to. Whether or not you accept my gesture doesn't matter to me. Now get out of my way, I've got a train to catch."

"Oh no, I'm not letting you go that easily. We're settling this right here and now." Asuka jumped into his path right as he turned around.

"I strongly suggest you turn back, girl." Feng implicitly threatened.

"Make. Me."

Asuka got into Feng's face, glaring up at him, unphased by his larger figure and taller height. Their faces were so close to one another that all they could see were each other's stoic stares and felt the huffs of breath between them. The brisk wind and the nearby chirping of birds filled an otherwise tense and silent environment.

Asuka waited for him to do something. Anything. She's fought him before, she knew how he typically approached things. She knew he wouldn't back down from a challenge and she wasn't leaving until he accepted hers. She was absolutely sure she could win this time. She could feel it.

There was a sudden gust of wind that took Asuka off guard, making her flinch for a split second. When her eyes opened, Feng was gone from her sight.

She snapped around and saw him just a few meters away, continuing down the path with his back carelessly turned towards her.


Asuka barreled towards the man. Despite how loud her footsteps were, he wasn't turning to face her at all. She had her right armed curved back and her fist raised, ready to launch it right towards the back of his head.

It was all a blur from the moment she let the first punch fly. In her blind fury, she didn't even notice Feng fully turned around with her clenched hand trapped in his larger fingers.

"Go home. Your father's probably worried about you." Feng said.

That only infuriated her even more. "Get my dad's name outta your damn' mouth!"

Asuka immediately followed up with a kick with her opposite leg aiming for Feng's side. But his free hand immediately caught it, firmly grabbing her shin.

Asuka dropped her arm and leg and went for another punch to Feng's six-pack stomach, which he slapped out of its path. She threw her knee up to hit him right between the legs, but he blocked that, too.

"Arrrgh, fight back, you coward!"

Asuka threw a rapid series of blows, alternating between her fist and feet, trying to keep her targets varied and her movements unpredictable. However, tried as she might to get at least one good hit, Feng was not only blocking and evading every single one, but did so seemingly without a modicum of effort or even a drop of sweat. It ended right where it started, with the Kenpo practitioner holding Asuka's arm and leg simultaneously with both hands.

Feng just took one step forward and released both of Asuka's limbs, letting her fall right on her butt onto the dirt ground. In her pain, she glared up at her larger opponent who peered down at her, like he was flaunting his superiority with his stoic posture and expression.

"Are you done? Have you got it out of your system?" He spoke like he was scolding an unruly child.

"I'm attacking you! I'm making an attempt on your life! Why aren't you defending yourself?"

"Because this is a waste of time. We both have much better things to do than continue this pointless, one-sided feud."

"Take this seriously, dammit!"

Asuka sprang from her sitting position, spinning backwards on the way back to her feet, while stretching her leg out, her heel flying high and towards Feng's temple. Once again, he blocked it with ease, his fingers shut around her sneaker. But she didn't stop there, dropping that same foot and once again spinning and throwing her other foot straight into the air, her leg straight up as she dropped another heel towards her foe's head like she was trying to split her skull. But again, he no-sold with a quick raise of his hand that stopped it instantly.


An uncharacteristic gasp escaped Feng's lips and his usually hardened, unflinching eyes went wide for a brief, but noticeable moment. He threw Asuka's leg down to the ground, his body language drastically altered as if he was flustered about something.

“Get away from me!” Feng shouted as he made a fast 180, grabbed the bag that he dropped and rushed to leave as quickly as possible.

"What's your deal?" Asuka asked

"You couldn't have changed out of your school uniform before you approached me, you fool?" Feng spoke over his shoulder with a hint of redness on his face.

The Japanese teen tilted her head, giving the man a puzzled look for a few moments. Then the gears started turning in her head and when that light bulb flashed above her head, her eyes widened in realization. All the fury that blazed within her lowered to a simmer and replaced with pure, unadulterated smugness as she became fully aware of what's going on and gained a new surefire path to victory.

She sped towards a still walking Feng and started matching him step for step, shooting him a wide, toothy grin.

"Oh and what's wrong with what I'm wearing, Oji-saaaan?"

"D-Don't call me that, insolent child!" Feng snapped, a few quivers dancing along his normally solid face.

"It's not because of my skirt, is it? Did you see something you weren't supposed to?" Asuka pushed further, a girlish giggle now accompanying her words.

Feng said nothing, instead walking even faster to get away from Asuka. She almost broke into laughter right then and there, but needed to keep the pressure up on her opponent while he was on the defensive. A rather crumbling defense.

"Did you like what you saw?" She asked with jumpy eyebrows.

"You have no business acting this way. This isn't like you." Feng grunted, still refusing to look at her.

"Would you like to see it again?"

For once Feng's own reflexes failed him as Asuka jumped right into his fast walking path before he could react. She grabbed her violet-blue plaid school skirt before pulling it up as high as she possibly could.

Feng was paralyzed, trapped in place as his eyes fixed on her solid, cyan panties. They were simple, not exactly made for seduction, but were thin enough to show a subtle outline of the soft mounds between her inner thighs.

"Have you no shame acting like such a harlot!?" Feng shouted out, his face burning red and the veins pulsing in his broad, muscular neck and his forehead.

Doing that gave her such a rush and she didn’t know why. She didn’t want to believe that it was because of some latent exhibitionist fetish so instead she chalked it up as her joy in seeing the delicious look on his face.

"Mmm, do you like me better this way, Oji-san? You know, it's just us in this forest. I'm sure we're too far away for anyone to... hear us."

Her following giggle made his face an even deeper shade of red. "Enough! I refuse to play this ridiculous game with you!"

Out of sheer desperation, Feng jumped to the side, his body posed low into a track runner's stance as he tried to make a break for it.

But somehow Asuka proved faster, managing to get just close enough to catch him in her stretched hand.


Finally she was able to touch him. But perhaps in a far different manner than how she was doing so previously. Feng looked down in utter shock at Asuka’s hand clenching on his crotch, squeezing the dense denim of his jeans hard.

“What the!?”

Asuka utilized his immediate bewilderment to close the distance, setting her foot behind his heel. Using his own heavier weight, she threw him backwards, sending him toppling and hitting the ground with a dull, echoing thud.

“Argh, you- oof!”

Before Feng could spring back up, Asuka pressed the dirt-coated heel of her sneaker to the side of his face, keeping his cheek crushed against the solid ground beneath. He laid there, snarling like an angry dog.

“Too bad I didn’t step in dog sh*t earlier, that would’ve made this ten times better.” Asuka laughed as she gloated.

“Are you happy now? Do you feel like the victor yet?” Feng strained his voice through clenching teeth.

Asuka facetiously rubbed her chin in thought. “Hmm, lemme think. Nah. I haven’t even begun to get my revenge.”

“Argh, you stupid child… you’re making it a struggle to keep my promise to your father.”

The girl raised a brow. “Promise? What promise?”

“That I’d…never hurt you outside the bounds of a fighting arena. Like the King of the Iron Fist Tournament.”

The girl scoffed. “Oh really? Well good thing I never promised to do the same. That’ll make getting my revenge much easier.”

“My patience… is running thin…”

“But can you at least answer me one thing?”

“Would you mind getting your foot off of my face first?” Feng growled.

Reluctantly, Asuka complied. However, rather than letting him get up, she channeled her inner Hwaorang and sat right on top of his broad chest, maintaining her dominance over him. She made sure to spread her legs as shamelessly wide as possible to compound his torment.

“I regret coming here…” The larger Chinese man growled, still averting his gaze, not wanting another accidental glimpse of what lay under her skirt.

“Now talk. What’s the deal? You always did what you wanted without caring who you hurt in the process. Why the sudden change of heart?”

“Do you know Sifu Wang Jinrei?”

Asuka nodded. “Yeah. That’s Ling’s grandpa. What about him?”

“Recently, he approached me and forgave me on my late master’s behalf.”

“You mean the master you killed, right?” Asuka clarified, giving her words a sharp bite.

Feng sighed. “Yes… Sifu Wang told me that if I seek to reach my full potential, I need to atone for my crimes and clear my mind of all regrets. So now I am traveling to every dojo I have… wronged in the past, to offer their masters my deepest apologies and pay for all damages incurred using the funds from all the local tournaments I’ve won.”

The teenage girl scoffed. “What a bunch of bull. I’m sure a lot of ‘em still hate your guts. I know I do.”

“I apologized but I am not entitled to their forgiveness. I’m only doing this because Sifu convinced me that lingering regrets were holding me back. I just need to clear my conscience and I will continue my unending journey towards perfecting my martial art.”

“Something else I wanna ask.”

“What is it?”

“Why did you get me a new bike?”

“I’ve gifted your father a new watch as well.”

She shook her head. “No no, that’s not the point. That bike was custom made by that one store and that store only. How did you know exactly the one I wanted?"

“Does it really matter? I don’t need to further explain myself to you. Just remove yourself from me and we’ll part ways for good.” Feng snapped.

“I will if you answer the damn question already. And look at me when I’m talking to you. Eyes up here, not down there.”

Feng didn’t answer right away. His silence felt long lasting and deafening. Finally he faced her, seemingly no longer bothered by what rests on his chest.

“I… asked your father what gift I should get for you. And he told me about your need for a new bike. I had no idea you wanted that specific one.”

“You could’ve gone to any store in the main city streets and bought any old bike. You went well out of your way to find that one store. And that bike isn’t exactly cheap either.”

“I don’t know what response you expect from me. The deed has been done. Now for the last time, will you get off of me and go home?”

Asuka said nor did nothing else, staying seated on his chest instead. She crossed her arms, staring down at him with an unreadable expression. She was deep in thought trying to put the pieces together on this meathead underneath her like she was meeting him for the first time again.

“You’re stronger than me, aren’t you?” She asked.

Feng rolled his eyes. “Without a doubt, yes.”

“Then why don’t you throw me off yourself?”

Once again, Feng was surprisingly hesitant to answer. He instead looked away with a scowl on his face and a growl slipping between clenched teeth.

“Is it because… you like me sitting on you?” Asuka asked with a smile seeping with smugness.

Feng’s normally fair face turned red once again. “D-Don’t be ridiculous! I want nothing more than to get out of here and never look back. And to never see you again.”

Asuka couldn’t help but laugh to herself. “Y’know I noticed something. When I grabbed your groin earlier. You were hard, weren’t you?”

Feng’s face stretched in wide-eyed equal parts anger and horror. “You are absolutely insane.”

"Mmm, no I'm pretty sure you were. Hang on, lemme check again."

"You- gah!"

Feng's body jumped as Asuka reached behind her back, grabbing his crotch once more. She was surprised yet also not at all to find him sporting a rather prominent, solid bulge.

"Oh man, you’re still hard! That's rich!" Asuka broke out into boisterous laughter, folding over and holding her stomach.

The man growled, fighting to keep his composure. "Alright, you've had your fun. Are you done now?"

The teen rolled her eyes. "Geez, you're such a killjoy. Any guy would kill to have a schoolgirl sitting on them like this.”

"If you were the last woman on Earth, I'd rather kill you than be in this position." The Kenpo practitioner coldly stated.

"Well, I'm the best option you got now. And besides, I still haven't begun my revenge."

"Just what are you planning?"

Feng had never flinched once in his life, even in the face of death, but Asuka suddenly getting in his face drew the slightest wrinkle in his forehead.

"After this, you might not see me again. But I'll never let you forget me as long as you live."

Asuka gripped the bottom of her white school polo shirt before pulling it up along with its tan vest. In a matter of seconds she threw both tops off her head, leaving herself wearing nothing but her solid cyan bra, which barely held her bulging D-cup breasts.

But she didn’t stop there, she reached behind her and quickly undid the clasps of her bra, immediately making it fall and showing off her massive, perky mammaries on full. They were so round and smooth, like a pair of ice cream scoops topped with puffy, brown nipples like chocolate chips.

Asuka expected some kind of reaction from the stubborn man she sat on but he wasn’t giving her a thing, maintaining the same unamused expression.

Asuka grinned at him nonetheless. “Cat got your tongue? Stunned by seeing a schoolgirl’s tit* for the first time?”

Feng sneered. “All this does is reveal to me why you’re so sluggish and lumbering whenever you fight.”

“Jerk! I’ll show you just how nimble I really am!”

Asuka spun around on Feng's chest, her ass slightly pushed out and facing him directly. Grabs the zipper of his jeans and pulls down, that elongated buzzing noise echoing throughout the forest.

Feng tried to push himself up. "You fool, what do you think you're- gah!"

But Asuka jumped up and slammed her ass down on his chest, keeping him in place. Despite her lighter weight, she struck him with quite a bit of force that felt like a punch that sent him hitting the ground hard.

"Down boy. You seem to forget who's in charge here. Stay there and enjoy the ride, alright?"

After undoing the button, the last barrier, she slipped her thumb under his jeans, before slowly pushing them down his legs.

"Now lemme see what kinda toothpick you're packing down h-"

Asuka couldn't react fast enough to almost getting a face full of solid, veiny meat that was almost as long as her forearm and as thick as her bicep. It cast a broad shadow that bisected her wide-eyed, slack jawed expression like an ax through a skull. Said eyes couldn't stop climbing up and down in disbelief and awe.

"What the Hell... this guy's huge!" Asuka hissed under her breath.

"What's the matter, little girl? Can't handle the sight of a fully grown co*ck? Are you getting cold feet?" He asked smugly.

"N-No! I was just surprised, that’s all. You're a little... bigger than I thought. But nothing I can't handle!" The girl tried to keep a strong attitude.

The man scoffed. "Do you even know what to do?"

Asuka cleared her throat. "O-Of course I do! I took Sex-Ed in school and I've read enough doujins to know how all this works."

The Kenpo practitioner rolled his eyes. "I think less and less of you with every word you say."

"J-Just shut your trap and let me work!”

The teen girl faced the solid throbbing co*ck, somewhat anxious yet also determined to win over this wretched man, by any means necessary. She just needed to think back to everything she's seen online.

She let out a heavy breath to mentally brace herself. "Okay... usually, they start like this..."

With a shaky hand, she grabbed his co*ck, carefully wrapping her fingers around it. But, as if she had just grabbed the handle of a hot pan, she hissed and immediately jerked her hand away.

"Gah! It moved on its own!"

She heard a small puff of breath behind her. She snapped a dagger-like glare at Feng over her shoulder.

"What's so funny, huh!?"

Feng shook his head as a small smile formed on his hardened face. "You are in way over your head. All that bravado earlier means nothing when you're acting like a coward now."

"Oh yeah? I'll show you! I'll blow your mind and leave you so drained, you'll remember this moment till you're six feet under!"

Asuka turned back to Feng's co*ck with renewed vigor and determination. With her hand raised high, she snatched him into her clutches like she was trying to steal his member. Brows furrowed and blazing eyes in deep concentration, she faced the hunk of man meat like a dragon to slay.

"Now if I remember correctly... I need to be a little slippery to jerk you off."

Asuka loudly gathered some spit in her throat before hawking a plentiful loogie right onto her hand, before using it to palm Feng's dick. Gripping him hard, she started stroking his length from the tip to his balls at a slow, tentative pace. With each up and down motion, it gave her arm quite a workout, but she was far from tired. She added her other hand, alternating strokes while meeting at the halfway point, each covering their own half of his flesh.

"Maybe I could get used to this..." Asuka thought to herself as she focused on pleasuring the man under her.

"Not bad, girl. But I've had better." Feng dryly spoke.

The young schoolgirl blew a raspberry. "A guy like you? Getting laid? No way, I thought you'd make a vow of celibacy or scare off women with that ugly mug of yours."

"My body count isn't limited to deaths by my hand."

"Oh, you are so lame."

"By the way, you are staining me with your wetness." He spoke bluntly.

Asuka felt her heart drop hearing that. "What!? N-No I'm not!"

"Yes you are. Look."

Feng didn't let the girl act before he boldly grabbed her ass with both of his large, calloused hands and pushed her forward. She yelped as she was forced onto her knees before the man perversely threw her skirt up, revealing her cyan panties, which sported a rather broad, dark spot with her arousal not only dripping but sticking to the man's chest in small strings.

"Does this arouse you that much, you perverse girl?"

"No! It's just sweat!" She loudly denied.

"I don't think sweat is supposed to tether to me like this."

"Sh-Shut up! As if I'd ever be turned on by a dumb ape like you!"

Feng pondered for a moment. "Hmm. Let's test that, shall we?"

"Wha- What are you sa- hah!?"

Feng didn't hesitate to pull Asuka's panties to the side, revealing her young, moist c*nt. Her small, soft mounds that shined with slick and her pink inner lips slightly stuck out and quivered from the cold air hitting them.

"H-Hey, what are you doing, you creep!? G-Get your hands off me- ah-ahhh!"

The savage fighter said nothing but ran a thick index finger along the length of her dripping slit. With the thumb of his other hand, he pulled one of her lower lips apart, exposing her slick, pink insides, staring directly into the source of her ceaseless flow of liquid arousal. Asuka fought with all her might against the reactions of her body, but she struggled to keep her body from shuddering and her moans escaping due to Feng's touches.

"Ahh, you... sick... bastard!" Asuka shouted in defiance of the man beneath her and her own body.

Asuka immediately let out a breathless gasp as she felt a finger that wasn't her own slip into her puss*. She tightened around him, slowing him down but not stopping him in the slightest. He was surprisingly gentle and leisurely in his pace, and she loathed to admit that he wasn't doing that bad of a job.

"You've stopped. I suppose you're struggling to endure this.” Feng gloated.

"Th-This is nothing. I'm just getting started!"

Fighting through the pleasure fogging her mind, Asuka maintained her grip on Feng's co*ck and continued stroking his dick. However, her movements weren't as smooth and stable as before, as her arms had become far too shaky

"Dammit, he's actually getting me there... I-I gotta level the playing field. Ugh, I hope you already showered, you dumb beast..."

"Huh!? Agh, you-"

Feng was caught off guard by Asuka throwing her mouth onto the blunt head of his dick while trapping his shaft between her heavy hunks of chest meat. She puckered her lips tightly, sucking and slurping hard as she lashed her tongue over the tip. She admittedly barely had any idea what she was doing, but she could feel him stiffen up and hear him grunt and thus knew she was doing something right.

"That's it, you pervert. Not a man alive can resist a classic paizuri and blowj*b combo!" She gloated internally, humming a laugh around his dick.

Taking advantage of Feng letting up, she not only engulfed his entire head, which felt rather large past her lips, but she was even able to continue the pressure with her breasts, stroking his shaft at an almost breakneck pace. Despite her inexperience, she had the foresight to start dribbling her spit down his length, constantly lubricating every swift stroke of her clenching, sliding mounds of doughy flesh.

Feng breathed. "Hah... Alright, I'll admit you're rather clever in your perversion. But I'll show you I don't break that easily."


Asuka was forced to abruptly pull her mouth away from Feng's prickhead when she was suddenly pulled back. A hungry mouth consuming her snatch. A burning heat enveloped her loins and before she knew it, a wildly lashing tongue moved rapidly against her.

"Oh! Ohhh myyy Goood!"

Asuka practically collapsed on top of Feng's chest as he ravenously ate her out. Electric tingles buzzed all over her nerves, essentially bringing her to a screeching halt. The Kenpo Expert did what he always did best in a fight, giving unrelenting pressure with control and precision, providing not even the slimmest window of escape or time to react. He targeted where it affected her the most, her burgeoning cl*t, moving his tongue fast and hard.

Asuka no longer had any control of the situation. The overwhelming weight of the pleasure was crushing her and she could barely lift a finger to do anything back to him. Her leaner, smaller body writhed on top of him as she was quickly slipping off the edge.

"Ffffuh-y-you-you freakin'-ah! Ah-Ahhhh!"

Asuka instantly lost it. Like Feng hit an instant kill switch, it immediately opened the floodgates and she sprayed her juices all over his face. But he took it all without breaking his stride in the slightest, going even harder and breaking her apart through the duration of her climax.

Asuka felt like all of her bones and muscles melted away as she couldn't stop herself from rolling off Feng's body and onto the dirt path they'd been laying on this whole time. She laid her forearm across her eyes as her chest heaved.


While Asuka tried to catch her breath, Feng sat straight up. He reached for his bag, opening it up and pulling out a few tissues and wiping them across his face. He pulls more out of his bag and offers them to the downed girl.

"Here. Clean yourself up, put your shirt back on and go home."

Much to the man's confusion, Asuka laughed breathily. "You think... I'm done?"

"You should be. I did not enjoy a single second of that, but I hope it'll get you to leave me alone at last."

She laughed again. "I told you. I'm gonna make sure I'll never get out of your head."

Feng was caught off guard by Asuka suddenly springing up and immediately pouncing on him, crashing him into the ground once more and ending up back on top of him. However, she didn't stay there for long. Suddenly mustering such freakish strength, she rolled them both to the side until he was the one who ended up above her. She dug her nails into his broad, muscular shoulders and pushed her heels into his lower back.

"What in the world are you thinking?!" Feng shouted out.

Asuka flashed a sinister look in her eyes. "I'm thinking you don't want this to end."

"You have lost your mind if that's what you think." Feng growled.

"I don't see you trying to break out."

"Because you have me trapped."

Asuka's smile grew even wider. "Oh? So you're admitting I'm actually stronger than you?"

The Kenpo fighter simply responded with a growl, refusing to admit what was true.

"You insatiable slu*t, do you really want to be ravaged that much? Fine. I'll play your little game and I’ll reign victorious. You’re going to wish you never went after me.”


Feng wrapped one large hand around Asuka’s neck, loose enough to let her breathe but tight enough to emphasize his dominance. The girl’s chest rose and fell rapidly along with her spiking heart rate. But it wasn’t fear that made her body react this way. It was something else. Something she’d never admit to him or even herself.

Feng used his other hand to aim his co*ck towards her exposed puss*, which became even wetter than it’s ever been. He pressed his fist-sized head against her hot entrance and pushed in, her folds immediately surrendering to each thick inch invading her insides. She was unbelievably tight and he hated to admit her insides squeezed him just right, but he wasn’t going to let that deter him from filling her adolescent hole with nearly twelve inches of his steel-hard rod until he was caving in her womb.

Feng looked down where they had united. “Hmm. No blood. I suppose you must have torn that long ago with all that fighting you do. No matter.”

“You… don’t have… ack…”

“What was that?”

Feng gave her the courtesy of loosening his grip on her neck. She let out a gasp, relieved she could take in more air. Her voice was loud and clear.

“I was about to say… you don’t have to hold back like I’m some fragile flower. I want you to gimme all ya got. You’re never gonna break me.” Asuka boldly claimed.

“I wasn’t planning on it. I just needed to get used to the feel of your body. But I’ve delayed long enough. Prepare yourself!”

Feng treated this exactly like he treated all of his fights. He moved fast and hit hard like a runaway freight train right out of the gate. Applying unrelenting amounts of pressure, denied his opponent an inch while he took several miles.

Despite how hard he was going, he was somewhat surprised to see Asuka barely changing her expression or even making a sound. That smug smile of hers stayed stuck on her face even as he roughly rearranged her guts. It infuriated him.

“What… are you grinning about?” Feng spat.

“C’mon. In this really… the best you got? I told you to gimme your all!” She huffed a laugh with a quivering lips.

“You… whorish brat!”

Feng roared as he jumped to his feet, while throwing Asuka’s legs up, forcing her body to fold inwards and her knees to hang above her face. Knowing exactly the pose she was in, she laughed even harder.

“A Mating Press? Seriously? How cliché can you get?”

“Shut your mouth. I’m only just beginning.”

There was a swoop in Asuka’s heart as she felt herself flying up as if she was being launched. She expected to get hit by a string but was instead literally wall-carried to a nearby tree, her naked back thrown into the rough, skin-digging bark as her legs hung over Feng’s buff shoulders.


Asuka grunted in pain from the impact, but couldn’t even take a second to recover with Feng immediately continuing to bash her c*nt over and over. The strength of his thrusts certainly didn’t diminish, as each snap of his hips shook the tree to its roots, its branches rocking and leaves falling all around them.

“Hhhaa- aahahhh…aaack..”

Asuka was sort of glad that he still kept a firm stranglehold on her neck because if he didn’t, she would be moaning and mewling like an AV actress. She hated to admit Feng was proving himself a worthy lay, especially for her first time. She always wondered how it would go but at that point, she realized this was better than anything she could ever fantasize.

“Take it! Take it you stupid brat! I’ll teach you the consequences of messing around with bigger, stronger, older men!” Feng snarled like a rabid dog.

She smirked in his face. “Heh, you sure do move like an old man. Try not to break your hips, gramps.”

A vein pulsed on Feng’s sweaty, solid forehead. “Gramps!? I’m 26! I’ll show you how to respect your superiors!”

As much as she enjoyed Feng deeply digging her out, Asuka didn’t want to be the submissive one for long. She slapped her hands onto his sturdy, square jaw, moving her face into his at headbutting speed and forcefully shoving her lips against his. So immersed in the heat of the moment, her instincts took hold before she widened her eyes in horror.

Wait, why did I just give this bastard my first kiss? Ah whatever. At least his breath doesn’t stink. She thought.

Feng was certainly shaken for a split second, but did little to break his concentration. Not wanting to let her take an inch over him he reciprocated her lusty, hate-filled kiss. He even invaded her mouth with his tongue and began a moist melee with hers.

Such clumsy technique. It’s no surprise she’s never kissed anyone before. No man would want to be with a wretch like her. Feng internally mused.


Feng grunted as Asuka suddenly bit down on his bottom lip hard. Pain flared in his mouth forcing his focus to break. She pulled on his lip like she was trying to tear it off.

“You… cursed sad*st!” Feng growled through the teen girl still gnawing on his lower lip.

Using that as a distraction, her palms flattened against the tree behind her and she used her strength to push herself forward, timing it perfectly when Feng had just pulled his hips back.

“What the!?”

The larger man was thrown way off guard as he suddenly fell backwards, his back colliding with the solid dirt below once more. Asuka was once again back on top of him, but now under more frantic circ*mstances. Now she was the one slamming her hips into him, the rhythmic claps of her rather plump ass and the wet squelching of their colliding flesh echoing throughout the forest.

“I got bored. I felt more from all your punches, kicks, and throws than your co*ck. I guess I’ll hafta do it myself.”

“Yrrrr-mmph brrrrcchh…” Feng angrily mumbled with his face buried in teenage breast flesh.

“Sorry, can’t hear you while you’re getting smothered by my huge schoolgirl titt*es.” Asuka teased, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of Feng’s fiery glare peeking from under her cleavage.

He quickly freed his face from her heavy D-cups, flashing his trademark scowl up at her.

“You think this is something? This amateur display? You’re going to learn that just because you’re on top, doesn’t mean you have the upper hand. Behold!”

Feng grabbed Asuka’s bouncing balloons, squishing them together from the sides, bringing her nipples together before shutting his lips and clamping his teeth around them and pulling them hard enough to stretch the skin.

“Anh!” Asuka squealed, wincing from the brief flare of pain on her tit*.

While Feng wolfed down on Asuka’s plush bust, he brought both of his large hands to her ass. Pulling her panties aside, his hand flew into the side of her cheek, emitting a deafening smack that carried across the winds, loud enough to startle a nearby flock of birds perched on a tree to take flight.

“Oh-Ohhh-oh! You-gack!”

“What’s the matter? No more petty insults? No more smug gloating? You’re weak, Asuka Kazama. You always have been. In combat and in intercourse!” Feng barked at her face.

Asuka struggled to form words as her mind struggled to form thoughts. Her body was driven numb as all the movement was on Feng’s side. Everything from the constant spanking, the relentless beating of his dick into her womb, and the wolfish chomping of her tit* proved far too much for her young, inexperienced mind and body to endure any longer.

“I’m getting close. I hope you’re on birth control because I’m about to drown your wretched womb in my seed.” Feng grunted, one eye twitching.

“Th-Then do… it…” Asuka slurred her words.

“Are you sure? Are you even safe?”

“Who cares? You’ve already gotten this far, don’t chicken out on me now.” Asuka’s voice became clearer.

“Stupid girl, do you even care about the cons-”

Asuka was fed up with the man’s delaying of the inevitable and used what strength she could muster to flip them both over one more time. The moment Feng was thrown on top of her, he wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and her c*nt had a deathly grip on his co*ck, offering no window of escape and emphasizing what she wanted more than anything at that moment.

“Just. Cum. In. Me.”

Asuka brought Feng's face so close to her’s, their foreheads were touching and all he could see was the needy, determined look in her fiery brown eyes.

“Strangle me while you do it!” Asuka blurted out.


“I said, choke the Hell out of me while you fill me up!” She screamed louder, her voice cracking.

Feng grunted, his brows furrowed and his muscles beginning to tense. He did exactly as asked and shut his solid fingers around her skinny little neck.

“You are sick in the head. Fine. You asked for it!”

A few powerful thrusts later and Feng roared to the Heavens, echoing through the forest, possibly convincing passersby a bear was in the area. His titanic, muscular body stiffened and shuddered as he expunged thick,bursting streams of seed that ceaselessly flooded Asuka’s young, unprotected womb.


Asuka didn’t hold back her strangled, guttural cries either, possibly making other passersby think a woman was being mauled by a bear. Though it wasn’t too far from the truth. The long ravaging of her body had finally caught up to her as the pressure of Feng’s cum caving in her womb triggered another org*sm, her juices mixing with his as they leaked through the cracks of their united sexes and puddled beneath them.

Feng loosened his grip on her neck and Asuka immediately got into a coughing, wheezing fit. The man pulled his softening co*ck out of her c*nt before his remaining cum started flowing out of her like a thick, white river, pooling onto the dirt.

“Are you… finished now?” Feng huffed his question as he rose on shaky legs.


Asuka was just reduced to a near-naked twitching, sweaty, cum-filled mess on the dirt path of the forest. Her eyes were bugged out, mouth was left agape and her tongue hung lazily off her lip. Her neck was bruised from Feng’s strangling and there were bite marks all over her breasts.

The fatigue instantly caught up to her. The last thing she saw before her blurry vision faded into darkness was her archenemy kneeling over her, and she thought she might have seen some semblance of worry on his face.

Asuka awoke to a soft rocking sensation. She groaned as a migraine felt like it was going to split her skull. She felt limp with her arms hanging over a pair of broad shoulders and her legs gripped tight by strong hands. She blinked her sleepy eyes until she could get a better picture of what was going on.

“Hey, what are you…”

“Save your breath. We’re almost at your house.”

It turned out that Asuka was piggyback riding on Feng the entire time. As she looked around to get a sense of where they were, she immediately recognized the neighborhood as they walked down the street.

“I… I can walk, you jerk. I don’t need your help…” Her voice was weak and breathy.

“Trust me, you can’t. For once in your life, just swallow your pride and shut up.” He snapped.

Asuka gave an annoyed huff and pouted. It killed her inside that her most hated foe was carrying her like some weak child. If her arms and legs weren’t limp noodles and there wasn't a lingering soreness between her legs, she’d jump off him and walk home herself.

"Y'know, maybe this isn't so bad. I get to ride around on you like a mule. Or rather, an ass." Asuka chuckled.

Feng rolled his eyes but kept quiet, not wanting to dignify her immature statement with a response.

It wasn't long until they reached the Kazama household's front gate. Once he turned and walked through the metal swinging door, the front door of the house swung open and Mr. Kazama, Ling, Miharu, and even Panda came bursting out.

"Guys... Papa." Asuka softly called out as he gave a weak wave.

"Asuka! My little girl!" A look of shock and horror passed over Mr. Kazama's moderately wrinkled face.

"Why are you covered in dirt? What did you do to her, you big brute?!" Xiaoyu clenched her fist and stomped her feet towards the bigger man.

"There's bruises all over her neck too! What happened?" Miharu followed up.

(You'll catch these claws if it turns out you hurt her!) Panda growled as she threateningly stood on her hind legs to appear taller.

Asuka's father immediately got between the angry mob and the man they were targeting. "Wait girls, let's not do anything rash. Feng, what's wrong with my daughter? Why isn't she moving?"

The Kenpo expert's silence and unchanging expression wasn't putting anyone at ease. Even Asuka wasn't saying anything and that worried everyone even more.

"You and Asuka didn't fight, did you? You promised me you wouldn't outside of tournaments."

Mr. Kazama's dismayed look seemed to have some effect on Feng as there was a small quiver in his mouth as he looked down at the older, worried man.

Feng shut his eyes and sighed. "Kazama-san, I-"

"-saved my life."

Asuka suddenly speaking caused a collective gasp to pass among the entire group, even Mr. Kazama.

"Saved your life? What do you mean?" The father asked.

"There were these... Yakuza wannabes. They thought they could make an easy mark out of me and they thought wrong. But there were too many of them and when they got in a good hit and knocked me down, Feng came in and helped me out of a jam before things could get worse." She explained without missing a beat.

"Feng? Is that true?" Mr. Kazama asked.

"Mmm." He hummed and nodded, playing along.

"Ehhhh!?" All the girls remarked in unison.

"Feng... saved Asuka?" Ling tilted her head in confusion.

"Asuka? The Gang Mediator herself?" Miharu blinked in disbelief.

(What a twist!) Panda growled in surprise.

"Girls? Papa? Is it okay if I just go straight to bed?"

"Yes, of course. You need some rest. A lot of it, it seems."

"May I carry her to her room?" Feng asked.

The father nodded. "Be my guest. Oh and Feng?"


"Please, stay with us for dinner. And if you wish, you may sleep over for the night before you move on with your journey."

The brutish fighter gave a respectful bow. "I am grateful for the offer, but that isn't necessary. I can just find a hotel in the area."

"No no, I insist! It's the least I can do after you saved my daughter. Please reconsider." Mr. Kazama pleaded as he clasped his hands together.

Swayed by the gesture, Feng relented. "Very well. I wouldn't want to disrespect you by rejecting your kindness. Thank you."

Feng walked past everyone and got through the door but not without catching some choice comments from Asuka's friends.

"Guess there's a heart under all that muscle after all." Miharu remarked.

"I misjudged him. I have to ask him to forgive me later." Xiaoyu said.

(Is it just me or does he have a fat lip and scratch marks on his shoulders?) Panda chirped quizzically.

With Asuka's direction, Feng made a few brief turns into some hallways and before long, he walked through the door of her room. He wasn't surprised to see its severely unkempt state. Nonetheless, he gently laid her down on her bed.

"It would do you some good to clean your room. This place is a pigsty." Feng remarked with a look of disgust.

"Yeah sure, if someone starts paying me to do it." Asuka snidely replied.

"Why did you lie to your father?" He suddenly asked, his voice low and serious.

"What didja want me to say? That I'm all dirty, bruised and can't feel my legs because we had rough hate sex in the forest?"

"You could've made the claim that I... forced myself on you." Feng averted his gaze for a second.

"Then that would mean admitting I was weak and everything was out of my control. And against my will. My pride's already damaged enough after saying you helped me take on some guys I would definitely be able to beat on my own."

The man crossed his broad, buff arms. "You still didn't answer my question."

"You still didn't answer mine earlier. I still wanna know why you got that specific bike." Asuka demanded an answer once more.

Feng grunted in annoyance. "If you must know, I was scouting for a high quality bike and was directed to that store. Then the owner told me that one was reserved for you. The rest is history."

"But why?"

"Forget it. You don't need to explain yourself nor do I. Just go get cleaned up for dinner. I'll be leaving now."

Asuka scoffed. "Fine. Jerk."


Feng shut the door behind him, rattling the door frame with his strength.

"Meathead!" Asuka shouted out.

"Weakling." He replied through the door.

Asuka sighed as she managed enough strength in her limbs to get out of bed. She gathered a fresh set of clothes from the floor and was about to leave her room and head to the shower. Suddenly, the door opened with Feng reappearing once more.

"Here." He handed Asuka a small, hand-sized box.

Asuka read the label and she raised a brow.

"Plan B? The Hell is this?"

Feng held his forehead in frustration. "So there's no surprises nine months later."

Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull in realization. Then a smile stretched her face.

"Oh? Afraid you're gonna put a baby in me? It'd be a great way for me to stay in your life forever."

Feng shook his head. "Just take the pill. You can do it after dinner or before bed."

"Yeah sure. Whatever.”

They parted for the last time until dinner, where Mr. Kazama cooked food for not only himself, Asuka, and Feng, but also Xiaoyu, Miharu, and Panda. Feng mainly ate in silence while Asuka loudly conversed with her friends about their plans for the weekend as well as school stuff. Also something about a wedding the following week.

Eventually, dinner ended and night fell. Asuka's friends had gone home and the whole house was dark as everyone had already fallen asleep. Or rather, just Mr. Kazama. As for Feng and Asuka…

“Hah… C’mon, pick up the pace, slowpoke! Where’s that same animal that rearranged my guts earlier?” Asuka breathily asked.

“Would you keep your voice down!? Your father is down the hall!” Feng quietly hissed.

“Ah, he’s the heaviest sleeper I know. He slept through hour-long thunderstorms and an earthquake…”

In the guest room, Feng was mounted on top of Asuka while she laid prone on her stomach atop his futon. His flexed bicep wrapped around her neck while he slowly shoved his co*ck in and out of her slurping c*nt, rhythmically smacking his naked hips against the teen brunette’s bare ass. Before this, he was actually trying to sleep until the girl barged into his room and started straddling hips through his sheets. And the rest was history.

Feng grunted in remorse. “This was a terrible idea…”

“Heh, you didn’t push me away. Look where we are now.” Asuka gloated.

“You’re the bane of my existence, you know that?” He growled in her ear.

“A-And you’re a pain in my ass.” She snapped back.

“Useless tramp!”

“Ugly creep!”



Feng slammed his hips faster, their bodies clapping louder. He wrapped his strong arm even tighter around Asuka’s neck, just barely letting her breathe. At the same time, he clamped his teeth onto her shoulder hard enough to leave deep marks. The wolf-like bite caused her to flinch in pain and moaned in pleasure.

“Ahh, that better not be noticeable!”

That was the way she liked it. That was how she wanted it from that point forward. She tried masturbating in her room earlier but could no longer pleasure herself the same way again. That’s why she was here, getting her back blown out by her mortal enemy.

Asuka was getting drunk off the rush of getting roughly f*cked by the larger, stronger man as well as turning him into a slave to his unspoken desire for her. This was exactly the revenge she was looking for.

"I hate you so much..." Feng growled, his breaths growing quicker and his thrusts becoming jerky and erratic.

"I hate you even more..." Asuka spoke between quickening gasps, that familiar burning, prickling feeling rising between her legs.

For the second time that day, they both came, with Asuka squirting and clenching her c*ntal walls hard around Feng's firm flesh, setting him off and squeezing another bountiful load from his hefty balls.

Once again, both were fully drained of energy like they both went five sets of first to three rounds and went the distance. They rolled to the side, with Asuka ending up with her naked back flush against Feng's naked chest. His arm was no longer wrapped around her neck, but instead around her stomach.

"Aww you're hugging me. How romantic." Asuka remarked as she snuggled into the man's strong embrace.

"Enough of your nonsense. "You've already cost me a couple hours of the night. I need as much rest as I can get for tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, you're gonna leave first thing in the morning, right?"

"Exactly. I'm going to sleep now. You can stay or go back to your room. I don't care."

"Hmmph. I'm staying. Because I know how much it annoys you."

Feng didn't say anything more, immediately falling asleep. Meanwhile, Asuka was still awake, smiling and laughing to herself in celebration of another small victory. She snuggled into his embrace as she fell asleep along with him.

Feng made sure to wake up earlier to carry Asuka back to her room, lest his father catch him in a rather compromising, potentially life-ruining position. He quickly rolled up his borrowed futon, washed up, put his clothes on and left the Kazama household without even a word to its occupants.

Feng was walking that same forest path from the day prior, his mind fixated on the task at hand, the next dojo he needed to visit. It was one city over and he needed to take the train to make it there. The station was about ten minutes away.

The Kenpo Master's sharp ears caught the sound of bike wheels rapidly approaching from behind. He figured it must have been a cyclist just going for a ride. That was until a familiar shout assaulted his ears.


Feng chose to keep walking, not even wanting to give her the time of day. But as he heard her getting closer, he made a run for it, hoping to outrun her bicycle.

But Asuka proved much faster, ending up Tokyo drifting from the side and Akira bike-sliding to a halt right in front of him. Her brand new bike shined under the morning sun. Instead of her school uniform, she wore her usual blue vest over her brighter colored t-shirt and a pair of blue short shorts.

"What's the big idea leaving me behind like that?" Asuka scolded the older man, firmly putting her hands on her hips.

"Go home, Asuka. Don't you have better things to do than follow me around like a lost puppy?"

"But we both got a train to catch, don't we?"

Feng raised his brow at the girl. "What do you mean, 'both'?"

"I mean I'm going with you, dummy." Asuka snidely clarified.

"Says who?"

"Me, obviously."

"Like Hell you are. This is my journey and mine alone to go through." Feng argued.

"Well, I'm coming with you whether you like it or not. I told my father and he agreed, anyways."

Feng rolled his eyes as he sighed in resignation. "Fine. But if you get in my way or slow me down, I'm leaving you behind."

"Pffft. You're gonna be the one eating my dust when we there."

"You stupid girl, you don't even know where I'm heading."

"Bet I'll find it before you, old man." Asuka childishly rebutted before taking off on her bike like a rocket, leaving Feng behind.

She pedaled like her life depended on it, feeling the wind in her face, and a thrill in her heart. She laughed like a madwoman, savoring the angry look on Feng's face as he struggled to catch up to her.

"I changed my mind, I'm returning that bike!" The running martial artist shouted from behind her.

"You'll have to catch me first!"

Asuka had enough distance to pull her phone out and take a selfie that captured a perfect shot of half of her joyful, smiling face close to the camera and Feng's running form. She quickly sent it to Lili and with one hand she typed a single sentence.

"Got my date for the wedding. Got yours yet?"

(Blowing out Asuka's) Back Kenpo - OwTheEdge (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Views: 6064

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.